Chapter 1259 Vigorous decisive battle! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Lin Yueru's face turned pale when she saw that in the sky, the man in the iron mask who once coveted her beauty, Heshu, came again, and brought an even more lecherous, annoying ghost, Hezhong.

What she fears the most is being taken to the God Realm by something like Uncle He, where she will live a life like a slave.

Lin Yueru hid behind Du Yu.

Du Yu put his arms around Lin Yueru and Zhao Ling'er with one arm, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, babies, I'm here! No one can touch a single hair of your hair! Those trash who covet beauty, no matter how high they stand, are still trash A lump!"

This domineering declaration of protection not only talks about Heshu and Zhong, whose faces were ashen, and the beauties covered their mouths and smiled, but also Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru, who felt warm in their hearts and felt extremely safe, sticking to Du Yu's chest gently and softly. He stepped forward and cast a grateful look at Du Yu.

Du Yu also has a sense of accomplishment!
His purpose as an adventurer is to challenge the strongest enemy, plunder the best treasure, and protect the most beautiful woman!

Seeing that the other side had another strong man, Hou Xiaobai was so angry that he jumped up.

He Zhong and Uncle looked indifferent, as if looking at ants.Indeed, for gods of their rank, Elder Shi, the commander of Heimiao, is nothing more than a stronger ant.No matter how strong humans are, they are no match for gods.

He Zhongyin said solemnly: "Dugu Yuyun, what you said about Hou Xiaobai just now is not enough weight. Now, in the name of God Fuxi, I order you to go down and capture that suspicious man, and arrest that demon fox and the man pretending to be a descendant of Nuwa's blood." Girl, catch it, what do you say?"

Although he spoke politely, anyone could hear the threat in his words.

Dugu Yuyun took a deep breath and said, "Since the God Realm has orders, I must obey them! Du Yu, I've offended you!"

As soon as he jumped, he rushed down like a bolt of lightning!

Du Yu did not persuade Dugu Yuyun.

For this stubborn Shushan Sword Master, Du Yu believed that he had already thought through all the causes and consequences before he came, and any words of persuasion would be useless.

Only fists!

Conquer all enemies with your fists!
Dugu Yuyun remained silent, but the fairy sword in his hand was in the air, once again one became two, two became three, and three lives were endless, transforming into pieces of sword rain, pouring down on Du Yu and everyone on the ground!
Wan Jian Jue!

This simple Wanjian Jue was used in Dugu Yuyun's hands, but it has the power to shock the world and weep ghosts and gods. It was only used twice in the last battle, and Du Yu was beaten into a panic, and he was on the verge of death twice.

Seeing the astonishing Wanjian Jue of the master of Shushan, even He Zhongheshu, who was squinting at Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, and the Legion of Beauty, put away his playful look and showed a solemn expression.

With their eyesight, they can naturally see that the power of this Wanjian Jue is not inferior to their own.

"Shushan School still has some ways," He Shu murmured.

"It's just that Dugu Yuyun is okay, the rest are busy." He Zhong said disapprovingly.

Seeing Wan Jianjue falling from the sky like a torrential rain, Du Yu showed a dignified expression.


He shouted loudly.

The two Tiangang Big Dipper formations, led by Xiaolongnv and Fu Junzhuo's false cores, began to slowly rotate.

The beauties watching the battle tightly clenched their fists and stared nervously at the whistling Wan Jian Jue.

Lin Yueru, Zhao Linger, and Li Xiaoyao were sent out by Du Yu to fight because of their insufficient cultivation, and they were protected by Elder Shi.

Su Daji hugged Su Mei, who was soundly asleep, and clenched her fists nervously.

"Can you block Dugu Sword Master's move?" She was also a little nervous.

With her strength, although she can compete with Dugu Sword Master, but Dugu's large number of thunder and talisman skills can restrain her demon fox body very much, and she will still be defeated in the end.

Du Yu stood between the rotating Liangyi Tiangang and Beidou formations, staring up at the pouring sword rain.

He slowly closed his eyes.

"No matter how many adventures you have, you still have to rely on yourself in the end!"

Du Yu's sword heart is clear, and the Snake Slaying Sword in his hand suddenly bursts out with a light that makes people dare not look at it!
"Break it!" Du Yujuan shouted.

Receiving the benefits of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, Du Yu combined the power of 14 beauties at this time, and without fear, he slashed towards the sky with his sword!

With this sword, he poured all his cultivation into it!

Hit hard!

Dugu Yuyun couldn't help but sigh when he saw that Du Yu was so condescending and insisted on his Wanjian Jue.

"After all, young people with no experience"

Based on his experience, this young man's trick to him would probably lead to a miserable death.

He didn't want to kill this person, it would completely offend Empress Nuwa.

But Heshu and Zhongzheng watched from the sidelines.

He didn't dare to release the water either.

In a dilemma, Dugu Yuyun deflected his sword.

Jian Yu's aura suddenly weakened slightly.

When masters compete, the difference between a slight loss and a thousand miles.

This wrong move reduced the power of Wan Jian Jue by 2%.

He Zhong had a look of displeasure on his face: "Old man Dugu! Is it okay to treat our brothers as blind? If you dare to release water again, let me see how I can destroy your Shushan faction!"

Dugu Yuyun sighed lightly.

