Chapter 1052 Imperial City!An insurmountable barrier! - Ask for a monthly pass!

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Du Yu's Doomsday Blade pierced through General Yingyang's body for the second time, and the power of the Nascent Soul stage was once again violently involved and crazily charged.

Even in such a field, General Yingyang's powerful strength and attributes are still dying!
How can it be so easy to kill high-ranking officers in the imperial city?

He coughed up a big mouthful of blood, mixed with pieces of internal organs, and with a roar, a soul came out of his body, and rushed into the city like a meteor.

After accumulating enough capital, General Ying Yang got a priceless body from Zheng Guogong.It was the [Second Body Project] developed by the Hou family: using the combination of the ancient vicious corpse refining technique and modern biochemical gene technology, as long as the soul is preserved, the body can be possessed immediately.Of course, the cultivation base will be greatly affected.

"When I come back, I will definitely have your cramps skinned, ahhh!" General Ying Yang had suffered a big loss this time, so of course he gritted his teeth and wanted revenge.

But I didn't expect that Du Yu even counted this trick!

He smiled coldly.

In the space, there are not many soul treasures.Most of them are concentrated in the hands of top powerhouses in Huangcheng District and Zifu District.But Du Yu happened to kill Hou Xiaofeng, the precious son of Hou Shenjiang, and there was such a treasure.

The Tower of Souls!
This soul summoning tower cannot absorb the souls of demon gods such as Saruman and Sauron, but General Yingyang's soul strength cannot be compared with that of demon gods.

The soul of General Ying Yang, who was running away, suddenly felt a fatal attraction, calling him.

He desperately resisted!
But the soul is the most difficult part of the human body to cultivate.Only at the peak stage of high-level exercises for immortal cultivators and demon cultivators can they come into contact with exercises that increase the strength of the soul.

General Yingyang cultivated more external skills, and his soul strength was at most 3-5 times stronger than that of adventurers in the inner city, but it did not exceed the scope of human beings.

Therefore, he was inevitably sucked into the tower of summoning souls, and became one of the unjust souls who were imprisoned in the tower and suffered various tortures!

"Don't!" General Ying Yang never expected that he just obeyed Zheng Guogong's arrangement and acted on orders to intercept and kill Du Yu and the wolf pupil team who were like moths flying to the flame, but tragically killed his own life and soul. go in!
But it's too late to regret it all.

Du Yu brazenly subdued General Yingyang's soul, and the Doomsday Blade cut off General Yingyang's head bloody!
The headless body of General Ying Yang, who had lost his soul, knelt upright on the ground, with blood gushing out, splashing Du Yu all over his face.

With the power of murder, Du Yu's face was covered with blood, he turned his head slowly, blew the blood from the sword lightly, and shouted sharply: "The next one, who dares to fight me decisively?"

The admirals of the Nine Gates and several generals, intimidated by Du Yu's prestige to kill the generals, took a step back collectively!
The majestic fourth-rank general of the imperial court and one of the deputy generals in charge of guarding the gates of the imperial city, General Ying Yang, was brutally beheaded by this man in a one-on-one fair decisive battle without making ten moves!

What's more frightening, General Ying Yang's soul failed to escape, and was forcibly taken away by this person with a tower-shaped treasure.

Think about it with your ass, what will happen to this soul if it falls into the hands of this hateful, angry outlaw?In short, it won't be good food and drink, all kinds of brutal torture, I'm afraid it's hard to die!
Everyone was shocked.

Tears welled up in Michelle's eyes.

General Ying Yang is a member of Zheng Guogong, it is not a secret, and he was also responsible for the bloodbath of Wolf Castle half a month ago!
At this time, his headless corpse was kneeling on the ground, as if he was wearing sackcloth and filial piety for the heroic spirits who died in the battle of the wolf pupil team, kneeling and pleading guilty!

She closed her beautiful eyes and murmured: "Hu Yijun, Sanma, have you seen that? We are killing Zheng Guogong's people, and we will avenge you!"

Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Legolas and others all applauded!
The morale of the wolf pupil team is even more boosted!
When these men decided to avenge their brothers, they rushed forward with their blood and loyalty, but no one had the confidence to challenge the authority of the entire Tang Empire!
But under the leadership of the boss, they not only passed through the city gate of the inner city, but also brazenly killed Zheng Guogong's confidant general under the gate of the imperial city, which is extremely majestic!

This is a master in the imperial city.

"Long live the boss!" Ai Ning burst into tears, holding up her powder fist.

In the hearts of these wolf pupil team members, the boss Du Yu is the undefeated god of war!
There is no enemy he can't deal with!

The admiral of the Nine Gates was just beheaded by Du Yu's brilliant formation, and his mind was taken away. He was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered, and said with a sneer, "How dare you break through the barrier? In this way, even if Princess Yimei and Tang Guogong, I can't keep you either. I wanted to capture you and observe the direction of the wind, so as to leave room for retreat. But since you have been sentenced to death, you can be spared alive!"

He stepped over!

Everyone can see clearly.

When the nine admirals stepped down, the large stone made of the strongest alloy granite in space actually left a deep footprint!

