Chapter 1047 Dig deep into the plot and accumulate strength! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu remembered that when he was close to Su Daji, he faintly felt Su Daji's attempt to swallow his own appearance, and he was secretly vigilant.

Under normal circumstances, even if Su Daji wanted to devour the fourth-rank official Du Yu, would he be able to do it?
able!But it's hard!
In her own palace, she devoured the appearance of a dignified fourth-rank official and caused death. Even if she was favored by the emperor, she could not escape the disaster of the ministers attacking her. .

When will Su Daji be violent and willful?

The answer is troubled times!
The morals of the world have been completely disrupted, and the rituals and music are broken. Su Daji can take advantage of the chaos, fish in troubled waters, wantonly plunder the materials and weather needed for cultivation, and speed up his cultivation progress.

Du Yu intuitively felt that Su Daji was definitely not a petite woman who was willing to stay with the emperor and be a favorite concubine. Her ambition seemed to be bigger than this, and she wanted more things than honor and favor.

"Everyone in the upper echelons of the space is a villain." Du Yu clenched his fists.

He doesn't care what these guys are up to.As long as it is verified that the wolf pupil team has suffered heavy casualties, he will demand blood from the other party, whether it is Zheng Guogong, Hou Shenjiang or Su Daji!Everyone has to pay for it!

Half a year of happy and peaceful time passed by like a white horse passing by a stream.

In the past six months, Du Yu's cultivation has progressed surprisingly fast.It's also interesting to say that in the martial arts stage, his aptitude is dull, and it often takes several times the time of others to learn a trick.It wasn't until he had the Yi Jin Jing and took the pills to enhance his physique that the effect barely caught up to that of Zhongrenzhizi.

But at the stage of cultivating immortals, Du Yu's bluntness immediately became a big advantage!
That is focus.

The so-called natural talent will be useful.It is always fair for man to be created by God. The traits bestowed on man are burdensome at a certain stage, and wealth at another stage.A fool in one way, a genius in another.

Du Yu belongs to the type with insufficient agility and excess concentration.When practicing martial arts, if comprehension and flexibility are insufficient, the progress will be slow, but in the stage of cultivating immortals, there is no need to practice moves, what is needed is perseverance, ten years and a day, and a solid foundation. Du Yu's perseverance and perseverance advantages gradually emerged, and the progress of cultivation Not only is it not slow, but it is faster than Yang Guo, who had a similar level of cultivation.

Yang Guo is also emotional, his mind is agile, he likes to move but not to be quiet. In the stage of martial arts, he practiced ancient tomb martial arts and made rapid progress. Xiaolongnv's moves can be learned immediately, but after entering Xianxia, ​​he sits cross-legged all day long. Breathing and tempering is just boring, but the cultivation is not as fast as Brother Du Yu who is full of troubles and many beauties.

After half a year, Du Yu's Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base has been very stable. Although there is still insufficient stamina to hit the Nascent Soul Consummation, he has already touched a clue.There is another world that should be able to break through the Nascent Soul Stage.

Of course, Du Yu also realized that no matter how strong his own strength was, he still seemed weak against giants like Shanghou God General and Zheng Guogong.According to Hou Jie's news, Hou Shen will be able to drive 3000 inner city powerhouses with just superficial power!
Of course, Du Yu also gathered a large number of masters, but he was full of calculations. Counting the beauties and all kinds of cards, he was only equivalent to 100-200 inner city powerhouses.

The strength gap between the two sides can be seen.

Du Yu thought hard, and the only solution was to take the high-end route.

As long as one's own strength is strong enough to kill people with flying swords and seal one's throat with one sword, any god general or 3000 inner city powerhouse will be nothing but floating clouds.

Although it is still too far away from this goal, as long as there is time, Du Yu will continue to practice, and there will be a ruthless spirit in his chest!

He couldn't forget the picture sent by Caesar with all his strength.

Wolf Castle is burning!
In the past six months, the other half of Du Yu's thoughts have been spent on digging deep into the potential of the plot and earning villain value everywhere.

With the three great elven kingdoms and Essingard's cage, Du Yu has no worries about the strength of his troops, but there are never too many villains to support his strength.

Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen, Iowyn and other legendary natives have worked tirelessly for half a year, traveling all over the continent, searching for legends, reading ancient books, trying to find more hidden missions for Du Yu , to tap the villain value potential.

Hard work pays off.

Du Yu found four more hidden missions including [Destruction of the Kingdom of Moria], [Killing the Balrog], [Undersea Ruins of the Numenor Empire], and [Road to Return]!

The Destruction of the Kingdom of Moria: Request to explore the once mighty dwarven kingdom of Moria and cleanse it of the evil creatures and dwarven spirits that haunt it.The reward is the treasure of the dwarven kingdom and 5000 villains.

Kill the Balrog: Get rid of the terrible creature Balrog left by the Morgoth era in the underground passage of the Misty Mountains.The reward is Balrog Heart (AA grade crafting material) and 5000 villain points

The underwater ruins of the Númenor Empire: You are required to take a boat to the sea and go to the submerged ruins of the Númenor Empire on land to find out.

