Chapter 1116 A generous gift to Liu Bei!Team members gather! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu was reminded: "In view of your achievements, you have the following options: First, ask Liu Bei to give you the largest canonization, and you will be awarded the post of Zhechong Colonel, and your generals will have 100 troops." There are few generals, only 500 defeated soldiers), but it will consume 100 martial arts points. Tip: when your soldiers kill the enemy, you can also get 5000% of the corresponding martial arts points for killing them.

Second, don't award rewards, and continue to stay with Zhao Yun as a guard.Zhao Yun's favorability will be increased by 5 points, which is currently 70 points.Your martial arts value will be fully preserved.As a favor for you for not loving power, Liu Bei will give you a special prop: [Iron Coupon of Persuasion].This prop is a one-time item, worth 3000 martial arts value.Once used, Liu Bei will inevitably adopt a certain military strategy proposal you put forward.However, the proposal must be in line with the monarch's major policies, and the troops used must not exceed 10% of Liu Bei's total strength.On top of this, there is [Admonishment Jade Voucher], worth 1 military honors, which can mobilize 30% of the army. [Admonishment Gold Voucher], worth 3 Merits, can mobilize 50% of military strength.

The positive effects of persuasion props, for example, under your persuasion, Liu Beifang won a big victory, you will get 20% of the total martial arts value obtained from this action.However, if under your strong persuasion, the military action leads to failure, it will also deduct your martial arts value as appropriate, and even downgrade your official position, exile, beheading and other punishments. "

Du Yu weighed it up.

On the one hand, he was awarded the official position of Fenwei Colonel, able to lead 100 troops, which may be replenished to 500 in the future, but Du Yu judged from Liu Bei's current situation that he had not hoped to replenish his subordinates to full strength for a long time.Just look at his hardcore confidant Zhao Yun.Behind the dignified Zhao Zilong, only a few dozen people can follow.It also consumes 5000 martial arts points. On the one hand, it is to accumulate martial arts points, and it is also worth 3000 martial arts points for nothing, which can affect the Lord's military plan.

If this thing falls into the hands of other people, it may be unpredictable, good or bad, but for Du Yu, this proposal iron coupon is something that is determined to be obtained.

He immediately said generously: "My lord, since we have come to serve you, we must be loyal to the Lord. When it comes to rewards, my achievements are far different from those of General Zilong. Just ask my lord to reward you as General Zilong. I would like If you continue to follow General Zilong, you will be able to attach the tail of the horse and serve the Lord."

Liu Bei and Zhao Zilong looked at each other.

Zhao Yun clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Claim credit without pride, attack without pride, congratulations, my lord, for gaining another general."

Liu Beikuan said with a smile, "Exactly! Since Du Yu and the others have a predestined relationship with Zilong, they might as well stay in Zilong's camp for the time being. I'll reward you for your meritorious deeds when you kill the bandits Cao!" In terms of credit, it’s not justified if you don’t reward it. You take this iron coupon, and I hope you can use it properly.”

Du Yu got the [Iron Coupon of Persuasion] and withdrew with a smile.

Wang Yuyan looked up the rules, and exclaimed: "It turns out that this persuasion coupon is not something that can be bought at will. Only by making great contributions to the lord, can you be rewarded from the lord."

Du Yu smiled: "How can a precious item that can affect the actions of the entire army be placed in the space store for exchange?"

As for Cao Ren and Wenpin, who were captured alive by Du Yu, they also woke up one after another.Wenpin has always had an old relationship with Liu Bei. When the two met, Wenpin was ashamed, but Liu Bei spoke well and comforted him, and then released him.Cao Ren was not treated so well. He was imprisoned by Liu Bei, and he was released after he was ready.For the feat of capturing the two generals alive, Du Yu has already been rewarded with 500 martial arts points respectively, and will not be rewarded twice.

At this moment, Zhang Fei's voice was like a bell, and Da Lala walked in and shouted: "Hahaha! Have fun! Brother, Zilong, guess what I did on the long Banqiao? First I used branches as a camouflage ambush, and then Roar, the grandchildren of Cao Cao's million-strong army were so frightened that they shitted and pissed, collapsed and fled. Cao thief ran so fast. Haha."

After listening to Zhang Fei's strategy, Liu Bei sighed, "Third Brother is indeed brave and resourceful, but after you burn down the Changbanqiao, Cao Cao will know that you are guilty and will immediately send troops to kill him."

Zhang Fei slapped his head in frustration: "Oh, I'm such a pig brain, what should we do, big brother?"

Liu Bei took a deep breath and said: "In such a bad situation, Cao Cao failed to kill me. It can be seen that there is still hope for the revival of the Han Dynasty. The military division and Guan Yu went to Xiakou and successfully met with Mr. Liu Qi. The second brother took a The Wanshui army is going up the river to rescue us. What we have to do now is to rush to the direction of Xiakou as soon as possible and board the warship, so that the Cao bandits will be difficult to attack and kill."

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun nodded at the same time.

The adventurers received a reminder: "The third main mission of the first act is open!"

"You need to protect Liu Bei, go to the escape location, and join forces with Guan Yu's water army."

"Once Liu Bei is killed, the mission of the Bloody City Gate will fail."

Liu Bei's army was small, plus Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei's troops, only about 300 people, immediately retreated towards Xiakou.

