Chapter 1162 Conspiracy to prevent Yu!Second burning Chibi! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Even Sun Wu, who seems to be as solid as a rock, is in the flames of war and is about to be destroyed.

As Sun Wu's queen, she is more dangerous than ordinary people.

Judging from the past situation, Cao Cao will not let her go.

Her fate should be pinned on the seemingly inconspicuous Du Yu in front of her!
The only one who can save her is Du Yu.

The trainer stepped forward anxiously, touched Du Yu's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Are you sure? Why did you go to the battlefield where our army has already lost?"

Du Yu chuckled, looked back at Bu Lianshi, Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao and the weeping Xiao Qiao, and said loudly: "I dare to take you to the battlefield, of course I don't want you to die!"

"It's about" he said word by word: "Reverse the situation of the battle!"

Bu Lianshi, Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao were all stunned.

At this moment when Zhou Lang's plan to burn Chibi failed, and the [-] Soochow army was basically defeated, the man in front of him actually uttered wild words to reverse the situation of the battle. Isn't this a little underestimation of the heroes of the world?
Could it be that what Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, and the [-] Soochow army could not do, you alone, with the four of us girls, can turn the world around?

"Although you are trusted by others, don't speak big words." Sun Shangxiang looked at the three sisters-in-law anxiously: "Why don't you send the three sister-in-laws back to Chaisang, and I would like to follow you to fight Cao thief!"

"No!" Xiao Qiao said firmly: "Zhou Lang wants to see people when he is alive, and he wants to see corpses when he is dead. I will never leave before that!"

Although her face is petite and exquisite, and she has Lin Chiling's baby voice, her words are firm and unquestionable.

Da Qiao smiled and said: "Who told Xiao Qiao to be my sister? She is in trouble, so my sister can't just sit idly by. I have to go too."

The step trainer shrugged: "Since the three of you are all going, should I escape back to Chaisang alone? Then I will go and see. The problem is"

She looked at Du Yu with a half-smile: "Is the only man among us capable of protecting us?"

Du Yu shrugged and smiled slightly: "Four beautiful ladies, since you are willing to work hard and come to the battlefield, then even if I risk my life, I will keep you safe. Besides, although the Eastern Wu army failed, but To defeat Cao Bandit, I alone is enough, why use others?"

Simei looked left and right.

The long river, the bright moon is like a plate, the river is like a mirror, the red cliff is in flames, and the river is dyed red. In front of the millions of Cao Jun who have just swallowed [-] Soochow elites, a lonely building boat is staggering, drifting with the current, as if A weak deer is being controlled by fear, trembling helplessly in front of the pack of tigers and wolves dominating the Wulin on the north bank

Such a desolate scene, someone else would have been scared out of their wits long ago, and ordered the building to turn around and flee for his life. How could there be Du Yu, who is so big-headed and unaware of the depths of the earth and the heights of the sky, that he still clamored to do it all by himself? The madman who killed Cao Cao?
Even the most combative Sun Shangxiang couldn't help moaning helplessly: "Are you scared out of your wits?"

Du Yu bowed like a gentleman, and said with a smile: "Then, please sit down the four beauties. Watch me put on a good show of "re-burning the Red Cliff"!"

"Burning Chibi again?" The four beauties exclaimed at the same time.

Du Yu smiled lightly, raised his hand lightly, and a signal firework shot out.

From the opposite Wulin Mountain, countless torches suddenly appeared!
There were so many torches that it was unimaginable that they instantly ignited the entire mighty Wulin Mountain into bright torches, swaying with the wind, and looking from a distance, it was a mighty army.

"A plan for jittery winds?" The step trainer's beautiful eyes lit up, then dimmed: "But you can't have so many troops."

She knew the details of Du Yu best. If it was said that Du Yu had several thousand subordinates, she would believe it, but at this moment, there were at least tens of thousands of torches on Wulin Mountain, so it was impossible to have such a large number of troops.

Even Cao Jun and Zhou Yu Jun, who were encircling and fighting, were shocked by the bright torches on Wulin Mountain, and stopped fighting.

Du Yu smiled: "Let's invite the beauties to look down and see how I can defeat Cao Jun!"

On Wulin Mountain, countless flying fires suddenly appeared!
Under the light of the bright moon and the reflection of the dark river water, tens of thousands of burning fire clouds rose from Wulin Mountain, which is very close to Cao Jun’s Dry Village. middle.

There are so many fire clouds, dotted in the sky, just like fireflies in the dark night, forming a river of fireflies, which is not inferior to the firelight of Wulin Water Village!

"What is that?" Sun Shangxiang excitedly stood up and asked, although he didn't understand the fire cloud, but it was very lethal to Cao Cao anyway.

Du Yu chuckled, took out a set of tools, and handed them to Sun Shangxiang.

"Paper kite?" Naturally, Sun Shangxiang played with the kite before, and began to play with it curiously.

"So that's how it is." The familiar and intelligent step trainer is worthy of being a rich lady, and she knew it all: "The secret of your attack on Cao Cao's camp is this paper kite?"

She found the organ and flint from under the paper kite.

