Chapter 1174 Daji Messed In!Simei is shy! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"The so-called rules." Su Daji played with [Yan Furong], two pink lotus-like arms, intentionally or unintentionally, clamped a pair of 34D round breasts, making blood spurting even more: "It is for violation. I practice I have nothing to do with whether the space is chaotic or not. I only know that the more chaotic the space, the faster I can practice spells. Now I only need a millennium skill to be able to Cultivate into a ten-thousand-year fox fairy. This time, in response to the transaction conditions of the space demon god Yuan Lu Zhi, help him merge the Three Kingdoms Warriors plane with the Warring States Warriors plane into a new Orochi Warriors plane. After the completion, he can let me absorb it. Chaotic devil energy is of great benefit to my cultivation!"

Du Yu said coldly: "You are enjoying yourself and practicing soon, but once the core rules of the space collapse, you will die. The East China Sea beast tide is so crazy outside, don't you know how to repent?"

Su Daji looked at Du Yu playfully, curled her lips and said, "Hey, he's just a little fox, how can he care so much? Besides, as long as I have a little more time, I can cultivate into a ten thousand-year fox fairy. You can directly challenge the World Miracle of Zhaxing Pavilion! If you succeed in the challenge, you can leave this ghostly place, truly wandering in the void, and wandering in the void. What does the life and death of you punks have to do with me?"

"You!" Michelle was angry.

"Is this the reason for Datang's failure?" Du Yu said coldly: "As a strong man in the Zifu District, he doesn't want to solve the disaster of space, but he only wants to escape the space and leave the remaining adventurers to wait. die?"

"Okay." Su Daji stood up gracefully: "Enough nonsense. You were not fooled and killed Cao Cao for me. I couldn't control Guan Yu either. This time, Yuan Lu Zhi shouldn't be able to do me much good. Let’s talk. It’s better than nothing. As I said, I’m limited by the rules, so I can’t attack you. Otherwise, none of you would have survived long ago! Hmph! Anyone who is chosen is ridiculous in my opinion!”

She winked at Du Yu: "Sooner or later, you will be mine! Before I leave this space and go to challenge the Zhaixing Pavilion, I will definitely come back and absorb your atmosphere. It seems that you have already upgraded to the fifth level? Great, come on! I will hide the plot in the sixth act and appear next to Yuan Luzhi. Work hard!"

She waved her hand lightly, and she was about to disappear into the void.

"Where is the evildoer who troubled the Central Plains?" Mr. Shui Jing was angry, his hair was fluttering, and he waved his big sleeves.

A violent thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck Su Daji!

This kind of thunder is the best way to restrain monsters like vixen.In terms of dataization, it can cause 300% damage to monsters, and the priority is also raised to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, Sima Hui, who has always been a stable elder, was so angry when he saw this monster in the Central Plains.

Su Daji's 9-tailed demon fox flicked its tail gently.

A ray of silver light met the violent thunderbolt.

An explosion.

A huge pit with a depth of more than 20 meters appeared beside Su Daji!
It shows the power of thunder.

Sima Hui squatted on the ground, severely injured.He was slightly injured internally by Su Daji's counter-shock force, and he spit out blood with a wow.

Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong didn't dare to trust them, and hurried forward to help their mentor.

Su Daji was not injured at all, only her snow-white tail hair was a little pitch black.She smiled playfully at Sima Hui: "Sure enough, it is Mr. Shui Jing. However, the difficulty of the inner city assessment is really not enough for a 9000-year-old fox like me."

She rolled her tail and walked into the portal.

On the battlefield, Du Yu and Liu Bei were silent in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Diao Chan turned out to be the demon girl Daji beside the legendary demon god Lu Yuanzhi. She even tried to lure the Sun and Liu allied forces and killed Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi.

"No wonder she helped us in every possible way before." Tattaglia realized, "She was clearly afraid that we would be killed by Cao Cao in Changbanpo and the early stage. If Cao Cao unified the Three Kingdoms, then Lu Zhi would take advantage of the chaos to invade the Central Plains." , it will not be easy. Once the powerhouses of the Three Kingdoms gather together, it will not be easy to deal with."

Du Yu took a deep look at Liu Bei, cupped his hands and said, "Lord Liu Bei, I must have heard the words of the witch Su Daji. Yuan Lu Zhi wants to merge the plane of the Three Kingdoms into the chaotic plane of Orochi Wushuang. This is no longer the Civil War of the Three Kingdoms." , but the battle of good and evil with the demon god. How about if you and I stop fighting for the time being?"

At this time, only Du Yu and Tataria knew about Cao Cao's survival.In the eyes of others, Du Yu pierced Cao Cao's forehead with the dark soul stone, and Cao Cao, who had a big brain hole, was absolutely doomed.

In the eyes of everyone, once Cao Cao died, there would be chaos in the north.

Of course, Liu Bei didn't care about the demon god in his heart.But what he was thinking about was the territory left by Cao Cao.In the battle with Du Yuhuo just now, more than 5000 soldiers have died. If the remaining soldiers are also dead, what will he use to occupy the territory?Send three brothers?

Therefore, at this time, Liu Bei has no intention of entangled with Du Yu, so it is important to rush to seize the territory left by Cao Cao.

