Chapter 1188 The Snake Demon Altar!Warring States generals! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Time is urgent." Du Yu pointed to the crystal ball in Tattaglia's hand: "So, in order to pursue maximum efficiency, we have to split up. We have a total of 11 people. Divide into four groups, and each group is responsible for dealing with two snake demon altars I am in a group with Tataria, Shang Xiang, Lian Shi, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Guan Yu and General Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun, Yu Jin and General Tai Shici. Everyone must be careful. Guard the snake The demon altar should be all strong men from the Eastern Warring States Period, whose minds were controlled by Yuan Luzhi. In addition, I can imagine that these strong men are like Cao Cao who is controlled by demonic energy. Although they can't help themselves, they must have resentment towards Yuan Lu Zhi in their hearts .Once you can save them and turn them into companions, you must save them!"

Guan Yu said dissatisfiedly: "I have the Chitu and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. One person and one ride can clear the altar of the snake demon. Why do we need Wenyuan to accompany us?"

Du Yu was also speechless to this proud Martial Saint.Fortunately, Zhang Liao knew Guan Yu's character very well, so he patted Guan Yu's back and smiled, "Yun Chang, the situation here is strange, and we have a heavy responsibility. Du expected this plan, taking into account both speed and safety. It is the best plan. Don't worry, we will be responsible for it You cover, how about letting brother take the lead?"

Guan Yu just gave up.

Du Yu smiled and said: "Then the plan is like this. I will distribute the map to everyone, and each group will give you three warning signals. If there is any situation that cannot be dealt with, immediately send out a warning signal. Let me remind you again, now The fate of the Three Kingdoms is in our hands, and we must never ignore it. If something goes wrong and the mission fails, even if we die, we cannot rest in peace."

Then everyone nodded.

Du Yu took Tataglia and went straight to the location of the first snake demon altar.

Along the way, Guzhi City is indeed a barren land where ghosts cry at night and ghosts run rampant. There are hideous, skinny, heavily armed, fierce and ferocious ghost soldiers wandering around everywhere. When they see strangers approaching, immediately Wielding the glowing weapon, the ferocity rushed forward to fight.

It seems that these ghost soldiers were fierce soldiers of the Warring States Period in Japan. After they were killed, they gathered their souls here to serve as tigers and become ghost soldiers.

Du Yu deliberately let a ghost pawn's weapon slash him, only to feel his flesh and blood rolled up, and the lethality was about 20 points.

But don't forget, what kind of pervert is Du Yu!
He broke through the Void Transformation stage, and his physical strength has now increased to 2500+!Plus a bunch of perverted treasures that increase defense.

But Tataglia exclaimed: "These guys pose a high threat to me. They can cause more than 100 points of damage every time. My health is only over 600!"

Du Yu looked helpless and jumped off Ma Wang Jieying.Jieying's speed and defensive shield are extremely useful for Tataglia.He also threw five bottles of medicine prepared by Yilin to Tattaglia.

Tattaglia looked at the description of the medicine and space, showing deep respect: "This medicine must be powerful. But the price is not marked. Did you make it yourself?"

Du Yu summoned Yilin, pointed and smiled and said, "This is what she configured. Our genius doctor and chief Dharma master."

Tattaglia knew that Du Yu could summon a heroine-level beauty, but she didn't expect that there was even a mage who could restrain ghosts. She was about to use the fortune-teller's ghost skills to disperse the dense ghosts in front of her. When she heard this, she immediately put away the crystal ball , Watching Yilin take out the Nanhai Eye Pearl and Magical Artifact, riding the standard Warcraft White Dragon Horse, chanting along the way.

In Guzhi City, where ghosts are rampant, countless ghosts howled and pounced on them, but they were ruthlessly restrained by Yilin's profound Dharma. .

This Yilin was constantly bathed in the light of the Buddha, all ghosts and ghosts were around her, and no one could approach her within three feet.

Du Yu and Tataglia followed behind Yilin.Du Yu dispatched those ghosts that swooped down from the sky for Yilin.The three of them were all riding war horses, and they didn't entangle the crowds of ghost soldiers. They were extremely fast and went straight to the first snake demon altar that Xiaoguan detected.

From a distance, one can see a huge open space surrounded by mountains.It was transported by magic, and the sculpture became a giant python with a length of tens of feet and a height of hundreds of meters.In the mouth of the giant python, there is a huge yellow snake bead.The snake bead emits a dim yellow light, in the slightly cold mist, it alternates between bright and dark like a will-o'-the-wisp.The surrounding mountains trembled slightly as if attracted by the snake bead.

"Snake Demon Altar! Come on!" Du Yu jumped on his horse, overtook Yilin, and began to charge.

"Who? Dare to come and destroy the altar?" Sheng Sheng roared from Du Yu's side.

A bullet flying fast hit Du Yu's neck, causing Du Yu to turn over from his horse and fall off.

"This is?" Du Yu tried his best to identify the guard on the opposite side.

"Date Masamune!" A one-eyed dragon with an exaggerated crescent pocket.

"Akechi Mitsuhide" is a sissy, holding a sharp knife with exaggerated length and extremely cold.

