Chapter 1171 Crouching dragon and phoenix chick!Unlimited power! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Seeing Du Yu had so many hole cards, even Liu Bei couldn't help but change his face.

"I didn't expect Du Yu's strength to develop so fast," Liu Bei murmured.

Zhuge Liang said coldly: "Ten thousand against ten thousand? Our army is strong and strong, and we have two military divisions, crouching dragon and phoenix young. How could we lose to a mere Du Yu and a woman commanding us?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his feather fan: "Form the formation!"

Shen Luoyan also shook the red lantern lightly.

Galadriel gave an order: "Elves of the forest, show off your archery skills and let the humans on this continent see how good fighters you are!"

Under the order of the Elf Queen, a total of 700 elf archers and more than 300 elf mages from Mirkwood and Rivendell slowly walked out of the battle formation, drawing bows and arrows one after another, pulling the bowstring tightly, or chanting spells loudly, Condensing the magic.

The elf queen and princess looked at each other, their beautiful eyes flashed with icy killing intent, and they waved their hands suddenly!

The Ring of Water and the Ring of Qi of the two are buffed on these elf shooters and elf mages at the same time!

On the Via Ring of Qi, the hurricane roared, attaching the power of the wind element to the exquisite bows and quivering arrow feathers of each elf archer.

The Ring of Qi can greatly increase the speed of the bow and arrow, thereby enhancing the penetration and lethality of the bow and arrow. From a large scale, it can increase the group bow and arrow damage by at least 30%.

And Galadriel's Ring of Water, bursts of cool water-based magic molecules descended on every elf warrior, archer and magician.In addition to quickly recovering soldiers' injuries and improving the concentration of shooters, it can also improve the spell recovery ability of elf mages, greatly enhancing their endurance combat capabilities.

Therefore, Liu Beijun suffered the first wave of vicious attacks under the full force of the elf army!

700 bows and arrows and more than 300 magic spells hit Liu Beijun's camp with precision like rain!

The resulting attack effect almost made Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's eyes pop out!

In this era of the Three Kingdoms, except for a few sharpshooters such as Tai Shici, Huang Zhong, Xiahouyuan, etc., most archers can only use fire coverage as the main means of shooting accuracy.

But these guys with long ears are too accurate, right?

700 long arrows, without exception, shot at Liu Beijun's camp.

As early as when Du Yujun's bow and arrow troops took their bows and crossbows, Pang Tong ordered Liu Beijun to raise their shields, but the gain of the Qi ring obtained by the archer elves, plus their original strength, these 34-inch long arrows in the dark jungle , In all likelihood, it penetrated Liu Beijun's cowhide shield, and was deeply embedded in the flesh and blood of Liu Beijun's soldiers!

In an instant, Liu Bei's army was like a field of wheat blown by a strong wind, with fallen soldiers everywhere.A single wave of arrows took the lives of more than 200 people, and more than 200 people fell down and groaned.

Liu Bei was frightened and angry, and before he could roar, he found more than 300 colorful lights falling into the lineup.

Then there is a big explosion of light, electricity, ice, fire, thunder and other magics!
There were blown bodies, stumps, blood and human heads everywhere.

Liu Beijun suffered heavy losses as soon as he came up.

Qimen Dunjia Formation?
It's really good.

But no matter how good this formation is, it must be formed by someone.

The soldiers of Liu Bei's army were massacred by elf archers and magicians.When they are all dead, what other Qimen Dunjia Formation is there?

Even Cao Cao was amazed.

In the Battle of Guandu, Guo Tu, Yuan Shao's adviser, used to ambush more than [-] archers. In the formation on the right, when Cao Jun charged in the battle, Yuan Shaojun fired ten thousand arrows, and Cao Jun was killed and wounded.But that was Yuan Shaojun's [-] crossbowmen, and they didn't create such an efficient killing scene!
"Gu really underestimated Du Yu," Cao Cao murmured.

"Now is not the time to admire each other." Cheng Yu smiled wryly, "Prime Minister, let's take advantage of their fight and run away quickly."

Zhuge Liang's eyes were cold when he saw Du Yujun's super fierce firepower.

Under this kind of efficient massacre firepower, [-] against [-], Liu Beijun was killed before he even got close to the enemy.

He immediately winked at Huang Yueying.

Huang Yueying nodded slightly and waved her hand.

In Liu Beijun's camp, a large number of organmen suddenly appeared.

These mechanism people are powerful third-tier soldiers created by Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying's mechanism techniques.

These third-tier soldiers named "corpse puppets" mechanically held the bows and arrows and magic of the elf archers, and walked forward at a fast speed.

There were more than 500 of them, and with Zhuge Liang's feather fan waving, some corpse puppets kept standing up from the ground, while Huang Yueying was sweating profusely, directing these mechanism corpse puppets to attack Du Yu's army.

They are not free summoned creatures, but require Zhuge Liang's precious mana and Huang Yueying's spiritual power to drive the battle.

But this trick has indeed seen the effect.

The bow and arrow of the elf archer is very poor against this kind of mechanism. The effect of magic explosion is slightly better, but it doesn't have much effect.

