Chapter 1170 Guan Yu Vs Zhao Yun!Liu Bei vs. Du Yu! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Zhuge Liang felt the change in his eyes behind him, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted sharply: "Where is General Guan Yu?"

Guan Yu couldn't bear to go up and besiege Cao Cao because of his personal relationship, so he was idle, and when he heard the general's order, he stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "What is the command of the military?"

Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan, and said with cold eyes: "Yun Chang values ​​righteousness, I won't send you to deal with Cao Cao, as long as you can kill the rebel Du Yu, it will be the first achievement in defeating Cao Cao, how about it?"

Guan Yudan, with slender phoenix eyes, glanced proudly at Du Yu, stroked his beard with his hands, and said with a slight smile, "I would like to obey the order of the military advisor."

He stepped on the red rabbit horse donated by Cao Cao, and flew towards Du Yu.

It was already dawn at this time, and the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, which was nine feet five inches and weighed 82 kilograms, in the faint morning light, the dragon swallowing the moon inlaid on the knife edge, exuded a breathtaking and glamorous light!
Wu Sheng, Guan Yu!
This is the most famous general in Chinese history.

The red rabbit horse was as fast as lightning, almost faster than Ma Wang Jieying, and it was in front of Du Yu in an instant!
Guan Yu roared, and the Qinglong Yanyue knife chopped it down!
His saber technique is as simple as it is simple, powerful and unparalleled, with the speed of the red rabbit horse, he saw a flash of white light, and he slashed to Du Yu's chest!

It was this glamorous knife!

Back then, Yan Liangwen was ugly, but he didn't understand why, and he died tragically under the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, which had both speed and strength, and was regarded as the ultimate blow in this world!

Du Yu instantly felt the shadow of death, which had completely enveloped him.

He didn't even have time to draw out the Doomsday Blade to resist.

Fortunately, Du Yu has the ability of space, so he disappeared on the horse in an instant!

Guan Yu only hit a faint shadow with his sword.

Du Yu was sweating coldly and appeared behind Guan Yu.

He squeezed out a series of 7 life and death talismans in his hand, and shot at the red rabbit horse Guan Yu was sitting on!
The so-called shooting people first shoots horses, captures thieves first and captures the king. The most important move against Guan Yu is to disable his red rabbit horse so that he can't use his mobility.Guan Yu is heavy, and running on flat ground, the deterrent effect is greatly reduced.

With Du Yu's proficiency in using the Life and Death Talisman, he shot Chituma's rear almost instantly.Du Yu had already seen the blood vessels and joints of the red rabbit clearly. As long as these life and death talismans penetrated into the rear of the red rabbit, within a short while, the famous red rabbit horse would become a lame horse.

Guan Yu had no choice but to dismount and become a horseless infantry.

But Du Yu still underestimated the strongest force in this world.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, Qinglong Yanyue Dao waved and turned, only a few clicks were heard, all the life and death talismans Du Yu shot were blocked by the wide blade of Qinglong Yanyue Dao, and none of them could be shot into the red rabbit horse.

"Guan has lived his whole life, doesn't he know the key points of war horses?" Guan Yu smiled coldly, his legs clamping the horse's belly.

The fiery red Chitu horse, just like in the movie, stood up on its two hind legs, kicked its two front hooves high, turned 180 degrees on the spot, and faced Du Yu like that!
"Damn it, Thomas is turning around." Du Yu could only run away in despair.

Because it took only a second for Guan Yu to adjust his direction, and once again, his horse and iron clattered, and he swung his cold saw, chasing and killing him.

This imposing manner simply crushes any general.

Du Yu finally understood why Guan Yu was the most famous fierce man in the Three Kingdoms besides Lu Bu.

"The traitor will die!" Guan Yu's Leng Yan saw cut it down!

This time he won't let Du Yu have the chance to use teleportation.

At this moment, a horse neighed, and a white shadow flashed past!
The Qinglong Yanyue Knife was blocked in the air by a sharp white spear!
Corner Gun!
Yajiao Gun, Magnolia White Dragon Colt, Zhao Zilong!

Zhao Yun blocked Guan Yu's way of chasing and killing Du Yu.

Liu Bei was shocked.

He also vowed that Zhao Yun would not betray him.

But at this time, Zhao Yun suddenly appeared in Du Yu's camp, blocking Guan Yu's way.

Guan Yudan's phoenix eyes were narrowed, his brows were raised, his face turned red with anger, and he shouted sharply, "Zilong! Why are you helping the tyrant? Against my elder brother?"

Zhao Yun's face was clear, and he held Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Knife with his Yajiao spear, and shouted at Liu Bei: "My lord! Du Yuzhi's rebellion really has ulterior motives. How can I, Zilong, betray the master?"

Before he finished speaking, Meng Zhang Fei, who looked like a raging fire, had already scolded: "Zhao Yun! I really didn't realize that you are such a person! Wow, I'm so mad. Xu Chu get out!"

With a sharp snake spear, he swung Xu Chu's tiger-headed ax away, clamped the horse's belly, and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

Of course Xu Chu was capable of stopping Zhang Fei, but Cheng Yu had already winked.

A gleam of joy also flashed in Cao Cao's eyes.

Originally, the mountains and rivers were exhausted, but Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang led an army to stop them.This ungrateful Liu Bei's big-eared thief will never let him go because of nostalgia for old love like his second brother Guan Yu.

But I didn't expect that another Du Yu would come out halfway.

Infighting also broke out on both sides.

With Cao Aman's cunning and wisdom, he knew what to do at this time when he was six years old.

Of course, it is the people who let go of Liu Bei, let them kill each other, and take the opportunity to sneak away.

