Chapter 1051 An artifact!The following grams on! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
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Although it is said that only 3-4% of Yang Jian's orthodox bloodlines are awakened, and he can only use one or two points of Yang Jian's magical powers, but in the bloody city, it is enough for him to break through the trials of the imperial city and become the leader of the Tang Empire. Admiral of the Nine Gates!

The Erlang God transformed into by the Admiral of the Nine Gates is tall and mighty, and looks full of the majesty of a master in the imperial city, and also possesses some of the supernatural powers of Erlang God's real body, which is extremely powerful.

Looking at Du Yu who was rushing forward, before the admiral of the nine gates could speak, General Ying Yang, a subordinate, sneered slightly: "A mere thief, a Shu dog barking at the sun, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer? Let's look at the methods of the subordinates."

The admiral of the nine gates knew that General Yingyang was a slave general under Zheng Guogong's sect. Seeing Zheng Guogong gaining power, he was about to make great use of him.Even he couldn't refuse, so he smiled slightly and said, "It's so thankful, General Yingyang. After you capture this little thief alive, I will present a performance to the emperor and greatly praise your achievements."

General Yingyang was about to earn face and merit in front of his master, Zheng Guogong, but when he heard the words of the nine admirals, he really achieved multiple goals. He was overjoyed and said: "The general is honored. Zheng Guogong has always known that the general is loyal and brave, and he is the pillar of the country. Let me learn a lot."

The two laughed, everything was in silence.

Du Yu was charging bravely, but a general wearing an eagle-wing helmet rushed towards him and shouted, "Hey! Don't be that thief! How dare you rebel and rush through the pass? Why don't you kneel and surrender quickly? Come with me to see Zheng Guogong and his old man? "

He lowered his voice and said with a sinister smile: "To tell you the truth, the bloodbath of Wolf Castle half a month ago also has a meager strength in the lower area."

When Du Yu heard the words Zheng Guogong, he smiled coldly, and when he heard the bloodbath of Wolf Fort, his eyes were about to burst. With a flash of the Doomsday Blade in his hand, he disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of General Yingyang!

Space teleportation!
The Doomsday Blade slashed at General Yingyang with a mighty and unparalleled posture of splitting Huashan Mountain.

Du Yu's realm continued to improve, and he gradually recognized the essence of these so-called masters.They just have a higher level of martial arts and Taoism than the bottom adventurers, but as long as they are human, they have all the joys, sorrows, joys, and mood swings of human beings.

Head start, no matter when it is absolutely correct!
General Ying Yang's pupils shrank, and he was really intimidated by Du Yu's awe-inspiring aura, but he was just a little startled for a long time before reacting, and said with a sneer: "Sure enough, he is a desperate man who is not afraid of death, but the rice grain Zhu, also emit brilliance?"

General Yingyang, this time disappearing is not a common thing, but a skill [Eagle Strikes the Sky] that comes with this AA-level equipment Eagle Wing Helmet.

He sneered, and pulled out a strange weapon from his waist - Iron Eagle Claw.

There was a green light flashing on the iron eagle's claws, and it was poisonous in space at a glance, and it grabbed Du Yu's waist.

With such a strange and vicious blow, I thought that even if Du Yu reacted extremely quickly, he would still be hit. As long as the poison enters his body, within a short while, his whole body would be swollen and he would die from the poison.

General Ying Yang had already been ordered by his master, Zheng Guogong, to take Du Yu's life if given the chance, and not allow Du Yu the chance to sue his grievances, let alone the chance of revenge.

Just when General Ying Yang's Tie Ying Claw drew a faint phantom in the air with incredible speed, and was about to hit Du Yu, Du Yu suddenly turned his finger lightly.

Then he was gone!

General Yingyang sneered: "How dare you use such a small plan in front of me?"

He concentrated his power in his eyes, and suddenly his eyes were as piercing as the eyes of an eagle.

This eagle eye skill has helped him a lot, from battle formations to duels, and the most powerful thing about eagle eye is that he can see every detail. Any stealth skill, as long as the priority is less than 95 points, will be severely punished by him. Pull it out, and hit hard.

This little thief is barking at the sun and watching the sky from the well, probably taking the tried-and-tested invisibility skills from the outer city and fiddled with him in front of him, just to let him know how terrifying the masters in the imperial city are!
But in the hawk's eyes, he couldn't catch Du Yu's trace!

Can't catch it!

General Yingyang was really surprised.

He is a master in the imperial city, and his skill priority is generally above 70-80.This eagle eye skill is as high as 95, how can it not see the skills of an adventurer in the outer city?
Unless, the priority of this skill is higher than 95!

is it possible?
Unless it is an artifact, you can fool your own eyes!
But he was very unlucky, he guessed rightly, what Du Yu possessed was a veritable S-rank artifact—the Supreme Lord of the Rings!
Since this Supreme Lord of the Rings recognizes Du Yu as the master, Du Yu can 100% exert its power.As an artifact built by Sauron, it can protect Du Yu's 100 priority and enter stealth mode.

