Chapter 1169 Reincarnation Ability Vs Particle Ability! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Behind him, the appearance of Hanuman, the monkey god, suddenly appeared in the void.

Hanuman, the god monkey in the Indian epic "Ramayana", has four faces and eight hands, rescues Sita, the wife of Rama, the king of Ayodhya, and fights against Rakshasa demon Ravana.To put it simply, his deeds have many similarities with the Monkey King in Chinese mythology.

The weather power of this divine monkey has been upgraded to level 5 by him, which is the same as Du Yu's weather power, reaching the level of turning into a god!In terms of combat power, Hanuman, the god monkey, has been getting bigger and bigger, and the tiger-headed Ruyi golden stick in his hand emits a huge golden light.

At this time, Deni, how can he be in the sixth group and keep a low profile?When he happened to form a group with Du Yu and Tataglia at the beginning, he deliberately hid his strength, even if he faced the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, he just ran away.

It is said that the space grouping is random, and the three selected people are actually divided into one group!The chances are really very small, which is why Du Yu couldn't guess Deni's identity at first.

Amin dare not underestimate the enemy.He knew that even if he didn't stand up to protect Cao Cao at this time, he would not let him go after Deni killed Cao Cao and took away the demon seed.He will definitely come to devour his spatial ability, he roared, and a force of weather appeared behind him!
Aladdin, the giant god in the myth of One Thousand and One Nights, appeared.

But looking at Aladdin's magic lamp who is extremely obese and desperately in need of weight loss, and looking at Hanuman, the monkey god who is powerful and holding a golden stick with a tiger's head, one can't help but feel the relationship between the rich Arab businessmen and the poor Indians. Is the size difference too big?If this is true, shouldn't the combat index be inversely proportional to the waistline?
Speaking of which, Du Yu's space ability is related to space, Tattaglia's space ability is related to time, Amin's space ability is related to microscopic particles, and what is Deni's space ability related to?
Deni didn't keep Amin waiting, and quickly uncovered the mystery.

In his hand, a mysterious and mysterious light pointed at A Ming.

Light curtains appeared on A Ming's body.

What he has done, just like a movie playback, is fast forwarded at an extremely fast 20 times, and quickly rewinds!
Going back to when Chang Banpo intercepted and killed Du Yu, that insane laugh, and his unabashedly greedy eyes on Du Yu's space ability!

Going back to his last adventure world, in the movie "Jerusalem", Amin brutally beheaded dozens of Western Crusader adventurers in the battle to defend the holy city!

Going back to his last adventure world, in "Total War in the Middle Ages", he helped Mehmed II destroy Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, and slaughtered hundreds of Western adventurers in exchange for Mehmed II giving him the secret stone mortar gun technology

"Sinner," Denis murmured, "Your sins are beyond words!"

Hanuman, the divine monkey behind him, was glaring, and waved his tiger-headed golden stick, and was about to pounce on him in the next second, slaughtering this countless murderer, Amin, into ashes.

A Ming screamed, his eyes were red: "You bastard! Ah! Don't read the memory in my brain!"

"Memory?" Deni smiled coldly: "I don't need that kind of low-level thing. My spatial ability is reincarnation!"

"Reincarnation?" Amin's eyes were red, and he used the power of weather to desperately resist Deni's invasion: "These"

"That's right." Deni looked at Amin contemptuously: "I am the incarnation of the God of justice. When I came to this world, the most important duty is to punish all injustices. Therefore, God bestowed on me the strongest Vishnu statue and Hanuman weather. All the crimes you have committed are invisible to my power of reincarnation! Accept my judgment!"

With bloodshot eyes, Amin yelled, "Fart! Don't lift yourself up so high! We are adventurers, reincarnations, and killing is our profession! Survival is our goal! Haven't you killed others? How did your power of weather rise to level 5? You need to kill at least 200 adventurers to make it possible, right?"

Deni said coldly: "That's right. I did kill many people. But it was God's will. My killing was to execute the oracle of Vishnu. Not only was there no fault, but it was meritorious. Similarly, I have done a lot to Du The man from Tang Dynasty who was full of lust and greed also imposed punishment. Unfortunately, he did not accept God's warning. Not much to say, do you still want to see your sins in the previous life?"

A Ming felt as if his mind was about to explode, and he covered his head in pain. Unexpectedly, the fourth chosen person, whom he had never met before, was so powerful that he could completely suppress him.

He waved hard.

Three lightning cheetahs rushed towards Deni like flying.

These lightning cheetahs were recently created by him, and they were stronger and faster than the same kind that attacked Du Yu.

But Deni just smiled contemptuously, and the god monkey Hanuman behind him screamed, and the tiger-headed Ruyi golden stick waved into a golden light.