Therefore, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Xu Huang and other fierce generals gave up fighting one after another, returned to guard Cao Cao, let go of Zhang Xingcai, Zhang Bao, Guan Ping and other fierce men, and went to fight Du Yu.

For a time, on the narrow and muddy Huarong Road battlefield, a confrontation between Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Du Yu was formed.

Cao Cao was the weakest, with only dozens of generals and adventurers left.

Liu Bei has more than 1 people, ambushing around, and there are peerless fierce generals like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Du Yu also has more than 1 people, but he has deep conflicts with Liu Bei, and grievances and resentments are intertwined.

Cao Cao only had the chance to escape by taking advantage of the contradiction.

Seeing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei attacking Zhao Yun, Du Yu secretly laughed.

Of course he knew that Guan Yu was very fierce, why did he stand in front of Guan Yu and resist?
In fact, if Du Yu went all out, even though Guan Yu was fierce, he might not be able to kill Du Yu so embarrassingly.

Because Du Yu was putting on a show again.

What he wanted was that Zhao Yun couldn't bear it and came up to save himself.

Once Zhao Yun had a conflict with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, how could Zhao Yun explain it clearly?
This is what he wants!

The yellow mud falling into the crotch is either shit or shit.

Seeing Guan Yu blindly chasing and killing his righteous brother Du Yu, Zhao Yun was also quite helpless, so he could only shake the Yajiao Spear and use the Seven Detecting Pan Snake Spear to deal with Guan Yu, who is superb in martial arts.

Guan Yu wielded the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the knife style is sophisticated, powerful and heavy, extremely fast, both offensive and defensive, and fought with Zhao Yun.

Ranking of the armed forces of the Three Kingdoms: "One Lu, two Zhao, three Dian Wei, four passes, five horses, and six Zhang Fei."

At this time, Lu Bu and Dian Wei are all dead, who is the number one fierce man, Zhao Yun or Guan Yu?
Du Yu even looked forward to seeing this dragon-tiger fight.

It's a pity that Meng Zhang Fei quit. He was already like a black whirlwind, and he killed Du Yu behind Du Yu with his snake spear.Du Yu smiled, and stopped pretending to be aggressive, jumped on Ma Wang Jieying, and started a fight with Zhang Fei.

As for Zhang Bao, Guan Ping, Guan Yinping, Zhang Xingcai and others who charged over, Du Yu was not alone here.

Yu Jin, Bu Lianshi, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and Sun Shangxiang fought each other against each other.

For a while, the two armies targeting Cao Cao started a fierce confrontation on Huarong Road.

Cao Cao became the most idle person instead.

He watched Liu Bei and Du Yu's two armies fight calmly, thinking about how to escape the disaster.

On Du Yu's side, Tattaglia led the adventurers from the wolf pupil team and rushed towards Deni and Amin who were fighting.These two guys are the biggest variables, and it's better to get rid of them or get rid of them as soon as possible.

Deni and Amin, as if they had a tacit understanding, immediately stopped fighting.Under the watchful eyes of the two allies Du Yu and Tataglia, killing each other is courting death.

Zhuge Liang waved his flag.

Behind him, a large number of soldiers of Liu Bei's army appeared.In terms of land combat strength, after Cao Cao's army was wiped out, Liu Bei's army has the strongest land combat strength.

"Du Yu" Zhuge Liang lightly shook his feather fan and said, "Today I will let you know that war is not about a few fierce generals fighting to kill and kill. To be a handsome man, one must plan a strategy and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away!"

He waved his lupine.

More than 1 people in Liu Bei's army lined up in a well-organized square formation, pressing towards Du Yu coercively.

Qimen Dunjia Formation!

In the center of the formation, Huang Yueying, Liu Feng and other generals kept issuing orders, but the person in charge of the formation in the center was an acquaintance Du Yu had met!

Pang Tong!

"So that's the case, did military advisor Pang Tong also join Liu Bei's army?" Du Yuge murmured as he blocked Zhang Fei's spear that was slamming down on Mount Tai.

"Exactly." Zhuge Liang smiled faintly: "Liang has already reserved his back. Once Pang Shiyuan misses and is captured, free methods can rescue him."

"Little friend Du Yu" Pang Shiyuan opened his mouth wide and smiled: "I advise you not to fight against me and Wolong. We join hands, and no one in the world can compete with him."

"Oh? Really? It just so happens that I also have a military advisor here."

Du Yu chuckled, turned around and waved.

On a high hill, under the red lantern, a beautiful woman with a sly smile looked at Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong's army formation: "Qimen Dunjia Formation? Sure enough, there are thousands of scenes and endless changes, but if it is this formation, it will You want to scare my lord, but you underestimate me, Shen Luoyan."

She shook the red lantern lightly.

Suddenly, from the north of the Qimen Dunjia Formation, the ground began to shake, and the screams of the lineup resounded.

Walking in the forefront are 50 yellow turban wrestlers.Although they are not many in number, their super strong surroundings with 200 HP, 200 Strength, 150 Attack, and [-] Defense are enough to shock Liu Beijun's ordinary soldiers.

Then came the Orcs.

In the early morning mist, with swords and guns like forests and armor reflecting the sun, more than 3000 strong orcs came roaring.

Behind them, there are more than 2000 elf warriors, mainly archers and magicians, and the melee sword elves line up in front.

Then there is 5000 story exchange soldiers.

In the one-night fight, with the help of Lie Yan (raging flames) and strong winds, Du Yu's troops suffered little loss, ensuring his strength in a decisive battle with Liu Bei.

The commanders of these soldiers are Du Yu's summoned beauties. More than 20 beauties are enough to guarantee the command of several armies, like using your fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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