Chapter 1251
One day, Shennong descended to earth, but died suddenly in the world.Nuwa suspected that it was Fuxi's poisonous hands.

Fuxi and Nuwa are the only remaining supreme gods in the God Realm, and the fighting spirit of both sides is getting more and more intense.

Later, Chi You led beasts and others to deal with people, and the gods sent the god general Xuanyuan and the five spirits to deal with Chi You.Chi You tried his best to open the passage to the other world and send the remnants to the other world. These remnants gradually cultivated into "demons" in the other world, and the demon world gradually formed.The channel opened by Chi You was later called "The Well of Gods and Demons". Return to Lingzhu.
Under Fuxi's rule, the gods were corrupt, and human beings had long-standing grievances against the gods. Finally, an uprising broke out. The emperor Fuxi ordered to suppress it, but was stubbornly resisted by humans. The emperor was angry and ordered Nvwa to destroy mankind and recreate a new god-worshipping human being.

God Nuwa disobeyed her order and went down to protect human beings.

The Heavenly Emperor expelled Nuwa's divine book and sent god generals to destroy the earth, and most of the human beings were massacred. Nuwa led mankind to fight against the gods, mend the heaven and the earth, stop the flood, and save the fate of the remaining human beings.Fuxi once personally shot, ambushed and attacked Nuwa, causing her to be seriously injured.

After thinking about it, Emperor Fuxi felt that there was something wrong with the gods, so he ordered all the gods to return to the heaven, closed the gates of the heavens, and ordered the gods not to enter the human world at will.But Fuxi never pardoned Nuwa out of desire for power, and often went down to attack Nuwa.

Soon, Nuwa's power gradually exhausted, and she huddled in the ruins of Nuwa.The descendants have remained in the world, protecting mankind from generation to generation.
But Fuxi and Nuwa forged a deep hatred.One represents the heavens, and the other represents the monsters and humans.Fuxi had always had the absolute upper hand, but he didn't expect to be turned over by Nuwa once, and he was beaten into a mess. He was annoyed and puzzled, but he heard the bad news again.

Especially when Fuxi heard that the celestial treasure he had given to his son and uncle was robbed by a young man with the blood of the demon fox and Nuwa, he snorted coldly in anger!
"What a daring brat! He even dared to snatch my god-emperor Fuxi's belongings! By the way, you said he has the evil seeds of Nuwa?"

There was an indescribable coldness in Fuxi's voice.

"Exactly" Uncle He knew that the greatest enemy of his father, the king of gods, was Nuwa, so he looked resentful, focusing on the remnants of Nuwa, to alleviate his own fault of missing treasure: "It is the remnants of Nuwa! Transformed into a human form, she is a cute and charming little girl, but my uncle and I have sharp eyes, how could we be easily deceived by her? She is definitely a descendant of the Nuwa clan!"

"Huh?" Fuxi thought deeply.

He had just been ambushed by Nuwa, who had returned to his prime with a strange strength, and was seriously injured. Over there, Nuwa's blood appeared again in the lower world, and there were people who opposed him with her?

Is there no connection between these two things?
Fuxi rolled his eyes and said majesticly: "Uncle He, my father was framed by Nuwa at this time, and he was seriously injured. He needs time to recuperate. Since the treasure was lost from you, no matter what method you use, you must give the purple golden fairy gourd to him." I'll take it back!"

Uncle He cried bitterly in his heart: "But that man is of Nuwa's blood"

"Trash!" Fuxi snapped sharply, "Your majestic son of a god king can't even defeat a non-awakened Nuwa bloodline and a human being without divine power. What a shame! I don't care what method you use! At the same time Also lift your restrictions on human beings! Go!"

When Uncle He heard Fuxi's stern scolding, he felt depressed for a while, but thought of Fuxi's saying that no matter what method he used, he would take back the treasure, so he rolled his eyes and thought about it.

"Son, let's try to get back the treasure, father, just retreat and heal your wounds," He Shu respectfully said.

Fuxi nodded, and said with anger still: "I didn't expect that this Nuwa would have someone to help him. You should go down this time and check carefully. This man, by the way, also has Nuwa's blood beside him. Come to the God Realm together! I want to dig out all the support from Nuwa myself!"

A gleam flashed in Uncle He's eyes: "Father, since Nu Wa's remnants are also involved in this matter, this matter cannot abide by your original order to close the gate of the heavens and order the gods not to enter the human world at will!"

Fuxi pondered for a while: "But back then, because some black sheep of our gods entered the human world wantonly and caused rebellion in the world, I, the king of gods, couldn't make such an opening. I sent you to the lower realm to wear a mask to hide your identity." And cultivation base, it’s justified, if you open the gate of heaven for no reason and release the gods, I’m afraid it will be another rebellion, which will not end well. Besides, after all, I and Nuwa were born of the same mother, so I chased her down like this The blood descendants, the gods began to question, even I, the Lord of the God Realm, couldn’t explain it.”

Uncle He smiled wickedly and said: "Anyway, we have to deal with the descendants of Nuwa this time, so of course we can't rely on our son alone. But Father, you don't want to mobilize people and make everyone know about it. Why don't you let the three elder brothers come down to earth with me?" how?"