Although the Lightning Cheetah adopted the most advanced design structure and space technology, coupled with the superb technology that Amin searched around, dodging left and right in the golden light, it actually advanced hundreds of steps under the bombardment of the tiger-head Ruyi golden stick, But in the end Hanuman was furious, and the tiger-headed Ruyi golden stick waved into a dazzling light.

The Lightning Cheetah didn't even have time to shoot out its weapon, the Mortar Cannon, before it was swept into pieces and dissipated in front of Denis.

Deni looked as usual, and said with a mocking sneer: "Your particle ability has not entered the stream at all. It is still my reincarnation ability, which can directly control people's fate! Accept God's judgment. May you make fewer creations in your next life." Karma, reincarnated in the family of good people."

His big hand grabbed it hard.

His statue of Vishnu is shining with golden light, and Amin's body emits bursts of black air, which represents the core of Hinduism - karma!

In Hinduism, the karma that a mortal person produces in his life determines whether his soul will be reborn as a higher or lower person, or as a beast, or even as an insect the next time he is reincarnated.Special devotion, meditation, abstinence and an understanding of eternal truth can avoid the cycle of reincarnation; souls in this state avoid this cycle and achieve detachment. This is not a physical ascension to heaven, but a spiritual connection with God. Or the bliss of the reunion of heaven and earth.With the help of an immortal soul in a mortal body, a mortal life can contain an immortal ghost with the immortal creativity of a god, and the soul is capable of regeneration or reincarnation.

Before entering the space, Deni was a Brahmin nobleman of the highest class in India, and also the noble race headed by the four major castes.Although his family is in decline and he is not rich, his status is the most respected in the ten miles and eight villages.He hates modern mortals who do not abide by Hindu teachings the most, and he personally participated in a bus case of a female college student that caused a sensation in the world.

After encountering strong pressure, the Indian government finally announced his arrest, but he was only released after two days of detention.

After Deni was released from prison, he was seriously injured by the boyfriend of the female college student. When he was dying, he came to the space.

He attributed his survival and reincarnation to space to his devotion to God Vishnu, and he even called himself the incarnation of Lord Shiva, and he believed in Hinduism even more.

And Deni's spatial ability is a [Reincarnation] that greatly strengthens his religious belief!
This can be described as even more powerful.

He uses the ability of reincarnation to manipulate the karma of the opponent, causing the opponent to be destroyed by his own karma in advance!
"Come on! Reincarnate into a world of beasts, and continue your killing." Denis controlled the strong karma on Amin's body, grinning grinningly.

This kind of joy of judging others is what makes Denis unable to extricate himself more than anything else.

His spatial ability, combined with his own beliefs and abilities, is simply perfect.

But just when Deni was about to devour Amin, he heard a sneer.

"I am sorry"

"Du Yu?" Deni's expression changed.

He had divination before the battle started, and the oracle told him that everything would go well in this battle.Why was Du Yu able to break through Cao Jun's camp at such a speed and kill him in front of him?

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang also saw Du Yu, riding his horse Wang Jieying, standing proudly on the opposite hill, his face turned cold.

Cao Cao is the overlord of the north, a national traitor who coerces the emperor to make the princes, whoever kills Cao Cao will have righteousness, control the emperor, and then control the north.

Zhuge Liang's face turned cold, he took two steps, stepped forward and said sharply: "The traitor Du Yu, actually still has the face to see the lord? Why don't you dismount quickly and accept the surrender?"

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "Master, you are forgetful. If you hadn't sent me to perform the post-break mission repeatedly, and this time you put me to death, how could I turn against Lord Liu Bei's camp?"

Zhuge Liang felt Liu Bei's piercing eyes behind his back, his scalp numb, and he waved his feather fan and said sharply: "Nonsense! Judging from the fact that you are in Chibi, doing your own thing, and arranging multiple ambush hands, you have already rebelled! In the name of rebellion, it is nothing more than rebellion!"

Du Yu smiled.

From behind him, Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lianshi, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and other four beauties rushed up.Sun Shangxiang's almond eyes widened, and he pointed his halberd and said angrily, "Zhuge Liang! You are so shameless! As the princess of Soochow, I can't lie! You are clearly afraid of Du Yu, and despite his death and protection of your kindness, you put him to death. Throw it on the Dongfeng altar and let my Soochow army kill it. You are a shameless bastard!"

The step trainer's beautiful eyes favored him, and he covered his mouth with a smile and said to Liu Bei: "I, Soochow, also want to thank General Liu Bei for pushing such a fierce general into my arms. Thank you very much."

Liu Bei's face was livid.

With the testimonies of these beauties, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang must have taken the lead in attacking Du Yu, and Du Yu surrendered to Soochow in desperation.

In fact, Du Yu didn't have much affection for Liu Bei. Although he was indeed powerful, what Liu Bei couldn't bear the most was Zhao Yun!

Zhao Yun is his confidant general, and because of Du Yu's matter, he had a rift with him, which is not fun.

(End of this chapter)

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