Chapter 1144 Chapter 104 Hidden Mission!Save Tong Yuan! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Daniel and some adventurers escaped, but ran into dozens of adventurers from the sneering Cao Cao army.

"What? You've only been here for a while and you're leaving?" A young man from Tang Dynasty said coldly, "Since you're here, don't even think about leaving alive!"

Although the gate of the Scarlet City is closed this time, fighting each other is not encouraged, but it is not prohibited.

For adventurers, plundering the collections of other adventurers is the fastest way to get rich, not one of them.

How can killing people and getting rich faster by farming and getting rich?

What's more, this kind of opportunity to beat the dog in the water doesn't come every day.

Daniel was completely desperate.

As adventurers, the fate of myself and others can be imagined in other people's territory.

Cao Cao sat quietly in the camp tent, looking at the crystal of true knowledge, the warriors of the Sun-Liu coalition army who came in at night, were defeated by the killing situation he arranged, and smiled triumphantly.

Soochow and Liu Bei are the last stumbling blocks for him to unify the world.

Such a beautiful anti-night attack victory is exactly the rhythm of victory that Cao Cao expected!
Cheng Yu, Xun You and others watched from the sidelines, also admiring the prime minister's strategy and the crystal of true knowledge.

Cai Mao flattered him even more: "The prime minister has far-sighted plans and clever calculations, which are beyond the reach of ordinary people. In addition, this baby can monitor the surroundings, which is even more powerful. Liu Bei and Sun Quan, how could they expect our army to have such a magic weapon?"

Zhang Yun frowned and said with a smirk: "Prime Minister, since we won a big victory tonight, why not let us lead the Jingzhou navy and march towards Sanjiangkou tomorrow morning, and call Zhou Yu's child, how many catties and taels?"

Cao Cao looked at the soldiers of Sun and Liu, who were cut down by the intruding tiger and leopard cavalry, and said with a smile: "Okay! Break the enemy tonight, and break the formation tomorrow! It depends on your performance tomorrow!"

With a scroll of spells attached to Yu Ji's feet, he walked like the wind, and said in a deep voice, "Let's leave other people alone. Have you figured out where Mr. Tong Yuan is imprisoned?"

"Yeah." Du Yu smiled, holding a weather compass in his hand: "Thanks to A Ming's good view of the overall situation, even if he has flesh and bones, he is not willing to leave the position of guarding Tong Yuan. We were able to find him."

"We have to fight quickly." Yu Ji sighed: "Cao Jun's attention will be diverted to the gap in the east, and it won't be long. Those straw bales won't last long."

"Who? A secret signal?" Suddenly a group of Cao Jun's secret whistle came out of the dark and shouted.

"Call your sister!" Yu Ji said with a smile and pointed at her without any pretensions.

Two fairy talismans were pasted on Cao Jun's dark whistle, and these unlucky bastards immediately turned into flying ash amidst screams

"There are no traces of this kind of killing." Du Yu exclaimed as he watched the group of more than a dozen Cao troops disappear in an instant and vanish with the wind.

At the same time, he glanced at Big Joe calmly.

Da Qiao's gaze was calm, and he didn't show any killing intent towards Ji, which made Du Yu couldn't help feeling that women are born actors.

Yu Ji was eloquent: "After I got the key to Taiping, I was successful in cultivating immortals. I can't kill me by beheading or burning me. This kind of thing is just a matter of effort. How come the camp hasn't arrived yet?"

Du Yu pointed to a heavily guarded and brightly lit large garrison in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "That's it."

Cao Cao is a master of the art of war. When setting up the formation, he pays attention to both offense and defense. Even if he sets up a camp, he is deeply integrated with the art of war, combining offense with defense.Among the camps stretching for more than 40 miles, there are garrison camps that emphasize defense, supply camps that store supplies, recuperation camps that garrison troops, and assault garrison camps that hoard horses, etc. Not one size fits all.Yu Jin said that this would allow the bloated Cao army to dispatch by division of arms as quickly as possible after encountering a sneak attack.

"This garrison camp is located in the deepest part of Cao Jun's camp. It goes deep into Cao Jun's hinterland and is surrounded by dozens of various camps. If the enemy finds out, we will die very quickly," Sun Shangxiang said, looking around.

"That's right." Yu Ji smiled, his goatee twitching, looking very obscene: "So the key to this battle is a quick victory. And Du Yu is quite smart, and he used those cannon fodder to influence Cao Jun's judgment with night raids. Now the surrounding camps are almost all adding troops to the place under attack, and the reaction time is half a quarter later than usual. But I estimate that once the attack is made, Cao Jun's reinforcements will arrive at the latest in a quarter (15 minutes). "

"Then let's make a quick decision!" Du Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

What does Tong Yuan, Zhao Yun's master, look like?
He received a space prompt: "You triggered the hidden mission [Save Tong Yuan]."

"Rewards for completing the task: 1. You will gain the favor of Tong Yuan, Sima Hui, Yu Ji, and Zhao Yun. 2. You will get the incomplete map of the second half of [Taiping Essentials]."

"Task time limit: 15 minutes."

"Guarding the enemy: Amin and other mechanical guards. Cao Jun's elite third-tier and fourth-tier troops."

"Third-rank soldiers and fourth-rank soldiers?" Du Yu was startled.

