Chapter 1143 Retail investors are cheated by the leader! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Thanks to the new lord, "It's Papa who hit you", ask for a monthly ticket in the tenth shift!
The adventurers who rushed in took out the high-efficiency ignition objects brought into this world from the space, such as incendiary bombs, and threw them at the sleeping Cao Jun's tent one after another.A tent can sleep up to 50 Cao soldiers.An incendiary bomb can burn at least 20-30 people to death, which can be called a big killer for plundering martial arts value.

Sun Liu's soldiers following behind the adventurer also pulled out their torches and set fire to the sleeping Cao Jun's camp!

For a time, fires broke out everywhere in Cao Jun's barracks, and the sky and river were reddened by the fire.

"Time is limited!" Du Yu roared angrily, "Don't be greedy to kill the enemy, hurry up and grab the bows and arrows in the military camp!"

This really needs no reminder.The adventurers knew very well that Cao Jun's camp was monolithic, able to take advantage of the chaos, and the time window for robbing bows and arrows was very short.Daniel and others took the lead and rushed into the small military supply camp located in the center of the tent, and had a fierce battle with the night patrolling troops.

Sun Shangxiang's circle of the sun, the moon and the universe is like two scythes wielding in the hands of the god of death, constantly throwing, cutting, retracting, and throwing again.Wherever he passed, Cao Jun's head rolled around and he screamed again and again.Sun Shangxiang's anger aroused by Cao Cao can only be appeased by the mountain of Cao Jun's corpses.

The women's army behind her can also be called a big killer.From time to time, groups of Cao Jun would burn out from the burning tent, crying and rushing out, only to see the female soldiers flashing coldly, throwing knives at their throats, falling back and falling again. Into the sea of ​​fire.

Zhang Sanfeng, Tattaglia, Maishela, Li Tang, Ai Ning, Guo Fu, Guo Xiang and other adventurers from the wolf pupil team also charged forward, collecting Cao Jun's bows and arrows everywhere.

Due to the extremely accurate information of Yu Jin, General Cao Jun, the wolf pupil team was the first to discover the secret camp where Cao Jun hoarded military supplies.The guarding General Xiahoubao of the Cao Army was quite capable. Even if he was suddenly attacked by surprise, he remained calm in the face of danger. He commanded the army and horses to protect the military supply camp.

Seen from the air, the Sun Liu coalition army rushing into Cao Jun's camp was like a huge flame dragon, quickly igniting many camps immersed in the darkness, with great power and momentum.

The three connected camps were also attacked by adventurers who responded with varying degrees of intensity, and two camps were breached, setting fire to chaos.

However, Cao Jun's [-] dry villages are like giant beasts stalking in the dark. Although Du Yu's adventurer coalition forces suddenly attacked at night and broke three minions, more powerful muscles are still lurking in the dark. , ready to devour this wave of overwhelmed raiders at any time.

"Quick!" Du Yu raised his head and looked at the sky.

Xiaoguan and Molier, as double insurance scout beasts, have been soaring in the sky late at night, monitoring the pace of Cao Jun's rescue.

Xiaoguan has already issued a warning that the enemy group is moving and needs to prepare to retreat.

"How much did we grab?" Du Yu asked Maishela through the walkie-talkie.

Mai Shela looked excited: "General Yu Jin's estimation is correct, Cao Jun's supplies are indeed here, and they have already succeeded. There are about [-] arrows! We also found another storage point, and we should be able to loot more. This time, everyone's martial arts value will definitely fetch a sky-high price!"

"No!" Du Yu resolutely said, "Tell everyone, retreat immediately! You must lead the wolf pupil team and withdraw from the battle immediately. No matter how many arrows you collect!"

Michelle looked at the excited adventurers on the side, Americans Daniel, Michelle, Russian Kuba, Indian Deni, all frantically plundering bow and arrow resources.The bows and arrows piled up all over the floor are white flowers, and they can be exchanged for martial arts value of many good things!

But for a long time, Du Yu's prestige made Michela immediately and decisively carry out the order!

"The wolf pupil team obeys! Withdraw immediately, no matter how much you collect! I repeat, see you at the breach in 30 seconds. I won't wait for a second!"

Michelle acted resolutely and sent orders to every adventurer.

The adventurers of the wolf pupil team immediately turned in and retreated in the direction they came.

"We are leaving. I strongly recommend that you also withdraw from the battle." Mai Shela said calmly: "Cao Jun's reinforcements came faster than expected. The window is almost gone."

Seeing how timid these wolf pupils are, Daniel smiled contemptuously: "If you want to go, you can go. I just broke through a military supply point guarded by Cao Jun. According to my information, no matter how fast Cao Jun is, there are still 5 minutes left." It’s just arrived. Could it be that you snatched it, so you don’t want us to get more martial arts points?”

Michelle shrugged, and hurried to the retreat point.

But at this moment, Du Yu winked at Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao.

The three unparalleled female generals immediately understood and sneaked into the darkness.

Du Yu also disappeared.

The four of them hid in the darkness, advancing instead of retreating, and rushed towards another direction deep in Cao Jun's camp.

Cao Jun has been completely alarmed. If the same prehistoric giant animal was woken up by a sneak attack in its deep sleep, it mobilizes its army and horses furiously. There are chaos everywhere, people's voices and horses shouting everywhere. The fastest responding tiger and leopard cavalry troops are already fighting hard. , Passed through the passage between the camps, and rushed to the camp that was attacked.

