Chapter 1253 Du Yu proud, Juggernaut sad! - Ask for a monthly pass!

There is a protection mechanism for near-death, that is, a blow before dying, no matter how much the attack damage is, will be forcibly compressed to less than 10% of the adventurer's health.Adventurers don't die.

This is equivalent to giving the adventurer a chance to survive.Of course, if the strength gap between the two sides is too large, the adventurer will not be able to escape, and will eventually die.This is why this item is ranked A-level.

But for Du Yu's beauties, their essence is not adventurers, but signing characters.There is no near-death protection mechanism for such characters, and the compensation given by the space is a lot of props, which can play the greatest role on them.

In other words, for the beauties, this Meng Po soup can bring them back to life and restore 50% of their HP!

Needless to say the importance of such props?

Originally, for beauties, there is only one life, just like Du Yu, but having this thing means having unlimited life.Unless the team is completely wiped out, they will be resurrected.

Of course, space has limitations for everything.

Once the beauties die in battle, even if they are revived with Mengpo soup, they will be severely punished.

Every time it is resurrected, the cultivation level will drop by 1-2 levels.For example, Xiaolongnu is practicing Void Fusion, and if she is resurrected once, she will definitely be reduced to the Nascent Soul stage or even below.Serena's Vampire Grand Duke will be reduced to below the Vampire Marquis.

Anyway, this Mengpo soup is an absolute treasure for beauties.

Du Yu was very fortunate.

He tried it, and asked Li Xiaoyao to use the flying dragon to explore the clouds to steal Mengpo soup, but the experiment was unsuccessful more than a dozen times, and Li Xiaoyao was beaten to death.

In the plot world, it is not as easy to obtain props as in the game world, so this prop is so precious.And Li Xiaoyao is the protagonist of the plot, even if he stole the Meng Po soup, it can only be used by the plot characters, and adventurers cannot get it.

Only in this way, it more and more reflects the role of the S-level fairy treasure of the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd!
Without this heaven-defying celestial treasure, how could Du Yu regard the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy as a paradise for collecting treasures, and walked around the blood pool happily without any pressure, looking for Po Meng and others everywhere. The figure of a monster?
The beauties couldn't hold back their excitement. Serena, who was free to come and go in the blood pool, was the first to jump out. Galadriel also appeared, and she used her investigative skills to help Du Yu locate the Meng women who were floating here. .

"Haha!" Du Yu laughed lewdly, resounding through the pool of blood: "I love this place to death. Monsters, turn them into cute and precious props for me, let me collect them!"

The beauties rolled their eyes helplessly.

Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Zhao Linger also got a rare opportunity to level up, and went all out to practice desperately.

At this time, in the distant Shushan.

Juggernaut Dugu Yuyun looked down at the Shushan School, who was filled with immortal energy, cranes and clouds, beautiful buildings, and suspended in the air, with an indescribably gloomy look in his eyes.

Hall of Three Emperors, Demon Locking Tower, Patriarch Hall, Liuguang Cave

Magnificent fairyland buildings with carved balustrades, carved eaves and bucket angles, carved beams and painted buildings, are scattered on dozens of Shushan Mountains flying in the sky, forming the unique fairyland atmosphere of the Shushan School.

At that time, the earth atmosphere in the God Realm changed, and the sacred tree grew ten thousand feet, and its root system was like a cloud hanging from the sky, penetrating into the heart of Pangu. The heart of Pangu gathered the surrounding earth and rocks, and gradually expanded to form a suspended mountain, which is called "Shu Mountain".

The Shushan faction has been passed down to him for thousands of years, and he is in charge of Shushan in the 26th generation.

The sun rises in the east and shines brightly on all things. Bathed in the red morning light, the Shushan School looks more magnificent and beautiful, like a fairyland.

Looking at the exquisite and magnificent Shushan School, and touching his dantian again, Dugu Yuyun's face was gloomy.

Going down the mountain this time, the Dao heart was broken, and the loss was too great.

The road to cultivating immortals is almost completely cut off!
Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, there have been frequent cultivation activities of monsters in Shushan, and human beings have really begun to understand that there is a race of "monsters" in the world. A considerable number of monks in Shushan take killing demons as their own responsibility, thinking that this can accumulate virtue and promote immortality, and Shushan swordsmen gradually Appears in folklore.

Dugu Yuyun and Situ Zhong are no exception!
As the backbone of the largest branch of the Immortal Sword Sect, they also take slaying demons and demons and defending humanity as their heart of cultivating immortals, and they continue to practice and implement them.

Who would have thought that Hou Xiaobai was bewitched by that traitor this time, saying that someone from the lower realm brought snake demons and fox demons to swagger through the market, and he was deceived and went to exterminate them.

Hou Xiaobai substituted himself into the Yinlong Cave, and told himself that the enemy would come to die, and he only needed to ambush.

He killed the snake demon and the fox demon couple in the hidden dragon cave by himself, and waited for the evildoers to throw themselves into the net.

Unexpectedly, this snake demon is not a monster at all, but a descendant of Empress Nuwa!

That's a demigod!

Sure enough, his reckless behavior of slaying monsters angered Empress Nuwa, and she flew back with a finger.

What's more terrible is that the Dao heart is broken!
This is equivalent to Empress Nuwa cutting off her own way of cultivating immortality.

