Chapter 1250 The King of the God Realm!Fuxi! ——One more monthly ticket!

More than a dozen villagers were crushed to death by Ling'er's transformation into a runaway snake demon.Knowing Ling'er's identity, all the villagers looked at Ling'er very angry.

Ling'er timidly bowed to the villagers to apologize, took out her staff, and began to cast spells.

"This Ling'er has actually mastered the technique of resurrection, which is really powerful." Shen Luoyan leaned close to Du Yu's ear and whispered, "If our team acquires this kind of skill, it will greatly increase its combat power!"

Du Yu nodded: "But I think Ling'er's spiritual power is still low at this time, and she can only resurrect those plot characters who have just died and their bodies are intact. It doesn't seem to be effective for us adventurers."

As the two talked, Ling'er had successfully cast a spell, bringing back a dozen villagers who had been crushed to death one by one.

The villagers were frightened out of their wits, but when they found out that their loved ones had come back to life, they were overjoyed immediately, and worshiped Ling'er as a goddess.

After resurrecting the dead and receiving compensation, the residents of Baihe Village no longer hated Du Yu and Ling'er, but brought out food and warmly entertained them.

Dr. Han watched Ling'er revive the villagers with immortal skills, and sighed, "Young lady is really wonderful, I admire you."

He said with emotion: "But our village is really full of disasters. Recently, there are zombie monsters attacking and harassing us. Many villagers disappeared inexplicably."

Du Yu hesitated for a moment.

He knew that this was Dr. Han's mission.

If he hadn't compensated and saved people by himself, and raised Dr. Han's favorability above the normal level, he would never have proposed this task.

but.At this time, Empress Nuwa was still in the ruins of the mountains in southern Xinjiang, fighting fiercely with the black hand behind the scenes, so he should rush to Empress Nuwa immediately.In this way, Uncle He and those guys with ulterior motives have nothing to do with him.

But the problem is

The follow-up plot of the zombie attack in this village is the general's tomb. After defeating the red ghost queen, you can get the earth spirit bead!
There are three missions for the villain, and the Earth Spirit Orb is one of them!

Every time you collect a spirit bead, you will be rewarded with 4000 villain points, but if you fail to complete the task, the villain points will also be deducted accordingly.

Du Yu pondered for a moment.

After receiving her own sacrifice, Empress Nuwa's strength has greatly increased. In a short period of time, she should be the only one to plot against the black hand behind the scenes, and it will be difficult for the black hand to do anything to her.

And as for Uncle He and Dugu Yuyun?

I got Wang Yuyan's advice and formed the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation. Are you afraid that they will fail?
Du Yu made up his mind, and Doctor Chao Han nodded: "Since you are kind to Sister Ling'er, we can't just ignore death. This matter is on my shoulders!"

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "You have accepted the trigger task [Baihe Village], you have to replace

Eliminate zombies in Baihe Village!After completing this task, the villain will be rewarded with [-] points. "

Du Yu frowned.

It seems that as I run around for space, the reward conditions that space gives me are getting more and more generous.From the last trigger task, which rewarded [-] points, to this time it is another trigger task, which is still a generous reward of [-] points.

Space seems to be helping itself?
However, for the villains who have a huge harem and consume extremely quickly, Du Yu will not refuse anyone, the more the better.

Doctor Han's daughter Han Mengci told Du Yu: "These zombies are very powerful. It is difficult for warriors with ordinary weapons to destroy them. You need to go to the Jade Buddha Temple first to ask the abbot for help. The abbot of the Jade Buddha Temple is a virtuous and eminent monk. He will definitely help us."

Du Yu sighed.

The most annoying task of delivering letters is here again.

At this time, in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Clouds flicker, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, and the weather is myriad.

Empress Nuwa's abundant god-level light, along the golden snake staff, shot towards a black cloud in the sky!
"You have framed me so many times, it's my turn to fight back!" Empress Nuwa's pretty face was indescribably majestic and luxurious!

The radiance full of divine power bombarded the black cloud heavily, causing the black cloud to tremble for a while, almost falling apart.

A deep male voice came from the black cloud, calmly, but couldn't hide his shock: "You! You have recovered your skills in such a short time? How is this possible? Do you still have believers? You can Help you? No way. Miaojiang is in chaos, the white Miao who believe in you is weak, and the black Miao is gradually controlled by the moon worship. They trust you on the surface, but they are secretly believing in the moon worship! Your divine power should have been gradually exhausted That's right"

Empress Nuwa laughed, and in her beautiful eyes flashed an indescribable love-hate intertwined, emotional entanglement, and finally, she swung her sword to cut the thread of love, without any hesitation in her eyes, and said sharply: "Since you don't miss your old love, you will treat me in every possible way." Framed, or even ruined, cut off the source of my faith, and almost caused me to sleep forever! Today, I will make a break with you!"

The cloak behind her rattled in the wind, and the Golden Snake Staff burst out with rays of light that people dare not look at!
If Dugu Yuyun and Situ Zhong came, they would definitely turn pale with shock and run away, because Empress Nuwa could play Dugu Yuyun tens of thousands of miles with one finger.If hit by this kind of light, the so-called Shushan Sword Master would disappear immediately without letting out a fart!
This is the power of God.

