Chapter 1182 Collecting the Bronze Sparrow Terrace!Obtain the essential technique of peace! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Ahem, you want to run away. The key to peace is naturally mine, but I have lost a lot in this battle, how should I count it?" Du Yu smiled wickedly.

"Hmph! Sparing you this time is already extra merciful, don't you know how to live and die, and ask for a gift?" Suzaku glared at Du Yu.

"Hmm..." Du Yu had an idea and checked the space.

"Caesar, check it out for me! Can this Bronze Sparrow Terrace be included in the heart of the castle and become an auxiliary facility?"

Caesar, who was on standby, quickly replied: "Master, your feeling is very accurate. This is a hidden facility of the Three Kingdoms. It is the national fortune point of the Three Kingdoms! Every country in Wei, Shu and Wu has one. They are: Wei Guo— Bronze Sparrow Terrace [Place of Domineering], as a facility, after being sucked into the heart of the castle, in the defense battle, the defending army will get the buff of the Bronze Sparrow Statue [Holding], the attack comes with the effect of Suzaku's fire, each hit The medium can also burn 100 points of health of the enemy, and the priority is 120 points of the Suzaku beast.

Wu State-Stone City [Land of Wang Qi].There is a saying in the poem: "The boats from the Western Jin Dynasty went down to Yizhou, and the king's spirit of Jinling was sadly collected." Stone City is the guardian castle of Jinling in the Eastern Wu Dynasty. The attack comes with the effect of the claws of the white tiger. Each time it hits an enemy, it will cause 100 points of gold bleeding damage, and the priority is 120 points of the white tiger beast.

Shu Kingdom—Seven Stars Altar [Land of Dragon Qi], the function of the facilities, in the battle of defending the city, can enhance the ability to change the sky, drive the dragon to swallow clouds and fog, spread clouds and rain, and manipulate the weather.The defending army has its own dragon spirit, its morale is high, and its attack activity and critical strike rate have both increased significantly. "

"The three world-class secret facilities all have the effect of defending the city?" Du Yu was slightly dissatisfied.

"Boss, please be content." Caesar said with a smile: "The heart of the castle is originally a guarding effect. It can be said that these three secret realms can be attached to the heart of the castle, which is already against the sky. In other words, you can defeat the guarding bronze bird Only the Vermilion Bird, the mythical beast on the stage, is eligible to take away the Bronze Sparrow Terrace. Otherwise, I would not be eligible to exchange it."

"The Stone City in Dongwu and the Seven Star Altar in Western Shu can only be exchanged after they are completed, right? You also need to defeat the guardian beast?" Du Yu knew that the Stone City in Eastern Wu would not be built until Sun Quan's day, and the Seven Stars in Western Shu The altar can't even be built until Zhuge Liang prolongs his life to pray.

"The guardian animal of Eastern Wu is the white tiger. The guardian animal of Western Shu is the blue dragon." Caesar said in shock, "So I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it. Just take away the Tongque Terrace."

Du Yu nodded.

Each of the three countries has its own luck.The state of Wei pursued a domineering government, the state of Soochow had the aura of kingship, and the state of Shu had the aura of a real dragon like Liu Bei.The guardian beasts are also different because of this, but the fact that they can stand on top of each other shows that the fortunes of the Three Kingdoms are similar.

The Suzaku, the guardian animal of the Wei state, has 30% power, and Du Yu has exhausted all his combat power and resources.Including the army of beauties, the army of orcs, and the army of elves, they also comprehended the ability of space, and almost trapped the dragon and wolf in it. It is conceivable that the guardian beasts of the other two countries are not easy to mess with.

Du Yu said to Suzaku: "Since you admit defeat, I will take this Bronze Sparrow Terrace as a reward after the war, how about it?"

Suzaku has always used Tongque Terrace as its habitat, and when he heard that Du Yu was so greedy that he would not let it go, he was furious: "Don't be arrogant, if you push people too far, I will teach you a lesson today." You do it!"

Seeing that Suzaku was so decisive, Du Yu narrowed his eyes and said tit for tat: "In that case, let's fight again and see who will fall?"

Du Yu's unscrupulous demeanor really made Suzaku feel awkward.

"Could it be that you really want to fight this guy?" Suzaku also began to struggle.

The sweaty old Nanhua fairy appeared among a man and a beast, and laughed loudly: "It's really a fate. If you don't fight, you don't know each other, hahaha. Just sit down and talk, why bother ?”

Although it is true that he is a fairy, the fairy has the rules of the fairy, and the control is even stricter than that of the human world.

If Suzaku, who guarded Wei's national destiny this time, had a direct conflict with Du Yu because of him, and thus fell, and Wei's national destiny was revised, then he would have violated the rules of heaven!
Thinking of the serious consequences, the old fairy Nanhua was sweating profusely.

Seeing that Du Yu and Suzaku were fighting inextricably, he hurried out to fight and acted as a peacemaker.

Du Yu asked in surprise, "Who are you, old man?"

Old Immortal Nanhua coughed: "I am the author of [Taiping Essentials], Old Immortal Nanhua. The treasure you are going to take away this time is the one I instructed Yu Ji and Tong Yuan to put here."

Seeing his anxious expression, Du Yu knew it in his heart.There must be something, this old fairy begged himself, otherwise why would he be so humble?
Didn't Du Yu hit the snake with the stick?
"Since there is an intermediary to testify," Du Yu said with a serious face, "Immortal, judge for me. I just got a map and came to hunt for treasures. Unexpectedly, the great god Suzaku stopped me arbitrarily and wanted to shout. Kill. I'm doing my best now, and almost killed it, and it left as soon as it said, shouldn't it compensate me for the loss?"

