Chapter 1257 Elder Stone!Gratitude and hatred! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Go out again from the bridge in the northwest of Baihe Village, go left at the first fork of the mountain road, and soon come to Guiyin Mountain Pass.After defeating the Heimiao guards at the gate, everyone entered the Guiyin Mountain.

In Guiyin Mountain, there are mostly natural monsters such as small green snakes, silkworm chrysalis, and bees. Halfway through the mountain road, scattered troops of Heimiao appeared, such as Heimiao swordsmen, fast legs, white clothes, and hidden weapons. Wait for someone to add to the blockage.

But Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Zhao Linger have turned into leveling lunatics. Under the cover of Du Yu, they fight anyone they see. to the temple on the mountain.

Of course, Du Yu continued to refine the great cause while protecting the three protagonists. He collected the enemies one by one into the purple gold gourd, and used the survival points and the bodies of the enemies to convert them into usable materials.But the things produced here are not even as good as those in the blood pool, and there are no amazing props like Mengpo soup.

Du Yu did not allow the three protagonists to level up for too long. A few hours ago, he gradually had a warning sign in his heart, as if there was some great conspiracy, as predicted by the mirror of Galadriel, which was gradually approaching. Speed ​​up the plot and make yourself stronger.

Du Yu led the crowd into the hall and found Dr. Han's daughter Han Mengci imprisoned in an iron cage. He was about to rescue her when he heard a loud laugh.

A burly old man with white hair, one eye, and a burly figure walked out of the rear of the hall with steady steps, and stood in front of Du Yu and the others!

General of the Black Hmong!Elder Shi!
In the plot, there are two absolute strongmen who demand defeat.

Elder Shi calmly and dignifiedly scanned the faces of Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Yilin one by one. When he saw Du Yu, his complexion moved and his eyes narrowed, as if he could feel the majestic fighting power of Du Yu. In the end, his His eyes fixed on Zhao Linger's body, showing a trace of tenderness.

"Your Highness, please go back to the Hei Miao tribe with the old minister. His Majesty the Witch King is seriously ill, and there are not many days left. The King said: No matter what misunderstandings are at present, and no matter why the Empress Wu took you away from Miaojiang, after all, there is a close relationship between flesh and blood. ... I hope you will return to him in the name of father and daughter."

Zhao Ling'er took a step back, and said in a trembling voice: "How did you treat my mother back then? My gentle mother is cornered by you, I have to find my mother first!"

Elder Shi was silent for a while, then raised his head, looked up at the bright starry sky and said: "The old minister was also loyal to the Empress Wu back then, and even dissuaded His Majesty the Witch King from killing the Empress Wu, it is a pity that the Empress Wu has... I've been missing for ten years, I'm afraid I'm already dead, let alone?"

Zhao Ling'er said with an angry face: "What's more? Tell me!"
Elder Shi sighed and said: "Mr. Rong speaks bluntly. If Your Highness knows the true identity of Empress Wu, she should be able to understand why the king treated her like that in the past."

Zhao Linger's beautiful eyes were sad, she lowered her head and said: "What if I am like my mother? Will you all treat me like my mother?"

Elder Shi said impassionedly: "Naturally it is different. You are the only flesh and blood of the king, and the only person in our Black Miao people who is qualified to inherit the throne. No matter what happens, the old minister will bring you back to the king. Similarly, No matter who comes to obstruct it, the veteran will definitely eliminate it to the end at all costs!"

Zhao Linger looked at Du Yu with some embarrassment.

Du Yu looked up to the sky and laughed.

Elder Shi said indifferently: "Why are you laughing?"

Du Yu hugged Zhao Ling'er's slender waist to his side, raised his eyebrows and said: "I'm laughing at you, Elder Shi, who is foolish and loyal, but is deceived by traitors and played with by applause. Don't talk about protecting Ling'er, I'm afraid When you brought her back to Heimiao, it was the beginning of Linger's destiny to disappear like her sorceress queen!"

"Who are you?" Elder Shi raised his eyebrows when he heard that this person was so familiar with the Empress Wu.

"Not really." Du Yu sniffed the little white flower next to Linger's ear with a smile, and said with a chuckle, "I am Linger's guardian and her husband."

Zhao Ling'er blushed, bowed her head in silence, her two little feet in blue embroidered shoes intertwined awkwardly on the ground, but she did not deny it.

Elder Shi sneered and said: "Toad, you are so angry! My highness, the princess of the black Miao nationality, when will it be your turn for you, a brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth? For the sake of your highness's friend, give me a quick look!" Step down! You are not allowed to harass His Highness again, otherwise!"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise what?"

Elder Shi squeezed his joints loudly: "Otherwise, you will regret it too late."

Du Yu could vaguely feel that the danger seemed to be rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

If he can't make a quick decision, in a few minutes, he will be flanked back and forth by Elder Shi and the enemy!
Being able to time it so accurately, and launching an attack just when the powerful Elder Shi attacked him, Du Yu can be sure that this must be the work of an adventurer!

That is to say, Hou Xiaobai!
The lingering guy!
Thinking of this, Du Yu's face became gloomy, and his tone to Elder Shi was even tougher: "I don't care who ordered you, or how you treat Ling'er, as long as you know that Ling'er is mine now! I'm in charge of Ling'er." The safety of her will never let her suffer any harm. So, hand over Han Mengci, and you can take the Hemiao people away!"

