Chapter 1254: In Collusion!Evil strikes! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
But how could Hou Xiaobai let go of this only chance for revenge?Immediately, he kowtowed again and said, "Master! Although the girl is indeed of Nuwa's blood, I dare not deny it, but the demon fox Su Daji next to the man is indeed a female devil who has killed countless people, a female monster. She should Shouldn't he be killed?"

Dugu Yuyun was a little emotional when he said that.From his eyes, it is natural to see that this Su Daji is indeed a demon fox who has killed countless people, and he has a lot of grievances on him, so killing him is definitely not a violation of the rules of heaven.

Hou Xiaobai immediately hit the snake with the stick, and said with a smooth tongue: "So, in fact, Empress Nuwa also has partiality. In order to favor the demon clan, even such a vixen is not allowed to be killed."

Situ Zhong said in a deep voice: "Brother, since Empress Nuwa has a will, there must be her deep meaning. We are still in Shushan, retreating and practicing with peace of mind. It is better not to have side effects."

Dugu Yuyun nodded.His Dao heart was broken, and he urgently needed to find a new path of cultivating immortals and start climbing again.

Just when Hou Xiaobai looked desperate, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter from the side.

Dugu Yuyun turned his head lightly and said, "Who is acting presumptuously in Shushan?"

The laughing stopped, revealing a man in the iron mask.But judging from the immortal energy on his body, this person is also a very strong existence in the God Realm.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Heshu." Dugu Yuyun's face showed a faint respect, and he cupped his hands and said, "Why did fellow Daoist Heshu come to my Shu Mountain?"

Uncle He swaggered over, looked at Hou Xiaobai who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a chuckle: "Accordingly, this little brother is a disciple of Shushan Mountain. As a person of the God Realm, I should not care about the affairs inside the gate wall of Shushan Mountain."


Heshu Xiexie smiled and said, "I think this little brother is right. The Shushan sect is based on slaying demons and eliminating demons as the foundation of their sect. Since there are demons rampant in the world, why not kill them?"

Dugu Yuyun's face darkened.

As the head of Shushan, when he saw the son of the king of the gods appearing here, he realized that something was wrong.

According to the order of Fuxi, the king of the gods, the gates of the heavens are closed, and no one in the heavens is allowed to descend to the mortal world.

The Shushan School is not in the mortal world, but the junction of the mortal world and the heavenly God Realm, so it doesn't matter if he comes.But the so-called night owls come into the house and come for nothing.This Uncle He is the number one troublemaker in the heavens, and even if he has nothing to do, he will cause a storm.What is his purpose for coming this time?

Dugu Yuyun said lightly: "Shushan faction does subdue demons and eliminate demons, there are indeed some, but what is a demon and what is good, everyone has their own opinions. This time in the lower realm, the vixen and snake demon next to the man have already got the female Empress Wa personally confirmed that it is not a demon that should be killed. So, forgive me for not obeying."

Uncle He raised his brows frivolously, and sneered, "Nuwa? True God? My own mouth? Are you kidding me?"

He sternly said: "Nuwa Empress obviously fell to the earth millions of years ago due to overwork after mending the sky! How could she appear in front of you and say that monsters are not evil spirits? Humph! At this time, the righteous way of the Three Realms, The only god is my father and mentor Fuxi! He is the only god you need to worship! The other gods are false gods!"

He pointed to the Three Emperors Hall of the Shushan School, and said with a sneer: "In my opinion, the palace of your Shushan School should also be repaired. The Shennong Hall and the Nuwa Hall should be demolished, and the only one dedicated to my father Fuxi! He is the Lord of the God Realm, and he is the key figure in whether you can become immortals or not."

Hou Xiaobai could tell that the man in the iron mask had a deep hatred for Du Yu, so he was overjoyed!

Really drowsy to pillow.

He was worried that he couldn't convince his master to deal with Du Yu together again, but unexpectedly, a god descended out of thin air, who seemed to be the son of Fuxi, the second generation of gods!Great background!He kept saying that he was going to abolish Nuwa and kill Du Yu.

When he rolled his eyes, he immediately understood the mystery inside.

"It turned out to be Fuxi, the biggest black-handed BOSS, and finally couldn't help but make a move!" Hou Xiaobai, who had seen Du Yu and Nuwa get close, couldn't help but get excited: "Back then, when the three emperors stood side by side, Shen Nong was secretly killed by Fuxi. Yes, Nuwa was also demoted to heaven by Fuxi, and was later framed. Fuxi and Nuwa are natural enemies. At this time, Du Yu’s team is with Nuwa. If I hook up with Fuxi, the great god, There is no downfall at all!"

Seeing the murderous look of the man in the iron mask, Hou Xiaobai was indescribably happy.

He took two steps, knelt in front of the man in the iron mask flatteringly and said, "Immortal! You are so right. I will expose it. That Du Yu was clearly at fault with Nuwa, and he colluded with the goddess stick pretending to be Nuwa to deceive him." He is also very close to the fake Nuwa. I have seen him use a kind of sorcery to sacrifice to the fake Nuwa to supplement her divine power."

The man in the iron mask and uncle were overjoyed when they heard that.

He was about to receive an order from Fuxi to collect the reasons why Nuwa became stronger and even suppressed his father in turn, and to find evidence of the man's collusion with Nuwa. The abandoned disciple, who is so upright, easily uttered this real evidence.

