Chapter 1152 Mu Niu Liuma!Du pre-arrangement! -Second, ask for a monthly pass'!
With this thing, none of Zhou Yu's children's plans could be realized.

There is also that Pang Shiyuan, according to A Ming's description, using iron chains to chain warships would cause the danger of fire, and with the persuasion of other counselors, Cao Cao imprisoned Pang Tong, but did not kill him, but after the war, if this guy is a traitor If the information is true, he will naturally be beheaded.

Thinking of the incredible and terrified eyes of the celebrity Pang Tong, Cao Cao laughed happily.

"Zhou Yu Liu Bei, let's see what other tricks you can play?" Cao Cao was full of ambition.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in his crystal ball.

"There is a change!" Cao Cao beamed with joy.

He knew that once the crystal ball automatically flashed its brilliance, it meant that there was important information.

Sure enough, the camera appeared in the Yiling area on the south bank. Among the high mountains, there was actually a team of oxen and horses transporting supplies, staggering.

"Huh? What's so special about this?" Cao Cao's eagle eyes flashed a trace of disdain.

The army went ahead without mobilizing food and grass. As the winner of the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao was used to cutting off other people's food roads and won repeatedly.However, this batch of grain and grass did not arouse his interest.

"No!" Cao Cao took another look, and couldn't take his eyes off the crystal ball anymore.

Those cattle and horses that were transporting grain and grass were not livestock, but mechanical cattle and horses!
Wooden cows and horses.

"What is this?" Cao Cao immediately became very interested in Mu Niu Liu Ma.

As the most skilled warlord, Cao Cao can write a preface to Sun Tzu's Art of War, and of course he is familiar with every aspect of the war.

There was nothing worthy of his attention in this small supply team, except for these wooden cows and horses that could walk on their own.

He stared at the supply team with a smile on his lips.

"I have long heard that Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying are good at making mechanisms. This wooden ox and horse can carry hundreds of catties without supplies, and can transport grain and grass. It can be called a sharp weapon for military supplies!"

The great expert Cao Cao immediately realized the value of this wooden cow and horse.

He immediately sent Liu Ye, who was the best at making ordnance among the generals, and A Ming, an expert in mechanism beasts.

The two of them were also dumbfounded when they saw this wooden cow and horse in the crystal ball.

A Ming was a little suspicious at first, it seems that this wooden cow and horse appeared early, right?But considering that the plot has undergone tremendous changes, maybe Zhuge Liang, the organ beast, also appeared earlier?

In addition, the escorting troops were all Liu Bei and Sun Quan's army, and there was nothing unusual about it, and Amin did not raise any objections.

"I just want to see what's so mysterious about those wooden cows and horses! Go and get some for me." Cao Cao waved Zhang Xi's hand.

"He's on the south bank of the Yangtze River." Zhang Yun showed a look of embarrassment.

"Send a small team to grab it!" Cao Cao was so proud that no difficulty could stop the overlord.

Zhang He immediately nodded and went to do it.

Not long after, the wooden ox and horse transport team marching in a safe zone on the south bank of the Yangtze River was unexpectedly raided by Cao Jun!

Zhang He and Cao Xiu appeared in front of the transportation team by surprise, and they killed more than 500 Liu Beijun guards with only one charge, leaving a lot of corpses.

Hundreds of wooden cows and horses were pulled back by Zhang He.

Cao Cao stroked these wooden cows and horses with great interest, and fell silent.

Amin checked it carefully over and over again, and finally could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Even with his knowledge of mechanism beasts, he has to admit that these wooden cows and horses are much stronger than the mechanism leopards he made.

There is only one difference.

It is the drive.

Although the mechanism leopard and mechanism lion are faster and more powerful than these wooden cows and horses, their high efficiency comes at the cost of an expensive magic core.A B-level magic core worth [-] survival points can only drive these gadgets for one battle.

This is not a battle, it is clearly burning money, prodigal!

This is not the case with the wooden cow and horse. As long as the mechanism is turned manually, it can be charged and can travel a very long distance. It can be called green and stress-free.

Such inventions, in the Three Kingdoms era, were simply against the sky.

A Ming glanced at Cao Cao, and from his satisfied expression, he could tell how satisfied he was with these wooden stakes.

Man Chong, who is in charge of logistics, caresses these wooden cows and horses fondly, even more cherishing than the skin of a beloved woman.

The supplies of the 83 troops are so worrying that he can't sleep every day.

From the logistics base Runan, transported to the front line of Jingzhou, after the long supply line, the grain is often less than one tenth, and even if it is transported from the nearest Jiangling City, about half of the grain is lost.

On the road, people eat and feed horses, and the food loss rate is extremely alarming.Even so, animal power may not be able to meet the needs of the 83 army.

A wooden ox can carry 400 jins of grain, and a Liuma can carry 200 jins of grain without any loss. Although the speed is slower, the price-performance ratio is extremely high.If it can imitate wooden cows and horses, the loss of military supplies will be greatly reduced, and all supply difficulties will be easily solved.

"Prime Minister!" Man Chong called out excitedly.

Cheng Yu, Xun You, Liu Ye and others nodded their heads one after another.

The strategic value of this thing is immeasurable. If it can be obtained, Cao Wei's conquest of the world will never stop because of the problem of food and grass.

