Chapter 1141 The Battle Begins!Four beauties come together! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"Rescuing Tong Yuan this time is a test for Du Yu." Sima Hui smiled: "Yu Ji will also go. Let's see how capable this man is, and rescue Tong Yuan in the million-dollar Cao army camp." Bar."

Du Yu had no idea that someone was talking about him.

At this time, he was following the step trainer to untie his heart knot, and taking advantage of the charming night, he scored twice on the edge of the Yangtze River. The seductive screams of Yujie and his wife resounded across the river.

What a beautiful night sky.

Outside Chaisang City, Da Qiao Abode.

Sun Shangxiang was in a state of mind, and under the persuasion of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao's sisters-in-law, she played with the corner of her clothes.

Big Qiao handed out Little Qiao and secretly asked, "Have you fallen in love with Du Yu?"

Sun Shangxiang blushed and said, "How is it possible?"

But the girl's shy expression had already betrayed her heart.

Da Qiao sighed and said, "Sister-in-law is someone from here, why doesn't she know about your girl Huaichun? But Du Yu, if he is a general of Eastern Wu, there is still a glimmer of hope."

She remembered that she had entrusted Du Yu to kill Yu Ji, and after the success, she was willing to recommend herself as a pillow, and she couldn't help but blush.

The two aunts and sisters-in-law looked at each other, both were silent, each thinking about their own thoughts.

After all, Sun Shangxiang was shallow-minded, so she couldn't help crying, "If this is the only thing, I won't be sad, it's just the trainer's sister-in-law."

"What's wrong with Bu Lianshi?" Da Qiao sensitively realized that the question was wrong, and gently hugged Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang trusted Da Qiao very much, nestled in the arms of his sister-in-law, and told the truth about Bu Lianshi's affair with Du Yu.

Da Qiao really broke out in a cold sweat.

If this matter gets out, what's the deal?

Such a gentle and virtuous step trainer, who would have thought that he would be so bold as to steal someone?

Da Qiao's first reaction was to expose the step trainer.

But thinking that Du Yu was the most promising knife for her revenge, Da Qiao endured it.

"You must never tell others about this again." Da Qiao caressed Sun Shangxiang and said earnestly, "I will find time to talk to the step trainer."

The next day, Sun Quan held a grand military dispatch ceremony.

Fengtai worshiped generals, Zhou Yu was named the chief governor, Cheng Pu was named the deputy governor, and commanded 3 Jiangdong water troops to go to the Chibi area to stop Cao Cao.

Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, Du Yu, Tataria and others went to the front line with the boat, preparing for a big battle.

The war is finally about to begin.

Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lianshi, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and others went to see off Lao Jun one after another.Sun Shangxiang wanted to join the war with all his heart, but was stopped by Sun Quan.

But after Lao Jun passed, the infantry trainer made a startling proposal.

She suggested to Sun Quan that she, as Sun Quan's plenipotentiary representative, go to the front line with Governor Zhou Yu as the supervising army.

Although Sun Quan trusted Zhou Yu very much, he felt his sincerity when he saw his wife, who was good at fighting, being so active, so he agreed without hesitation!
Zhou Yu knew that Bu Lianshi had a steady personality and was definitely not a random person. As a military supervisor, she would not restrict her actions, so she nodded in agreement.

Therefore, the step trainer actually took Sun Quan's building boat and went upstream with him to participate in the Battle of Chibi.

This was the condition she agreed to Du Yu after she had a crazy passion with Du Yu last night.

No need to take any risks, just follow the precautions.

But seeing the step trainer act like this, Sun Shangxiang couldn't sit still!
She strongly protested to Sun Quan and asked to go to the front to fight as a general.

Sun Quan couldn't survive his sister, so he had to smile bitterly and ask Zhou Yu to take care of him.

Zhou Yu knew that Sun Shangxiang was also a brave heroine, and this time he had to deal with Cao Cao's 83 army, which was extremely stressful, so he agreed to go.

But the rest of the matter was completely beyond their expectations.

Da Qiao offered to follow the army.

Xiao Qiao saw the three beauties of Dongwu, and wanted to go to the front line, and also pestered Zhou Yu to go to battle.

As a result, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu had black lines.

Where are you guys making trouble?

Is it necessary to rely on women to repel Cao Cao?
Wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread this out?Say I have no one in Soochow?
But the four female generals are indeed fierce in battle. Zhou Tai, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and other generals have all suffered great losses in their sparring.

Sun Quan was so annoyed by the group of female porridge, he waved his hand: "All go!"

Therefore, the Simei Detachment Army, on Sun Quan's ship, went with them to conquer Cao Cao.

Only Du Yu knows the inside story.

Bu Lianshi asked her to come, Sun Shangxiang loves martial arts and is jealous, Da Qiao wants to kill Yu Ji, and Xiao Qiao is a dozen of soy sauce.

Soochow's army marched to the Chibi area and stationed there.Confront Cao Cao's army in Wulin across the river.Liu Bei stationed troops at Youjiangkou, forming a confrontation between the three armies.

The fierce battle of Chibi has finally opened.

Tataria, looking at the millions of Cao troops on the other side, the water and dry villages, connected by land and water, with a well-organized lineup and a huge momentum stretching for more than forty miles, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Cao Cao deserves to be the winner of the war, and his deployment of camps is very organized.

