Chapter 1163 Du Yu opens up and hangs up! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"Prime Minister! It's those wooden cows and horses!" Man Chong rushed over sweating profusely and said, "For some reason, these wooden cows and horses have gone crazy and are running around. I can't stop them. Once they rush into the warship At the head and tail, they deformed on the spot, hooked the warship, and the wooden cows and horses behind stepped on the front ones, rushing towards other ships."

"Cut these damned wooden cows and horses to the lonely king quickly!" Cao Cao was furious. Unexpectedly, the wooden cows also came out to make trouble at the critical moment.

"So that's how it is." Cheng Yu sighed: "I said why I always feel that these wooden cows and horses are weird. It seems that the Sun Liu coalition army deliberately intercepted them twice for fear that they would not be captured by us. This is clearly a conspiracy!"

"Who is it that conspires?" Xun You couldn't figure it out: "If it's Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang, they already have a series of tricks and tricks to surrender, so there's no need to save another trick. Besides, Zhou Yu was killed by our army. Death, Soochow was defeated, if there is such a clever plan, why not use it?"

"It's Du Yu!" A Ming cried out, "It's also Du Yu's conspiracy!"

He gritted his teeth fiercely: "This wooden cow and horse should be Du Yu's conspiracy. Including the false information from the crystal ball before, he even counted Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang. It's ridiculous that Zhou Yu was treated as cannon fodder by Du Yu. The front has attracted our attention without knowing it!"

"Get out!" Cao Cao was furious, and kicked A Ming away: "It's all an afterthought! Now that you know, why didn't you say it earlier? Cut off this wooden cow and horse! Rescue the water village quickly!"

"No!" Xu Chu, who was the most powerful, smashed a dozen times with a tiger-head hammer before he cut off a wooden ox-horse iron chain: "These guys are so strong!"

"And" Liu Ye sighed: "In order to trap Zhou Yu to death, we have closed the water village, and released dozens of large ships to sit and sink at the gate of the village. Even if we can untie the iron chain, we can't escape. We can only Watching Du Yu set fire to our water village"

"How do you know that these paper kites were also made by Du Yu?" Cao Cao looked at Xun You furiously with bloodshot eyes.

Liu Ye sighed, and grabbed a burnt paper kite: "The mechanism on the top is the same as the mechanism in the wooden ox and horse. I am proficient in weapon mechanisms. I guess it was Du Yu's work."

"Du Yu! Du Yu! It's Du Yu again!" Cao Cao leaned on the railing like a wild beast, leaning on the sky and roaring, "Why is the lonely king so majestic, and an ant-like Du Yu makes him look like this?"

His howling sound resounded through the rapidly ignited fire, which was quickly ignited by the dozens of miles of water villages in the strong southeast wind

Zhang Liao and other strong generals, Cheng Yu and other counselors, and A Ming and other adventurers looked at each other speechlessly.

Who would have thought that when Zhou Yu of the Eastern Wu Dynasty was defeated, the navy of the Eastern Wu Dynasty was destroyed, and the unification of the world was within easy reach, a mere Du Yu would actually make troubles and make troubles, tormenting Cao Cao's army like this?

"Report to the prime minister! Something is not right!" Zhang Yun ran up in panic and said, "The dry village was dragged down by the water village, and it also caught fire!"

Cao Cao was shocked, and Xun You sighed: "Zhuge Liang's strategy of the east wind is still effective, so if the water village catches fire, the dry village on the north bank will also be doomed."

"Shut up!" The devil Cao Cao was furious, and snapped, "Why don't you think of a way to save the army?"

Everyone immediately had an idea.

"At this time, it is impossible to preserve the water and dry villages." Man Chong looked at the dozens of miles of camps that were on fire everywhere: "But we have already killed the main force of the Eastern Wu elite. As long as we can successfully move the army out, Sun Liu My son, and Du Yu, a buffoon, cannot escape the prime minister's slaying."

"En." Cao Cao finally regained his senses, nodded and said, "Everyone quickly lead the soldiers, escape from the sea of ​​flames, and move to a higher place!"

"Report, something is wrong with the prime minister!" A messenger rushed over in alarm: "There are ambushes on Wulin Mountain! They are all heavenly soldiers and generals, and they are killing them madly!"

"Hmph!" Cao Cao sneered, "Zhou Yu is defeated and Liu Bei is at the mouth of the Youjiang River. Even if Du Yu's son has an ambush, how many troops can he have? Don't panic!"

"No." The messenger burst into tears: "These ambush soldiers are really not human! Our back village has been burned down, brothers can't resist it."

"Bastard!" Zhang Liao, who had just killed Zhou Yu, was full of spirits, stepping down the stairs like a demon god: "Prime Minister, I am willing to save Houzhai and kill the ambushes!"

"No!" Cao Cao said angrily: "The lonely king will kill them all himself. I expect the enemy army in front will attack from behind, so you must guard against it."

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao personally took Xu Huang, A Ming and other generals, and led the iron guards and other personal guards, and rushed to the rear.Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Xia Houyuan, and Zhang Yun were in charge of guarding the front and organized the orderly retreat of Cao's army, which was besieged by the fire attack.