Unless Du Yu took the initiative to attack, General Ying Yang's eagle eye technique would be impossible to see through!
Du Yu's reply to General Ying Yang was to apply Li Mochou's most vicious space poison on the Doomsday Blade, which had been boosted by the Ziqi Donglai Furnace by one level, wrapped in his own heaven and earth energy, and stabbed him fiercely. Into the chest of General Yingyang!

The armor owned by General Yingyang is also a high-end product with a priority of 80 and a defense value of 400. If it is sold in the space, it is worth at least 100 million survival points.But in the face of the terrifying priority of another true artifact, the Doomsday Blade, this 80-point priority is still not enough!
Du Yu is equipped with divine equipment that defies the sky, and he is crushing ruthlessly like this!crush!crush!
It completely violated the understanding of all generals and warriors, and peaked the various privileges they should have for fighting the outer city in the imperial city!
Du Yu stabbed into General Yingyang's chest fiercely. With the mysterious sword intent of Dugu Nine Swords and the terrifying power of heaven and earth in the Nascent Soul Stage, he rushed in with all his might, clashed, and exploded!

General Yingyang's eyeballs protruded. At that moment, he even felt a fatal danger coming!

Since he took refuge in Zheng Guogong, he has not had this threat of death for a long, long time.

But the captain of an adventurer in the outer city brazenly gave him such a threat.

The numbness and itching feeling in his chest made him understand that the enemy in front of him was ferocious and profound, and that was an opponent he could never underestimate.

General Yingyang was also a decisive and ruthless person, he immediately took a dose of life instant comprehensive potion, and wanted to escape.

Although his face has been greatly lost, he can earn it again after losing his face. If he loses his life, he loses everything!

After running away for a while, he fought back forcefully and peeled off the skin of the person in front of him.

Perhaps it was because of his back against the big tree that General Ying Yang hadn't been on the battlefield for a long time, fighting to the death. Unexpectedly, his retreat made Du Yu's aura instead!
Du Yu took a step forward, and before his aura became stronger, he bared his teeth and launched his final attack on his prey, like a wolf that chooses to eat.

Fatal attack.

Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura immediately turned into a huge dragon-wolf, biting firmly on General Yingyang's black eagle aura.

General Ying Yang was still sneering in his heart when the dragon wolf rushed towards him.

At the position of the adventurer in the imperial city, no matter how little weather power is, it is above level 5, and level 6 is not uncommon.Because the adventurers who can climb to this position are all experienced in many battles.

General Ying Yang has killed countless people on the battlefield, and the power of weather has already been promoted to the fifth level. He doesn't believe that this guy from the outer city can beat his own Black Hawk weather in the weather battle.

"The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant! Your teeth will collapse!" General Ying Yang sneered in his heart, and he did not deliberately avoid Du Yu's pounce.

But this biting was a painful lesson for General Yingyang!
The other party, an adventurer in the outer city, actually possesses a level 5 dragon-wolf aura!

You know, since Du Yu entered the world, he has faced at least dozens of enemies in each world and killed countless enemies in all kinds of big and small battles—at least in terms of efficiency and combat frequency, he will never lose to anyone.

The fifth-level Dragon Wolf also possesses the blessing of treasures such as the Heshibi Jade Seal that carry the luck of a country, plus its own supernatural powers of transforming dragons, and it bites the fifth-level General Yingyang with one bite, and it is so painful!
This is like a monster cultivating immortals, both with 500 years of cultivation, a half-demon evolved from a wolf must have an advantage in hand-to-hand combat than a half-demon evolved from an eagle!

General Yingyang's eagle had its wings bitten tightly and let out a mournful cry.

Du Yu was like a ghost, his eyes flashed with a cold light like nine seclusions, and the Doomsday Blade stabbed at him with a sword!
He knows that he is self-righteous, and he is able to force a majestic adventurer from the Imperial City to the present position. It is by no means that he is talented/competitive, but firmly occupies the word "surprise!"
As long as General Ying Yang is given a chance to breathe, the situation on the battlefield may be reversed immediately!

Never give him such a chance to come back!

Du Yu knew that although the rest of the wolf pupil team were full of passion, they would suffer the only result in the face of these arrogant soldiers in the imperial city.

Everything depends on yourself.

If he could defeat General Yingyang as quickly as possible, and then take advantage of the momentum to attack the nine admirals, he might be able to kill him.

Although he clearly knew that the future was long and he was close to death, Du Yu never backed down.

He usually gives people the impression that he is unrestrained, but in front of the violent death of his brothers, the blood hidden in Du Yu's body will completely burst out!
Zheng Guogong, even if you die, I will drag you to die together!

Du Yu's Doomsday Blade pierced the opponent's chest in one fell swoop amid General Ying Yang's terrified screams!
General Yingyang really capsized in the gutter.With his ability and cultivation base, if he wants to get rid of Du Yu, he just needs to fight steadily, and he can succeed after a hundred moves.But I didn't expect that Du Yu, who was equipped with heaven-defying treasures and made continuous miscalculations, would be overturned abruptly by Du Yu, a weak man with a difference of two ranks!Fuck!
Why is he not reconciled?How resentful?
But no matter how unwilling it is, it can't stand up to fate! (My novel "God-Level Villain" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to "add friends", Search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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