Chapter 1115 Return to Liu Bei, Admonish Iron Coupon! - Ask for a monthly pass!

It is really difficult for them to admit that Liu Beijun, a mere pawn, has such strength.

But since he picked up such a precious treasure from a dead enemy, the strength of the enemy can be explained.

Yu Jin apologized and said with a smile: "It's a pity that the pawn's white horse jumped over the wall and escaped. Otherwise, this thing is dedicated to the prime minister. You must like it."

Cao Cao casually picked up the ring, and suddenly his expression changed.

All attributes are increased by 10%, attack damage is increased by 30%, and it comes with dark attribute damage that cannot be saved or offset.

It was Sauron who forged the Ring of Power to imprison the 9 greatest kings, magicians, and warriors of mankind!

Grade A treasure.

This attribute increased so much that even the well-informed and wealthy Cao Cao couldn't help being moved.

In troubled times, who doesn't yearn for greater power?

It was precisely because the Ring of Power was strong enough that those 9 unlucky ones became obsessed with it and couldn't extricate themselves from it, and eventually became Sauron's ring spirit.

Cao Cao played with it for a while, put it down, picked up the crystal of true knowledge, and began to enjoy it.Xun You has the most research on this kind of magical power item. After appraising it, he said: "Congratulations, Prime Minister. This item is an out-and-out treasure. As long as you input true energy, it can cover a range of 500 kilometers. The scenery inside, for marching and fighting, is simply a magic weapon for scouting. This is God helping my prime minister to conquer the south and unify the whole country!"

Cao Cao was very interested, picked up the crystal of true knowledge, and looked at it carefully.

He injected true energy, and as expected, he could see the scenery within a range of 500 kilometers in the crystal ball.Of course, you can only see one corner at a time, and it takes a lot of energy, but for marching and fighting, compared with those still primitive detection methods, this crystal of true knowledge is simply a map satellite weapon, which is absolutely fundamentally changed. method of investigation.

Of course, Cao Cao's counselors were cautious and far-sighted, and they were afraid that the crystal ball would be tricky.Cheng Yu, Liu Ye, Ji Liang, Peng Yue and others stepped forward one after another and inspected it one by one. They also invited Taoist warlocks accompanying the army to inspect the object in all aspects.

In the end, these well-informed counselors came to a conclusion.

This thing is fine.

It can’t be blamed that they are dog-headed military divisions, it’s really because the crystal of true knowledge is something from another world, and it’s extremely confusing—don’t you see that smart people like Saruman and Denethor II were secretly influenced by Sauron with the crystal of true knowledge , and did not find it?What's more, Du Yu didn't open the dome of the main crystal star at all at this time. Who can discover the tricks hidden in this crystal of true knowledge?
Let's put it this way, the main crystal Star Dome is equivalent to the main server monitored by the US FBI, and the ordinary Zhenzhi Crystal is equivalent to a PC client implanted with a Trojan horse.In the case that the star dome did not activate the interference program, the crystal of true knowledge did not have the slightest abnormality.This is why Xun You, Cheng Yu, Liu Ye and others couldn't find out the problem.

Cao Cao was ecstatic, couldn't put it down, and laughed: "Wen Ze, Gu is already rich in the world. Although this thing is precious, it is just a thing outside of the body compared to Gu's beloved general. Listen and enjoy!"

Surprised and delighted, Yu Jin knelt down to listen.

Cao Cao smiled and took out the carved bow, and rewarded it to Yu Jin.

Everyone sighed, they didn't expect this thing to end up in Jin's hands.

What made everyone even more envious was that Cao Cao picked up the golden magic ring of power again, hesitated for a moment, and happily handed it over to Yu Jin: "Wen Ze, who fought in the north and south with Gu Nan, has a long history of meritorious deeds, so today I will reward you together you!"

With trembling hands, Yu Jin picked up the Magic Ring of Power, which was a treasure that increased all attributes by 10% and attack power by 30%.He does not have such treasures on him.

Yu Jin immediately put it on his finger, and said in a trembling voice, "The Prime Minister is very kind! Yu Wen dares to refuse to die!"

Cao Cao laughed triumphantly.

Xiahou Dun stepped forward to ask for instructions: "Meng De, Zhao Yun has taken Liu Bei's wife and children and fled to Changbanqiao. Should we continue to march?"

Cao Cao smiled grimly, stood up and said, "Although there are one or two good generals on Liu Bei's side, it is difficult to change the overall situation. The generals obey the order, and let me continue to go forward, hunt down Liu Bei, and completely wipe out the big-eared thief! He must not be allowed to fight with Guan Yu. Sailors assemble!"

All the generals responded with a bang, and immediately went out of their tents to fight.

Du Yu asked Galadriel, "Did Cao Cao use the crystal of true knowledge?"

Galadriel smiled and said: "Who can be more cunning and cunning than you? Cao Cao is a very cautious person, but he never imagined that such an easy-to-use crystal of true knowledge hides such a terrible backdoor virus, which can be reversed by us at any time." Control? What he can see, we allow him to see."

Du Yu shook his head and said, "Don't use interference for now, let Prime Minister Cao fall in love with this useful thing."

He smiled fascinatedly: "The deeper he relies on this thing, the harder he will fall in the future!"

"Cao's army has begun to march!" Shen Luoyan, who controlled Xiaoguan and was in charge of aerial reconnaissance, exclaimed in the heart of the castle.

It can be seen from the crystal of true knowledge that the hundreds of thousands of Cao troops who were disgraced and retreated in embarrassment by Du Yu's mess, started up again. Banpo rushed forward.