Elder Shi was really furious.

He didn't expect that he would be so unceremoniously expelled after being courteous to this young man.

It was out of good intentions that I wanted to take Ling'er away and protect her personally, and Elder Shi was confident that he would never miss it.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" Elder Shi jumped up and charged over.

The battle begins.

Du Yu sighed lightly.

Elder Shi is a loyal veteran, the elder of the two dynasties of the Black Miao nationality, the elder of the Moon Worship Sect, although he is dissatisfied with the Lord of the Moon Worship, but he protects the safety of the Witch King in the Nanzhao Palace, and he is loyal to the Black Miao Witch King .

As the number one general in front of the witch king, although he is old, he is still highly skilled in martial arts. Although he is an enemy of the protagonist, it is all because of his loyalty to the black Miao witch king, and he was deceived by the Moon Worship Sect. Not bad.

Elder Shi is also the main matchmaker between the Witch King and the Witch Queen, and also the confidant of the Witch Queen Lin Qinger, and once tried to prevent the Moon Worship Sect from forcing the palace to kill the Witch Queen, and helped the Witch Queen escape when she was guarding the Heavenly Snake Staff in the underground palace of the Black Miao people. dungeon.

Therefore, Du Yu actually did not have no respect for him.

It's just that the powerful force is approaching here at this time, if you don't make a quick decision and leave with Ling'er, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave later.

Galadriel's prophecy will come true.

Thinking of this, Du Yu's face became more serious.

Elder Shi rushed like a thunderbolt, with a single blow.

"Qi Mo Yan!" The obstinate old man was really furious, he made a killer move as soon as he came up, and went straight to Du Yu.

Du Yu's face was indifferent, Ling Bo dodged with a slight step, and dodged Elder Shi's lore, but this time he used the acupressure technique of the Nine Yin Manual!

Although he hadn't used this skill for some time, it has become new over time, and after thinking about it for a long time, he has a better understanding of the moves and is more powerful.

With a flip of the palm and a snap of a finger, he shrewdly landed on the key point on Elder Shi's chest!
Elder Shi rushed so hard that Du Yu succeeded in acupoint acupuncture!
He couldn't believe it.

Although this young man seems to have extraordinary strength, how could he be so powerful?
He was furious, his white hair was fluttering, and although he couldn't move his body, he roared angrily: "Boy! If you have the ability, you can confront me head-on, don't play these dirty tricks!"

Du Yu said with a cold smile: "Elder Shi, let me tell you the truth! Don't say that the Witch King is seriously ill and misses Ling'er. The Witch King on your throne is a Xibei at all. He is controlled by the Moon Worshiper." Puppet! The Witch King and Witch Queen you are loyal to have been killed by the Moon Worshiper respectively!"

Hearing the sad news that both her father and mother had been killed by the Moon Worshiping Sect Master, Linger exclaimed, her big watery eyes were filled with tears, and she stared blankly at Du Yu: "Brother Du Yu, what you said is true! Is it true? My parents have already been killed?"

Elder Shi said furiously: "Fart! I have been loyal to the Witch King for decades, but I am a veteran of the second generation. Don't you even know what the Witch King looks like? You can't just slander my Moon Worship Sect here!"

Du Yu said coldly: "Think about it, when was the last time you saw the Witch King? At this time, the Witch King, except for the Moon Worshiper, has no one else disappeared?"

Elder Shi shook his head furiously, and roared angrily. Fighting for damage to his acupoints, he forcibly broke Du Yu's acupuncture skills, and slapped his palm like an angry lion: "Stop talking nonsense! Look at my fire dragon palm!"

Du Yu was helpless.

This Elder Shi is really stubborn to the end, he will not turn back until he hits the south wall, and he will not die until he reaches the Yellow River.

He deftly dodged this wave, summoned all the beauties at the same time, and shouted: "A strong enemy is coming, quickly form a new Tiangang Beidou formation! First form a positive and negative Yin-Yang formation, and prepare to protect yourself!"

Hearing Du Yu's words of self-protection, everyone realized that the problem was serious.

"Could it be that Galadriel's prophecy will become a reality?" Shen Luoyan gritted her teeth.

According to the pre-rehearsed lineup, the beauties selected Xiaolongnu, Shi Feixuan, Wanhou, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze, Galadriel, and Zhou Zhiruo as a group.

The other group is composed of Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, Fu Junqiang, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Serena and Dugufeng.

The third group of candidates is Song Yuzhi, Li Xiuning, Shen Luoyan, Shi Qingxuan, Shang Xiufang, Yilin, and Arwen.

The first two groups have formed two Tiangang Beidou formations, positive and negative, according to the formations rehearsed in advance. Both use Du Yu as the North Star, and the positive and negative yin and yang are slowly turning.

Streams of immortality lighted up from the feet of the beauties, connected with the seven sisters in this formation, with Du Yu's infusion of Xuanyuan's nourishing method and the practice of internal force chaining, and connected with Du Yu. Pre-personal, the connection is made.

(End of this chapter)

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