Due to the extremely long distance and the large number of monsters on the sea, the danger is great.Du Yu dispatched the Fragrance, and it took 3 months to find the underwater ruins of the Númenor Empire and hide there.

This expedition, of course, was a narrow escape, but due to space limitations, it is impossible to repeat it.In short, Du Yu not only got 10000 villain points for the exploration mission, but also got a priceless piece of news!
That was the whereabouts of the second Silmaril.

It turned out that after Morgoth stole the three Elf Silmarils, under the arrangement of fate, the three Elf Silmarils were respectively placed in the sky by the Lord Vera. One became a star, and the remaining two were given to the two sons of Feanor. Maedhros and Maglor stole it (that is, Galadriel's uncle and uncle), and Maedhros took the jewel he got and jumped into a fiery abyss.It was retrieved by the Balrog of Morgoth and returned to Morgoth, and Saruman got it from the ruins of Morgoth, and this gem finally fell into the hands of Du Yu; and Maglor took it The Elf Silmarillion he had thrown into the sea happened to be in the underwater ruins of the Númenor Empire!

In the end, the three Silmarils formed the world, the earth, the sea, and the three lands were separated. Only after the ultimate battle in the world will they be united again!
Due to the power of fate, Du Yu was unable to obtain this item from the underwater ruins of the Númenor Empire. Such backlash was definitely not something Du Yu could bear.But without a doubt, for the main gods who were eager to know the whereabouts of the Silmarillion, the news itself was enough for Du Yu to make a big fuss.

Therefore, he simply exchanged this news for the qualification to take a boat to Aman Continent and complete the world's ultimate hidden mission [Road to Return]!

Under normal circumstances, people in Middle Earth who have not received the call/invitation of the main god cannot perceive/find the trace of Aman at all.This continent of gods represents the ultimate secret realm of Middle Earth.

But Du Yu knew the whereabouts of the second Silmaril, so he was qualified to negotiate terms with Manwe.With Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen and other elves, he set off from the underwater ruins of the Numenor Empire and wandered for another month before arriving at the legendary Aman continent!
The route of this long-distance voyage is named as the way back. Only the elves with awakened blood can feel the existence of Aman Continent after receiving the grace of God.

Du Yu who completed this task received a generous reward.

15000 villain points.

In addition, Galadriel, Legolas, and Arwen, the three elf kings, have the right to visit the ruins of the holy tree in person and pay their respects.

For elves, the sacred tree is roughly equivalent to their ancestors.Although the holy tree has been destroyed by Morgoth, worshiping it once is equivalent to a powerful purification and purification for their strength!

The only reason why Galadriel is powerful and has endless authority is that she is the only elf in Middle-earth who has worshiped the Two Sacred Trees.

The benefits of Du Yu's deal to his opponent's elves are too great to calculate.

After half a year of painstaking calculations, Du Yu's villain value has increased to as much as 65900.Purely in terms of numbers, Du Yu's harvest in this world has already surpassed that of any previous world.

But it must be noted that this kind of large-scale exploration behavior that can obtain the acquiescence of a dominant race in the entire world (the elves) and the main god can only be carried out after the powerful existence of this century has been wiped out and a strong enough force has been established.Therefore, the unprecedented success of Lord of the Rings is definitely a small probability event.

Du Yu stood in front of the Sacred Tree Garden. According to the time calculation, he had a few minutes before returning to space.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered again, and Manwe's calm and majestic face appeared in the air, looking down on Du Yu.

"I have fulfilled my promise, now it's your turn," Manwe said lightly.

Du Yu took out the Silmaril and handed it to Gandalf who came down from the cloud.

"Have you selected Aragorn's successor?" Du Yu mocked.

Gandalf said indifferently: "You have to understand that when the Lord Manwe decides to do something, there are very few people who can stop him. After you leave, the trajectory of this world will still be the same."

Du Yu nodded.

Manwe in the air seemed to want to play some trick to keep people, but he exclaimed: "I can't think of such a force, it is so big!"

Then suddenly disappeared in mid-air, as if frightened.

A thick bolt of lightning split the dark clouds in the air and landed on Du Yu's body.

The figures of Du Yu, Catherine, and Yang Guo disappeared in the lightning.

Manwë and Gandalf in the sky looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

The power of the God of Space is far greater than that of Manwe's so-called Lord God.

When Du Yu reappeared, he had arrived in the bloody city of Datang.

He didn't care about the rewarding process, and his attention had already flown to Wolf Castle.

To put it briefly, in the first villain mission [Ning Chen Dao], Du Yu killed Prince Xiyoud, but Eomer and King Xiyoudun did not kill him for the sake of Iowyn.However, through Caesar's modification conditions, the mission was barely completed, so he only got 4 points of basic reward attribute points multiplied by 4 points of difficulty coefficient, 16 points of reward.

(End of this chapter)

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