Chapter 1187 Entering the Demon Realm!Mysterious Fairy! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
The reason why Sun Quan was able to agree to Du Yu's request was nothing more than profit.

Du Yu promised to dedicate the drawings of Mu Niu Liu Ma to Sun Quan to balance his loss of not taking all of Jingzhou.

This drawing of wooden cows and horses is undoubtedly very attractive to Sun Quan.

Anyway, the validity period of the treaty is limited, and it will not be too late to attack the two counties after Liu Bei invades Xichuan, regardless of the rear.

Du Yu was able to restrain Sun Quan's attack at such a price, and in exchange for the safety of Jingzhou, Guan Yu couldn't help but not go out once.

"Let's get started!" Guan Yu said impatiently, "After defeating Ying Long, we still have to guard the city of Jingzhou. There is no time to waste."

Tai Shici also brandished his double whips, calling for a quick start.

Zhang Liao had a good relationship with Guan Yu, and he came over to exchange greetings with Guan Yu, and said solemnly: "We are ready to go and attack the demon general Yinglong."

Du Yu glanced at Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun slowly opened his eyes, and with a flash of energy, he said, "For the sake of the common people in the world, I'm here to challenge Ying Long."

Sun Shangxiang and Simei nodded at Du Yu at the same time.

"Since everyone is ready," Du Yu took out the underwater mirror.

"You try to enter the hidden level of the world - [Snake Demon Warriors]."

"The difficulty of this hidden level exceeds the normal trial of the bloody city gate in the inner city. The evaluation difficulty is B++. Do you insist on challenging?"

"I choose yes," Du Yu said firmly.

"Transmission begins!"

A breath full of tyranny and destruction suddenly came around Du Yu and his companions.Du Yu once felt this breath from the space demon seed possessing Cao Cao.

"Is it the breath of the demon god?" Du Yu's eyes turned cold: "Sure enough, the demon god takes pleasure in destroying and destroying. His aura is completely different from that of a normal boss."

This is like the breath of space turbulence, instantly tearing open a space portal with flashing silver light in the normal air.

"Let's go!" Du Yu waited for the portal to stabilize before jumping in.

The ten great generals also jumped in one by one.

"This is the world of [Snake Demon Wushuang]?" Du Yu walked out of the void, looked at the melee battlefield in front of him, and said in astonishment.

This is a broken world, scorched black land, broken time and space, violent lightning, and extremely unstable turbulent winds everywhere.Severe earthquakes may occur at any time, even if you stand still, you may be in danger.

Especially the ground.The originally endless continent was forcibly split into small pieces of floating islands suspended in mid-air.There are various facilities on it.

"You have entered the world of [Snake Demon Warriors]."

"Because of the destruction of the demon general Yuan Luzhi, this big island of Dongying Honshu has been completely destroyed by this demon god, and there is no life anymore." A soft voice sounded from the side.

"You are?" Du Yu turned around and found a beautiful woman standing beside him, talking to him.

This woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, she exudes a soft maternal light, and her gentle eyes make people forget the fatigue and anxiety at a glance, leaving only the peace and serenity of the heart.

In Du Yu's mind, he forgot where he was for a moment.This woman is not a seductive woman like Daji and Wanhou, nor is she a stunning beauty like Shi Feixuan and Zhou Zhiruo, nor is she like a goddess like Little Dragon Girl or Galadriel. A little bit of admiration, but it seems to see a mother-like admiration.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The woman stared at Du Yu and smiled calmly: "The point is, you came here to challenge Yuan Lu Zhi and defeat the snake demon that threatens the Three Kingdoms world, right? I can guide you to complete the task .”

"We don't need to be guided." Guan Yu strode out on a red rabbit horse from the rift in time and space. The Qinglong Yanyue Saber shook the ground, and his voice was like a bell, saying majesticly: "Where is the snake demon? Eat me with a knife!"

Zhang Liao and Tai Shici looked forward to Zixiong, and they rode out on horseback with arrogance and coercion.

Zhao Yun dismounted the Magnolia White Dragon Colt, put away the Yajiao spear, respectfully cupped his fists to the woman and said, "We came to this world to relieve the suffering of the people of the Three Kingdoms. If the fairy can guide you, I would be most grateful. "

Zhao Yun has a cautious personality, but he is not as impatient as Guan Yu.

Du Yu nodded slightly, and also stepped forward to salute the woman, "As soon as I saw Xiangu, I knew that you are very powerful and have a lot of history. If you don't want to reveal your identity, please guide us, how to deal with the snake demon?"

The fairy looked at Du Yu and the 10 generals behind him with great interest, her beautiful eyes swept across Tataria, Sun Shangxiang, step trainer, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao one by one, and said with a gentle smile: "The one who challenges the snake demon I've seen a lot of people, and your combination is interesting, half of them are women."

Tattaglia is the most self-confident in women's rights, and said coldly: "Women can also slay demons and defend justice. Doesn't Fairy believe it?"

Xiangu nodded: "Of course I believe it. I just commend your courage."

Her beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu: "It seems that you are the leader of this team? Why do you challenge Yuan Lu Zhi? You must know that he is powerful. Even a murderous god like Lu Bu can't get out of him. Three tricks."

Hearing this description, Du Yu couldn't help but secretly startled.