Since entering this world, I have seen the settings of the highest rank four soldiers.But apart from the battle at Changbanpo, where they met tiger and leopard cavalry, no other fourth-tier soldiers have appeared on the stage, and there are very few third-tier soldiers.

"Such a high-level unit is guarding Tongyuan? This battle is not easy to fight."

Even Yu Ji expressed emotion.

His so-called immortal body is not omnipotent - if that is the case, how can it be Cao Cao and Sun Ce's turn to rule the world?However, Yu Ji's strong attack power and strange body skills are indeed above the general military generals, even the Three Kingdoms Warriors generals.

No wonder Da Qiao has Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao to help him, so he may not be sure to keep Yu Ji.Only with the help of Du Yu can we be sure of success with one blow at the critical moment.

The helpers brought out by Du Yu this time, besides Sun Shangxiang, Daqiao and Xiaoqiao, are also his adopted brother Zhang Sanfeng, Jiang Yujin and the chosen one Tataglia.Mai Shela and Li Tang wanted to take the wolf pupil team to withdraw, but they didn't participate.

Of course, in this operation, Du Yu instructed Galadriel to use the Star Dome to shield Cao Cao's crystal of true knowledge, making Cao's army more slack and easy to attack.

After approaching the gate of the village, Du Yu used the invisibility skill in the Lord of the Rings to swagger and penetrate the heavily guarded gate and watchtower of Cao Jun.

As expected of Cao Jun's confidant, just Cao Jun guarding the Yuanmen has 30 iron tower-like magic sword soldiers with the special ability of stabbing, and 30 magic sword guards who can sweep across.Standing on the four watchtowers, there are 40 heavy crossbowmen (armour-penetrating arrows), arranged a hundred steps behind the gate, and five consecutive crossbow carts. The rock-piercing arrow shone with icy light under the moonlight.It is conceivable that if someone dares to rush into the camp brazenly, what awaits them is the rain of hundreds of rock-piercing arrows that can penetrate heavy armor in an instant!It would be miserable for someone to die.

Inside the camp, Du Yu also saw the legendary three-level troops, hammer soldiers and steel ball soldiers.Cao Jun is indeed a land tiger. This powerful tin can, a big killer, was also brought by Cao Cao, ready to conquer the whole country.

Du Yu turned around, saw clearly, and was secretly thankful.

In fact, it was also thanks to his invisibility, otherwise Amin's mechanical guards deployed in the dark would probably find his tracks and make this sneak attack fail.

To sneak attack on such a heavily guarded camp, the only chance of victory is to inflict heavy damage on Cao Jun at the very beginning!
Du Yu figured out Cao Jun's arrangement, invaded the inside of Cao Jun's camp, and suddenly summoned all the beautiful warriors!

Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan appeared on the eastern watchtower. Before they could send any signal, 10 stunned heavy crossbowmen were directly beheaded by the Huashan swordsmanship of the mother and daughter through the armor!

On the western watchtower, Fu Junzhuo, a Korean female swordsman, was raided.

The southern and northern watchtowers were handed over to Fu Junyu and Fu Junqiang.

The beauties did not disappoint Du Yu. Before they could utter a scream, the beauties had their throats pierced on the four watchtowers.

Yu Ji, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Sun Shangxiang, and Du Yu's concubines Xuan, Wan Wan, Shang Xiuxun, and Shan Wanjing all joined forces to attack the divine sword soldiers and imperial sword guards guarding the gate at the same time!
Although there were as many as 60 of them, the people who did it were all absolutely strong.

With one move of Yu Ji's immortal technique, thunderbolts fell one after another, and the space was firmly sealed off.There is no sound coming out from inside!
Even in such an absolutely unfavorable battle situation, these elite tigers in Cao's army showed amazing combat power.

The magic sword soldier held a long knife that was one foot long, and used the team to stab, and saw the lights of the knife flashing, and Sun Shangxiang, who was attacking bravely, was killed by these elite soldiers, and flew back backwards, with the knife on his thigh!

The Divine Sword guards, using their long swords, launched a sweep, which also caused the sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao who rushed forward to return without success.

"Strong attack!" Yu Ji became fierce for a while, and with a wave of his hand, five spells flew out, transforming into five flying swords in the air, and after spinning rapidly one after another, four or five magic sword soldiers spit out blood, dripping blood from the cut, and staggered out .

However, as the long-sword soldiers and the divine sword guards gradually drew in, this surprise attack was likely to become the drive for a tough battle.

Sun Shangxiang, who was lurking in the dark, waved his hand, and the flying knives shot like a storm, but what was unexpected was that these long-sword soldiers and sword guards were different from ordinary cannon fodder soldiers, wearing tough leather armor, flying knives It was like rain, but there was no response when he shot at them.And these warriors who are proficient in swords can draw their knives and dial the flying knives. Except for 3 or 4 who were shot in the throat and eyes and died tragically, the others shrank, showing good military accomplishment and strength.

In a critical moment, Du Yu waved his hand.

Suddenly, 5 or 6 of these long-sword soldiers and sword guards in the front row fell down at the same time!
In the darkness, Serena was holding Bartley, and Leah was holding the legendary crossbow, coldly killing these warriors of Cao's army.

But their strength is not enough to kill so many strong men at the same time.

Another slender and charming figure flipped in the night sky, shooting out one after another wind-breaking crossbows.All Cao Jun who was targeted by her fell to the ground and died immediately!

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(End of this chapter)

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