Chapter 1256 Using the Immortal Gourd to Refining the Red Ghost King! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Zhao Ling'er used the Five Thunder Curse, Lin Yueru used the Yiyang Finger, and Li Xiaoyao used the Dugu Nine Swords to greet the Red Ghost King together.Serena is in front to attract the enemy, Du Yu is in charge of the formation, and Yilin is in charge of recovery and suppression. For the three protagonists, this battle is another leveling journey led by a nanny.

The battle was very intense but everything was under Du Yu's control.

As expected, the Red Ghost King used his unique skills again and again: flame curse, flying rock technique, soul capture, five thunder curse, samadhi real fire, summoning, and took turns to try to eliminate these intruders.

But Du Yu grasped the rhythm of the battle very keenly. As soon as Lin Yueru and Zhao Linger made a slight mistake and were almost attacked by the Red Ghost King, he would make a bold move and rescue the two beautiful protagonists and apprentices with lightning movements. Wipe less, which made the two beautiful girls coquettish and full of love.

The Red Ghost King saw that the enemy's team was very targeted. There were agility masters who attracted attention. She seemed to be a woman from the blood race ghost clan. There were Buddhist masters suppressing him, and three little dolls were jumping up and down, fighting vigorously. Every time I made a sneak attack, I was intercepted and rescued by a master. I was so angry that my lungs exploded.

wow wow!

He activated the power of the blood pool, summoned more ghosts, and attacked the adventurers together.

If it was an ordinary team of adventurers, it would definitely be in chaos at this time.

Because the ghosts that rushed up at this time are numerous, imposing, and powerful, they can be called lore.

Faced with hundreds of extra monsters pounced at them at the same time, which team would not be scared?

But Du Yu strolled in the courtyard.

He sneered: "Only you can summon? Look at mine"

Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan and other beauties appear at the same time!
Group battle!

hard kill.

The Red Ghost King's summoning speed was extremely fast, but Du Yu's summoning speed was also not slow.


There are traces of beauties everywhere, figures chasing and killing monsters, powerful skills, and images of explosive flying shots everywhere.

The monsters had no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth, and they were defeated by Shi Feixuan and others in the end, and they were wiped out in embarrassment.

The Red Ghost King was furious, and Lin Yueru suddenly came again and knocked out more than 2000 of his life points!
Then Zhao Ling'er's five-element thunder and lightning launched, and the five-thunder spell that fell made him tremble.

Li Xiaoyao's celestial sword also came, taking turns to stab him riddled with holes.

Just when the Red Ghost King was about to use a single move to attack the whole body and pay back, Du Yu made the move himself!

The Scarlet Ghost King has never seen such a terrifying man, his moves hit this man, as if hitting the shadow of a ghost, and fell everywhere.

This person's palm strikes on him, but every time he creates terrifying injuries, it also has a golden internal force effect, which makes him back again and again.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, Wushuang will kill!

Just when the Red Ghost King was about to retreat, he suddenly saw the leading man take out a purple gold fairy gourd.

The idea of ​​absolute danger suddenly rose in its heart, and it would retreat into the blood pool at all costs to avoid disaster temporarily.

But it's too late!
Du Yu took out the purple gold fairy gourd, how could he allow it to escape?

The Red Ghost King saw the white light emitted from the fairy gourd, and seeing that he couldn't avoid it, he roared angrily, and the water level in the blood pool dropped immediately!

The body of the Red Ghost King suddenly grew bigger and bigger, and even the hundreds of meters of rocky caves in the caves of the underworld were pushed to the head by him.A layer of bright red blood also appeared on the huge devil-like body, forming a blood-colored armor to resist in front of him.

"Hey! Kid, Hugh is crazy! In the pool of blood that I have accumulated for a long time, it is not so easy for me, the Red Ghost King, to be included in the gourd by you!"

Sure enough, the white light of the fairy gourd neighed when it met the blood-colored armor, but it was still unable to enter, absorbing the red ghost king into the purple gold fairy gourd.

Du Yu got a spatial reminder: "Your S-level fairy treasure, the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, has encountered the huge Scarlet Ghost King. The enemy uses the power of the blood pool to greatly strengthen its own demon energy. The Purple Gold Immortal Gourd has insufficient priority and cannot The enemy sucks in."

"Hmph! Do you think you can escape by sucking blood and transforming into the body of a demon god?" Du Yu smiled and looked at the Red Ghost King who had fully utilized the power of the blood pool: "I will tell you what it means to be overwhelmed. What an effort!"

But Du Yu took out the snake-killing sword with a smile, and the white light of the snake-killing sword shot straight into the sky!

A powerful weapon that can kill even the White Snake Spirit, a descendant of Emperor Yan, a supreme treasure that can control the fate of a country, and a supreme weapon that can reduce the priority of the enemy to 5%.

Seeing this deadly light of white air, even the Red Ghost King couldn't help but gasp.

His blood-colored armor of the demon god, when encountering this invincible white kingly aura, fled to both sides like a hundred ghosts, not daring to confront it head-on.

"Roar!" The Red Ghost King watched helplessly that his invincible Demon King Kong body was being weakened by force, weakened layer by layer!

In Du Yu's eyes, the priority of the Demon God's Demon Physique skills has dropped sharply.

