Chapter 1260 Dugu Teleportation!Sacrifice! - Ask for a monthly pass!

At this moment, no matter how much Dugu Yuyun sympathized with him, he would never let go!
Only fight!
Beat him!
There is a future!

Against Dugu Yuyun's terrifying cultivation aura and Mount Tai's overpowering Ten Thousand Swords Art, Du Yu once again pulled out the Snake Slaying Sword and rushed to the sky!

On his back and body, there are strands of strands, with the power of 14 beauties!

Xiao Longnv, Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou, and Ning Zhong were all in tears, sending all their kung fu to Du Yu desperately.

Do not!
And not just these 14 beauties.

The beauties in the third group, following Shen Luoyan's order, also took action, occupying the position of the Big Dipper, and after echoing Du Yu, they poured all their cultivation into Du Yu's body continuously.

Although Du Yu is getting farther and farther away from them, their hearts are getting closer and closer to Du Yu!
"Brother Du!" Yilin looked worried.

"Little thief!" Ning Zhong gritted his teeth lightly.

"Master!" Serena's eyes were cold.

"Du Yu!" Shi Feixuan was full of trust.

"Tuer," the little dragon girl called softly.

"Husband" Li Mochou was worried.

Carrying the trust, worry, and love of so many beauties, Du Yu's skill and momentum have all been raised to unprecedented heights!
His snake-slaying sword flew fire meteors, rays of light from beauties with different cultivation levels gathered on his sword, and turned faster and faster, like comets with different broom colors, shooting towards Dugu Yuyun who fell from the sky !
Dugu Yuyun roared angrily, "Die!"

The swords of the two collided fiercely!
Huge shock!
Huge Xianli!
Peak momentum!
This is a peerless collision between the Shushan Sword Master and the Lang Gu villain, like a collision between heaven and earth!

The entire sky was cut to pieces by the powerful wind, the extremely destructive shock wave and the aftermath of the collision of sword moves!

In the air, there was a turbulent flow for a while, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The Americans couldn't see the battle at all.

"What's going on?" Zhao Ling'er cried.

If Du Yu's elder brother died heroically here in order to defend her, she would never forgive herself for the rest of her life.

Although Du Yu's elder brother is a bit playful and a bit lecherous, but every time he is so gentle to her, with a bad smile and a few words of teasing, the young girl who is just in love is full of love for him.

"Nuwa Empress, please open your eyes and see what this Shushan faction is doing." Ling'er fell to her knees, begging for Nuwa's attention.

Lin Yueru looked up at the collision between Du Yu and Dugu Yuyun, endless yearning flashed in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, that lecherous bad boy actually has such a powerful cultivation base?
Can he draw such a tragic tie with Dugu Sword Master?
Hou Xiaobai was stunned.

He didn't expect Du Yu to be so perverted.

Although he has been beaten by Du Yu many times, and Du Yu has given him countless surprises, but Du Yu is so evil, he can resist the full attack of Dugu Sword Master twice?

"Monster! Monster!" Hou Xiaobai murmured, his eyes flashed with malice: "The more monstrous the genius, the more I can't let you live. If you destroy my father's plan like this, how can you do it?"

Uncle He and Zhong, with cold eyes, watched Dugu Yuyun and Du Yu collide fiercely with all their strength.

He Zhong said in a deep voice: "Fourth, at first I laughed at you for being beaten by a mortal. Unexpectedly, this mortal is really extraordinary, even Dugu Yuyun can't take him down."

"Third brother" and his uncle complained bitterly: "Do you know why I asked you to rescue the soldiers? My father asked me to get this man back, but he is so against the sky and has so many helpers. How can I do it alone?" come?"

He Zhongyi smiled: "Don't worry. The devil is as tall as one foot and the road is as high as ten feet! Our brothers joined hands and drove Dugu Yuyun as cannon fodder, we will definitely catch him!"

Finally, the smoke disappeared, and Du Yu and Dugu Yuyun appeared.

The situation of both of them is not good.

Du Yu's right arm, stained red with blood, was running down the long sword, dripping into the sky.

Dugu Yuyun's condition was not much better, his Taoist robe was torn, and his right shoulder seemed to be injured and bleeding.

"Your formation is not bad!" Dugu Yuyun calmly glanced at the Tiangang Beidou formation on the ground: "They also trust you very much and support you unconditionally."

Du Yu looked down contentedly, nodded and said, "That's right! These are my confidante, and they are my most precious magic weapon."

