Chapter 1255 Crazy refining treasures, fighting against the ghost king! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
With this thick leg in my arms, I can't die in this world!

"Hehe, Du Yu really didn't expect that." Hou Xiaobai laughed grimly and said, "If you want to blame it, blame you for being too ostentatious. Even the God Realm has been offended. Now let me see how you can keep playing!"

Dugu Yuyun glanced at Hou Xiaobai contemptuously.If there was a sliver of master-student affection before, but now the righteousness has been cut off, Hou Xiaobai is a disgrace to Shushan.

Heshu and Zhong went away in a gust of wind, leaving only Heshu's sinister laughter in the air: "Dugu Sword Master can just practice with peace of mind, and I will notify Shushan when I deal with that man and the fake Nuwa."

Situ Zhong smiled wryly and said: "Senior brother, how can you submit to Xiaoxiao's generation? This is not the character of my master in Shushan! Besides, I have seen the strength of the Nuwa Empress. One finger flicked away your ten thousand swords Trick, no one can fake it! That is simply the supreme divine power of the Three Emperors."

Dugu Sword Master was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Of course I know, Empress Nuwa is true. The order of Fuxi, the lord of the heavens, is also true. We in Shushan accidentally fell into the vortex of the struggle between two great gods. One accidentally , will be smashed to pieces!"

Situ Zhong was astonished and said: "It turns out that senior brother sees things so clearly, so why did he agree to Heshu's dude to be their pawn in dealing with Du Yu and Empress Nuwa?"

Dugu Sword Master looked at Mount Shu, and said affectionately in his eyes: "Because I am the head of Mount Shu! I must consider the survival of the Shu Mountain faction! If I don't agree to the request of Uncle He and Brother Zhong, the Great God Fuxi may not necessarily send out heavenly soldiers and generals brazenly. Deal with my Shushan faction, but in the future, the road of Shushan faction will become narrower and narrower, and it will almost fall into a dead end."

Situ Zhong nodded helplessly.

As a sect of cultivating immortals, if you offend the Lord of the God Realm, what hope is there?
In Dugu Sword Master's voice, there was a sense of sacred sacrifice: "So, let me, a sinner who has offended Empress Nuwa once, do it to the end. If Empress Nuwa blames me, I will use Shushan Palm Sect identity, committing suicide and apologizing, and passing on the head of Shushan Sect to you! In this way, all the faults and responsibilities will be borne by me alone, and you and the Shushan Sect will be safe and sound."

Situ Zhong was stunned!

He didn't expect that Dugu Sword Master planned such a noble self-sacrifice!

Sandwiched between the two great gods Nuwa and Fuxi, the gods fight and mortals suffer. As a sect of cultivating immortals, the Shushan School cannot resist the will and power of either of the great gods.

But it was clear that they were already caught in the vortex of fighting, and they had to choose sides, otherwise Fuxi would be punished at that time.

Dugu Sword Master, as the head of the sect, actually planned to take the blame for everything if there was any disharmony, sacrifice himself, pass the position to himself, and keep Shushan!
"How can it be?" Situ Zhong burst into tears.He is not a person who likes to vent his feelings, and he usually looks like he is fooling around and playing with the world, but at this moment, it seems that he is getting to know his senior brother for the first time: "I will kill myself to apologize! Shushan cannot live without a senior brother."

Dugu Sword Master shook his head heavily: "You are not the head of the sect, and you did not make the promise. It is meaningless for you to kill yourself, and you cannot be forgiven by the great gods. I have done something wrong. Let me use this life to make one last contribution to Shushan. You must not tell anyone about this! Do you understand?"

Situ Zhong burst into tears.

Brother Dugu Jiansheng's great feelings are not comparable to him.

Even sacrificing his life for the purpose of explaining to Fuxi and Nuwa cannot be announced to the world.It can only be let Dugu Yuyun bear the stupid scapegoat of "offending the great god, committing suicide and apologizing", and pass it down from generation to generation.The Shushan faction he sacrificed for even wanted to be ashamed of him, and even erased all the deeds he had been the head of.

"Let's go, junior brother." Dugu Yuyun patted Situ Zhong on the shoulder: "Let senior brother teach you a few more tricks, and see if your cultivation is worthy of being the master of Shushan!"

Du Yu and others walked around the blood pool under the general's tomb for a few times, and finally confirmed that all the monsters had been refined.

The payoff is huge.

More than 30 A-level props Meng Po soup have been refined, and Du Yu is fair, and each of his own women has one, as a precaution in case.

Others, such as the red blood silkworm, an A-level prop that fully restores the physical strength of the eater, got 15.

There are more than 40 green blood silkworms.

There are also countless magic symbols, fire silkworms, etc.

Of course, the price Du Yu paid was 1000 million survival points, which were burned up.

But he just used the 5G walkie-talkie to notify Catherine.A huge sum of 5000 million survival points was immediately transferred to his account.

Catherine is about to give birth at this time, and she is missing her husband on the bed. She heard that her husband is useful. Empress Dowager), where do you put this money in your eyes?
Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, and Li Xiaoyao, in the frequent battles of brushing the map, their strength has improved greatly, and their level has been raised to level 15. Zhao Linger has learned intermediate spells such as wind and clouds, Sanwei Zhenhuo, etc., and Lin Yueru has also mastered kung fu such as Yiyang Finger , Li Xiaoyao's Yuxiao swordsmanship has been practiced to level 5, and Dugu Nine Swords has been practiced to level 4, the talent is really amazing.