He had fought against Lu Bu, who had been revived from the Nanhua Old Immortal. Although there was only Lu Bu's undead, and his combat power could only maintain part of his previous ability, it was still not something that Du Yu, who was in the Nascent Soul stage, could easily defeat.

Now that Du Yu has broken through to transform the emptiness, and his strength has greatly improved, it is absolutely impossible for him to beat Lu Bu within three moves.

Although Lu Bu did not cultivate immortality, he was endowed with extraordinary talent and boundless strength. In addition, he had experienced hundreds of battles in the battle formation and killed countless people.Even battle moves can be used against immortal cultivators.

Du Yu was questioned by Xiangu's beautiful eyes, and said in a deep voice: "During the adventure of Dynasty Warriors, a demon god released by Yuan Luzhi controlled Cao Cao, causing Cao Cao's personality to change drastically, killing countless people, and creating countless karma. This demon god has already been subdued by me. But Yuan Luzhi is ambitious and wants to annex the plane of the Three Kingdoms, causing even greater massacres and chaos. If his plot succeeds, the people of China will never have peace, the Three Kingdoms will be divided, and they will be destroyed by the three kingdoms. Aliens are coveting. In order to stop his plot, I will bring people in and beat this snake monster to the ground!"

Xiangu's beautiful eyes were clear and distant, and she suddenly smiled and said, "I see more responsibilities in you. It seems that you not only have to deal with this world, but also save the world you originally belonged to. The power that is being chaotic, Make the world fall apart, the world that is collapsing."

Hearing the collapsed world, Du Yu's heart moved. Could it be that this fairy is

"Okay." Xiangu saw from Du Yu's eyes that he had guessed his real identity, and smiled slightly: "Time is running out, so don't gossip. If you can really defeat Yuan Luzhi, Ping Qingsheng and Su Daji Group, apart from their In addition to giving you the soul of the demon god to subdue, I have a gift for you to help you fulfill your wish."

"Where is Yuan Lu Zhi?" Zhang Liao said solemnly.

"This is Guzhi City. It used to be a rich land, but now it has become a place full of ghosts because of Yuan Lu Zhi's chaotic and brutal rule." Xiangu regretted, "Yuan Lu Zhi lives in this Gu Zhi City. Together with two accomplices, Ping Qingsheng and Su Daji, set up 8 snake demon altars respectively. Absorb the power of the earth, create chaotic demon energy, and try to integrate this chaotic land with the plane of the Three Kingdoms. The ceremony is currently in progress It's going well, and the critical moment is approaching. If you don't want the Three Kingdoms plane to become as miserable as this Dongying Warring States plane, you need to work harder."

"How should I kill Yuan Lu Zhi?" Guan Yu heard Yuan Lu Zhi's plot, saw the ghosts rampant, and was furious. He slammed his knife on the ground, pointed at the towering Guzhi City in the distance, and shouted: "Do you want to kill Yuan Lu Zhi directly?" , kill the devil with one knife?"

"I can't go in directly." Xiangu shook her head and said, "The Guzhi City seems to be very close at hand, but the sorcery of Yuan Lu Zhi, Su Daji, and Ping Qingsheng has completely blocked all the entrances. Luo Jinxian can't do it either. Unless the snake demon altar is destroyed one by one, the magic will be weakened, and the way in will emerge on its own. However, the snake demon altar is guarded by the Warring States generals and demon generals controlled by Yuan Luzhi. You have to work hard. "

She smiled meaningfully at Du Yu, and walked into the gloomy path beside her.Only a voice came from a distance: "Your time is limited. You must act quickly. After destroying the altar of the snake demon, I will come out and tell you the next step."

Looking far and wide, Du Yu saw that this dry land was like the hell of hell, full of rampant ghosts everywhere, and there was no vitality or greenness to be seen.Among the towering mountains, there are traces of green will-o'-the-wisps flashing from time to time, like shadows, like giant pythons lingering in the mountains.Those giant pythons looked very huge, almost as high as the mountains, wriggling slowly, with more clouds in their mouths, holding a huge green bead in their mouths.

Du Yu released Fengwang Xiaoguan, which was specially designed for scouting, to scout out the terrain and draw a map.

"It seems that those giant pythons are where the snake demon altars are located." Tataglia fiddled with the crystal ball, and the terrain map drawn by Xiao Guan gradually appeared on it: "We are going to destroy these 8 snake demon altars one by one. .”

"Then let's go now," Zhang Liao said coldly, riding on a steed horse.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't there be an action plan?" Du Yu waved his hand and said, "Everyone rushed forward without contact or support. What kind of team is it?"

"How do you act in your opinion?" Guan Yu said proudly.

"We are the only hope of the Three Kingdoms world." Du Yu looked at the 8 giant pythons, and while they were swallowing clouds and mist, fiery red clouds gradually gathered above the head of Guzhi City. A city-by-city situation emerged

"That's it!" Bu Lianshi exclaimed, "Wu Jun!"

Sun Shangxiang clenched her fists tightly: "That's right, it's Wujun City. It's our Yangzhou in Soochow."

"Judging from the current progress, the fairy girl didn't lie to us." Du Yu said in a deep voice, "As the snake demon absorbs the chaotic power of the earth, his magic power will increase day by day, gradually merging the Three Kingdoms plane with the Warring States plane. .Once he is allowed to open the passage, the Three Kingdoms World will suffer completely."

(End of this chapter)

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