Chapter 1153 No matter the cost, prevent the Trojan horse trick! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
A brave young man beside her waved the weapon in his hand with a smile: "Haha, that kid Du Yu often makes outrageous and puzzling actions, but the facts often prove that everything he does has consequences." Trick. Maybe this is a strategy to lure the enemy discussed by the military adviser and Du Yu. If Cao Cao's army comes to intercept the grain, there will be a battle! I, Zhang Bao, will show my skills!"

Zhang Fei laughed loudly, and punched Zhang Bao on the head: "That's it! That's it! You are indeed Zhang Fei's son!"

Zhang Bao covered her head and shouted, "It hurts! What if I'm stupid?"

Zhang Xingcai sighed speechlessly as he looked at his heartless father and brother.Who let himself be faced with such an out-of-the-way father and son?

At this moment, I suddenly heard a report from the messenger in front: "Report to General Zhang Fei, the road ahead is blocked by fallen trees and cannot pass."

Zhang Bao said carelessly, "I'll move it away!"

Zhang Fei waved his hand, his expression became solemn.

Zhang Bao and Zhang Xingcai stared at Zhang Fei at the same time.

Zhang Fei laughed and said, "Do you really think that I, Zhang Fei, are a fool without a plan? When I smell this smell, I know that Cao Jun's group of stinking jackals are coming! I haven't come out to fight with Grandpa Zhang Fei." One?"

On the rocks next to Zigui, a tall horse appeared coldly, and a fierce general with two big knives appeared on it.

Tiger crazy Xu Chu!

On his somewhat silly face, there was a radiance that did not match his nickname.

With a high leap, the horse rushed straight down from the towering rocks!

"Zhang Fei! I am a tiger idiot, Xu Chulai!"

Zhang Fei swung the Zhangba Snake Spear, and said in a low voice: "You two, protect the food and grass, and form a formation, Cao Jun should have someone else!"

Zhang Xingcai and Zhang Bao retreated immediately, and together with Mi Zhu and Mi Fang, who were in charge of transporting the beams, guarded the army rations. 3000 Liu Bei's army used wooden cattle and horses as their camp to protect themselves.

Seeing that Liu Beijun was not fooled, Cao Caojun finally showed a hideous face!
From the side of the river, hundreds of large boats rushed up to the bank and crashed down on the sailboards. Zhang Liao and Xu Huang each led tens of thousands of elite soldiers and rushed out like a flood.

Behind Xu Chu, [-] elite soldiers also rushed out of the valley to attack Liu Bei's army.

Zhang Xingcai and Zhang Bao clenched the weapons in their hands, and coldly greeted the impact of Zhang Liao and Xu Huang!

"What the hell are you doing?" Tataglia, who was standing on the mountain watching the battle, couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Du Yu beside him: "First, there are more than 1300 wooden oxen and horses. Do you know how valuable this thing is? Then It was another one-time precious props to persuade and remonstrate, and mobilized Zhang Fei, Zhang Xingcai, Zhang Bao and other Liu Bei army generals and 3000 sergeants. All this was done just to send them to Cao Cao's mouth and let Cao Jun eat them? Do you know that after this big defeat, Liu Beijun's trust in you will completely collapse?"

Du Yu smiled slightly, and looked at Zhang Fei, Zhang Xingcai, Zhang Bao, Xu Chu, Zhang Liao and other fierce generals who were fighting fiercely below, as well as Cao Liu's army fighting in a group, and said calmly: "Of course I know the consequences. Zhuge Liang will probably take advantage of this Opportunity, completely squeezed me out of the core of power. But"

Du Yu sneered and said, "If we don't do this, at least for the few of us, there will be no future."

"The future?" Tataglia was puzzled: "Although the adventurers of Cao Cao's army have exposed several key points in the plot, Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu's wisdom may not be able to make up for this loophole. In the Battle of Chibi, will Sun Liu's side still lose?"

"Sun Liu's side may not lose." Du Yu said softly: "But our side will definitely lose. Because my goal is to hit the most difficult hidden level. Let me tell you, there is Yuan Lu Zhi in there." A demon-like existence. For us the chosen ones, you understand what he means"

"You mean" Tataglia's beautiful eyes lit up: "seal the demon god and enhance the stability of space?"

"Yes!" Du Yu smiled: "The space world we live in can only last for 20 times. If we don't seize the opportunity of each world and dig deep into the plot, we can only watch death Come. At that time, whether we have passed the test of the bloody city gate, how many treasures are on us, and what is the significance?"

"You got the hidden plot of this world?" Tataglia keenly grasped Du Yu's point.

Du Yu waved the [Water Mirror] in his hand, Tataglia took it, and nodded after reading it: "Take me."

"Of course." Du Yu smiled: "It's not you. Could it be that I still want to invite A Ming?"

Tattaglia was relieved: "So you need to build a huge force. In the few remaining 2 and a half acts"

Du Yu nodded: "It is the strongest force in this world. In addition to you and me, there must be at least seven unparalleled warriors in this world to meet the conditions."

"Are you going to build a career? Instead of following Liu Bei's army?" Tataglia narrowed her beautiful eyes.

"Exactly." Du Yu smiled slightly: "It is a man's ambition to stand in a troubled world and establish a career. Just wait and see."

While speaking, Zhang Xingcai performed outstandingly, combining shield and sword, beheaded one of Zhang Liao's generals.Zhang Bao also defeated a general of Cao Jun.Zhang Fei even fought Xu Chu to a close.

