Chapter 1142: The Straw Boat Borrows Arrows!Attack Wulin at night! - Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch!
Liu Beifang's adventurers have two choices, either follow Liu Bei to fight the Battle of Chibi, or follow Zhuge Liang to fight.Many people chose Zhuge Liang, because Liu Bei's side was too boring.Only at the end of the war did he attack the retreating Cao army.Many people speculate that on the Soochow side, they can get more opportunities.

Don't forget, after the third act, it is only qualified if it is calmed down. Only when the fourth, fifth, or even the hidden sixth act is successfully passed, can the maximum benefit be obtained.

Although the front line is dangerous, every risk comes with a reward.

There are also some adventurers who seek stability and stay with Liu Bei, but they also have to perform many tasks, and the difficulty is not necessarily less than that of their colleagues on the front line of Chibi.

Seeing these subordinates coming, Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Today, the chief inspector discussed with our army. It is said that Cao's army is powerful, but Dongwu lacks the sharp weapon for water warfare on the river - arrows. I want the governor to build ten arrows within three days. Thousands of arrows. I have also issued a military order. But I am too busy to complete this task. From tonight, you can go out and prepare arrows for me. Whether it is stealing, robbing, or cheating, the military division does not care .Anyway, after three days, the heroes will be judged by the number of arrows they take out. The more the better, if the number is less than a thousand arrows, they will be expelled!"

He waved his crane cloak, very powerful.

Everyone was stunned.

"Compulsory tasks for the third act: 1. [Borrowing Arrows from a Grass Boat]. Soochow is short of bows and arrows. Zhuge Liang asks you to collect [-] arrows within three days, the more the better. Every time you submit an arrow Arrows, get a little martial arts value. Adventurers who can't produce a thousand arrows in three days will be eliminated from this bloody city gate."

The adventurers were stunned.

The first thing they see is not risk, not elimination, but opportunity!

There are [-] arrows, and each arrow is exchanged for a point of martial arts value, which means

The highest martial arts value of this mission can be exchanged for [-] points!
Of course, as a strategic weapon, arrows are not Chinese cabbages, you can get them wherever you want.

These brain-struggling adventurers immediately showed their magical powers across the sea.

Someone figured it out. It turned out that when I went to the workshop of Soochow, I helped day and night. Within three days, I could barely get 6 or 7 arrows, and then took out some accumulated martial arts points and exchanged them with the quartermaster. Not worried about being eliminated.

But this kind of hard labor practice is obviously not in line with the appetite of most adventurers.

Daniel was smarter. He took some members of Group A and Sixth Group, crossed the river secretly, attacked a small patrol team of Cao Jun, and escaped into the Yangtze River before Cao Jun's tiger and leopard cavalry came.

They killed a dozen archers and looted 500 arrows.

This feat inspires hungry adventurers.

More adventurers have invested in the adventure.

But it may not always be so smooth.

A team that tried to reenact Zhuge Liang's trick of borrowing arrows from straw boats suffered bad luck!
They tied up a lot of scarecrows, and under the cover of thick river fog, they approached Cao Jun's water army camp.

Then they beat gongs and drums, talked and laughed happily, and counted on Cao Cao's army, horse archers and infantry archers, to project arrows over like in the romance.

In their view, where is the arrow projected?It is clearly the martial arts value of Baihuahua!
But tragedy happened.

Cao Jun's adventurers have obviously read Romance of the Three Kingdoms.The tragedy of reading less and bullying me did not happen to Cao Caojun.

They did shoot arrows.

But, it's a rocket.

The tragic adventurers who wanted to imitate straw boats and borrow arrows, instead of waiting for arrows, they waited for death instead!

The straw boat and straw man immediately caught fire, spinning in Jiang's heart!

Adventurers who have nowhere to escape can only brave the rain of rockets and seem to jump into the heart of the river!
But the adventurers of the Cao army had already shown their ferocious faces with hunger and thirst. They not only persuaded Cao Cao and Zhang Liao and Zhang He to kill the enemy with rockets, but also lurked around. Beat the dog in the water.

Blood stained the surface of the river red.

There were more than 20 adventurers from Liu Beijun and Zhou Yujun who went to the grass boat to borrow arrows. They didn't borrow arrows, and they ruined their lives in the Yangtze River.

After Daniel successfully robbed and killed the patrol team once, Cao Jun became more cautious in his actions.

Three days have passed and two days have passed, but out of [-] arrows, only [-] were obtained, and the rest have no hope of success.

This time it was the turn of the coolie adventurers who went to help the bow and arrow workshop, laughing loudly at the others.

The adventurers are dejected, can they really only pay out of their own pockets and go to the quartermaster to buy arrows to pass the level?
But at this time, Du Yu stood up.

He made an offer that was hard to refuse.

He said that he happened to know an internal adventurer in Cao Jun's camp, and he was willing to take money to open the gate of a certain camp of Cao Jun, and then the adventurers on his side could go to rob the camp!

Robbing the camp can naturally get a large number of Cao Jun's bows and arrows.

It's not that no one raised objections to Du Yu's plan.

