Chapter 1175 Infiltrating the Bronze Sparrow Terrace!Capture the Fairy Book! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"What?" Bu Lianshi and Sun Shangxiang screamed at the same time, pointing at each other and said, "You have been eaten by him?"

"En." Du Yu nodded with a grin and said, "You four sisters and sisters-in-law will temporarily settle in the Yanziwu in the heart of the castle to change to Shishui Pavilion. If you find a more suitable place to live, it won't be too late to move there .”

Simei blushed, and at the same time gave Du Yu a hard look.

Xiao Qiao whispered to Da Qiao: "Sister, is there something wrong with our test results? This Du Yu doesn't look like Liu Xiahui as we believed at the beginning. He looks like a disciple."

Big Joe smiled wryly.

Du Yu chuckled, put his arms around Xiao Qiao and said, "If all the men in the world become Liu Xiahui, who will have children? I said, this is the biggest insult to these beauties. It must not be tolerated."

Simei's almond eyes are wide open, coquettish and angry.

After solving this problem, Du Yu received a space prompt.

"You have completed the fourth act [Huarong Road]"

"Because Cao Cao was released by you, but the space demon was absorbed by you, which made him regain his sanity."

"After inspection, you carry the full map of [Taiping Essentials] on you. Do you want to use it?"

"It turns out that the fifth act can automatically open the position of the important art of peace?" Du Yu smiled in satisfaction, and clicked Yes. "

"You have started a branch plot [Bronze Sparrow Terrace]"

"Yu Ji and Tong Yuan hid the important techniques of peace in a place that no one would expect. That is the Tongque Terrace in Yecheng, where Cao Wei's defenses are the most tightly guarded."

"Conscientiously search the Tongque Terrace, defeat the test of the Nanhua Old Immortal, and obtain the [Taiping Essential Technique]."

After the spatial reminder, Du Yu asked Michelle and the others what their fifth act mission was.

Surprisingly, the task of Maishela and others was actually to "pacify Jingnan", that is, to suppress at least three of the five counties of Jiangling, Changsha, Lingling, Guiyang, and Wuling in the south of Jingzhou.

Since the fifth act task is related to their pass evaluation, Du Yu can only fight alone to explore the Tongque Terrace. This task is somewhat similar to the treasure hunting challenge in Dynasty Warriors.

Du Yu put the two maps together, top and bottom, and the two maps were perfectly stitched together.

It was a map of a magnificent palace.

Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

After Cao Cao captured Yecheng, he used the north wall of Yecheng to build the grand Tongque Terrace.It is divided into Tongque, Jinhu and Bingjing, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

"Cao Cao retreated this time, will he survive in a short time?" Du Yu thought to himself, searching for the location of [Taiping Yaoshu] on the map.

The map shows that [Taiping Essential Technique] is hidden at the highest point of Tongque Terrace.The gigantic bronze sparrow measuring five feet long dug out from the city of Ye was directly below it.

"What a wicked immortal." Du Yu slandered, "I'm afraid it's too easy for others to find him?"

According to what Mr. Shui Jing and Yu Ji said, this [Taiping Essential Art] is the treasure of the Nanhua old fairy. It already has the spirituality of heaven and earth, and it will even form its own system. It will arrange its own defense system for those who try to get this book.I don't know what kind of challenges I will encounter after entering Tongque Terrace?

Du Yu thought to himself, moving his finger on the map: "Then this is here."

In the core of Tongque Terrace, the celestial treasure light of [Taiping Essential Technique] flashes.

Alone, challenging the Tongque Terrace in the core hinterland of Cao Wei, and taking away the immortal treasure [Taiping Yaoshu], it is exciting to think about it.

"It's time." Michelle walked in and whispered, "Are you really going?"

"I can't do it." Du Yu smiled: "You have also seen Su Daji's ability and ability. Even Mr. Shui Jing can't stop her blow. This is the result of most of Su Daji's abilities being sealed by space. . Without a stronger fairy art, it is impossible to deal with her."

"Then we'll separate." Myshela patted Du Yu's shoulder: "Take care."

Du Yu took a deep breath, used the angel wings, and positioned himself in Yecheng.

Time is limited, and he has to race against the clock.

Walking out of the void, Du Yu looked up at the city in front of him.

Yecheng is the seat of Jizhou, the essence of the Central Plains, no matter the population or the degree of wealth, it was the best at that time.In the war-torn last days, Yecheng's population has never been less than 10 households, or [-] people.

But even the solid city wall of Yecheng, which is several feet high, cannot conceal the sprawling and undulating Tongque Terrace and the towering watchtower in the north of the city.

Du Yu didn't want to make any troubles, so he didn't take out Ma Wang Jieying, and walked into Yecheng, walking slowly through the city.

In this city of Ye, the commerce is developed and the population is densely populated. People's faces are filled with happy smiles.It seems that in troubled times, as long as there is a stable environment, it is enough to satisfy the people.

What an easy condition to satisfy.

But even such a condition has become a luxury in troubled times.

Du Yu walked through the shops on the streets and observed Tongque Terrace closely.

At this time, Cao Cao's whereabouts should have not yet arrived in Yecheng.Calculated according to the time, he was able to escape into the Runan and Xuchang areas very quickly.

The actual controller of Yecheng at this time is Cao Pi.After breaking through Yuan Shao's base camp, Cao Pi captured Zhen Mi and persuaded Cao Cao to set up his Yafu here.

And Cao Pi's residence is Tongque Terrace.