Du Yu rode Jieying with incredible speed, and it only took a moment to rush to the side of Changban Bridge.

Zhao Yun was talking to a general with ring-eyed leopard eyes, a black beard swollen, a hulking waist, and a Zhangba snake spear in his hand. He was overjoyed to see Du Yu finally come out of nowhere.

When the black general saw Du Yu, he said to Zhao Yun, "Is this what you said, going straight to Cao Cao, forcing Cao's army of millions to retreat, and finally rescued you, your sister-in-law and Du Yu?"

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Exactly! Yun has seen countless heroes, but apart from the lord, second brother Guan, and your third brother Zhang, I have rarely seen brothers who are so courageous, knowledgeable, affectionate and righteous."

Zhang Fei laughed loudly, waved the Zhangba Snake Spear, and said, "What a boy! It's the first time I've heard Zilong praise a person so much. Zilong and Du Yu, you worked hard to rescue your sister-in-law and A Dou! The rest It depends on my old Zhang. Once I teach Cao Jun’s soldiers to cross this long Banqiao, I will be considered a loser!"

Zhao Yun said worriedly: "Du Yu's ability to withdraw Cao Jun's million soldiers is a coincidence. Yide must not be brave. If he can't, he will destroy this bridge as the military adviser said, forcing Cao Jun to take a detour. That's all right."

Zhang Fei waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go quickly. Brother is still waiting for you behind."

Zhao Yun smiled calmly, he also knew that Zhang Fei was a man of courage and strategy, not just a man of bravery, so he took Du Yu and retreated.

Not long after, I saw Zhang Fei ordering his troops to cut down branches, drag the branches with his mounts, and gallop densely in the forest, creating an atmosphere of a large army guarding, as a way to confuse the enemy.

Du Yu immediately heard Zhang Yide's roar resounding through the universe: "I am Zhang Yide from Yan! Who dares to fight me?"

"War and don't fight, retreat and never retreat, what do you want?"

Then, the sad Cao Jun was once again yelled at by Zhang Fei's battlefield skills, his heart was broken, he dropped his helmet and armor, and ran back desperately.

Du Yu didn't bother to look at Cao Cao's expression, it must be very exciting.

Being slapped in the face twice in a row, causing millions of troops to retreat continuously, is it also a great damage to morale?

Du Yu carefully monitored his gains, added the gains from Missions 5456 and [-], and added the gains from killing Cao Jun's soldiers, and he got [-] martial arts points.

Compared with the 2500 martial arts points obtained by other people, Du Yu's adventure is undoubtedly the most rewarding.

Ignoring Daniel's warning gaze, Tataglia walked up to Du Yu and said with a smile, "Just like the Tarot divination, we meet again."

Du Yu smiled as an answer.

Tattaglia said: "Do you know that in the Tarot cards, the magician standing on his head in divination for good and bad luck means what? It means that only by playing cards not according to common sense, can there be a glimmer of life. I thought it was a reminder to act boldly, but I didn't expect It shall be upon you."

Du Yu nodded.

Zhao Yun stopped and said respectfully, "Master!"

Du Yu looked up and saw a general with an extraordinary face, a full sky, a round earth, hands above his knees, big ears and shoulders, and he strode forward to meet him.

It was Liu Bei who he and Zhao Yun played for in this adventure to the world.

Beside Liu Bei, Mrs. Mi, who had returned, hugged A Dou who was still asleep, and followed out with a grateful face, praising Zhao Yun endlessly.

Zhao Yun was soaked in blood. Although he ate the ginseng that Du Yu gave him, the second time he rushed to the camp, the wounds on his body burst again, and the new wounds crushed the old wounds. He was already overwhelmed. It fell down.

Liu Bei led his men here to collect the defeated troops, and he had already seen Zhao Zilong's heroic appearance on the battlefield.Seeing Zhao Yun collapsed, tears almost flowed down his face, he hurriedly helped him up, and ordered someone to call for a doctor.

Zhao Yun opened his eyes reluctantly, and said with a smile, "It's nothing wrong with Yun. As long as the little master is safe, what's the matter with Yun being crushed to pieces?"

When Liu Bei heard this, tears welled up in his eyes again. He turned around, snatched A Dou from Madam Mi's hand, and threw him on the ground: "For this reason, I almost lost one of my generals!"

Zhao Yun and Madam Mi hurriedly picked up A Dou from the ground.Fortunately, A Dou was just woken up, crying loudly, Madam Mi hurried in with A Dou in her arms.Zhao Yun wept and said: "Yun is deeply favored by the lord, and he will never hesitate to die."

He stood up excitedly and introduced the people behind him to Liu Bei.

Gou Zhang was named Fenwei Captain by Liu Bei.

Surviving adventurers such as Daniel, Tataglia, and Russian teenagers each have their own rewards.

When Du Yu was introduced, Zhao Yun said in a deep voice, "My lord, for Yun to come back alive, I must thank this brother Xin Ye who came to join you. He is not only wise and brave, he has saved Yun's life many times, but more importantly, he is loyal to Yuntian." , fought to the death after two breaks, and finally attacked Cao Cao's commander-in-chief, forcing Cao's army of millions of thieves to retreat, the credit should be the first!"

Liu Bei strode up, grabbed Du Yu's hands, and said with bright eyes: "I was on the top of the mountain, and when I saw Cao's army retreating in disarray, I thought it was Zilong's supernatural power, which made Cao Cao's fear break, but I didn't expect it to be one of them." Little general. Liu Bei doesn’t know how to thank you for saving my general’s concubine and young son?”

Many eyes focused on Du Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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