Chapter 1145 The Elf Army!Massacre Cao Ying! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The 60 long-sword soldiers and sword guards guarding the gate, seeing the tortoise defending and encountering the enemy's long-range sniper, were completely cracked, looked at each other and rushed out.

But Sun Shangxiang, who had been aggrieved for a long time, immediately used a fierce and mighty Wushuang big move, beheaded more than a dozen powerful Cao Wei warriors, and completely smashed the enemy's countercharge.

The sneak attackers killed all the sword soldiers and sword guards, and rushed into the gate.

The five terrifying and murderous weapons on the inside, the crossbow machine, have fallen into collapse at this time.

The beauty team summoned by Du Yu, Xiaolongnv, Dugufeng, Li Qinglu, Zhou Zhiruo, Li Xiuning, and Song Yuzhi are making crazy moves to destroy these powerful machines.

The operators of these crossbow machines are still turning the machine dutifully inside, trying to stop the enemy, but with a bang, they are destined to be unable to shoot

Guarding the Arborist, destroyed.

The robot guards deployed everywhere were completely destroyed by Yilin, Elizabeth, Haierfa, Li Mochou and others sent by Du Yu.

It only took 34 seconds from the start of the battle to the present, without making a sound, let alone alarming Cao Jun, but Du Yu was already in a cold sweat.

This cooperation is really wonderful and extremely dangerous!

As long as there is a mistake in cooperation, Cao Jun will sound the alarm, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

It is also Du Yulai's lineup, which is too strong, so strong that Cao Jun's guard is so strict, it is still difficult to escape.

Du Yu was even more generous with a wave of his hand.

Galadriel, Arwen, and Iowyn brought more than 1000 elf warriors and appeared in the hinterland of Cao Jun with a murderous look.

In order to ensure the success of this hijacking, Du Yu did not hesitate to place all his bets at once!
Be sure to use absolute strength to crush Amin, that cunning chosen one.Let him pile up his hole cards to death before he has time to activate them!

Not only Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were stunned, but even the infantry trainer who was hiding in the dark, his eyes lit up .

This Du Yu is really mysterious, who is it?

Tataglia murmured: "This bastard, so there is such a hole card?"

She was a little dizzy when she saw the crowds of beauties and strong men. She didn't expect that Du Yu could even do these elf warriors and archers in the Lord of the Rings!

Is this still the chosen one?

Under the command of the Elven Queen, the Elven warriors quickly occupied every vital point, especially the barracks.

They sneaked into the barracks secretly.

The cold elf's long knife quietly cut the throats of the sleeping soldiers of Cao Jun.These long-sword soldiers, sword guards, strong bow soldiers, heavy crossbowmen, hammer soldiers, and steel ball soldiers, which were five times more valuable than ordinary soldiers, didn't have any skill power, and they just died tragically among Du Yu's thousands of elite soldiers. warrior.

In each camp, there were dozens of elf warriors fighting at the same time, without even making a scream, Du Yu's account was beating, with 300-400 more martial arts points!
It is also thanks to these elf fighters with difficulty in the inner city, who move like the wind in the dark night, are as light as a cat, and can't make a sound, so they have such a surprise attack effect.With the usual Sun Liu coalition army, it is absolutely impossible to fight such a surprise attack!

1000 elven warriors work together, and they can slaughter thousands of elite Cao troops at one time!

They are well-trained, from one tent to another camp.

Under the horrified gazes of Tattaglia, Sun Shangxiang, step trainers and others, these elf armies really did not alarm a single enemy, and kept creating massacres in the dark.

The 5000 elite Cao troops stationed here had turned into 25000 martial arts points without any resistance in a blink of an eye, and were put into Du Yu's pocket.

After only ten breaths, Cao Jun's heavily defended camp turned into a lifeless camp.

From the ventilated place below the countless camps, streams of fresh blood slowly flowed out. The sweet smell of blood wafted in the quiet night sky, giving people an indescribable deterrent force.

This is the power of Du Yu's elite, displaying a terrifying combat power!
Yu Ji, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lian Shi, and Tattaglia continued to be in awe.

Sun Shangxiang's beautiful eyes flashed with excitement.

This time when Cao Jun was attacked at night, Du Yu unexpectedly returned his carbine for the second time!
Although the first sneak attack was countered by Cao Jun, the power of returning the carbine for the second time was enough to make Cao Jun dizzy.

The loss of the 5000 elite infantry, I am afraid that Cao Cao will be furious when he hears this!
For the Sun-Liu Allied Army who are eager to break the myth of Cao Jun's invincibility, this time's record can be greatly publicized.Not only was the night attack not a failure tonight, but it turned defeat into victory with brilliant results.

As soon as she waved her hand, those capable female soldiers immediately went up, chopped off the heads of Cao Jun's third-rank elite soldiers, and carried them back in their bags as evidence to promote their achievements when they went back.

The step trainer also had beautiful eyes flashing.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu had such a power hidden in the dark, which wiped out all Cao's garrison in an instant.

