Chapter 1252
In order to come to southern Xinjiang as soon as possible and join Empress Nuwa, Du Yu took the most direct route and overwhelmed them all the way.

In the team, there is Zhao Ling'er who is equipped with small stone beads, Yilin, a Buddhist disciple who specializes in restraining zombies, and Galadriel, who is proficient in water auxiliary magic. Knocked to the ground, unable to resist.

"This general's tomb is too easy." Li Xiaoyao couldn't help feeling complacent.His Yuxiao Sword Technique and Dugu Nine Swords, used alternately, became more proficient and powerful. Zombies who were restrained by Zhao Linger and Yilin were pierced through by his sword one after another.

"That's right!" Lin Yueru also showed a self-confident smile, she was generous, and if she threw it casually, it was a throw of the universe.That's 3000 Wen!
But the power of Qiankun's throw is indeed huge. A group of zombies who stumbled and surrounded them were swept away by this throw of Qiankun, and even their corpses were shattered on the ground, and they died a miserable death.

Du Yu shook his head and sighed.

This charming rich daughter really doesn't take money as money, and burns money to kill the enemy.That's 3000 text.

However, Lin Yueru's savage personality, combined with her beautiful appearance, is not annoying.In addition, when Du Yu was close to Zhao Ling'er, she occasionally showed jealous expressions, and when she came to Du Yu's side, she made her petty, which made people feel cute.

Du Yu understood Lin Yueru's original intention.She was very grateful for her life-saving grace of recruiting relatives through martial arts competitions, but with Miss Lin's savage willfulness, it was impossible for her to be as gentle as Zhao Ling'er.

As the adventure progresses, the monsters in the general's tomb become stronger and stronger.From ghost soldiers to ghost generals, they became taller, mightier, more ferocious, and would attack strangers whenever they saw them.

The advancing speed of Du Yu's team gradually slowed down.

The monsters here have already shown some intelligence. They not only cull and attack like in the past, but also master skills and tactics such as ambush and joint attack.Every time Du Yu's team steps into a certain area, a large number of zombie monsters will appear from all directions to participate in the siege.

Every time this kind of ambush is encountered, the team can be in a hurry, defending on all sides, but it is difficult to stop the zombies.

Fortunately, experts in controlling ghosts like Zhao Ling'er and Yilin have profound magical powers, and the rays of light of Buddhism and Taoism come and go one after another, killing the surrounding zombies and retreating step by step.

Du Yu smiled with satisfaction.

This team has gradually taken shape, and it is no longer his team alone.

After reaching the core of the general's tomb, with a loud noise, a huge black zombie is the boss zombie general in this scene.

This zombie general was tall and mighty, holding a sharp sword, and was surrounded by black air. When he saw the intruders, he roared loudly!

Listening to his roar, dust fell down from the general's tomb, deafening, and Du Yu and the others were buzzing.

"This is a boss-level monster!" Du Yu laughed loudly: "Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, you have practiced kung fu for so long, it's time to go up and practice it, let us see how your kung fu is doing!"

Li Xiaoyao smiled brightly, his movement was like lightning, he shuttled and jumped, and slashed at the black general with his sword.

The black general was provoked by Li Xiaoyao, roared angrily, and slashed at Li Xiaoyao with his sword.

Lin Yueru was not afraid of tigers when she was a newborn calf, so she threw a lot of money into the world, causing General Hei to take two steps back, losing the momentum to attack Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao took a lunge and dodged deftly. The footwork was exactly the lingbo micro-step that Du Yu secretly taught.

Du Yu praised: "Xiaoyao, the footwork is good! Plus the Dugu Nine Swords!"

Li Xiaoyao poured his inner strength, and a sword pierced into General Hei's armored thigh!

Streams of black air, like puncturing a balloon, released a large amount of black smoke.

Du Yu nodded.

Li Xiaoyao's speed of progress was indeed extremely fast.After following me for a period of time, I have practiced to the point where I am today.You know, this is not the kind of leveling plot in the plot, Li Xiaoyao's fighting chances are very limited.But after several battles, his Dugu Nine Swords, Lingbo Weibu, and Yuxiao swordsmanship have been well practiced.

"It seems that this kid should be trained well, and then he should be taught advanced skills." Du Yu looked at Li Xiaoyao appreciatively.

Li Xiaoyao staggered again, barely dodging General Hei's sword slash, and the seemingly weak blow pierced General Hei's waist again.

Lin Yueru enjoyed watching, applauded loudly, and couldn't help jumping up, with a sword of the Lin family's swordsmanship, a sword cut down the yellow sand, and swept towards the black general.

These two rookies, who were fighting for the first time, actually regarded the black general as a strong soldier, and the two cooperated to fight hard.

But the good times didn't last long.

After all, General Hei's strength was much stronger than Li Lin's. After two misses, General Hei roared and swept away thousands of troops with one move.
Li Xiaoyao managed to dodge, but was hit and flew up!