A Ming repeatedly checked Mu Niu Liuma several times, but couldn't find any flaws for a while.He is an expert in organ beasts.But don't forget, this thing is made from the 5 difficult blueprints of the inner city in Sima Yi's Sumi Ring of the Mo family, worth hundreds of millions of survival points.If Amin, an adventurer in the outer city, can easily decipher it, then this blueprint is too worthless.Besides, in the battle of cutting food, 500 Liu Beijun were killed, and the price was too high.

Seeing that no one objected, Cao Cao laughed loudly and said, "Liu Bei and Zhou Yu, children, never would have thought that Gu would have such a magical crystal. If they dare to send wooden cattle and horses out next time, Gu will definitely loot more."

It really made Cao Cao's point. It seemed that he was worried that the wooden cows and horses would be robbed again. For a few days, Liu Beijun and Sun Quanjun had changed to ordinary cows and horses to transport grain and grass.

But Cao Cao was not in a hurry, his navy trained day by day, and with each passing day, the advantage of Zhou Yu's navy was reduced by one point.Time was on his side.

"I want to see what other tricks you can do?" Cao Cao sneered as he looked at the busy Zhou Yu barracks.

Today, I received another secret letter from Huang Gai, a veteran of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, who was beaten up by Zhou Yu. He felt resentful and wanted to secretly take refuge in himself.

But A Ming seemed to have expected it long ago, and came to report his interests.Although Cao Cao was skeptical, he was already seriously ill because of his suspicions. When he heard doubts, he naturally refused to believe them.Cheng Yu also offered to do his best, asking Cao Cao to write a letter back, agreeing to Huang Gai's request for surrender, and asking him to surrender at another time.

"Child Zhou Yu, you are so ingenious, how dare you come here to tease Gu?" Cao Cao sneered, his eyes gleaming with a frightening demonic light.

Everything is within his grasp.

A Ming looked at the wooden cow and horse, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"It's coming again!" Cheng Yu exclaimed in great surprise: "This time it's Liu Beijun, who is dispatching food from Zigui to the front line. The scale is not small. Thousands of cattle and horses have been dispatched! And the guard force is very strong, more than 3000 People, the general of the food protection team is Zhang Fei."

When Du Yu entered the world, there were only 15 wooden oxen and horses. Where did they come from?
This is thanks to his planning for a rainy day.

In the space, what Huang Yaoshi and Wang Yuyan manufactured was on an experimental scale, and the output was not large, but they made more than 1300 sets of key components and core drive devices, which were full of Du Yu's Sumeru rings!
After acquiring more than 4000 Liu Bei troops, Du Yu easily ordered these sergeants, under Wang Yuyan's technical guidance, to be supervised by the adventurers of the wolf pupil team, to cut down trees day and night, and install the core drive device.Due to the adoption of modular production technology and assembly line operation, enough wooden cattle and horses can be produced in a few days.

Seeing these thousands of wooden cows and horses, Cao Cao's eyes popped out.

He knows these things too well. If he can put them in his camp, it will greatly improve Cao Jun's combat power.

The efficiency of logistics in ancient times was low. It required huge animal power to transport grain and grass to the front and transport the wounded to the rear.Mu Niu Liu Ma is the Hercules transport plane of that era.

"Grab!" Cao Cao squeezed out a terrible word through his teeth, as if a prince ordered to sweep into the village.

Cai Mao and Zhang Yun set off immediately with the navy.

The fierce generals on board were Xu Chu, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, and the soldiers and horses brought out were 3 elite soldiers.

The more A Ming looked at Liu Beijun and the long team of wooden cows and horses in the crystal ball, the more he instinctively felt that there was something wrong, but no matter in terms of the strength of the guards or the generals, there was no problem at all.

At this time, in Liu Bei's army marching towards Youjiangkou in Zigui, a beautiful general with bright eyes and firm eyes said to Zhang Fei, who was leisurely holding a Zhangba Snake Spear, and was so bored: "Father, according to my As you know, our army is small and we are not short of food, but this mission of transporting food and grass requires father to come, why on earth?"

Zhang Fei lazily muttered: "It was the order from the eldest brother himself. It was said that Du Yu found him with the jade certificate of remonstrance, and offered him more than 1000 strange wooden cows and horses, but the condition is that I personally lead the heavy soldiers." Escort food and grass, and walk from Zigui to Youjiangkou. What a strange order. Although the elder brother didn't understand the meaning, he liked the 1000 wooden oxen and horses very much, so he pushed the boat along and agreed. Xingcai, if you are bored, go back. I Look at this road across the Yangtze River, can Cao Cao still fly over?"

He swung his arms vigorously, making a cracking sound like popping beans: "Ah! I haven't fought for a long time, and my bones are rusted."

The beauty with firm eyes is none other than Zhang Fei's beautiful daughter Zhang Xingcai!
She frowned deeply, recalling Du Yu's cynical face, her doubts became more intense: "How could he dedicate such a precious wooden ox and horse to the lord in one go? He didn't hesitate to use the precious jade voucher of persuasion, and asked the lord to transfer it to his father." Such a heavy military guard? And the grain is transferred from the long bank of the Zigui River to the mouth of the Youjiang River? Why on earth is this?” Add friends on WeChat - add official account - enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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