And this person is witty and cunning, and he actually turned a deer into a horse, and immediately slandered Nuwa as a fake Nuwa, haha! That's how it should be.My father, Fuxi, is the Lord of the God Realm, and if he said that Nuwa was a fake, who would dare to say it was true?In this way, it is convenient to start.

"What kind of treasure can be sacrificed to Nuwa thousands of miles away? It's a fake Nuwa for her to deceive and cheat." Uncle He nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask.

Hou Xiaobai couldn't answer. He just saw Du Yu using the sacrificial ceremony from a distance, and the light flashed. He didn't know Du Yu's method, so he had an idea: "Great God, there is no need to worry too much. As long as the man is captured, Yan will be killed." Interrogation will make it clear."

Uncle He nodded with satisfaction, and said solemnly to Dugu Sword Master: "Although the master is confused, he has a smart apprentice! It seems that your Shushan sect still has successors. Haha!"

Situ Zhong snorted and said, "My Shushan School's internal affairs, it's not up to the heavens to tell me what to do!"

Uncle He's face darkened: "What nonsense are you talking about? The Shushan School is a well-known orthodox sect, but my God Realm is the highest place in the world for ruling righteousness! The will of the God Realm is the way of heaven, who dares to defy it?"

Just as Situ Zhong was about to retort, Dugu Sword Master let out a long sigh, waved his hands and said, "Junior Brother, there is no need to say more."

He said to Uncle He in a deep voice: "If you intend to use power to overwhelm others and point fingers at my Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, you can't say it. Although we enshrine the great god Fuxi, we may not succumb to the rude will of the gods. At least you want Take out God Fuxi's own orders and pass them on to me, otherwise it will be very difficult for me to disobey the will of Empress Nuwa and attack that man."

Uncle He speculated: "Are you going to disobey orders? Then don't blame me for being ruthless."

He waved.

Over the Shushan faction, a powerful aura appeared again!

The third child and Zhong Zhong, who looked handsome and unrestrained young sons, appeared above the Shushan School, overlooking the magnificent scenery of the Shushan Mountain, waved their fans and smiled lightly: "Fourth, you said that the Shushan School is really brave, and dared to disobey it!" My order from the God Realm. You don’t even believe the order, so what a pity it would be if the foundation of Shushan was completely destroyed by my heavenly soldiers and generals?”

Dugu Yuyun and Situ Zhong's expressions changed.

This is more direct than Zhongbi and Uncle, and even directly threatened the Shushan faction.

If you don't carry out the order of Fuxi, the lord of the gods, you will be wiped out by the heavenly soldiers and generals!
Uncle He smiled slightly: "Third Brother, after all, the Shushan School is a famous and decent school that has been passed down for thousands of years. I believe that the head of the Dugu School will not be so unwise and do stupid things to fight against the Heavenly Court and lead to the destruction of the school. In that case, even if he is under Jiuquan, he will not be so unwise. Shamelessly face the predecessors of the Shushan School!"

"You!" Situ Zhong drew his sword angrily.

Dugu Yuyun let out a long sigh.

He has a clear understanding of the fire, and this reconciliation with Shuhe and Zhongyi is clearly a combination of soft and hard, forcing the Shushan faction to follow them and become the lackeys of the God Realm to deal with Nuwa's descendants and allies!
With the strength of Uncle He and Zhong, although they are very strong, there are thousands of people in the Shushan faction, so they may not be afraid of them.

But behind these two rogue-like god-king dudes, there is still a real god standing!

Great God Fuxi.

If they fly to the top of Mount Shu, raise their arms and say Fuxi's order to conquer Du Yu who is carrying the fox demon and snake demon, the thousands of people from the Shu Mountain sect, probably nine out of ten, will follow them!
As the master himself, he couldn't stop it at all.

Even the central main hall enshrined by the Shushan School is a statue of Fuxi.

How can I defy Fuxi's will?

He was silent for a moment, shook his head towards Situ Zhong, and shouted to Uncle He: "Since the god king Fuxi has an order, my Shushan faction must obey! But the seniors of Shushan have an order, and we can't kill the monsters wantonly. Any evildoer who is suspected of being guilty , The most common method used by my Shushan faction is to catch them and throw them into the demon-locking tower. I can only do so much at most, if the two masters He Shu and Zhong are still not satisfied, then forgive me for being powerless!"

He Shu and Zhong looked at each other.

They also knew that it would be impossible for Dugu Yuyun, who had seen Nuwa's strength, to promise to lead the Shushan faction to fight Du Yu with all his strength.Dugu Yuyun's willingness to help and act as cannon fodder is already a surprise, and the goal has been achieved.

Uncle He smiled, cupped his hands at Dugu Yuyun and said, "You really deserve to be the head of Shushan, who understands righteousness. After my brother is done, he will definitely report back to the God King. There will definitely be no shortage of rewards for Shushan."

He glanced at Hou Xiaobai, who was lying on the ground, looking at him eagerly, and said with a slight smile: "I think this little brother is very good. He can be the spokesperson of my God Realm in Shushan sect in the future! Sect leader Dugu, don't neglect him." He, otherwise it would be disrespectful to Fuxi!"

When Hou Xiaobai heard this, he immediately showed ecstasy.

He is really a salty fish turned over. In an instant, he transformed from an abandoned disciple who was almost kicked out of the gate wall, and became the spokesperson of the Lord of the God Realm in Shushan faction!
This Fuxi is a real golden thick leg.

(End of this chapter)

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