"Why does Cao Jun seem to be restrained?" Zhang Xingcai was sweating profusely, and looked at the wooden cows and horses around him: "These wood and grain will burn quickly when ignited by fire. Why don't Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and other generals who have fought a hundred battles not use fire? Attack? Even constraining soldiers to attack wooden cows and horses? That's right!"

Her beautiful eyes lit up: "It turns out that Cao Jun's goal is not our food, but these wooden cows and horses! Cao Cao wants to seize these precious mechanism beasts!"

Zhang Fei also got it right. He laughed and said, "Little Xu Chu, presumably Cao Bandit ordered you not to damage wooden cows and horses when he sent you to intercept and kill him? Hehe, I won't fight with you. Grandpa will go!"

He quickly rode his war horse, returned to the formation of wooden cows and horses, and put on a posture of standing firm and waiting for help.

Xu Chu, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang looked at each other, feeling troubled.

This land in the south of the Yangtze River is the territory of the Sun Liu coalition army. Although his retreat is guarded by Cai Mao and Zhang Yun's fleet.But above the Yangtze River, Zhou Yu's navy is the king.Once they heard the news, Zhou Yu and Liu Bei sent people to help and cut off their retreat, then something bad would happen.

"Bastard, why didn't this fierce Zhang Fei fall for it?" Xu Huang spat: "If he sent someone to open the way, we would make a breakthrough in the center, so that he would not care about both ends, and it would have been done by now."

"Sighing is useless." Zhang Liao waved his broadsword coldly, and calmly glanced at Liu Bei's camp, which was waiting in full formation: "The prime minister's order must be carried out. Fire attacks are not allowed, we use bows and arrows to defeat the enemy!"

The 9000 elite Cao army immediately mobilized more than [-] horse archers. Under the leadership of Zhang Liao, they launched waves of arrows and crossbows against Liu Bei's army!
Wooden cows and horses are made of wood, so they are not afraid of being damaged by bows and arrows, but Liu Beijun is made of flesh and blood, and under the rain of arrows all over the sky, huge casualties suddenly occurred.

"Damn it!" Zhang Fei angrily pulled out the arrow on his arm, and said angrily, "These shameless bastards. Everyone hide behind the wooden cows and horses, and raise your shields to reduce casualties."

"Father, I'm afraid it won't work like this." Zhang Xingcai looked at Cao Jun's shooting on the opposite side worriedly: "Cao Jun is ten times stronger than our army. We will lose this battle. Why don't we break through!"

"Big brother entrusted me with more than a thousand horses and horses, just throw it to Cao Cao?" Zhang Fei stared: "No!"

Zhang Xingcai winked at Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao understood, and suddenly punched Zhang Fei on the back of the head.

The two carried Zhang Fei on their shoulders and ordered someone to open a passage. Mi Zhu and Mi Fang led Zhang Fei to go first, while Zhang Xingcai and Zhang Bao broke off behind.

Xu Chu and Xu Huang took the opportunity to launch an assault to snatch Mu Niu Liuma.

Zhang Liao shouted: "Time is short, there is no need to chase after Zhang Fei, first snatch the wooden ox and horse to the boat, and finish the task of the prime minister!"

At this time, the Soochow battleship that had heard the news appeared far away on the river.The Yangtze River is the back garden of Soochow. Any Cao army who invades the south bank of the Yangtze River will be violently attacked by Soochow's navy.

In such haste, Xu Chu slammed hard: "Oh, let Zhang Fei go. I have to talk about it next time."

Zhang Liao walked up to a wooden ox, put his hand into the nose of the wooden ox, turned the spring lightly, and there was a crisp sound, and the wooden ox obediently began to move.Zhang Liao patted the wooden bull's head with satisfaction and said, "With these treasures, what's the point of the Sun Liu coalition army? Let's retreat quickly!"

Cao Jun quickly pushed more than a thousand wooden cattle and horses onto the warship, retreated quickly, and returned to the north bank.

"Okay, your plan has succeeded." Tattaglia said with a light smile, "It's just that Cao Cao took these wooden cows and horses. What's the use of them? I really can't figure it out."

Du Yu smiled: "Just read the space mission prompt."

Tattaglia looked down and was stunned.

"Your group has completed the task of [Warship Chain Count]!"

"You have obtained 3000 martial arts points."

"How is it possible?" Tattaglia lost his voice: "If you transport the wooden ox and horse to Cao Ying, our mission will be completed? What is this?"

"Spatial judging whether the task is completed or not requires a definite result." Du Yu said with an inscrutable smile: "These wooden cows and horses, of course there are Trojan horse mechanisms inside, otherwise I will be crazy and send them to the enemy?"

"Could it be?" Tataglia asked in surprise, "Are you planning to?"

Du Yu smiled: "Wooden cows and horses are precious strategic weapons. After Cao Cao got them, where do you think they will be kept? Will they be used to deliver military rations immediately?"

"Probably not." Tataglia shook his head and said, "The military rations for 83 people are not enough to rely on more than a thousand oxen and horses. At least tens of thousands."

"Yes." Du Yu smiled: "The purpose of his snatching this thing is that before he destroys, disassembles, and successfully imitates it, Cao Cao definitely doesn't want Liu Beifang to have the opportunity to snatch the wooden cow and horse back. So he will temporarily put these treasures in the The safest place." (A great event where the pie in the sky is falling, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and join now! People People have prizes, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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