Under the cover of these puppets, Liu Bei's army began to attack Du Yu's army.Once the Qimen Dunjia Formation commanded by Pang Tong got close to Du Yujun, it was conceivable that Du Yujun would suffer a great loss due to the exquisite Qimen Dunjia Formation.

But this is just the beginning.

Du Yu gave an order.

The muscular stick troop composed of yellow turban wrestlers and strong orcs moved forward like a rainbow.On a cold winter morning, the strong orcs roared out bursts of white mist and saliva from their sharp teeth and big mouth, which was particularly deafening and terrifying.

"Advance!" Yu Jin, the leader of the orc army, swung his sword and urged the orcs to move forward.

The elf shooters and magicians continued to bombard Liu Beijun indiscriminately from behind, exerting pressure.

The casualties of Liu Beijun have been turning upwards, and wherever they pass, there are charred corpses full of arrow feathers.

Finally, the two sides collided together.

It has to be said that under the training of Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu, Liu Bei's army is indeed a first-class land force.At the moment of contact, Liu Beijun in the center, under the command of Pang Tong, stepped back in great strides, allowing the roaring orcs to rush in, and then changed their formation.Liu Bei's army on the two wings began to forcefully squeeze the formation of the orcs, separating the orcs from the elf fighters behind, and smashing them one by one.

But Du Yujun also has excellent military advisers.

Shen Luoyan's commanding art has been perfected day by day. Even when confronted with wise generals like Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, she is not timid. She waved the red lantern and directed all the troops to fight continuously.

In the final analysis, the Qimen Dunjia Formation is not a fairy art, but it is also about the overall situation and micro-manipulation.Once it collapses, it is not necessarily more powerful than other formations.

The 5000 exchanged soldiers were sent into battle by Shen Luoyan as a reserve team.

Liu Bei's army under the leadership of Pang Tong changed again, but this time with a tough stance, they fought against Shen Luoyan's reserve team, and the two sides fought fiercely.

In the center, the tall orcs, armed with spears, axes, and knives, roared and charged Liu Bei's battle formation. The 50 elite yellow turban wrestlers also continued to cause great impact.

And Liu Bei's army used human walls, shields and spears to shake them.

Both sides have advantages and disadvantages.

The strong beasts are so powerful that they can often grab Liu Beijun's weapons, pull out the soldiers, and then tear the opponent into flesh and blood amidst the roar of desire for flesh and blood.

The soldiers of Liu Bei's army formed a formation and charged, and after resisting the attack of the orcs, they suddenly stabbed the orcs' vitals with a knife or a spear, killing them with one blow.

Especially those corpse puppets, which also have solid defense and terrifying brute force, can resist the impact of the orcs.Once they are almost destroyed, there will be a terrible explosion, and the flesh and blood of the orcs will be blown away.If they hadn't entangled the strong orcs in large numbers, Liu Bei's defense line might not have been able to hold.

But the elf shooter and elf mage became the destroyers of Liu Beijun's perfect formation.After each wave, a large number of corpses and debris can be left behind.

The 5000 plot soldiers who oppressed from the north also went to war with Liu Bei's army.However, compared to the well-trained Liu Bei's army, their combat power is not worth mentioning at all. After a few rounds, they were beaten to nothing.

When the battle was at its most intense, Pang Tong, the great man, finally began to show his power.

To be honest, Du Yu really didn't pay attention to Pang Tong at first.It is really that Pang Tong's serial plan failed, and he was imprisoned in Cao Ying, and he was humiliated as soon as he came up, making it difficult to regard him as the Four Great Wise Generals of the Three Kingdoms.

But Pang Tong's failure can't be blamed on him.It's all the blame on Amin Gaomi, adventurers who are familiar with the plot cheated, and the gods can't help it.

In the battle of one knife and one gun, Pang Tong's power was finally displayed.

He made a bold move and took out a huge fan.

This fan is called [Heavenly Wind Scepter], and it is Feng Chu Pang Tong's favorite weapon!
"Huh!" Pang Tong watched Du Yu's army's most threatening elf archer shoot a volley, and suddenly swung the [Heavenly Wind Scepter]!
Accompanied by a crisp phoenix cry, a hurricane rose from the ground, blowing towards the strong orcs who were fighting fiercely with Liu Bei's army in the center.

The rain of arrows shooting wildly in the air, although it was shattered by the hurricane of the [Great Wind Scepter], was unable to put pressure on Liu Beijun for the time being. They were swept up by this hurricane one after another!

This influence on the battlefield is absolutely fatal.

Shen Luoyan's expression changed.

Du Yu, who was fighting fiercely with Zhang Fei, also had a flash in his eyes.

Because Pang Tong saw through the biggest weakness of Du Yu's army at a glance.

That is melee ability.

Except for this strong orc army and the yellow scarf warriors, Du Yu's 5000 plot-exchange soldiers were vulnerable to Liu Bei's elite soldiers.The biggest problem is that they belong to different adventurers, and it is difficult for them to form a coordinated battle formation.

(End of this chapter)

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