When the demon god's blood-colored armor was so pale that it could hardly be seen clearly, the Scarlet Ghost King wailed and was forcefully sucked into the purple-gold gourd!
Du Yu was overjoyed.

The Red Ghost King obviously still had nearly half of his health, but he couldn't resist the light of the Snake Slaying Sword, so he was forced to inhale the purple gold gourd, which became the material for his own refining.

He smiled and looked at the Red Ghost King in the purple gold gourd.

The Red Ghost King is obviously much stronger than the Black General, so the refining cost has been increased from 100 million survival points to 300 million survival points, and the refining time has also been increased from one day to two days.

But what he can provide is much more powerful than the black general's soul orb.

The treasure that can be produced is an item called [Blood Soul Orb], and its level has reached A+ level.

[Blood Soul Orb]: Only powerful blood or ghost monster bosses have a small chance to appear.Because the Red Ghost King himself is powerful and is in the state of a demon god who condenses all the power of the blood pool, the level of the refined treasures has also risen, resulting in such precious treasures.This [Blood Soul Bead] can be devoured by blood or ghost adventurers or plot characters, increasing the cultivation base and strength of thousands of years. [Blood Soul Orb] can be spit out of the body and used to attack the enemy. In addition to causing normal skill damage, it will cause attack priority +20, attack damage +50% soul orb attack effect.Comes with a 35% stun chance for enemies.After each use, [Blood Soul Orb] needs blood power to recharge.

"Thousand-year cultivation?" Du Yu was startled.This is really good stuff.

As far as he knew, the vampire blood adventurers in the inner city only had the strength of a thousand years, and very few of them reached the level of 2000 vampires.

But this [Blood Soul Orb] alone can increase one's cultivation base by a thousand years!
Moreover, it also comes with a spit bead attack that has its own priority and greatly increased attack power, which is a necessary magic weapon for leapfrog killing.

Sure enough, its restrictions are also very large: this thing can only be taken once, and it can't help but show blood, causing the Holy See and righteous adventurers to chase and kill it.Even blood clansmen will covet treasures and chase after you.

In any case, this thing is a good thing for Serena.Du Yu was determined to turn the vampire death walker into a true queen of the night.

The moment the Red Ghost King was sucked into the gourd, there was only a bang, and a bland bead rolled to the ground.

It was picked up by Zhao Linger.

Ling'er asked curiously: "So this is the Earth Spirit Bead? I heard from my grandma that since ancient times, it has been said that the Goddess Nuwa gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth, and refines them into five beads to subdue demons. Legend has it that , these spirit beads have been lost for many years, is it God's will that we can get this thing today?"

Du Yu smiled, stroked Ling'er's swan neck and said, "Ling'er, it's Empress Nuwa who is helping us."

Ling'er cheered, jumped on Du Yu's body, and said with a charming smile, "Being able to take risks with Du Yu's brother is like being protected by the Nuwa Empress. Ling'er is very happy."

As if she wanted to offer a treasure, she dedicated the earth spirit pearl to Du Yu.

Du Yu examined the earth spirit pearl carefully.

【Earth Pearl】:
Class A props.

Description: An earth-type spirit bead that contains infinite mana.

Effect 1. Increase the power of the wearer's earth spells by 10%.

Effect 2. At any place in the maze, enter the item column and use it, you can leave the maze instantly and return to the original location.

"Strange, this earth spirit pearl is so weak," Du Yu muttered, expressing his dissatisfaction.

He has already acquired the Nuwa Sky-Mending Stone. Compared to the powerful attribute of repairing space, his Earth Spirit Orb seems to be an ordinary A-level item, which is really ordinary.

"Could it be?" Zhao Ling'er guessed: "After the Five Elements Lingzhu is assembled, the power will increase greatly?"

Du Yu nodded.As the villain's mission must be completed, the earth spirit beads should be more powerful than this, so they should be collected properly now, and we can wait until the five elements spirit beads are assembled.

At the same time, Du Yu was reminded that he got 4000 villain points because he successfully acquired the Earth Spirit Orb.Because he successfully eliminated the zombie scourge Red Ghost King that endangered Baihe Village, he completed the trigger task and got 10000 villain points.

After getting 14000 villain points, Du Yu was once over-summoned, and the slightly tight villain points became more comfortable again. Otherwise, when Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru need to subdue them, the level will be higher, and the signing price will also rise. If it's not worth it, it's a complete tragedy.

A group of people returned to Dr. Han's house, only to find that Dr. Han was tied up at home.

After rescuing Dr. Han, Dr. Han reported that the Hemiao people tied him up and took Han Mengci to Guiyin Mountain.

"Hei Miao people?" Du Yu felt a little regretful.

Hei Miao, the leader he controlled, originally planned to deceive the trust of the worship leader of the Moon, but when Hou Xiaobai attacked, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, or was beaten to death by the angry Aunt Li, anyway, it's useless now.

If you want to leave here and leave it alone, the Hei Miao people are making a comeback this time, and the leader of the team is Elder Shi, who is not easy to mess with.

But helplessly, the two girls, Linger and Yueru, both had a good impression of Han Mengci, and Li Xiaoyao, who succeeded in defeating the Red Ghost King and became a demon after leveling, clamored to teach the Hei Miao people a lesson.In desperation, Du Yu could not go against the trend of the plot, so he set out again to rescue Han Mengci.

(End of this chapter)

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