In the history of Jian'an literature development, Tongque Terrace has become the most important literary salon.Numerous masterpieces by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi, Cao Pi, Wang Can and others were born here.

"Cao Pi" Du Yu was as nimble as a cat, and sneaked around Tongque Terrace: "Let me see, how are you better than Cao Cao?"

But as soon as he stepped into the range of Tongque Terrace, his expression suddenly changed.

He could feel that there seemed to be a huge force on the Bronze Sparrow Stage, looking at him coldly in the dark!
"This breath..." Du Yu was startled inwardly, "It's fairy spirit."

In his perception of the weather of dragons and wolves, the Tongque Terrace seems to have become a fairy formation protected by divine beasts, and at the core is the one-year-old branch that Cao Cao dug out from Yecheng on the top of the Tongque Terrace. A huge bronze sparrow that is five feet (five meters) long!

Even in the daytime, this bronze sparrow can emit a shimmering light, which makes people dare not stare at it!

In the eyes of immortal cultivators like Du Yu, the bronze bird is full of aura, and the fairy shadow is dancing, turning into a vivid red bird!

This huge bronze sparrow was the first night Cao Cao entered Yecheng after he pacified Yuan Shao. In his dream, he dreamed that the side of Yecheng was glowing red, and he ordered people to dig there, but they dug out this huge bronze sparrow. copper sparrow.Xun You rejoiced and said: "Mother Shun dreamed of a red bird in her bosom and gave birth to Shun. This bronze bird is a sign of great auspiciousness. The Lord should build a platform to remember it."

Therefore, Cao Cao was overjoyed and began to build Tongque Terrace.

According to historical records, Tongque Terrace was ten feet high when it was at its peak, and five floors were built on it, 27 feet above the ground.According to the calculation of one foot in the Han system and seven inches in the market, it is also as high as 63 meters.On the top of the building, there is another bronze sparrow, one zhang five high, with its wings as if flying, with a lifelike expression.Under the stage, the water of the Zhang River is led through the Tongque Terrace to flow into the Xuanwu Pool through the secret passage, and is used to practice the water army. It is conceivable that the scene is prosperous.

There are three bronze sparrows, golden tigers, and ice wells, with cornices and horns, towering buildings, and a myriad of scenes.

Du Yu fell gently.

The opponent is a fairy and cannot be underestimated.

Yu Ji and the others put the essential techniques of peace in this kind of place, and it is self-evident to test the comer's intentions.

Du Yu was as light as a swallow, jumping between the palace buildings, trying to get close to the highest bronze sparrow.

Du Yu approached step by step, and everything was normal.

That Suzaku remained silent, but as Du Yu gradually approached, a stern light gradually flashed from Suzaku's body!
"not good!"

Du Yu instinctively felt something was wrong.

This Suzaku seems to have immortal spirit, and can automatically detect intruding immortal cultivators.

Suzaku let out a crisp phoenix cry, which resounded throughout the Tongque Terrace.

"Damn it!" Du Yu cursed shamelessly in his heart.This Nanhua old fairy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.Determined to create trouble with himself.

Tongque Terrace was the core of Yecheng, where Cao Cao had always lived, and the defenses were very tight. Not long after Du Yu was startled by the sound of the phoenix, he heard the footsteps of a large number of elite Cao troops in the palaces of Tongque Terrace.

"Cao Cao left so many defensive troops in Yecheng?" Du Yu was secretly startled.

Cao Jun is very alert and has a high level of alert.The ones rushing to the front were the iron guards of the fourth rank, as well as the sword guards, hammer soldiers and sword shield soldiers.The number is no less than a thousand people.

Du Yu smiled wryly in the face of these menacing Cao troops.

He has judged that if it is an ordinary adventurer in the outer city, if he wants to challenge these Cao troops, he will have no hope of success.

More than a thousand fourth-tier and third-tier Cao Jun are not Chinese cabbages that can be dismissed casually.Even if it is the chosen one who comes, it is not easy to escape successfully.

Moreover, the continuous phoenix singing from the bronze sparrow continued to seduce more Cao Jun's elite, and they poured out of the barracks wave after wave.Even the Cao army stationed in the south of Yecheng may have to fight.

Surrounded by thousands of troops, even if you are a Da Luo Jinxian, you will not escape.

What's more, the people who came were just adventurers from the outer city.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary adventurers to complete this task.

But this time, it was Du Yu who was against the sky.

He waved.

2000 elf warriors, under the command of Galadriel, Arwen, etc., appeared behind Du Yu in an instant, and a wave of deadly arrows rained down precisely on Cao Jun's camp that was rushing forward.

Although Cao Jun was slightly shocked by the unexpected appearance and surprise attack of the army, he was by no means a fool. The shieldmen raised their shields to cover the troops.

But the unit of elf shooter is really against the sky.Under Galadriel's spell buff, the strong penetrating power given to bows and arrows by the Ring of Wind and the Ring of Water made these third-tier soldiers unable to stop them, causing casualties and screams in an instant.

"Go!" Du Yu's eyes were cold.

The tactic he used to test Tongque Terrace was to use force to overcome cleverness!

Break through all possible difficulties and tests with absolute strength.

Cao Jun is strong?

Then crush them!

He waved again.

The 1500 strong orcs left behind appeared behind Cao Jun in an instant.

Broadswords, spears, and giant axes cut through Cao Jun's armor, causing blood to burst and fragments flying across the sky. In an instant, screams resounded through the quiet night sky of Yecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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