"This is the last thing I can do for you." He said in a deep voice, the sword was like rain, gradually turning into a long dragon, and the dragon groaned and poured towards Du Yu.

Du Yu laughed heartily and said, "The Juggernaut doesn't need to show mercy! Just watch!"

The snake-slaying sword collided fiercely with the giant dragon transformed by the sword rain!
Shocking, weeping ghosts and gods!
Du Yu was full of strength.

Even if the beauties can't pour all their cultivation into him, they can make full use of it, but only 5% of it, but Du Yu's all the skills accumulated from the 14 beauties are equivalent to more than three times his actual strength!
If the main body is strengthened by three times and Dugu Yuyun can't be defeated, Du Yu can really die.

Under the invincible power of Du Yu's Snake Slaying Sword, the giant dragon transformed by Jian Yu let out howls, and its aura had already weakened a little, but at this time, it was dispersed by Du Yu's forceful sword!
The sword energy soared to the sky, and a sword pierced through the dragon!

The giant dragon of Wanjianjue scattered all over the ground, losing its indomitable momentum, and scattered in the void.

The beauties forming a formation underground seem to have a crystal rain on their heads, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Win!" Lin Yueru clapped her hands happily, applauded and laughed.

Zhao Ling'er clenched her fists tightly to encourage Du Yu.

Li Xiaoyao looked obsessed: "When will I be able to practice such a magical skill?"

Su Daji flicked her fox tail, bit her white teeth lightly, and looked at the man standing under the sword master Wan Jian Jue, who killed the dragon with a single blow.

Perhaps it was with the help of the power of the formation, but there is no doubt that Du Yu won the victory!

With his own strength, he won the victory against the Juggernaut!
The Juggernaut did not expect that his Wanjian Jue was really dispelled by this kid!
Last time, with the help of Nuwa's power, he flicked the dragon away with one finger, but this time he used his own power to complete it alone.

"What's going on?" Dugu Yuyun was astonished.

He is all too aware of his power.The blow just now, although said to be lenient, but 8% of the force is enough to knock this young man to his knees.

Why has this young man become so powerful after not seeing him for a few days?

"It's definitely not an improvement in cultivation," Dugu Yuyun affirmed: "Could it be related to this strange formation?"

The Shushan faction is also proficient in formations, Dugu Yuyun quickly saw the clues.

"Using the principles of the Big Dipper and the Polaris to form an formation?" He was very surprised.This formation is exquisite, well-structured, and almost invulnerable: "There is only one eye of the formation, which is the Big Dipper where this young man Du Yu is! Only by defeating him can the formation be broken!"

Dugu Yuyun pondered for a while, stepped on the flying sword, and flew high.

Looking at the beauties below, and seeing the cheering and admiring expressions of that little thief Du Yu, Heshu and Zhong were upset for a while, and said secretly, "Dugu Yuyun, we asked you to come here to cast down demons, not to let You came here to fuel other people's ambitions. If you still release water, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Dugu Yuyun said coldly: "Just tried it out, but this time it won't happen."

He chanted the spell, mobilized all his strength, and raised his fighting spirit to the peak in an instant!

The white Taoist robe, automatic without wind, the fairy sword under the feet, emitting bursts of sword sounds, and the stern eyes burst out with a sharp light like a sword!

This is the strongest blow of Shushan Juggernaut!
Uncle He and Zhong could also see that Dugu Yuyun was in his strongest state, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

Dugu Yuyun's aura reached its peak, and he shouted: "This little brother, get ready to accept the move!"

With the majesty of the heaven and the earth, and with overwhelming aura, he rushed towards Du Yu!

Never go forward, come and go!
This aura surpasses the good fortune of the world, the sun and the moon, and shakes the spirit of the three mountains and five mountains!
Even Hou Xiaobai, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, gasped in surprise.

"Death!" Dugu Yuyun didn't hesitate any longer, and did his best, for the sake of Shushan, for the younger generation, he can go all out!
Once the will is firm, even though he lost his Dao heart, the Juggernaut's Ten Thousand Swords Art still regains the unstoppable and invincible momentum of the day!

This time, he used ten percent of his strength.

"No!" Li Xiaoyao yelled, "The Sword Master is here again!"

Everyone can see that this time Dugu Yuyun's aura is even stronger than before!

Du Yu managed to defeat Dugu Yuyun's Ten Thousand Swords Art with the Snake Slaying Sword, and now he had to face a stronger Sword Master, and he couldn't help but feel a little haze in his heart.

The strength of the enemy is really too strong.

In addition to Dugu Yuyun, Hou Xiaobai also colluded with Uncle He from the God Realm, and the guy next to him dressed as a young man doesn't look like a good person.

"This group of guys!" Du Yu looked down at the worried beauties, Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru!
If he is defeated, these beauties will be snatched away by those scum!
Thinking of this, Du Yu felt that the power returned to his body in an instant!
"Are you the only one who has the power to cultivate immortals? Look at me!" Du Yu raised his Snake Slaying Sword high.

He activated the celestial art of Taiping essentials to summon Xianlei!
Thunderbolts fell from the sky and smashed towards the Snake Sword.

On the snake-killing sword, thunder and lightning criss-crossed, its power increased sharply, and its aura reached the peak of the sword piercing the sky!

"Bet everything on me, and fight with Dugu Yuyun!" Du Yu knew that his status was determined by fighting!
(End of this chapter)

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