Chapter 1181 Space tearing!Suzaku peace talks! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The body of the beast was torn apart?What kind of a strong impact is this?
If it weren't for Suzaku's powerful divine beast body, any existence would have been completely destroyed by Du Yu's killing blow that exhausted his abilities.

But even if it survived the first wave of attacks, Du Yu's next offensive would be enough for it to endure.

Du Yu continuously extracted the true essence of heaven and earth from the surrounding space, transformed it into supernatural powers, and continuously poured it into [Space Tear].

Suzaku screamed incessantly in the turbulence of [Space Tear]. As a divine beast, it still had a lot of real skills that it hadn't shown, but Du's pre-emptive killing made it miserable.

"What the hell is this?" Old Immortal Nanhua couldn't help complaining.He was shocked enough to see Du Yu summoning the fierce beast (dragon wolf) and Suzaku so defiantly.At this time, he mobilized a supernatural power he had never seen before, and killed Suzaku, which made him fall into shock continuously.

Suzaku's greater pain was the dragon and wolf behind him.This expert who took advantage of the fire, rode on Suzaku's back, biting wildly.Due to its characteristic, it can bite off the flesh and blood from the beast and swallow it.This Suzaku was completely unlucky, and was bitten so painfully.

The pincer attack one after the other caused Suzaku's health and energy consumption to increase rapidly in a very short period of time.

Suzaku screamed high-pitched, struggling to escape from [Space Tear].

When it discovered that [Space Tear] required a heavy price to realize, the fire of vengeance shining in the phoenix's eyes made it ruthless!

"I can't spare you." Suzaku brazenly chose to break his arm to survive.

A small half of its body was caught in the turbulence of time and space, and it was abandoned abruptly!
"So ruthless?" Du Yu was dumbfounded: "Not good!"

At the cost of half of his body, Suzaku finally broke free from [Space Tear] and flew again.

But at this time, it no longer has the awe-inspiring aura that looked down on the world when it first appeared.After losing half of his body, even half of his wings were broken, relying on the instinct of divine beasts, he could barely maintain his flight.The trauma suffered internally was even greater.The most tragic thing is its long neck, a large piece of flesh and blood was bitten off by the dragon wolf, and it was devoured, leaving only half of its health.

"Forcing the divine beast to cut off its tail to survive, you are doomed!" Suzaku phoenix eyes sprayed with anger, and came to the top of Du Yu and Longlang, spraying out a blue flame covering the whole field!

[Suzaku's Fire]!
The World-Exterminating Flame, stronger than the Samadhi True Fire, scorched Du Yu and Longlang, making scorching noises, and Du Yu and Longlang groaned in pain.

"Well, it looks like I've stabbed a hornet's nest." Du Yu smiled wryly and said to Longlang, "This Suzaku's fighting power is even stronger than I imagined."

The dragon wolf was also burned miserably in the raging fire, roaring and neighing.

"Using all the space powers, can't I get rid of this Suzaku?" Du Ding came to his senses, looking at the rapidly draining HP, thinking hard.

He has fallen into a desperate situation.

For the rest of his life, Suzaku, who had saved his life, would never let him go. One after another [Suzaku's Flames] spread all over the sky and sprayed out. In terms of speed and strength, Du Yu's death is a matter of time.

Longlang Qi seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly roared!

The Mo Dao wolf is humble, devouring the dragon and finally becoming a dragon!
【Dragon Transformation】Skill!
On the body of the dragon wolf, a huge dragon is slowly appearing.

Even if the hatred is full and the Suzaku who locks on Du Yu is still attracted by Longlang's Hualong.

The dragon wolf is enough to transform into a real dragon wolf in a short time.After performing Dragon Transformation, the body becomes a dragon wolf, which can devour the heaven and the earth, swim in the universe, and compete with the real immortals.Duration 5 minutes.

But more attention should be paid to its characteristics. The dragon wolf is a mutant beast. Once it appears, it will arouse the perception and covet of the ancient gods and beasts such as the real dragon, Qiongqi, Taotie, and unicorn.When the dragon wolf is still immature, don't release it easily, causing unnecessary trouble.

This Suzaku is naturally among the ancient beasts.

Seeing this ferocious beast that hurt him, he was shameless and turned into a dragon, how could Suzaku let him go?
"Arrogance! Blasphemy! Die!" Suzaku's attention finally shifted from Du Yu to Longlang.

The transformation of the dragon and wolf is completed, and it turns into a huge dragon, fighting with Suzaku, dragon and phoenix.

Of course, compared with the true god Suzaku in 30% state, the giant dragon transformed by Longlang is not enough gold.Although Suzaku suffered heavy injuries at this time and was in extremely poor condition, he could still easily crush Longlang.

The dragon and wolf were repeatedly injured by Suzaku's sharp claws and phoenix beak, and [Suzaku's Fire] was even more scorching. Its dragon scales peeled off in large pieces, and dragon blood was sprayed, which was extremely miserable.

Longlang was dying.