Originally, he and Du Yu didn't have any deep hatred. During the Three Kingdoms period, it was normal to separate and reunite.He, Liu Da Er, has more people to rely on than Lu Bu, the slave of the three surnames, so he has the right to say that others are not loyal enough?

Liu Bei took a deep look at Du Yu, stepped on Lu Ma, turned around and left.

"My lord!" Zhao Zilong was loyal to Liu Bei and took two steps forward to explain.

Du Yu hastily stopped him and sighed, "Brother, for the sake of the peace of the Central Plains, I'm going to challenge Yuan Luzhi and Su Daji soon. Don't you have the heart to watch my brother fight to the death alone?"

Zhao Yun hesitated for a while.

He was really tricked by Du Yu into boarding the pirate ship, and he couldn't get off even if he thought about it.

Du Yu used the method of cutting sausages, first using the simplest revenge for his teacher, then brotherhood, and then national righteousness. He hooked Zhao Zilong a little bit and stayed by his side.

After Zhao Yun thought about it, he had to explain it to Liu Bei.Liu Bei let out a long sigh, and had already left on his horse.

it is more than words.

Since Zhao Yun was hesitant, that should explain the problem.Even if he wanted to defect to Liu Bei again, Liu Bei would not be able to trust Zhao Yun as he did in the past.

Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others, after incriminating Sima Hui, left with their troops one after another.

For a while, Liu Beijun walked southward cleanly. Needless to say, he went straight to the south to grab the territory.

Sima Hui gasped for a while, called Du Yu, and said with a wry smile, "I've practiced for so long, but I never thought I'd be defeated by this nine-tailed fox with one move. It's shameless."

Du Yu could only comfort him and said: "This demon fox is a goblin who has attained the Tao, and her cultivation is extremely deep. Even if an immortal descends to earth, she may not be able to catch her. Mr. Shui Jing can fight her without dying, which is already very powerful gone."

Mr. Shui Jing took a deep breath: "The next step, are you going to get the [Taiping Essential Technique] from Immortal Nanhua?"

Du Yu nodded: "In order to defeat Yuan Luzhi in the sixth act, I must strengthen my strength in the fifth act. I am determined to achieve this important method of peace."

"[Taiping Yaoshu] is placed in a very dangerous place." Mr. Shui Jing said with a wry smile: "You can only go there alone, and the danger is extremely high. But once you get that fairy art, you can call the wind and rain, cast beans into soldiers, No fantasy. Do it for yourself."

He floated away.

As a force of Cao Wei, A Ming quietly disappeared in place after witnessing the general situation of Cao Wei.He was afraid that Du Yuqiu would settle accounts and find him bad luck, so he anointed the soles of his feet and slipped away.

Denis also followed Du Yu and left sadly.

Du Yu regrouped, and the remaining troops were less than 5000.

Among them, there are only 1500 orcs left, and the elves have no losses, still 2000.But there were only 1500 summoned plot soldiers left.

Where can this force occupy?

"We should attack Jiangling first," Shen Luoyan whispered to Du Yu, pointing to the direction Liu Bei's army was retreating: "Liu Bei's biggest mistake was that he mistakenly thought that Cao Cao was dead. He must go to take Nanjun, which Cao Ren guards. We can come to Kong Ming with three breaths." , let him suffer another big loss."

Du Yu smiled and nodded.

Bu Lianshi, Sun Shangxiang, Xiao Qiao, and Da Qiao stared waterily at Du Yu at the same time.

Du Yu had exchanged four of them.

From now on, they belonged to Du Yu's personal property from people to hearts, from body to soul.

Simei, you look at me, and I look at you, all shy.

They know in their hearts where they will go in the future once they choose this path.

That is the happy ending of four maids and one husband.

"Hey, sister-in-law of the trainer." Sun Shangxiang endured for a long time, and finally broke the silence: "My brother Sun Quan is still alive, why do you want to act with Du Yu?"

Can the step trainer say that he has been raped by Du Yu many times, and he can't go back even if he wants to go back?He chuckled and said, "Sister Shangxiang, you and Du Yu have neither the orders of your parents nor the words of a matchmaker, why are you acting together so far?"

Sun Shangxiang blushed.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao held hands, relatively silent.

"I think, can we entrust the future to him?" Da Qiaoqiao had a trace of confusion on his face: "General Sun Ce's blood feud was avenged by him, should I promise it with my body?"

Xiao Qiao also looked confused and said: "I don't know about my sister, Zhou Lang's revenge was also avenged by him. Should I go with my sister?"

"Of course!" Du Yu brazenly hugged Qiao Qiao from left to right, and said with a smile: "You two sisters are alone in this world, what should you do if someone plots to do something wrong? Let me take care of you! That's it."

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were hugged left and right by him, and immediately felt ashamed.

Sisters serve a husband?
That picture is so beautiful just thinking about it.

Du Yu smiled again and hugged the grandma Yujie step trainer and the bow-waisted loli Sun Shangxiang, Zuo Xiangxiang kissed her right and said: "You two sisters-in-law don't need to be shy. We are already a family. From now on Everyone should get along well, and the sisters are in harmony."

(End of this chapter)

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