After all, Cao Cao's army is 83, and the camps are connected one by one. The difficulty of robbing the camps is really chilling.

But more adventurers are quite sure about trying to rob the camp, whether successful or not, jumping into the Yangtze River to escape.

Under the stimulation of [-] martial arts value, sometimes people do get hotheaded.
What's more, these people's subordinates are more or less subordinates.For example, Daniel has 100 Liu Beijun soldiers.

In particular, Du Yu himself announced that he would lead more than 20 people from the wolf pupil team to the robbery camp.

The wolf pupil team has a great reputation, and many people know it.

Du Yu's reputation has become the best golden signboard.

Du Yu even took out a trump card.

It is about to be banned.

Yu Jin is a general of the Cao army and is very familiar with Cao Cao's formation.He patted his chest and promised that if he went to rob the camp himself, he would avoid Cao Jun's demonic generals and lead everyone back to the camp on the south bank.

And Du Yu was so powerful that he actually persuaded the three generals of the Eastern Wu Army to join the battle!

Three Kingdoms Warriors story female generals!

Sun Shangxiang!
Big Joe!


The addition of these three beauties made the adventurers Liu Bei and Zhou Yu, who had some doubts about the sneak attack plan, extremely excited and their emotions reached their peak!
In their view, being able to recruit any strong general can greatly increase the chances of success in robbing the camp.

What's more, this time, three generals were dispatched in one breath.

Although these beauties are delicate and tender, people can't wait to take a bite, but there is no doubt about their strength, they are very powerful.

Michelle asked Du Yu how he did it, and Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

He also has the secret game of step trainer, and he is also acting secretly, so he must succeed once!
Of course, the three Soochow female generals did not participate in the battle alone.At least behind Sun Shangxiang, there are hundreds of women soldiers trained by her, whose powerful throwing knife skills made Cao Jun die quietly.

So, stimulated by a series of good news, the adventurers who were not willing to pay for it out of their own pockets united like never before and formed a coalition.

More than 120 adventurers participated in this camp hijacking operation.

The two armies and private armies they mobilized exceeded 3000 people.

This is no longer a simple camp robbery. It can be understood as a tentative attack by Sun Liujun on Cao Jun's camp.

The night shift is deeper.

Cao Jun's land camp, a camp of the You Jun.

Cao Jun's patrol team came and went like weaving. The brightly lit camp, the gates, and the watchtowers were full of alert archers.

Although there have been some epidemics caused by the unacceptable climate in the Cao army, in land combat, the Cao army is still the most powerful force in the world, bar none.

Suddenly, from the darkness of the dark night, two reincarnation weapons swished out!
Sun Moon Universe Circle!
Sun Shangxiang's proud attack skills!
These two sun, moon, and universe circles flew up to the watchtower in an instant, and took the lives of four Cao Jun soldiers who were on guard and watching!

Blood splattered, heads flew around, and the four soldiers didn't know where the god of death came from until they died!

"Sneak attack!"

A dozen or so archers on the gate noticed the abnormality, but they were about to beat drums and gongs to warn the enemy, but hundreds of throwing knives flew out from the darkness, piercing their throats and chests with incomparable precision.

These soldiers of the Cao army were stabbed dozens of times, and they died instantly.

The three patrols near Cao Jun were attacked silently by 120 adventurers at the same time. The hundreds of Cao Jun were all killed without even a single scream!

Cao Jun's seamless night patrol line was disintegrated in an instant.

In the dark, 10 adventurers who are best at dismantling organs, alarm devices and magic traps are detected like civet cats, and they detect all possible traps left by the adventurers of Cao Jun in all directions.

The so-called one thing falls one thing, any subtle trap, in the eyes of experts, has traces to follow.

After a mere 30 seconds, the 8 alarm devices and magic traps placed here by Cao Jun adventurers have been pulled out one by one.

The sleeping Cao Jun camp, like a beauty with a naked fruit, is finally exposed in front of the adventurers of the Sun-Liu Alliance who are stretching out their sharp knives ferociously!

Du Yu let out a low growl.

The team responsible for going out to destroy the defense of the camp rushed up immediately, and without disturbing Cao Jun's warning bells and warning dogs, all the defensive devices such as antlers, fence walls, parapets, and horse traps in Cao Jun's camp were destroyed, and they drove out. Three safe passages.In the case of division of labor and cooperation, and the best use of people, the characteristics and potentials of adventurers are quickly transformed into powerful team capabilities.

"Go!" Du Yu waved his hand.

Sun Shangxiang took the lead, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she rushed in with the sun and moon circle.Her detachment of women followed suit.

Sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao also waved the highest-level weapons fans [Qiao Meili] and [Qiao Jiali], and jumped into the gap of Cao Ying.

When the adventurers saw Wushuang rushing in, their morale was boosted, and they rushed into Cao Ying roaring.

Immediately, cheers, shouts of killing, and screams came from Cao Ying.

In order to delay Cao Jun's rescue as much as possible and create chaos, Du Yu also sent some adventurers to disperse the attack and pretend to attack other camps as suspects. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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