Situ Zhong appeared beside Dugu Yuyun.

Facing the elder brother who has no hope of cultivating immortality, what else can he say?
The two looked at each other in silence.

"A broken heart is actually not a bad thing." Situ Zhong stared at the sunrise in the east and sighed, "Perhaps it was not a wise strategy for us to regard killing demons and demons as our heart."

"Oh?" Dugu Yuyun turned his face indifferently: "Then tell me, what should be the heart of Dao?"

"The Goddess Nvwa's oracle is right." Situ Zhong's usually cynical face had a serious look on his face: "We humans also have villains, and demon races also have goodness. We cannot generalize them. The ones we killed today The snake demon and the fox demon couple are not guilty of death. The little vixen has become an orphan, so doesn’t he hate us humans? When will we repay our grievances?”

Dugu Yuyun's face softened a bit, but he was still depressed: "My Dao heart of slaying demons and demons has been cultivated very firmly. How can it be so easy for me to change course at this time?"

He smiled wryly and was about to speak when he heard a distant voice: "Master!"

In the voice of Hou Xiaobai, an adventurer who had met once, drove a flying sword, and came quickly.

Dugu Yuyun and Situ Zhong's expressions darkened.

They could tell that the soul in this body had been wiped out, and it was obvious that the villain Hou Xiaobai had completed the seizure and controlled the body.

"Hmph! The monstrous traitor!" Dugu Yuyun raised his sword eyebrows.

Before, although Hou Xiaobai acted a little cruelly, it was all against monsters.There is no lack of this kind of discrimination against monsters in the Shushan School, and they will shout and kill them as soon as they meet.Many people think that this is the behavior of righteous hawks, and Dugu Yuyun himself is the same, and he doesn't care.

But at this time, this rebel used the evil method of seizing the house to seize another human body. This is out-and-out, it can be regarded as an evil technique, and for the Shushan sect of the famous and decent sect, this is absolutely intolerable.

He could see more clearly, this son's jackal nature!
What's more, this son also broke his Dao heart.

Although Dugu Yuyun is somewhat disapproving of Empress Nuwa's way of protecting the demon clan, but the Shushan School worships the three emperors (Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong), and dare not have any resentment towards Empress Nuwa, so they can only put a Anger poured out on Hou Xiaobai.

Hou Xiaobai flew in front of Dugu Yuyun.

He only had half of his soul left, and the other half was captured by Du Yu and imprisoned in the Soul Detention Tower. He was tortured by Su Daji every day and asked him to hand over all kinds of information and treasures.As the same soul, even though Hou Xiaobai's remnant soul is thousands of miles away, he can empathize with him and suffer daily.

"Du Yu! Su Daji!" Along the way, Hou Xiaobai fell off the fairy sword several times due to severe pain, and his hatred for the two of them had reached its peak.

But Hou Xiaobai didn't dare to stop for a moment, and hurried back to Shushan.

He knew that Du Yu would never let him go.

Du Yu had a weather compass, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, Du Yu could still hunt him down.

Therefore, the only way is to use offense as defense!

Killing Du Yu is the kingly way.

With his strength at this time, although he could barely control the body of this subordinate, and the subordinate was prepared for him in advance by Lord Hou just in case, and he had already laid down a lot of first moves, and the seizure was extremely smooth.

But in his heyday, he was still beaten by Du Yu like a dead dog, crawling all over the ground. At this time, he only has half the strength of his soul, and with his unfamiliar body, can he get revenge?
Not to mention Du Yu's side is full of talented people, those coveted beautiful protagonists, just pick out any one, can beat the current him to find Bei.

Therefore, he can only take advantage of the situation.

The only choice is the Shushan School.

Dugu Sword Master has the strength to kill Du Yu.

Although he knew that Dugu Sword Master would not have a good face towards him, but in order to survive, he still bit the bullet and came to Shushan to find his master.

He flew in front of Dugu Sword Saint, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and burst into tears.

"Master, this disciple knows himself, made a big mistake, let the master be punished by the Nuwa Empress, and even the heart of Dao has been broken. This disciple will not be redeemed if he dies!"

The livid color on Dugu Sword Master's face faded a little.

Although he is upright and resolute, he is still respectful to his disciples.

This Hou Xiaobai has such a low profile, kneeling in front of him with his tail between his legs, it is really difficult for him to kill.

Hou Xiaobai looked at his words, how could he not know that this is the time to use his strength, he kowtowed desperately and said: "I really don't know that the half-snake, half-human girl is actually the blood of Empress Nuwa. Otherwise, give me ten Courageous, I don't dare to induce Master Dajia to go kill the demon."

Situ Zhong yelled: "Smart words! You clearly have an old enmity with that man, and you lured our Shushan faction down the mountain in order to avenge our private revenge and kill the enemy. All ancestors, do you dare to deny it?"

Hou Xiaobai didn't have the slightest bit of integrity, so he immediately cursed and swore that he didn't have much enmity with Du Yu before, and he went down to kill demons because of his desire to kill demons.

Dugu Sword Master let out a long sigh: "I was going to kill you as a traitor. Since you didn't do it on purpose, I will expel you from the Shushan faction, so go down the mountain."

He waved his hand in frustration to let Hou Xiaobai back down.

(End of this chapter)

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