Even more powerful than Da Luo Jinxian!

When Empress Nuwa got angry, even the whole space shook with her anger.

This is the God of Creation!

The black cloud was hit again by Nuwa's golden light, only a muffled groan was heard, the man had already been traumatized.

"You! You have returned to this prime! You are not injured at all, everything is a trick to lie to me!" The man roared angrily.

Empress Nuwa sneered and said, "Since you know, then die!"

She waved the Golden Snake Staff again, and she must get rid of all evils, and get rid of the black hand behind all the turmoil in the world.

The black cloud snorted coldly and gradually dispersed.

In the clear sky, where are the traces of black clouds?

"Run away?" Empress Nuwa glanced with her spiritual sense, but she didn't find the aura of the old enemy within a range of [-] miles.

"I won!" Nuwa let out a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing in her heart, "The energy of the demon god sacrificed to me by Du Yu's little guy was actually consumed in the three full-strength shots just now! Without the power of faith, continuous replenishment, no matter how much demon energy is, it is also a tree without roots and water without a source, and it will be exhausted sooner or later. This time, he has severely injured his old enemy, so he should stop for a while, right? Taking this opportunity, I want to immediately restore Miao Jiang's worship incense to me, and get supplemented by the power of faith in the world, this is the long-term solution!"

She was also secretly thankful that the man just now, surrounded by her surprise attack, made him panic, thinking that she had recovered all her divine power.Actually, if he observes patiently, sits down and confronts him, if he doesn't make five moves, he will consume all the energy of the demon god that Du Yu sacrificed, and be beaten back to his original form.That man will definitely take the opportunity to kill himself.

After all, this empty-fortress strategy of a dangerous military move can only be sung once.

Empress Nuwa looked at the mountains and rivers of the Hundred Thousand Miao Borderlands with satisfaction, and snorted coldly.

"The bastards of the Moon Worship Sect caused a war between black and white Miao people, floods, and people's lives are in dire straits." Empress Nuwa looked at the land of Miao territory that was in dire straits, and she was full of resentment: "This Moon Worship Sect is probably the secret of the old enemy." A pawn laid out is to divide my believers and dry up my faith roots! Hmph! What a great plan. But at this time, I still have to prevent this old enemy from coming back, and I must guard against danger in the ruins. Who can complete the task of cleaning up Miaojiang and restoring faith and order for me?"

She turned her beautiful eyes, thought of someone, and chuckled lightly: "Is my son-in-law of Nuwa's blood descendant so easy to be? If that's the case, then do something for me!"

A hundred thousand miles away, the black cloud was flying rapidly, panicked.

"Damn it! Damn it! How did that damned woman regain her full strength? She still hurt me so hard? Her power of faith has been cut off. I'm sure that someone must be helping her secretly! If I ask Upon seeing this person's whereabouts, five thunders will strike the top, and they will be killed and turned into scum, and they will never be forgiven!"

His roar, Megatron Ninefold!

"Father! Father!"

A hurried voice sounded from his ear.

"Uncle He?" The black cloud was puzzled for a while: "Why don't you go to the lower realm, hunt for the sky, subdue demons and eliminate demons, what are you doing when you come back?"

Nahe turned into a crane, flew up, changed into a human form, knelt on the ground, and cried, "Father! The big thing is not good. When you go out to fight Nuwa, I will take the fairy treasure Zijin you bestowed on me." The fairy gourd went to the lower realm, but was snatched away by a man with the remnants of the demon fox and Nuwa!"

"Ah?" Heiyun was furious for a while, "Is that the man you sent me down to the mortal world twice to monitor and scan?"

"Yes!" Uncle He cried, full of unwillingness: "My child is not willing to lose the fairy treasure, and fight him, but this person seems to have a lot of background behind him, and he is inextricably linked with that damn Nuwa... contact, I'm afraid there might be an ambush."

"Fart! Cowardly as a mouse!" The man in the black cloud yelled: "Fuxi, the king of my god realm, how can I have such a useless son like you? Nuwa is powerful, but she has been severely injured by my sneak attack. I can only hide in the ruins and linger, the power of faith is almost destroyed by me. You brought the fairy treasure, the purple gold gourd, why go to the lower realm, and be defeated and snatched away? It's a waste!"

Uncle He kowtowed like pounding garlic, begging his father Fuxi for forgiveness.

Fuxi gradually showed his true form.

That is a great god with a snake tail and a human body!

His tail was thousands of miles long, and his whole body glowed with a golden divine light. When the sun shines on his bronze chest, it is even more divine, which makes people dare not look at him!

Lord of Heaven!Human Emperor Fuxi!
Pan Gu opened up the world and created the world.After Pangu's death, Jing, Qi, and God were deified into three great gods, Fuxi, Shennong and Nuwa.The three gods created gods, beasts, and humans, and condensed the five spirits into five spirit beads.But Fuxi's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger.Shennong and Nuwa gradually became estranged from them.

(End of this chapter)

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