Chapter 1173 Kill the boss!Exchange four beauty! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu said coldly: "I've seen the problem a long time ago. How could such a treacherous hero like Cao Cao show his real body? This Cao Cao was killed so readily, and after you succeeded, Zhang Liao, Zhang Ying, Xu Huang, Xu Chu and others People didn’t come up to fight with you, but they fled forward together. Think with your ass and you know that Cao Cao has someone else. These generals are not in a hurry to take revenge! Don’t forget, Cao Cao is an expert in escaping, offering a knife and cutting his beard Abandoning the robe is the pinnacle of his work."

Tattaglia laughed and said, "The only thing that can decipher Cao Cao's real body is a large-scale indiscriminate attack!"

"Yes!" Du Yu said with a chuckle, "So, I will use the Doomsday Judgment to cover this area. As long as Cao Cao is here, he must face the harm! Show his true body. Otherwise, how can we Guaranteed to kill him?"

"So, splash the rats with boiling water, let's die!" Du Yu chuckled, and brazenly launched the doomsday judgment!
"Don't even think about it!" Deni, who was deeply fooled, turned over and jumped on him.

But Tataglia smiled admiringly at Du Yu: "Sure enough, he is a very smart person. This large-scale doomsday fire rain combines the triple effects of attacking, dispersing, and blocking the enemy. It is really well thought out. "

Denis quickly realized why Tataglia praised Du Yu so much.

Because he can't get in!

Doomsday Judgment, but the relatives do not recognize it.Once Deni enters this attack area, he will face terrifying injuries.

As an adventurer in the outer city, even if he has many adventures, is he really immortal?

Du Yu's move is very clever.

Deni and A Ming could only stare blankly, watching Du Yu frantically attacking the crowd where Cao Cao might be, and did not dare to advance an inch!
This is a big move that integrates offense and defense, taking into account the prevention of robbing the boss!
Fire covered!The red cloud rained down large streams of blood, which landed on the ground and burned crazily.

Du Yu's spatial ability, as his cultivation level improves, can draw the vitality of the world from the surroundings and transform it directly, making the attack more powerful.In an instant, flames were everywhere on Huarong Road!

Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Zhuge Liang, who had caught up behind, immediately changed their faces!
Unexpectedly, Du Yu, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, actually had such terrifying immortal skills.

If this wave of large-scale destruction skills were used on the battlefield just now, how many people would Liu Beijun die?
Even Tattaglia, Amin and Deni were stunned.

"Du Yu, bastard, what kind of weapon is he holding? How can he be so heaven-defying?"

Tataglia looked at Doomsday Blade curiously.

Amin recognized it at a glance: "Damn it, it's the Blade of Doom! It's an artifact!"

Deni was silently speechless.

What is the concept of artifact?
It is the equipment that cannot be easily obtained by others, the most advanced equipment.

If it is randomly picked up all over the street, is it still called an artifact?
Now, the weapons that Du Yu casually took out were enough to make the three fellow chosen ones pale in comparison!

It's like a rich second generation, throwing out a cigar casually, and looking at it on the street is enough for one month's living expenses.

But the attack effect is just now.

Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Xu Huang, Xu Chu and others who were running away to protect an inconspicuous person looked up and their expression changed immediately.

This large-scale doomsday judgment, even if Cao Cao's disguise technique is increased to level 100, he will not be able to escape.

"Bastard!" Cao Cao tore off the disguise.

His disguise just now was that of an ordinary civil servant. He even cut off his iconic long beard, and he cut off his beard and discarded his robe in advance.

It's a pity that cutting off the beard and discarding the robe is useless in front of Du Yu.

People directly engage in carpet bombing.

Cao Cao looked at the fire rain falling from the sky, his eyes were about to burst, and there was endless crimson light in his eyes.

"I won't let you go!" A roar that definitely belonged to Cao Cao came from Cao Cao's mouth.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

The space demon finally couldn't help but come out.

From Cao Cao's mouth and nose, a trace of black air suddenly jumped out, condensing in the void

Although the fire rain fell and hit the black air, it would make a sizzling noise, but the black air took shape step by step after all.

Du Yu snorted coldly and jumped down suddenly!
Pounced on Cao Cao who was exuding black energy.

It's time to die!

He took out the Dark Soul Stone and stabbed Cao Cao on the forehead.

As long as Cao Cao is stabbed and the demon god is absorbed into the soul stone, the battle will be considered complete!
[-] martial arts points are about to be obtained.

The martial arts value at this time will be directly counted into Du Yu's forces under the [Chu] force, and will not be wasted.

Cao Cao's demon seed uttered an exclamation: "Guardian!"

But Zhang Liao, Zhang Yun, Xu Huang, Xu Chu and others were all stunned.

They are normal human beings.

But this time, Du Yu's attack was finally blocked by Zhang Liao.

Although the prime minister looked suspicious, I don't know what happened, but Du Yu can't be allowed to attack the prime minister, right?

The Doomsday Judgment is still frantically setting off a storm of death.

Except for major civil officials such as Cheng Yu, Xun You, Man Chong, and generals such as Zhang Liao, other cronies around Cao Cao all died tragically under this wave of doomsday judgment.

Cao Cao was hijacked by the demon species, and he tried his best to escape backwards, his speed was no worse than riding a horse.

At the critical moment, Du Yu popped up several life and death talismans and shot them at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao galloped for two steps, and finally fell to the ground, twitching in pain.