Surrendered to Jin, he said behind Du Yu: "Master, according to Cao Cao's arrangement, Wulin has become a huge fortress. There are a total of 50 dry camps on land, and about 40 elite Cao troops are stationed, stretching for 81 kilometers. Doli. Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liao, Cao Ren (has been exchanged and released by Liu Bei), Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, Xu Huang and other generals to guard. 20 water villages, stationed with more than [-] Cao Jun and Liu Biao's water troops. With large ships as the city wall, The warships and warships are the inner city, and the ships are used as a means of communication. There is no such talent in water warfare in Cao's army, but Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are the commanders. This formation is extremely stable and cannot be easily broken."

"It is said that the Three Kingdoms War in China was on a grand scale, far beyond the comparison of other countries. It's really good! In a war of this scale, the strength of mere adventurers is insignificant, right?"

She gave Du Yu a coquettish sideways look: "A certain person even made a lie, saying that there is a backup plan to burn Chibi. In my opinion, it is almost impossible to realize."

Du Yu smiled and said, "Not necessarily. Of course it depends on chance. Opportunities are only for those who are prepared!"

Tattaglia said sharply and sarcastically: "Cao Cao's navy, I don't think there is a chain of iron chains. Even if you invade Cao's camp with more than 20 people and set fire to each of them, what effect will it have? I think even Zhou Yu , are at a loss.”

Du Yu smiled.He has already prepared.

Looking at the opposite bank, in the Cao camp, the lights were bright, tens of thousands of large and small warships were shuttling back and forth, Du Yu just smiled slightly, and looked back at Sun Quan's ship moored at Sanjiangkou.

On the five-story building boat, there stood a beautiful girl, standing against the wind, staring at herself.

Sun Shangxiang!
This bow-waist concubine originally only had a good impression of Du Yu, but her sister-in-law's step trainer was so obsessed with Du Yu, it aroused Xiao Nizi's competitive spirit, and she resolutely watched her sister-in-law to prevent her from cheating again. Avoid cheating.

On the top floor of the building, Du Yu also saw a pair of clear but provocative eyes.

step trainer.

The Queen of Soochow was invited by herself to see with her own eyes how she rose up in the Battle of Chibi!
As long as Du Yu can really occupy a piece of the country, the step trainer will belong to him and become his woman.

On the second floor of the building, in the boudoir of Da Qiao, Da Qiao's figure also appeared outside the window, looking at Du Yu.

"Husband, you must bless me to succeed in my revenge." Da Qiao's slender and charming figure, in the cool night wind, is extraordinarily graceful: "I must kill this demon Ji with my own blood!"

Du Yu smiled wryly.

Being watched by so many beautiful beauties is stressful.

"The main mission of the third act hasn't appeared yet?" Mai Shera said: "Just looking at the camp of Cao Jun's 83 troops, I feel inexplicably panicked. The adventurers on Cao Cao's side don't just sit back and watch warships burnt?"

The adventurer on Sun Quan's side, a middle-aged Russian man named Kuba, shook his head coldly: "I don't think the situation is right. As far as I know, Pang Tong has been sent to Cao Jun's camp by Zhou Yu as a traitor, acting as a guest minister, and promoting him. A series of tricks. But Cao Cao has not moved, it should be wary of the possibility of setting fire to the warship."

"This is difficult!" Another Sun Quanfang, a very powerful adventurer, American Michelle, said with a bitter face: "If we can't burn Chibi, our coalition forces add up to less than 5 people, how can we Can you win over 83 people?"

As a tester of the Scarlet City Gate, no one wants to lose on their own side, which means that the difficulty will increase dramatically later.There is also the possibility of the enemy chasing and killing.

"Hey! Isn't it illegal for them to modify the plot like this?" Daniel exclaimed angrily, "Even if 83 people stand there and let us kill them, they will be exhausted."

In the second act of Du Yu's envoy to Soochow, Daniel and the others seemed to be staying under Liu Bei's command. Their martial arts value had risen to more than [-], and they were also exchanged for the rank of a school lieutenant, showing off their might in front of Du Yu.

In his opinion, Du Yu must have sunk in the second act, otherwise why didn't he redeem his military merits?

At this time, Liu Bei's side was not as embarrassed as it was at the beginning. Anyway, it was a side with nearly 100 troops.A school lieutenant can command [-] soldiers and subordinates, which is considered a good combat power.On the battlefield, you can earn more martial arts points for adventurers.

Therefore, in the third act, on the eve of the Battle of Chibi, almost all the adventurers are desperately looking for their lords, quartermasters, blacksmiths, etc., to exchange the military merit points accumulated in the previous two acts for official positions, weapons, supplies, etc. , Transform the accumulation into instant combat power, so as not to lose the battle, and the people leave without spending money, and be a dead ghost.

But Du Yu has never acted.

His martial arts value at this time, after the accumulation of the second act, has reached a high score of 43850, still No. 1 among all adventurers.

But Du Yu didn't move.

"Everyone, the military division has an order, please rush to the military division, there is a task!" The messenger arrived.

Liu Beifang and everyone rushed to the warship where the military division was.

Although Zhuge Liang followed Zhou Yu back to the front line, as the plenipotentiary representative of Liu Beifang, he has been stationed around Zhou Yu's big tent and has not returned to Youjiangkou.

As a guard, Zhao Yun naturally had to stay by Zhuge Liang's side. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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