Looking at Cao Jun's seemingly indestructible water and dry village, under the igniting of thousands of kite beasts one after another, it burned into a large sea of ​​flames, dyed the entire river red, and ignited the mountains in the north. Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao The four beauties, Bu Lianshi and Sun Shangxiang, were completely stunned.

Not to mention them, even the members of the wolf pupil team were stunned.

A mere adventurer actually has such a big hand

Deliberately frame the Sun Liu coalition army, let the plan of burning Chibi fail, and then replace it, and burn Chibi again!

What a grand idea.

The so-called how big the structure is, the big benefits will be.

This strategy of personally defeating Cao Cao and setting fire to Chibi, once successful, will bring benefits that would be unimaginable before!
And there is no main mission at this time.It seems that the expectation of the space is that the adventurers, as the soy sauce party, will watch Cao Jun's failure or Wu Jun's failure, and then move on to the next scene.

But Space did not expect that the Battle of Chibi would actually become a stage for a certain adventurer!

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Zhou Yu, and Zhuge Liang were all toyed and applauded by him and became his pawns!

"Well, the captain is hanging up again."


"Damn it, really"

"Actually, I can think of this plan."

"The key is, do you have a way to make Cao Cao act according to your plan? Do you have so many wooden cows, horses and kite beasts? The most important thing is, do you have so many ambush soldiers?"

With a cold face, Michelle shouted: "You guys are not here for sightseeing. Quickly prepare your respective armies and prepare to charge! The signal flares sound, kill!"

She and Li Tang were the first to rush out with their respective troops.

The adventurers of the wolf pupil team, together with Du Yu's private army, gathered a total of 5000 soldiers, and they also ambushed in the mountains near Cao Jun.Needless to say, being able to deceive Cao Cao's eyes and ears is also a trick of the crystal ball.

These 5000 soldiers, like tigers descending the mountain, rushed towards the burning Cao Jun camp, causing panic and chaos!

On the other side, more than 2000 elf warriors led by Galadriel, Arwen, Iowyn, and Yu Jin also cut open the camp of Cao Jun's back stronghold, rushed into the sea of ​​flames, killed and shot anyone they met, Under the blow of arrow rain, Cao Jun quickly disintegrated and collapsed.

Two ambushes broke out at the same time, beating Cao's army into chaos.

The so-called surprise.

After a battle with Zhou Yu's army in an ambush, Cao Jun thought he had a chance to win, but he didn't expect to be tricked by others. Mantis catching cicadas and orioles were behind him, so he naturally fell into a psychological disadvantage.

But at this time, the east wind was blowing fiercely, and the fire was raging like a tide. There was no fire everywhere in the burned water and dry villages, and they were even more timid and chaotic.

Coupled with the fact that the ambush was on the side, it became a constraint, and it was unexpected, and it was a surprise that Cao's army was not in chaos.

In addition to plague, acclimatization, cold winter and many other historical disadvantages, Cao Jun has survived until this time, and it is considered that the commanders are strong enough and Cao Cao is well commanded.If Cao Cao hadn't personally led the troops to move to the rear to suppress the mutiny and improve morale, Cao's army would have collapsed now.

But under the fierce attack of Du Yu's two ambushes, Cao Jun's back stronghold could not hold on immediately.

"Why are there so many ambush soldiers?" Sun Shangxiang looked far away and saw another ambush soldier, joined the battle, and attacked Cao Jun's burning rear stronghold. Judging from the speed, the momentum was overwhelming, and Cao Jun's entire army was turned on their backs.

"Hey." Du Yu smiled and said, "Let's jump into the battle too."

He did not forget the task of killing Cao Cao and obtaining the Space Demon Seed.

Bu Lianshi, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao all looked at Du Yu with surprised eyes.

"But even if Cao's army is in chaos at this time, it will not be easy for us to fight in."

Du Yu chuckled, "I have my own troops at my disposal."

He commanded the only building boat, and rushed towards Cao Jun's burning water village with indomitable momentum.

Cao Jun's water village had been burned to the ground. The first time the building boat attacked, it knocked over another watchtower and broke into it.

Although Cao Jun's warships were burnt to pieces and burst into flames everywhere, and most of them were chained by wooden cows and horses, after all, there were still dozens of warships that were able to move, approaching this bold and reckless building from different directions. Whack the enemy.

Sun Shangxiang was gearing up and said, "Okay! Let's make a big fuss! What are you doing?"

She saw Du Yu take out a handful of talismans.

"Kill!" Xia Houyuan was full of murderous aura, with high fighting spirit and black energy around him.

"The intruder is Du Yu!" Xia Houyuan glared at Du Yu angrily: "Kill my elder brother, if I don't avenge this revenge, I can't sleep or eat!"

He drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot at Du Yu.

"So angry?" Du Yu flashed an arrow like lightning, and under the surprised eyes of many beauties, he took out a handful of talismans and threw them out!
In the air, the talismans gradually turned into a group of strong yellow scarf fighters, who quickly appeared on the platform of the building and boat, full of murderous intent, glaring at the surrounding Cao Jun.

"Scattering beans into soldiers?" Da Qiao covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Du Yu's celestial power at this time was enough to summon a Yellow Turban General, more than 30 Yellow Turban Warriors, and hundreds of Yellow Turban Soldiers, and immediately filled the boat.

But this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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