"It's time to deal with the Red Ghost King and take away the Earth Spirit Orb." Du Yu watched with satisfaction as the skills of the two flower-like and jade-like female disciples skyrocketed, and Li Xiaoyao was also very good.

Walking to the blood pool, Zhao Linger's little stone had a flash of inspiration, triggering the plot.

In the pool of blood, as if boiling, bubbles of blood bubbled up!
The Red Ghost King rose slowly from the pool of blood!
The figure and appearance of the Red Ghost King are similar to ordinary people, but much bigger than ordinary people, and his face is more ferocious and ferocious. There is a red eye on his forehead, and both eyes are also red, which is indescribably ferocious and terrifying.This is the root cause of the zombie harassment in Baihe Village. He used the generals of the Sui Dynasty to bite all the townspeople of Heishui Town into zombies, let them bite people around to suck blood, and pooled the sucked blood into the blood pool for his own enjoyment and enhancement of power.It is very powerful, and contains one of the five spirit beads, the earth spirit bead, in its body.

The Red Ghost King laughed wildly and said, "I was still wondering just could mortals get here?! It turns out that it's the Jade Buddha Beads helping you! Little bald cultivate your Buddha, and I cultivate my demon. We once said that the water of the well does not violate the water of the river. Today you broke your promise and brought mortals to smash my territory?"

The little stone worn around Ling'er's neck jumped out and said confidently: "Look at this pool of blood and you will know how many lives you have killed. Today we are going to wipe out harm for the world!"

Du Yu looked at it with the scouting eyes of dragon and wolf weather.

This Red Ghost King is indeed the strongest boss he has encountered so far, bar none.

Under the difficulty adjustment of the inner city, the Red Ghost King has 57000 health points and an attack power of up to 950 points.If he beats them all, Zhao Linger, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's defense and health will be instantly killed with one blow!

You know, it was Du Yu's intention to train the three protagonists, let them go through hard training, and their level was raised to about 15 before they came down to fight the Red Ghost King, otherwise it would be even more difficult.

Some people want to ask, why is it so difficult for the Red Ghost King?

Because this is an adventure world, not a game.In the game, relying on the performance of the three protagonists is enough to deal with the Red Ghost King, but if it is an adventure world in the inner city, three protagonists are enough, so what are these adventurers doing?
Therefore, the strength of the Red Ghost King must be much higher than that of the protagonist, and the adventurer must be strong in order to ensure the pass.

Fortunately, this is not a problem for Du Yu.

After continuing to observe, the Red Ghost King still has many unique skills: Blood Demon Magic Art, Fire Curse, Flying Rock Technique, Soul Capture, Five Thunder Curse, Samadhi True Fire, Summoning-Zombie*2, Flying Head*2, Bai Wuchang*2 , it is indeed difficult to entangle.

And the Red Ghost King has a rule, in order to limit summoning adventurers, there is no limit to the number of summons. It is stipulated that whenever an adventurer summons a helper, the Red Ghost King can summon 2 zombies, 2 flying heads, and 2 white impermanences. , to maintain difficulty.

Moreover, he has a strong boosting effect on the evil monsters produced in these blood pools. The evil monsters fighting around it can increase the combat power by 50%, which is not a small threat to adventurers in the inner city.

But in front of Du Yu's powerful team, the summoning power of the Red Ghost King can only be said to be threatening.

As soon as he came up, the Red Ghost King was unceremonious, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned 4 zombies, [-] flying heads, and [-] Bai Wuchang, because in Du Yu's team, besides Du Yu himself, Yilin also exceeded the standard.

But is Yilin easy to provoke?

With a wave of her hand, the little stone, the Buddhist bead, burst out with pure Buddhist rays of light.

The majestic little stone even turned into a Buddha statue, shining brightly in the fishy blood pool!
The zombies, Flying Heads, and Bai Wuchang, who were rushing towards Du Yu and the others with fierce faces, immediately burst into black smoke and screamed incessantly.

This is the ability of an authentic Buddhist master to restrain monsters!
One thing down one thing, restraint to the extreme.

The Red Ghost King was furious.

This Yilin had a merciful, sympathetic look on her face, the Buddha's light was lingering, and the Sanskrit sounds burst out, which made him extremely unhappy.

"Blood Demon Divine Art!" He roared, streaks of blood appeared on his body, his eyes completely turned crimson, and his strength greatly improved.

"Be careful!" Du Yu's face became serious, and he waved his hand.

In the blood pool, the vampire duchess Serena, who was not affected at all, but was strengthened accordingly, appeared in the center of the blood pool and joined the battle.

She swung the gleaming dagger, which was tailor-made for her by Shan Wanjing, and it was made from the teeth of a space-level S-level warcraft vampire dragon. Every time it hits an enemy, it will cause 100% of the bleeding state. Enemies with life can also suck blood to replenish life.

Serena got the soul orb, and her strength became more refined. The Red Ghost King roared and attacked her with kung fu and sharp claws, but she avoided them all.

(End of this chapter)

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