Du Yu gently picked up the kite beast, turned the mechanism spring, and ignited the flint. The kite beast rose from the boat and flew towards Cao Jun's camp with the help of the southeast wind and fire.

This is exactly one of the blueprints that Du Yu obtained in the space - paper kite beast!

Although Huang Yaoshi produced only samples, Du Yu needed people and materials at this time!

He has more than 2000 ingenious elf fighters (more than 1000 elf fighters are produced in each world, and there are two worlds in the Three Kingdoms), and it is relatively easy to make uncomplicated kite beasts.

Du Yu laughed and said, "Cao's thief closed the water fortress to prevent the impact of the fire boat on the water, but he couldn't prevent the paper kite from falling from the sky to set fire! This is exactly my strategy!"

He took out more paper kites and let the beauties release them.

The beauties felt the novelty and relieved their anger, so they immediately started to release the kite beasts one after another, and flew towards Cao Jun's camp under the strong southeast wind.

As long as you play kites, you can attack Cao Jun. Who doesn't want to play?
Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Bu Lianshi, and Sun Shangxiang were all in high spirits, lighting fires and throwing paper kites.

Behind this seemingly beautiful game like fireworks on a summer night and beauties smiling, is the blazing Zhu Rong descending on the heads of more than 80 Cao Jun, emitting the shadow of death!

Of course, what Du Yu relied on was not this bit of firepower, but to provide an opportunity for the beauties to participate. The more people participated, the more they would admire Du Yu's schemes and arrangements.

Big Qiao, Little Qiao, Step Trainer, and Sun Shangxiang were having a great time playing. The beauties competed to see who could fly the highest kite beast and who could fly the most accurately.

Cao Cao, who was complacent and directing the battle, laughed loudly when he heard the news that Zhou Yu was shot to death by Zhang Liao.

"Wen Yuan helps me too! Huh? What is that?"

Cao Cao's eyes fell on the torches and fire clouds rising from Wulin Mountain.

"Could it be the ambush of Soochow? Or Liu Bei's ambush?" Even Xun You and Cheng Yu couldn't calm down anymore, they looked at the jittery formation in surprise.

After the fierce battle, Cao Jun was even more suspicious.

This is also the purpose of Du Yuyi's ambush in Wulin Mountain.

What he wants is that Cao Cao's turmoil is threatening, and the grass and trees are all soldiers, so that he can't figure out his true strength. Otherwise, Cao Cao's army of 83 will spit at one mouthful, and Du Yu's little strength will be wiped out.

The fire cloud rising from Wulin Mountain has already floated over Cao Jun's water and dry villages!
You know, at this time the southeast wind is still blowing, and Cao Jun's water and dry villages are immediately attacked by the wind. Once the paper kite beast lands on it, it will immediately burst into flames!

"Bastard! The evil spirit is not dead!" Cao Cao cursed: "Quickly put out the fire! Don't let the fire spread. Quickly separate the warship."

Although the Soochow Army has basically been wiped out, since ancient times when marching and fighting, there have been many things that have been destroyed by fire. Cao Cao had no choice but to give up commanding the battle, ordering firefighting, and beware of ambushes in Wulin Mountain.

Although Cao Jun was not slack at this time, and his preparations were extremely meticulous, and some people even organized firefighting, but soon they found out strangely that the warships that they thought were moving freely were chained together by unknown things!
"Report to the Prime Minister!" A small naval officer rushed to the street with a sad face: "For some reason, our warships are chained together and cannot be separated!"

"What?" Cao Cao was furious, and threw himself on the crystal ball: "The Lonely King has been watching the movement of the camp, guarding against the intrusion of enemy spies, but there is nothing unusual at all!"

Amin suddenly yelled that it was not good!

"Prime Minister, this thing is left behind by Du Yu! Is there something tricky about it?" A Ming finally gritted his teeth and expressed his doubts.

Cao Cao was shocked, and the flames of the demon seeds in his eyes trembled and sprayed.

"You mean? This crystal ball," Cao Cao murmured, "Impossible! Impossible! The lonely king relied on it and won several battles, severely injuring the Sun and Liu coalition forces. How could Du Yu be willing to make such a sacrifice?"

"His capital, didn't he exchange for the prime minister's absolute trust in this thing?" Xun You sighed, "Prime Minister, don't worry about the crystal ball, let's make a quick decision on how to break the chain trick?"

"It's too late." Zhang Liao opened the door full of blood, and walked in: "Prime Minister, our warships are chained by unknown tools, and they have already started to burn!"

Cao Cao went crazy, rushed out of the command ship, and leaned on the railing to watch!

The entire water village of Cao Jun has turned into a sea of ​​flames!
Its scale greatly exceeds that of Zhou Yu's arson.

Countless Cao Jun and Wu Jun warships that collided together burst into flames.

However, Cao Jun's big ship, which was originally scattered, was pulled and hooked by an unknown force, and pulled together.

Countless paper kite beasts caught fire, fell from the sky, landed on these boats, and immediately exploded into flames.

Due to the chain of warships, even if some ships are lucky and do not land on the kite beast, they will be ignited by the surrounding fire ships and fall into the sea of ​​flames.

"What's going on?" Cao Cao was furious, not knowing why.

(End of this chapter)

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