Old Immortal Nanhua looked at Suzaku with a murderous face in embarrassment, he did this bad thing, and of course he had to wipe his ass.What's more, it is also beneficial for him to give Du Yu the important techniques of Taiping.

"Ahem, this fellow Taoist." The old fairy Nanhua said with a smile, "What do you want?"

"Bronze Sparrow Terrace!" Du Yu pointed to the Tongque Terrace and said, "It seems that this platform is also a place where immortal energy gathers, and it is very useful to me."

"But" Nanhua Old Immortal looked puzzled: "This Bronze Sparrow Terrace is where the strength of the Wei Kingdom lies. Without the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, what will the Wei Kingdom do? The world is shaking. This is not good."

Du Yu chuckled: "There are three towers here. The Tongque Terrace was sucked away by me, and the Jinhu and Bingyue Terraces. No matter how Wei Guo blocks the news, the world will not be shocked. Anyway, I have taken a fancy to this place, who will stop it?" I'll fight whoever I want!"

There is such a stunned young man, the old fairy Nanhua and Suzaku, who are also helpless.

"Okay." Under the persuasion of the old fairy Nanhua, Suzaku finally nodded: "Forget you. Don't be complacent for too long."

It flapped its wings.

On the Bronze Sparrow Stage, the immortal power protected by the divine beast was immediately revoked.

Du Yu received a prompt: "You have defeated the guardian beast of the hidden fairyland - Tongque Terrace - Tongque! You have obtained the qualification to absorb Tongque Terrace!"

"The exchange price of Tongque Terrace is [-] villain value!"

"Bronze Sparrow Terrace can greatly improve the defensive power of your castle heart. Every fighter who fights under the buff of Tongque Terrace will get the power of Suzaku. The attack comes with the fire of Suzaku, which can be used as a priority of 120 points of beasts." , harming the intruder."

"You have absorbed Cao Wei's guardian beast, which will have a certain adverse effect on Cao Wei's national fortune."

"Are you going to absorb the Bronze Sparrow Terrace?"

Du Yu nodded and chose yes.

"You absorbed the Bronze Sparrow Terrace!"

"Friendly reminder: Due to the detection of this world, you have absorbed four beauties. Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Sun Shangxiang, and Bu Lianshi, they live in the Tongque Terrace of this world, which is better for improving their strength. Do you adjust your residence?" Place?"

"Take Er Qiao to the southeast?"

Du Yu laughed out loud.This allusion of Cao Cao's YY did not expect to be realized by himself.

Cao Cao once thought about moving Er Qiao to the Tongque Terrace during the Southern Expedition, and spent time with him day and night to entertain the evening scene, but he did not expect to realize it by himself.

Under his control, the majestic Tongque Terrace was suddenly shrouded in a white light!
Cao Pi, Zhen Mi and others who were watching the battle after exiting the range of Tongque Terrace were immediately shocked.

They could see with their naked eyes that the Tongque Terrace seemed to be shrinking rapidly, being sucked away by this divine light!
"Ah?" Cao Pi was furious, and waved his double-edged sword: "Where is the evildoer? He actually made trouble for me, Cao Wei?"

"No! Husband." Zhen Mi pointed to the air, "It looks like a Vermillion Bird beast there?"

Cao Pi also saw Suzaku's appearance, put away his weapon, and bowed to the ground.

Suzaku said indifferently: "Due to a sudden change today, I have to return to the heaven temporarily. You wait and do it yourself, and auspiciousness will come again!"

After speaking, it flapped its wings and flew away.

Even Tongque Terrace, a place of shelter, has been taken over by Du Yu, why is it still here?
Cao Pi was dumbfounded.

The words of Suzaku are like a bolt from the blue.

It is equivalent to the sacred beast that was enshrined, and ran away.

How could this be?
He saw a person swaggering and appearing from the divine light.

The Tongque Terrace turned into a ray of light and flew into his body.

Du Yu held the three glittering volumes of the fairy arts [Taiping Essentials] and laughed loudly.

After going through untold hardships, he finally got what he wanted and got this treasure book that can break through the bottleneck of Yuanying.

With this thing, he soars into the sky, it is no longer impossible!

"Bastard!" Cao Pi was furious: "This kid has blasphemed the beast and took away the Tongque Terrace."

"Husband wait a minute"

Zhen Mi hurriedly persuaded: "This person can retreat completely under the attack of the Suzaku divine beast, and even force the divine beast to migrate, take away the Tongque Terrace, shine with divine light, and obtain the divine book. He is invincible."

Cao Pi had no choice but to swallow his anger, watching Du Yu holding the "Taiping Yaoshu", swaggeringly jumped on Ma Wang Jieying, and walked away.

The old fairy Nanhua floated quietly in the void, watching Du Yu leave happily, smiling slightly.

"Good young man, practice hard, don't let down the painstaking efforts of the old fairy." The old fairy Nanhua said with a smile: "When you have achieved great success, you must spread it for me."

"Good luck!" Du Yu rode on the horse, galloping like lightning.

His mind is all on the [Taiping Essential Technique] that he just acquired.

"Before entering the sixth act, it's best to practice hard for a period of time." Du Yu planned: "Otherwise, just that bitch Su Daji, I will only be beaten and killed when I see him. Demon gods like Yuan Luzhi, I'm afraid the power should not be underestimated. The space prompt allows to bring 10 generals to enter, it should be because of the high evaluation of Yuan Lu Zhi's strength and the difficulty of the test."

Du Yu rode back to Jingzhou on starry night.

(End of this chapter)

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