Fuxi's eyes flashed brightly: "Is this okay?"

It turns out that Fuxi and Taihao Fuxi's family Hua Xu had four sons, the eldest was Xizhong, the second was Uncle Xi, the third was Hezhong, and Uncle He was the fourth.

What Uncle He meant, since God Fuxi wants to deal with Nuwa's bad heart, and you don't want people in the heavens to know, then it's always okay to go to the battle with father and son and let my three brothers go down to earth together, right?

Fuxi pondered for a while and found that this is really the best way.

Compared with his cultivation base, the four sons are really different, and they can be regarded as a group of cubs who can't live up to expectations.It is impossible to deal with Nuwa, but it should be more than enough to deal with Nuwa's unawakened blood, and a mortal boy.

"Okay!" Fuxi nodded and said, "Don't let me down! Find out the relationship between Nuwa and them, and then bring them to heaven!"

Uncle He nodded repeatedly, secretly delighted in his heart.

His three elder brothers are basically the same as him, they are all god-level dandies who like to go to the world to act as the second generation of gods, wandering around, plundering treasures, and grabbing beautiful women.

But unfortunately, ever since the human world was overwhelmed and a great rebellion broke out against the God Realm, under the leadership of Nuwa, the arrogance of the God Realm was severely attacked, forcing Fuxi, the king of the God Realm, to self-criticize and close the gate of the God Realm. Except for individual tasks, no gods are allowed to come down to harass the world.The good old days of flying eagles and running dogs and acting recklessly are gone forever.

Even the task of going down to earth this time was won by Uncle He, relying on his mother Taihao Fuxi's Huaxu's love for his youngest, and barely overwhelmed the three elder brothers to win it.

But I didn't expect that when I went down to earth, I saw an outstanding beauty, Lin Yueru, who was competing in martial arts to recruit relatives!
As soon as he saw Lin Yueru, it was true that this woman should only exist in the sky, how many times can the world hear about it?This kind of fairy-level beautiful girl should follow me to heaven!
When one person gains the Dao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

My uncle and I are the sons of Fuxi, the king of the God Realm, and the official status of immortals in the God Realm. With this impressive strength, treasures in hand, and handsome appearance, no matter what, Lin Tiannan, a bumpkin father-in-law, must cry. Shouting to offer her daughter Lin Yueru both hands?
Unexpectedly, he appeared on the stage with a high-spirited and high-spirited look, thinking that his immortal skills could sweep away all the "masters" in the world, monopolize the oiran, and become the son-in-law of the Lin family. On to the bigger evildoer!
Du Yu!

As a result, he failed to pretend to be forceful and was slapped in the face instead.

His high-handedness frightened Lin Yueru, and led to Du Yu. Instead of becoming the protagonist who possesses the beauty, he became a bitter villain who was trampled on his face and used as a hero to save the beauty!
How could the proud Uncle He swallow this breath?

What's more, in front of his Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, Du Yu invited a sloppy monk who came from nowhere to defile the immortal treasure lent to him by his parents with spitting, thick phlegm and smelly feet. Robbed!

"You little boy in the world! I'm going to find my three elder brothers right now! The enmity between you and me has just begun!" Uncle He turned into a gust of wind, disappeared in place, and drifted into the distance: "That Lin Yueru will definitely become my woman!"

Unaware of the changes in the heavens, everyone from the wolf pupil team came to the Jade Buddha Temple and asked the abbot for help to eliminate the zombies.

Just like the plot, a young monk jumped out and turned into an abbot and forced Du Yu to become a Buddha with other monks. For Du Yu, who is determined to build a harem in every world, the heart of the castle is the Western Paradise. How could he be willing to be a monk? ?

Even if he could agree, the more than 30 heroines behind him couldn't possibly agree.

So Du Yu and the others went to war with the abbot and the others.

After the victory, the little monk was beaten so badly that his head was covered with bruises, and he squatted on the ground and cried.

After some interrogation, I realized that everything was done by the young monk.

The little monk turned into a jade Buddha bead, named a small stone, and put it on Zhao Linger's body to help Du Yu and the others eliminate the zombies. Everyone left the Jade Buddha Temple, and the Jade Buddha Temple also disappeared.

This kind of mission stipulated by the plot made Du Yu feel that this zombie mission should be a typical dungeon mission, with T, milk, team and support, wouldn't it be too easy to clean up the group of zombies and the Red Ghost King?

A group of people entered the source of the zombies - the general's tomb.

In the general's tomb, zombie monsters are rampant, and their strength is very impressive, especially most of the attacks of these zombies have blood-sucking and poisoning effects.The blood-sucking effect is to absorb the blood of living people and restore physical strength, while poisoning is a variety of corpse poisons that emerge in an endless stream, and all kinds of viciousness weaken the effect.And the skill priority is very high, reaching the highest 60 points in the inner city.

If it were an ordinary team of adventurers from the inner city, they would be driven crazy by the nasty moves of these nasty zombies if they came here without sufficient preparation.

But the treasures dropped by these guys are also very rich, and some B-level or even B+ level weapons and materials are often revealed. There are also many hidden treasures in the general's tomb. Once you hit a hidden treasure room somewhere, You can get huge profits.

(End of this chapter)

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