Chapter 1161 Three Kingdoms!Zhou Lang!Chibi! - Ask for a monthly pass!

When the building boat suppressed the Jingzhou water army, the battleships rushed into the enemy's formation and overturned countless enemy ships. Then the warship stepped forward and stabbed Cao Jun's vital force with a crossbow and spear, piercing Cao Jun's fleet defense.

In the end, strong generals such as Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, etc., each led their soldiers, biting their white knives, bare their upper bodies, and rushed forward!

Although the number of Cao Jun is large, the Jingzhou navy under Cai Hao, Zhang Yun and others is not as powerful as the Soochow navy. Under the pressure of survival, the Soochow soldiers exploded with amazing combat power. On the Yangtze River, they are invincible!
Countless soldiers of Cao Jun fell into the water, the whistling southeast wind, the sound of flames burning, the screams of soldiers dying, the sound of falling into the water, the sound of bows and arrows breaking through the air, and the sound of warships crushing and breaking, resounded throughout Cao Jun's water village. peripheral.

Cai Hao and Zhang Yun, two generals of Cao Jun's water battle, were successively attacked by two fierce generals Gan Ning and Ling Tong, who were as strong as tigers descending from the mountain, and they were beheaded one by one, and their heads were presented to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu casually threw the head into the red river water, and said sharply, "Forward!"

The Soochow navy, with momentum like a rainbow, continued to attack Cao Ying.

"Huh! Waste!" Cao Cao looked at the water village, was defeated by the Soochow navy, and died. Cai Hao and Zhang Yun looked at the Soochow navy across the river with a murderous look, and shouted sharply: "According to the plan! Surround Zhou Yu for the lonely king!" kid!"

Cao Jun's warships slowly separated, allowing the Soochow Navy to rush in, and then surrounded the Soochow Navy in the water village by flanking and backtracking.

Like a young bull, Zhou Yu broke into the pack of wolves, overturned several wolves, and finally fell into the thick encirclement net of the 83 army.

There were only 3 soldiers in Soochow. No matter how much Zhou Yu "has Zhou Lang in water warfare near the river", known as the god of water warfare, in front of several times or dozens of times Cao Jun, there will be a moment of exhaustion.

What's more, this situation was already under Cao Cao's expectation.

Since A Ming's status has been getting higher and higher, and finally gained Cao Cao's trust, he has intentionally or unintentionally leaked Soochow's plan to Cao Cao.

The failure of Pang Tong's serial plan, the surprise attack of Kong Ming by taking advantage of the east wind, and the discovery of Huang Gai's trick-or-treating plan all have Amin's shadow and black hand behind them.

Cao Cao himself is also a generation of heroes. From the clues, he slowly deduced the strategies of Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang, and designed them accordingly.

Finally, at this critical moment, he revealed his ferocious minions!
"Zhou Yu's son. No matter how much you defy the sky, you will not escape tonight's defeat!" Cao Cao looked calmly, watching Zhou Yu's fleet in the water stronghold, darting from left to right, commanding the fleet.

"I, Cao Mengde, will definitely be able to capture Er Qiao in the southeast and achieve an unprecedented and unprecedented overlordship!" Cao Cao sternly shouted: "Notify all the troops to increase the offensive! Besiege Zhou Yu's son!"

Xu Chu, Zhang He and others immediately went down to carry out the order.

Zhang Liao and Xia Houyuan took Xiahou Dun's body to see Cao Cao.

Seeing Yuan Rang's body, Cao Cao couldn't help being stunned. Although his consciousness was invaded by the space demon, Cao Cao himself still retained his consciousness and emotion.

"Yuan Rang! Yuan Rang!" Cao Cao threw himself on Xiahou Dun's body and cried loudly, "Who killed my Yuan Rang?"

Xia Houyuan shyly said: "It's Du Yu's son! It's the one in the Changban slope who fought side by side with Zhao Zilong and rescued Adou!"

Zhang Liao knelt on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "We failed to fulfill the prime minister's mission, let Zhuge Village's treachery succeed, and also damaged General Xiahou. I am willing to accept the prime minister's punishment!"

"It doesn't matter." Cao Cao stood up and said with a long breath, "You are tired from fighting, go down and rest for a while! Wait until the lonely king breaks the Sun-Liu coalition army and destroys Jiangnan. Let's see where Zhuge Liang and Du Yu can escape!"

Zhang Liao and Xia Houyuan said excitedly: "On the way back, we saw our army besieging the Soochow fleet. We are willing to go to the battlefield immediately and wipe out the Soochow rebels. I hope the prime minister will approve!"

Cao Cao laughed loudly: "Okay! Let's go together and destroy Soochow!"

After Cao Jun from all walks of life began to encircle, the battle situation in Soochow immediately took a turn for the worse.

Here in the water village, not on the vast Yangtze River, Soochow's greatest advantage, the mobility of the navy, cannot be fully utilized, and once it falls into a boarding battle with Cao's army.Cao Jun's brave soldiers and soldiers began to exert their advantages in melee combat.Here is adjacent to Cao Jun's dry village. Cao Jun can easily mobilize the crossbowmen, catapults, and bed crossbows in the dry village to shoot and suppress the Soochow navy.

What's more terrible is that under Cao Cao's personal command, Cao's army even did not hesitate to sink dozens of large ships to completely block the entrance of the water village.Although Cao Jun couldn't afford it, the Soochow Army was like a trapped beast in a cage. It could only engage in side-to-side battles with Cao Jun, but could not give full play to its tactical advantage.

Soochow's advantage in water warfare was gradually weakened by Cao Jun.