You must know that every day the beast carts carrying rare birds and animals would pass by and go to the leopard room for the emperor of the Long family and Su Daji to watch the beast fighting for fun.The vehicle loaded with the heaviest mammoth golem may not have weighed a hundred tons, and it failed to leave half a mark on this so-called strongest alloy granite bar!

What kind of effort is this?
The admiral of the nine gates smiled slightly and said: "I was ordered by the superior, and I live in the third rank. Guarding the gate of the imperial city is the most reliable iron gate for the emperor! If you don't have any skills, how can you be worthy of sitting in this position? You kill the eagle General Yang's move is the Dugu Nine Swords, right? The movement method is Lingbo Weibu. After 10 worlds, I am not as good as you. But"

There was a hint of dignity in his eyes: "I'm not afraid to tell you that the worlds I have experienced now have exceeded a hundred. After entering the imperial city, others only give out missions every six months, but I take the initiative to apply for missions every month." , and alone, never needing any guards!"

Listening to his deep voice, Du Yu's heart kept sinking.

The powerhouses of space emerge in endlessly.

These nine admirals are definitely not idiots, but they got to this position with one blow and one shot!

"You have killed a lot of people, and the weather has been upgraded to level 5. It is definitely an odd number in the outer city." The admiral of the nine gates took another step, leaving a deep footprint: "But you must know, I followed the first The emperor fought fiercely with Sultan Saladin in Langjuxu Mountain for ten days! He killed the strong Sultan, his head rolled around, and he broke through the fifth and sixth steps in a row for ten days, and directly jumped to the seventh step!"

Du Yu's pupils shrank.

It was extremely difficult for him to break through to the fifth level, and he had to go through several worlds to get what he wanted.These nine admirals jumped two steps in a row and broke through the seventh step within ten days. What kind of tragic killing field is this?
Either he killed many people, or he killed the strong enough!
No matter which one, Du Yu felt his mind was taken away.

As the nine admirals, like the God of Erlang Yang Jian descended to the earth, moved step by step, step by step, stepping out deep footprints, Du Yu felt that the coercion was getting bigger and bigger.

The opponent is using imposing coercion, but this coercion is based on absolute strength and record aura. It is upright and can't find a breakthrough!
The admiral of the nine gates smiled coldly.

He could naturally see that Du Yu's cultivation base was solid, and his immortal skills even broke through the Nascent Soul stage, and his treasures were even more unpredictable, and he couldn't see through some of them.

Given time, this son will become a great weapon!
But he has only entered the space for a short period of time, and he can't count more than ten worlds, and his background and accumulation are not enough.The tragic death of General Yingyang at the hands of this person just now should be caused by the hidden treasures of this person, coupled with General Yingyang's carelessness, it ended up like this.

But all the treasures are just auxiliary tools, in the face of absolute strength, just crush them directly!
As he is now, with the power of weather up to level 8, that momentum can almost get 4% or 5% of the supernatural power of Erlang God Yang Jian. Just crushing it, the power of weather of level 5 is like an ant, which is not enough to see !

Admiral of the Nine Gates, but the chief executive guarding the imperial city, the emperor's watchdog, if not powerful enough, why did the emperor entrust you with such an important position?

"It's almost there." The admiral of the Nine Gates saw Du Yu breaking out in cold sweat, and knew that his divine power had completely suppressed his opponent.He is a conspiracy honed in a dignified battle. After shocking the enemy with his aura of supernatural powers, the three-pointed and two-edged sharp edge that is unpredictable and howling ghosts and gods will cut one in two!

"Surrender!" The admiral of the Nine Gates yelled loudly, and the three-pointed and two-bladed sharp edge was raised high, and he slashed down with one blow, heading straight for Du Yu's head!
His saber style is not very fast, every trajectory can be seen clearly, but this speed has a dignified momentum like three mountains and five mountains, it seems slow but fast, like the judgment of the heaven, which makes people feel You can't hide, you can't fight, you can't block, you can't escape, you can only close your eyes and wait for death!

This is the killing stunt condensed by the nine admirals in the bloody battles.

In the national battlefield where the imperial city is as numerous as dogs, the inner city is full of ground, and the purple mansion can only shake, any fancy supernatural powers are useless. Killing skills!Whether it's beating a general, or fighting in a group, this kind of open and close, majestic move has incomparably terrifying practicality!
But every step forward, for some reason, the admirals of the nine gates also bear the terrifying pressure!

This made him extremely astonished.

You know, with his status and status, to kill Du Yu who trespassed in the Forbidden Palace is to be upright and upright. To kill a thief as an official, ordinary thieves are oppressed and can only close their eyes and wait for death. A thief who can move a little is considered a giant Crazy traitor!
But why does he hold up the three-pointed and two-edged sharp edge, and every time he takes a step forward, he feels guilty.It seemed that the person who was about to be killed was not a giant thief, but the emperor!

Fortunately, he has great supernatural powers, and despite this pressure, he still maintains his coercion over Du Yu. Of course, all his skills are gathered, and it is necessary to go all out.

In a word, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength! (My novel "God-Level Villain" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to "add friends", Search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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