"No!" Du Yu felt Longlang's determination.If the dragon wolf died tragically at the mouth of this Suzaku in order to save himself, all his hard work would be in vain, and the dragon wolf shared his soul with him, how could he live alone after it died?
Du Yu dragged his tired body, brazenly from the surrounding space, and began to absorb space power again.

As if a person who was exhausted to the extreme, stood up again.In Du Yu's meridian, the spatial power poured into his dry body again like a trickle, and the rivers flowed into the sea, getting bigger and bigger

In such a fierce battle, under the absorption of Du Yuhan who is not afraid of death, Du Yu has unknowingly broken through the shackles of the past space ability, completely integrated the space ability into his body, and integrated into the dantian yuan. In the power of the baby fairy.No matter from quantity to quality, there is an extreme leap.

His Nascent Soul jumped out of the Tianling Cap, sat cross-legged in the void, and quietly absorbed the spatial power.

When Yuan Ying opened his eyes, in the eyes that were exactly the same as Du Yu's, there was a touch of red that only had spatial abilities.This red light flashed in the pure eyes of a baby, and there was an indescribable sacred aura.

"In the sky and in the world, I am the only one!" Yuanying spoke out the words of others, pinched the Dharma seal in his hands, and stood proudly.

Under strong pressure, Du Yu's Nascent Soul cultivation was finally fully integrated with the spatial ability.

He didn't know how profound this change had affected him.

But reflected in the eyes of Suzaku, a powerful beast, Du Yu's changes were as dazzling as a round of sunlight suddenly shining in the dark night.

"Impossible! He actually"

Suzaku's vision was naturally extremely high, and he immediately noticed Du Yu's abnormality.

Du Yu's attack at this time was no longer bound by the desperate level gap between him and the beast.In other words, Du Yu's attack at this time can deal as much damage to other creatures as it can deal to divine beasts, and even more damage due to the special attribute of the subduing dragon technique.

"It's not good! He actually used this beast as a bait, but in fact this little thief is still the main force!" Suzaku came to his senses, let go of the dying dragon wolf who was about to die, and rushed towards Du Yu again.

But by now it was too late.

Du Yu jumped up!

"Suzaku! Try my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with fusion power!"

Du Yu pushed his aura to the peak, and with indomitable fortitude, roared and poured the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms on Suzaku.

Suzaku screamed and its feathers fluttered, and it was blown back again and again by Du Yu.

Before Du Yu attacked the mythical beast Suzaku, although he was able to hit it with the skill of subduing the dragon, but Suzaku's strong strength made every attack lose a lot of damage.

But Du Yu's attack at this time has a chance every time, with the [tear] effect of the space ability!
Once this effect appears, it will be a disaster for a huge beast like Suzaku.

Once or twice, it can break its arms to survive, but Du Yu's attack speed is extremely fast, does it have to give up part of its body every time?

When Du Yu's set of attacks was over, Suzaku's health had dropped to a precarious level.

It can no longer bear the loss.

As a divine beast, one cannot be capricious.

If Suzaku was in this plane and lost 30% of its strength due to fighting with others, how would it deal with challenges from other planes?

The resources of many planes are related to its cultivation and growth, and must not be given up.

In contrast, under the threat of defeat, Suzaku finally seriously considered the necessity of this battle.

In fact, this little thief is just here to steal 【Essentials of Peace】.I have something to do with the essential art of peace?
Since it doesn't matter, why should I protect the gods for that old Nanhua guy?

This is also the strong strength of Du Yu and Longlang, which forced Suzaku to reconsider after recognizing their strength.Otherwise, Suzaku would have wiped out Du Yu in one go, so why think about it?

This is strength determines status.

Suzaku flew high, and said bitterly: "Boy, this time you are considered cheap. I won't play. Let me see you again next time. You are the best."

It flapped its wings to fly.

When Longlang saw it, he got excited, jumped up, and bit Suzaku again.It was clearly on the verge of death, but it still had such courage, which made Du Yu amazed.

Suzaku said angrily: "I really don't know how to live or die. If you are pestering me, I will kill you right away."

Longlang was seriously injured, one eye was blind, and his whole body was burnt to blackness, but the remaining eye revealed endless rebellion and greed.

"Roar!" Longlang looked as if he would die here and die with the enemy.

Du Yu also reached the point where his oil was exhausted, panting and surrounded Suzaku from behind, and with a wave of his hand, Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou, Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou and other master immortal cultivators surrounded Suzaku.

"What exactly do you want?" Zhuquefeng stared at Du Yu and threatened.

Du Yu chuckled and looked at Longlang, he didn't understand what Longlang meant either.

Longlang was already in a critical situation, and his consciousness was a little comatose, but he still firmly stopped Suzaku.

"You mean..." Du Yu quickly understood what Longlang meant, and smiled wickedly: "It's time for negotiations."

Suzaku stared at Du Yu coldly.

If it fights to the death with Du Yu, there is a 6% to 7% certainty that it can kill Du Yu.

But there is also the danger of falling here.

If you think too much, you will have fear, and once fear appears, you will have room for negotiation.

"You can take away the important techniques of peace, why are you still stopping me?"

Suzaku asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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