Li Xiaoyao's arm was broken by the iron sword, and he was sweating coldly from the pain, hitting the wall of the ancient tomb.

Lin Yueru saw General Hei's epee hitting her, her face turned pale with fright.

Du Yu smiled indifferently, and appeared in front of Lin Yueru, parrying General Hei's great sword with a star shift, hitting and slashing, and turning his moves to General Hei.

A bloodthirsty light burst out from the red eyes of the black general, and his sword moves became more powerful and faster.

With the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Du Yu forcibly took a move from the Black General's sword, and gave it a ruthless blow!
The black general was beaten into the air!
Du Yu's cultivation was invincible on the difficulty of the inner city.

Like a tiger down the mountain, he rushed into the close range of the black general, launched Wushuang kill, one palm after another, 40 consecutive moves!

Under 40 consecutive hits, the black general was beaten into a ball of armor that was emitting black gas. He wailed and backed up again and again, his health dropped sharply.

In the battle against General Hei, after Du Yu sent the enemy flying horizontally with a combo of moves, his heart suddenly moved!
Ever since the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd fell into his hands, he hadn't had a chance to test its power.

This is a good opportunity.

Du Yu didn't even bother to take back those ordinary demons and goblins. Du Yu made some ordinary medicine ingredients, but it was of little use to Du Yu at this time.

But this black general, as a BOSS, is not low in strength, so it just happens to be refined!

He gently turned the mouth of the Zijin Immortal Gourd, and recited the incantations carved on the gourd.

The black general was beaten by Du Yu so that three Buddhas were born, seven orifices ascended to the sky, his head was dizzy, and he felt an inexplicable force suddenly spurting out from the purple gold fairy gourd.

On his body, there seemed to be another huge and evil force, and he suddenly exclaimed: "What is this?"

General Hei's health has dropped below 30% after being devastated by a storm with Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, meeting the conditions for taking over the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd. In addition, he is now dizzy, making it easier to be taken in.

He could only hear General Hei's miserable howl unwillingly, and it turned into a cloud of black energy, which he couldn't help but was absorbed by the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd.

Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were dumbfounded.

In front of them, this black general seemed like an insurmountable mountain, but in Du Yu's hands, he was like noodles, flattened and rounded, and manipulated at will.

Du Yu smiled and looked at the black general in the purple golden fairy gourd.

It seems that through the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, you can observe the golden fire refining situation of Monkey Sun inside.

Purple Gold Immortal Gourd shows: status, [refining] in progress.

Refining materials: Black General, Inner City Story Boss, Strength Evaluation B+, Zombie King Physique, refining products, weapons and materials that tend to be evil, poisoned, and melee.There is also a small chance that higher top-quality materials will appear.If it is in the hands of someone who is proficient in alchemy, the chances of refining top-grade materials will be higher.

Refining price: 100 million survival points.

Refining time: one day.

Is it refined?

Du Yu satisfied and smacked his lips, smiled, and handed the Zijin fairy gourd to Li Mochou, a master alchemist.

Li Mochou liked this kind of tune of refining living things the most, so she took it over if she was satisfied, and put the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd into her bosom.

"Isn't this too fierce?" Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao looked at each other with horror.

They teamed up and were forced to dodge left and right by the black general, but Du Yu killed the black general in minutes.Is the strength gap between master and apprentice already so large?

Du Yu smiled, patted Li Xiaoyao on the shoulder and said, "Practice hard, and sooner or later, you will become as good as your master."

Lin Yueru pursed her mouth: "Stinky fart!"

"Haha" The women searched the black general's tomb for all the good things.

Ning Zhong stared at Du Yu's back, shook his head and sighed, "Du Yu is an invincible bug in the inner city."

Su Daji nodded: "If he fights me with all his strength now, my current cultivation in the Imperial City may not be able to defeat him."

"Du Yu's strength is indeed outstanding, but it's a pity" Galadriel said: "The road he wants to take is indeed a difficult and dangerous road that all adventurers can't imagine. The enemy he wants to challenge is also the ultimate boss hidden in every world. Only in this way can we gather all kinds of props and materials needed to save the space in the shortest time.”

"Such a heavy burden is placed on an adventurer?" Ning Zhong shook his head: "It's really embarrassing."

"History is made by heroes." Galadriel's eyes flashed with admiration: "I believe Du Yu can do it."

Du Yu and the others had just cleaned up the scene of the battle.

At this time, a big hole suddenly sunken in the ground!
In that big cave, there was a strong wind, and if you stood by it, your clothes would be pierced by the wind, as cold as bone marrow.

"What the hell is down here?" Lin Yueru exclaimed.

"It should be the root cause of the general's corpse change." Du Yu said in a deep voice, "If we really want to eliminate the raging ghosts in Baihe Village, we have to go down and find out."

The crowd nodded.

Du Yu took the lead and jumped down the black hole.The girls joined hands and followed.

It was very dark around, and when everyone's eyes adapted to the light, they found themselves by the pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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