"Sanada Yukimura!" A man who looked a bit Zhao Yun and held a cross-word gun.

Date Masamune held a Western short gun, and a gloomy light flashed in his one eye: "Are you going to Koshi Castle? This is the end!"

"Have these three bastards been brainwashed and controlled by Yuan Lu Zhi?" Du Ding took a look and found that the three of them had a devilish energy similar to Cao Cao's.It should have been a rebel who failed to resist Yuan Luzhi, and was finally controlled by the snake demon, right?

"Xiangu said that if you blow these guys up, you might wake them up." Tataria fluttered Tarot cards in the air, and sneered at the three Japanese generals who were approaching with murderous intent.

"You should still have a hidden hole card, right?" Du Yu smiled: "How about you holding them back, and I'm responsible for destroying the altar of the snake demon?"

"Am I dragging three people by myself?" Tattaglia shouted, "You are ruthless!"

Du Yu rushed towards the three Japanese strongmen with his gentle steps.

Sanada Yukimura is known as Japan's number one soldier (general). Seeing that Du Yu didn't pay attention to them, a hint of sternness flashed across his handsome face. The power of chasing Zhao Zilong's Seven Detective Coiled Snake Spear.

"Oh? That's not acceptable!" Tataglia sneered, and flew out a Tarot card, which was the king card that symbolized imperial power.

Her king card looked light and flimsy, as if she had no momentum, but after adding her time ability, this king card immediately changed!

He began to envelope Sanada Yukimura's body with supreme authority (priority).


The space ability on this card began to force the time of Sanada Yukimura to go backwards!

At that moment, Du Yu looked carefully and found that Tataglia was indeed a smart lady.

The space ability she used is equivalent to restoring the demon seed planted on Sanada Yukimura back to before it was infected!The reason is somewhat similar to setting the restore time point of the computer to kill the virus!
Sanada Yukimura is definitely not like this before, he was controlled by En Luzhi, and it was also a matter of time.

Tattaglia took the route of dredging the bottom line, and completely restored the virus on Sanada Yukimura in one go!
Time is a terrible thing.

Sure enough, Sanada Yukimura immediately threw away the cross-word gun, covered his head, and cried out in pain.

He was wearing a red armor, sizzling, and waves of demonic energy emerged, like clothes in a washing machine, being quickly stirred by the water and thrown out of his body.

"No no no!"

Sanada Yukimura was extremely conflicted and tangled, rolling on the ground in pain.

"There seems to be something wrong," Tataglia said calmly, "I feel that the devilish energy in his body is being secretly controlled by the snake demon altar. If the snake demon altar is not broken in time, even if he is restored to the level before he was poisoned by me, he will be destroyed by the second demon." Infection. You have to speed up."

Du Yu nodded and rushed towards the altar.

But Date Masamune, a one-eyed man, didn't want to let Du Yu go. With the Western short gun in his hand, he hit Du Yu's vitals twice in a row.

In this chaotic place, his attacks seemed to be filled with Yuan Lu Zhi's demonic aura, every time he could hit Du Yu's weak point and increase the damage.

Du Yu staggered two steps, and finally grasped the direction.There is always a weird feeling in this place. Based on his cultivation, Date Masamune's bullet hit his body, it shouldn't be much higher than scratching an itch.

Why is it so powerful?

Seeing the snake demon altar, Du Yu suddenly realized.

These 8 snake demon altars turned the whole world into Yuan Luzhi's marionette, he can control everything in this world at will.Within this effective range, the attack of the monster soldiers and monster generals will be greatly improved.

Even the dark soul stone in Du Yu's space felt a lot of chaos and was about to move. Du Yu hurriedly sent Liya to suppress it.

"Let me smash this snake demon!" Du Yu roared angrily, pulled out the Doomsday Blade and jumped high.

A sword slashed on the forehead of the giant snake demon statue!

The big snake statue suddenly trembled.

"Dare to blaspheme our gods!" Akechi Mitsuhide turned into a bolt of lightning, and the long knife struck Lingfeng. "Unforgivable!"

"Hmph!" Du Yu also had to show some fairy posture, and waved his sleeves: "Look at my Scattering Bean Soldiers!"

With the support of his immortal power, a large number of yellow scarf warriors appeared on the ground.In this world where the difficulty has reached B++, these people's combat power can be called scum, but they are not under great pressure to stop the siege of Akechi Mitsuhide and others.

Akechi Mitsuhide and the others, as the guardian generals, of course they wouldn't have three bare rods, they immediately yelled and brought out a large number of ghosts and snake gods to kill them together.

"Boom!" Du Yu slammed his palm on the head of the python statue.

This palm contained a new power of transforming emptiness, and the boa constrictor statue immediately trembled when it was smashed, and rocks fell into the air!

The yellow monster light swayed immediately.

The whole earth was shaken.

"Your attack power has improved a lot?" Tattaglia was envious: "After half a year of cultivation, you have actually advanced to this point?"

Du Yu was full of vigor, swung his iron palm, and struck again, with great force, on the altar of the snake demon, which was full of demonic aura.

The entire altar is trembling!
(End of this chapter)

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