Yu Ji's figure appeared in the darkness, with a smile on the corner of his goatee's mouth: "Ah, you did a good job. You actually launched such a large-scale night attack and attracted Cao Jun's attention to the other side. It is very convenient for us Rescue Mr. Tong Yuan!"

Not bad!

This is exactly Du Yu's strategy.

There is a plan in the plan.

In fact, he didn't take Zhuge Liang's task of "Borrowing Arrows from a Straw Boat" to heart at all. His goal was actually to rescue Tong Yuan!
Tong Yuan's relationship with [Taiping Essentials] is related to Da Qiao's surrender.The value is much higher than the mere tens of thousands of military honors.

Coincidentally, the task of [Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows] gave Du Yu the conditions to integrate adventurer resources and launch a night attack on Cao Jun.So Du Yu followed suit.

To be honest, the 120 adventurers and the 3000 Sun-Liu coalition forces who attacked Cao Ying tonight are just victims of Du Yu's deceitful deception!
Yes, it is a victim.

Because Du Yu knew that Cao Cao had a crystal of true knowledge that could detect the surroundings.It is impossible for the sneak attack of the three thousand grandson and Liu allied forces to hide from Crystal's investigation.

In order to make Cao Cao trust and value this crystal more, Du Yu did not use the power of the Star Dome to shield this sneak attack!

Cao Cao had discovered this group of raiders long ago, but he deliberately lured them away, creating the illusion that Cao Jun was unprepared, the army was chaotic, and the rescue was slow to come to the raiders!

The purpose is to wipe out the raiders!
"It's almost activated now?" Du Yu turned his head away and shrugged regretfully.

He didn't necessarily want these adventurers to be cannon fodder. In fact, when the space crisis was approaching, Du Yu still did his best to tell them that the danger was approaching. After getting the bow and arrow, don't be greedy and run away quickly.

If they are willing to accept as soon as they are good like the wolf pupil team, even though Cao Cao's side has set up a killing trap, they may not be able to keep many people.

However, the sound of fierce fighting and flames from the breach outside the camp indicated that the greedy man was still intercepted and killed by Cao Cao's ambush.

"Cao Cao is really ruthless." Sun Shangxiang had lingering fears in his heart: "The Cao soldiers I killed definitely didn't look like they knew about it in advance. They were burned to death and killed, and it definitely didn't look like a fake."

"Of course Cao Cao didn't tell them about tonight's sneak attack." Du Yu raised his lips and said, "How can a hero like him take the lives of thousands of people in his eyes? With Cao's 83 troops, he can kill Sun Liu one by one. The soldiers of the allied forces are considered a victory for Cao Cao."

He turned to the place where the flames were soaring into the sky, and said with a wry smile: "I hope those greedy fools of Daniel will not be killed by Cao Cao, right?"

At this time, Daniel, Michelle, Deni and others really regretted each other.

They rushed to the outskirts of the camp in a hurry, and were about to plunge into the Yangtze River to retreat when they saw the outskirts. Cao Jun's iron cavalry, with bright torches, and a well-organized lineup, the leading general, with glaring eyebrows, and leaping swords and horses, stood in the middle and roared loudly: "Sun Liushu, how dare you sneak attack on my camp? Don't you know that Prime Minister Cao has a clever plan, and has already put down the bait to catch golden turtles? The prime minister has a full view of your night attack tonight! I, Zhang Wenyuan, will take your life today!"

He waved.

Among Cao Jun's iron cavalry, dozens of infantry archers stepped out one after another, taking bows and crossbows together, thousands of bows and arrows, and aimed at the shocked adventurers and the soldiers of Sun Liu who exchanged behind them at the same time!


"How to do?"

"Where are those people in Du Yu?"

"Damn it, they jumped into the river one step ahead and ran away long ago!"

"How do we escape?"

On Zhang Liao's calm face, there was no wave in the ancient well, and he waved his hand suddenly.

There was only a sound of collapse, and thousands of bows and arrows shot in a salvo. The bright moon and the bright galaxy in the night sky were all covered by the locust-like rain of arrows, and the sky was dark!
The god of death began to wreak havoc among the crowd, and the Sun Liu soldiers in cloth armor screamed and fell under the powerful bow and crossbow of Cao Jun's famous and powerful lion!
In terms of strength in the initial battle, the Sun-Liu coalition army is far from being able to compare with Cao Jun, whose morale is high and the ambush is successful at this time. In addition, the opponent has Zhang Liao and other famous generals in command, it is simply a one-sided massacre!

Just when Daniel and the others were at a loss, they heard the sound of a clapper, and suddenly three more army horses came out from the connected camps!
One Cao Ren, one Zhang He, one Xiahou Dun!

The three great generals, each with [-] elite soldiers, launched an assault at the same time!
The coalition of adventurers trapped in the sea of ​​flames, like mice in a bellows, was caught in the pincers of Cao Jun's generals, and soon completely collapsed.

Daniel scolded Du Yu for framing him, dropped 100 Liu Bei sergeants, used the teleportation scroll, and fled to the Yangtze River.His heart was bleeding, and the 100 sergeants had to give up before they had accomplished an inch.According to Liu Bei's military law, if you lose the captain of the army, you will be severely punished.Even if he is not beheaded, he will lose his official position.

10000 martial arts points, it's just a waste of time.

But on the edge of the Yangtze River, is there no one to stop it? (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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