Du Yu ordered Xiao Guan to take off and assume the responsibility of an aerial reconnaissance plane.

The Lu horse that Liu Bei was riding galloped quickly, and sighed, "It's a pity that we have too few scouts. I guess the Cao thief will never sit back and watch me escape to the south of the Yangtze River. He will definitely send someone to intercept and kill him. But with little information, it is difficult to predict. the actions of the enemy."

When Du Yu heard the words, he snickered in his heart, just waiting for your words.

He rode on Jieying and said, "My lord! This time I went to rob the camp. I murdered and set fire to the two camps left and right of Cao Cao. It was a lot of looting. I didn't get any other collections, but I got a crystal." It’s amazing to watch the dynamics of the battlefield around you.”

He said, and dedicated the crystal ball to Liu Bei.

Yes, it is the crystal of true knowledge!
Du Yu regards these six crystals of true knowledge as clients, and in the spirit of Internet companies, he gives them away to everyone. Not only can he get a high degree of favorability (except for Cao Cao's enemies), but he can also secretly set these monarchs. Wouldn't it be nice what?

Sure enough, when Liu Bei got this object, his eyes immediately lit up: "This object can illuminate a range of 500 miles around. As long as I think about it, the relevant scenes will immediately appear in the crystal ball. It can be called the best thing for marching and fighting! Unexpectedly You were able to get this thing from Cao Jun! You should be rewarded!"

As a result, Du Yu received Liu Bei's generous reward of 1500 martial arts points, and the martial arts value rose to 6956 points.

The reason why Du Yu rushed to do this was because Zhuge Liang, a great man, was having a bilateral meeting with Liu Qi in Xiakou.If there is Zhuge Liang, it is really uncertain whether his crystal of true knowledge can fool the wisdom eye of this great god who studies heaven and man.

It is worth mentioning that due to the existence of the main star [Star Dome], no matter how far the crystal of true knowledge is from Du Yu, Du Yu can still know its exact location.The crystal of true knowledge must be placed in a position as high as possible, such as the top of a tower, the roof of a building, etc., to facilitate observation.If you want to take it back, send Eagle King Xiaoguan to make a surprise attack at night, and you are not afraid that the meat bun will beat the dog and you will not be able to take it back.

Just when Liu Bei and Du Yu were secretly laughing, several red dots representing the enemy suddenly appeared on the crystal of true knowledge, and they were rapidly approaching Liu Bei's army!

"It's Cao Cao!"

Jian Yong, a white-faced scholar at the side, exclaimed in surprise.

Of course it is Cao Cao.

In Changbanpo and Changbanqiao, Du Yu, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei suffered three major losses successively, causing millions of troops to retreat twice, and their morale was greatly depressed. With Cao Cao's character of vengeance, how could he swallow this breath?
So, he sent Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, and Yujin five armies, like the five black fingers of a demon god, to grab the weak Liu Bei, and he is bound to capture Liu Bei in one go!
Du Yu knew from the communication that two hostile adventurer armies, C[-] and C[-], were also in Yujin's team and came together to try to hunt and kill Liu Bei.

Everyone knows that Cao Cao's failure in the Battle of Chibi was due to the coalition forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan.If you can seize the opportunity of Liu Bei's weak and new defeat at this time, and kill him in one fell swoop, how much trouble will be saved in the battle of Chibi later?
Du Yu remembered clearly that in addition to these two groups, Cao Jun's side should have ten other groups, spying in secret, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will not come forward to intercept and kill Liu Bei.

It's a pity that Liu Bei's army is too small at this time. Even with Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, these two strong generals, they can't deter these daring adventurers.

Fortunately, Liu Bei is not without companions here.

Group A and Seven followed Liu Bei, Group A and Two followed Zhang Fei, and Group A and Four, who was in charge of investigation, returned to the team one after another.

Among these people, Du Yu was very happy to see familiar faces.

Ai Ning and Captain No. [-].

The last trial of the No. [-] captain's team was at the gate of the Scarlet City.Of course, he was overjoyed to run into his master Du Yu this time.Cao Jun's terrifying strength made him feel very uncertain.At this time, the funny No. [-] captain, with the legendary shield [Wrath of Wei Shi Ma Qu], ran over to surrender to Du Yu.

Ai Ning smiled beautifully, crossed her ice spear and ice sword, and said hello to Captain Du Yu.

To Du Yu's surprise, there were two other acquaintances in Liu Bei's army.

Guo Fu and Guo Xiang.

The strength of the two sisters is that of adventurers in the outer city.But Du Yu guessed that with the guidance of grandfather Huang Yaoshi, these two sisters who had already reached the peak of the foundation stage should break through the golden core stage.Otherwise, Huang Yaoshi would not feel at ease to allow the two sisters to participate in this trial.

When Guo Xiang saw Big Brother Du, she rushed over joyfully, and when Big Brother grew older, Du Yu felt warm in his heart.This Guo Xiang has the ability to get close to people, whether it is a vicious man or a poor scholar, he can quickly get along with each other.

Guo Fu's attitude towards Du Yu has also improved a lot since Zheng Guogong sacrificed his life to save him last time, and she came over with a smile and joined Du Yu.

Du Yu got help from several people, and temporarily let go of his anxiety.But it is a pity that Mai Shela, Li Tang and other fierce generals failed to meet up. It seems that they are likely to be on the side of the Wu camp.

(End of this chapter)

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