However, even in this desperate situation, Zhou Yu, the god of water warfare, is not easy to mess with.

"Pull out our army's back!" Zhou Yu's beautiful eyes flashed a gleam of brilliance: "For the elders of Soochow, everyone will fight to the death!"

Cheng Pu jumped off the warship with his iron-backed snake spear upright, and immediately set off with a fleet.

This fleet was guarded by the building boats in the core, and they usually didn't show up, but when they arrived at Cao Jun's water stronghold, they brazenly dispatched!
On top of them, there are often several naked, brave warriors of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, holding torches, sailing desperately towards the approaching large fleet surrounded by Cao Jun!

"It's not good! Shoot these dead soldiers to death!" Li Dian, who was in charge of the battle at the front, gave an order.

Hundreds of warship archers, arrows rain down!
Cheng Pu waved his iron spear to push away the rain of arrows, but Li Dian couldn't stop Li Dian from shooting himself!
The veteran groaned suddenly, his robe was stained with blood, but he gritted his teeth and pulled out the sharp arrow with a large piece of flesh, roaring: "Let Bandit Cao see my Eastern Wu tiger! How to roar!"

The naked warrior behind him roared loudly, and lit the cabin with the torch in his hand!

In the cabin, it was actually full of firewood, ointment, and even stone pulp (oil). Once ignited, it exploded!

Although these Soochow warriors were inevitably bombed without leaving any bones, this desperate, human-bombing method did cause terrible damage to the Cao Jun ship that was close at hand!

You must know that the southeast wind is strong at this time. Once the fire starts, it will immediately spread to Cao Jun's water and dry villages.

Zhou Yu's strategy is to take advantage of the southeast wind and burn Cao Ying again regardless of everything!

Even at the cost of the [-] Soochow soldiers under his command, he would not hesitate to give it another go!
Lu Su felt sad in his heart when he saw it, and couldn't help resisting: "The governor, it's so tragic, should it be?"

He didn't dare to continue, because Zhou Yu's gaze was full of indescribable generosity and passion!

Zhou Yu looked at Cao Cao's navy who were constantly falling into the sea of ​​flames and explosions, and murmured: "Duke Huang failed, and Zhou Gongjin! Even if my [-] warriors from the Eastern Wu lost everything in this battle, we still have to fight!" Kill Cao Cao so hard that he dare not look at me southeast!"

He raised his sharp sword high and shouted: "In today's battle, there will be death but not life!"

"There is death, but there is no life! There is death, but there is no life!" The Soochow navy, with tears in their eyes, bravely rushed towards Cao Jun.

"Zhou Yu's son, you are really brave and good at fighting!" Cao Cao looked gloomy, looking at the fleet that was constantly being sunk by Zhou Yu's brave suicide bombing ships.Cao Jun's losses continued to expand, and many large ships were ignited for the second time by Zhou Yu's second-hand fleet, and they fell into flames one after another.

"But Zhou Yu's stubborn resistance is nothing more than delaying the destruction of Soochow." Xun You said calmly: "Even if our army loses [-]% in this battle, the remaining strength is enough to advance to Chaisang and capture Sun Quan alive. What's more, Zhou Yu's attack The combat power is also not small."

"But we can't let Zhou Yu go on like this." Cao Cao sneered, "Come on! Give me an order to launch a general attack!"

A Ming knelt on the ground, prostrating flatteringly: "Prime Minister, we wait for adventurers, and we are willing to follow and fight the enemy bravely."

Cao Cao waved his hand: "Just go! Zhou Yu's head must be beheaded tonight!"

In the sea of ​​fire, besides Cao Jun, there were also a large number of Soochow adventurers who followed Zhou Yu's actions.

They never expected that this adventure following the historical event pattern would turn into a suicide attempt.

Seeing Cao Jun's large fleet approaching constantly, everyone knows that the history of the Battle of Chibi has undergone a major shift. Zhou Yu's burning of Chibi not only failed, but brought them into a mortal situation!

"Fuck, what should I do?"

"I don't want to be a terrorist who blew himself up."

"Dive into the water and escape immediately!"

"Zhou Yu, an idiot, how did he do it? How could Cao Cao break the chain scheme?"

"It's probably a good thing done by the adventurer Cao Wei on the opposite side!"

Du Yu stood leisurely on the other side of the Red Cliff, with Sun Shangxiang in his arms, looking at the opposite river, which was dyed red by the flames of war.

Da Qiao frowned, "Something's wrong. Why did Cao Cao's water village close when our army killed it? There are also warships sitting at the entrance of the water village, as if blocking our army's retreat?"

Xiao Qiao was so anxious that she grabbed Du Yu's sleeve and said, "My Zhou Lang will be fine, right? Why don't we hurry over and help him?"

Du Yuxin said that if Zhou Lang had nothing to do, it would be my turn to be in trouble later.I let go of Mu Niu Liuma privately, and let his plan of burning Chibi fall to nothing. If this Mei Zhoulang can come back safely after the war, I will be the first person to kill.

But how could he admit it, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to worry. With Zhou Lang's invincible water combat ability and resourcefulness, he will definitely defeat Cao Jun."

"Not good!" The swift figure of the step trainer appeared behind Du Yu, and said anxiously: "Our army's plan to burn the Red Cliff has failed."

Du Yu sighed, actually came to reveal the truth.

Sun Shangxiang said generously: "Since the former army is not fighting well, it is our turn to fight! It is said that they are going to fight, and Zhou Yu will stop them with all their strength. Otherwise, I will be in the sea of ​​fire and wantonly kill the soldiers of Cao thief! Let him see Look how good I am at bowing my waist!"

(End of this chapter)

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