Xiao Qiao secretly patted her sister on the shoulder: "It seems that this Du Yu is not easy. I hope my sister's big revenge will be avenged."

This camp turned out to be hostile, and it actually became a camp occupied by Du Yu's army.Thousands of elf warriors firmly controlled the heights of the watchtowers and gates, and their bows and arrows pointed directly at the big tent in the center.

"Go!" Du Yu waved his hand.

The big tent in the center is brightly lit.

Yu Ji took the lead and rushed to the gate of the camp.

Cao Cao's attention at this time should still be on the fierce battle in the east, and it will take at least a quarter of an hour for the camp to come to help.

In this way, victory can be expected.

But the moment Yu Ji stepped into the big tent, a dazzling light flashed from the big tent!

"Is this a space-time prop? Teleportation?"

Du Yu and Tataglia looked at each other in astonishment.

"You really are here!" Amin's loud laughter sounded from the big tent: "My tent has been converted into a maze by me using space magic props. If outsiders step in, they will be teleported in immediately. Of course This is also your only chance to rescue Tong Yuan. Although you are scheming and scheming, you are only 10 minutes away from Cao Jun's rescue. Come in or not, it depends on your decision."

Du Yu gritted his teeth: "You bastard, you are really loyal to Cao Cao? Why don't you go to the Yangtze River to make a fortune? But you want to stick to it here?"

Amin said gloomyly: "Because his space demon seed belongs to me! You idiot!"

Du Yu suddenly realized that A Ming, like himself, also noticed Cao Cao's space demon seed, and was determined to deceive Cao Cao's trust and seize it.

This Amin's many designs really formed a deterrent to Du Yu and others.In this big tent, it is estimated that there are many ambushes, and it will take a great risk to enter.But if he didn't go in, all previous efforts would be wasted, how could Du Yu be willing?

"Hmph! How can you scare us with such a trick?" Sun Shangxiang has a delicate personality, and bravely rushed into the big tent.

Da Qiao didn't fall behind, as long as Yu Ji went, she would definitely follow her.

Du Yu saw that all the beauties had gone, why couldn't he go?
He gritted his teeth and stepped into the big tent.

Sure enough, a space magic array is arranged here.

It looks like a big tent with only more than 100 square meters, but there is a hole in the sky when you rush in.

The huge space is empty, forming a large building complex similar to a palace.The light inside was dim, with only one torch shining brightly.

"Hehe" Amin's laughter came: "Welcome to my portable space, the Minotaur maze."

"The Minotaur maze?" Du Yuxin said how could it be such a coincidence, he has the heart of a castle, and this guy has the Minotaur maze.But the heart of the castle does not seem to have the function of luring the enemy in to form a home court advantage.

"Yes," A Ming said with a long smile: "This is my home field, and I will discipline you whether you come or go!"

"Amin is only one person, how can he be able to arrange such a large formation?" Tattaglia stopped in his footsteps and shouted: "My fortune teller is also a magician. A space formation of this size consumes resources and props that are not alone. Adventurers in the outer city can afford it. Amin's team is not famous either!"

"That's right!" came Amin's grinning voice: "I'm just an adventurer in the outer city, and the team around me is not as strong as the wolf pupil team, but don't forget that I have the help of the prime minister. I convinced this Generous overlord, give me enough resources to buy the materials and props for setting up this formation from the adventurers on Cao Wei’s side. The transaction with 100 adventurers is enough to gather the materials. And I have a mysterious gift waiting for you .”

"Bastard!" Du Yu's expression darkened.

A Ming took another step ahead this time and made careful arrangements.

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Tataglia sneered: "Your sneak attack was absolutely beyond his expectations, otherwise how could we kill 5000 third-tier soldiers? Does he dare to give you these martial arts points?"

Hearing Tattaglia's cessation of drinking, Amin sneered and remained silent.

Du Yu's mind calmed down.

Indeed, Amin just took precautions and made a space magic circle to prevent himself from saving others.But he did not expect tonight's surprise attack, otherwise the 5000 third-tier soldiers would have trapped himself and others to death just because they were sleepy.

"Hmph! So what if you succeeded in a surprise attack on the outside?" Amin's voice became stern: "The fourth-tier soldiers defending inside are the most reliable guards! In 9 minutes, the reinforcements will arrive!"

Du Yu sneered.

It seems that although Amin is calm on the surface, he is very terrified in his heart.

5000 third-tier elite soldiers were slaughtered by his own elf army. How many cards does he have?

9 minutes?
Enough already!

Amin comforted himself: "Although these guys did not know how to kill the 5000 elite soldiers deployed by the prime minister, this large space array is enough to confuse his perception. Even adventurers in the inner city will never see through my arrangement!"

But he was shocked to find that the walls, darkness, and illusions that confuse the perception of adventurers seemed to have no effect on Du Yu at all.This guy, walking straight in his direction! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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