But Du Yu also fell into the siege of Cao Jun's four fierce generals at this time.

If Zhang Liao, Xu Chu and other fierce generals suffered heavy injuries in the doomsday trial, they really only had a trace of blood left, lingering on their last legs.

But their loyalty to the prime minister made these fierce generals still muster their courage and fight Du Yu to the end.

Du Yu saw that Amin and Deni were speeding up. If they were one step late, all previous efforts might be wasted. He was restless when he suddenly heard a pleasant voice.

"The general is to kill Cao thief?"

Standing in front of her, dressed in a flowery attire, with a slender figure, is it not Diao Chan?

Zhang Liao and the others were delighted to see Diao Chan appearing here unscathed, but when they heard the word Cao thief, they immediately glared.

Xu Chuweng said angrily, "Did you also betray the Prime Minister?"

Diao Chan chuckled: "I've never really belonged to the Prime Minister, so why betrayal?"

Holding a pair of exquisite broken jade hammers in her hand, she approached the four generals step by step at an extremely fast speed, and said to Du Yu deeply: "General Du Yu, I will be entangled here, please kill Cao Cao by all means." This country thief, remove the residue and defilement for the country!"

Du Yu took a deep look at Diao Chan, nodded and said, "Okay!"

He lightly escaped from the battle and rushed towards the fleeing Cao Cao.

Cheng Yu yelled: "Du Yu! Don't you want my northern border to be in chaos and the Hu tribe to invade!"

Du Yu looked at Cheng Yu with cold eyes.

Cheng Yu said in a deep voice: "The prime minister has indeed chased and killed you many times, but the camps are different, and fighting on the battlefield is a common occurrence. But at this time, the north is a little settled, and the prime minister is in danger of the world. If he dies here, there will be no overlord in the north , there will be chaos immediately! Wuhuan, Rouran and other Hu people will immediately take advantage of the situation. Would you like to see such a situation?"

Diao Chan hurriedly said: "The emperor is still in Cao's hands. Whether the Han Dynasty can be revived or not depends on the general's thoughts."

Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and other beauties also chased up from behind, looking at Du Yu eagerly.Zhou Yu died at the hands of Cao Cao, still counting on Du Yu's revenge.

Du Yu thought of Sima Hui's mission, and his heart skipped a beat.

The task given to him by Sima Hui was to eliminate the space monster (magic energy) that caused the turmoil in the Central Plains and harmed the world, but he did not necessarily have to kill Cao Cao.

He laughed, jumped up quickly, and shouted decisively: "Cao thief will die!"

Cao Cao screamed and tried to dodge, but this demonic energy was similar to dragon energy, and the power of luck was very strong, but he didn't have too much combat power against the sky.

With his spatial ability, Du Yu was in front of Cao Cao in an instant, and under the despairing eyes of all the generals of the Cao army, he inserted the dark soul stone into Cao Cao's forehead!
There was despair in Cao Cao's eyes, and his hands twitched to the sky: "I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Because the crimson demonic energy in the eyes had been completely absorbed along with a frenzied howl that only Du Yu could hear.

Cao Cao's mind was wide open, and he fell to the sky.

Cheng Yu and Xun You were filled with grief and indignation, and rushed towards Du Yu.

Zhang Liao and others hurried back desperately.

Du Yu threw Cao Cao's skull-destroyed body at Xu Chu, who looked like a mad tiger, and said in a low voice, "Master Hua Tuo, is he in Xuchang?"

Xu Chu didn't understand at first, but Cheng Yu was a ghost among men, so he could see through, with a hint of ecstasy in his eyes, and immediately said with grief and indignation: "Du Yu! You actually killed the prime minister! I will swear that I will never break up with you." !"

Tiger idiot Xu Chu also yelled: "Yes, I will never forgive you, Mr. Cheng Yu, why did you hit me?"

Cheng Yu winked, Zhang Liao, Zhang He and other smart people immediately set up the enraged Xu Chu, Xu Huang picked up Cao Cao's body, rode on his horse and fled northward.

Xiao Qiao could see clearly that Du Yu stabbed Cao Cao's forehead with the sharp red stone and killed the beast.Under the conditions at that time, with such a serious injury, he would never survive, so he couldn't help but admire Du Yu, and began to cry.

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "After this revenge, Xiao Qiao's favorability for you has increased by 50 points, reaching 100 points."

"There are also beautiful generals who have reached 100 favorability points at the same time: Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lianshi and Da Qiao."

"Do you want to accept the four of their sisters and sisters at the same time?"

"According to the strength and strength of the unparalleled generals, their exchange prices are as follows:"

"Sun Shangxiang: 3500 villain points. Soochow Princess, weapon [Sun Moon Cosmic Circle], Wushuang Awakening stunt: Cosmic Throwing. Combat power evaluation BB level"

"Step trainer: 3000 points of villain value, Queen of Soochow. Weapon [Divine Arm Crossbow], Wushuang Awakening special skill: A crossbow piercing the clouds. Combat power evaluation B-level"

"Big Joe: 3000 villain points, Sun Ce's wife. Weapon [Qiao Meili], Wushuang awakening stunt: Moonlight Peony. Combat power evaluation B-level"

"Little Qiao: 3000 villain points, Zhou Yu's wife. Weapon [Qiao Jiali], Wushuang awakened stunt: Qinglu Furong. Combat power evaluation B-level"

(End of this chapter)

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