Dugu Yuyun remained silent for a long time, blood was still dripping from the wound.

All the beauties, the mood has been stretched to the limit.

The enemy's cannon fodder, Dugu Yuyun, is already so powerful. Even if Du Yu owns the Tiangang Beidou Formation, he can only suffer from both sides. Then how to deal with the Heshu and Zhong brothers behind?
Hou Xiaobai woke up from the shock, seeing Du Yu's eyes with even more fear.

Uncle He and Zhong looked at Du Yu, the original disdain gradually disappeared, replaced by seriousness.

They finally realized that Du Yu had achieved another breakthrough in such a short period of time, and his strength had grown to the point where even Dugu Yuyun couldn't handle it!

Heshu and Zhong brothers looked at each other, and there was a lot of fear in their eyes.

"This kid will never be allowed to live!" This was the consensus of the two.

If this kid Du Yu can keep growing at this rate, he will pose absolute danger to them, not to God Fuxi!
Du Yu was silent.

He had two peak duels with the Shushan Sword Saint, a peerless confrontation, which was of great benefit to him in comprehending the higher way of heaven!
Du Gu Yuyun's aura of a sword master, his indomitable aura of taking me as his way, impressed Du Yu deeply and benefited him a lot.

Du Yu was able to fight against a cultivator like Dugu Yuyun several times in a row. He felt that he had been at a loss and had no way to overcome the bottleneck of the Mahayana, and finally saw a glimmer of breakthrough!

There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another village in the dark and bright!
The turn of events made Du Yu see the hope of a breakthrough.

If it is said that the realm of practicing the virtual body is to split the golden core, practice alone, and re-integrate with oneself, then the double extensive knowledge and life experience, if the realm of crossing the tribulation Mahayana requires the mind of Dao!

Perseverance, eternal life is not easy, the road to immortality is slim, but the heart of perseverance!

From Dugu Yuyun's body, Du Yu saw that although he was broken, he could still see through his firm Dao heart.

Wan Jian Jue, only with that kind of Dao heart can maintain the momentum of going forward and deal fatal damage to the enemy!
"Dao Xin?" Du Yu closed his eyes, wandering into the sky, and fell into an epiphany.

Seeing this pair of opponents who were fighting to the death, inexplicably fell into a silent confrontation, Hou Xiaobai became anxious: "Dugu Sword Master, make a quick move! Kill this person!"

Uncle He also urged: "Dugu Yuyun, we didn't send you here to confront this person and chat with him. Come on!"

He Zhong was more straightforward, and said with a smirk: "Dugu Yuyun, if you refuse to fight to the death, when Fuxi blames you and sends troops to encircle and suppress, the disciples of the Shushan School will have to fight to the death. Which is more important, you decide for yourself."

Dugu Yuyun let out a long sigh, his eyes were cold, and he glanced at Uncle He and Zhong.

The two of them suddenly felt a chill, secretly guarding against fear.

Dugu Yuyun's eyes finally fell on Du Yu who was in deep meditation.

"Good luck!" The Shushan Sword Master glanced at Du Yu enviously.With his cultivation base, it is natural to see that Du Yu's state is obviously falling into an epiphany.

This opportunity for epiphany is beyond expectation.

On the road of cultivating immortals, the most important thing is chance and epiphany.

Some people can realize epiphanies again and again, and their strength soars, while some people can only disintegrate and fall without the opportunity after thousands of years, without accomplishing anything.

At this time, Du Yu's cultivation has reached the peak of the realm of practicing virtual fusion. If he succeeds in epiphany, he may have the opportunity to challenge Dugu Sword Master's own realm of transcending tribulation and Mahayana!

Dugu Sword Master's eyes softened.

Although he fought fiercely with Du Yu several times and was seriously injured, Du Yu's outstanding comprehension, good popularity, and kind nature won the respect of Dugu Sword Master.Especially so many girls who believed in Du Yu sincerely, Dugu Sword Master believed that if Du Yu was a sinister villain like Hou Xiaobai, it would be impossible for him to deceive so many women around him.

But behind him, Uncle and Zhong urged him to kill Du Yu immediately.

"What should I do?" Dugu Yuyun was in a dilemma, facing the enemy from both sides.

If people do not come from the God Realm, Fuxi will be furious and Shushan will be destroyed.

If he became a person from the God Realm, Nuwa would be furious, and Shushan would still be destroyed.

At the critical moment, Dugu Yuyun suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds!

"That's right! Du Yu is now at the point of his epiphany, why not me?" He secretly glanced at Uncle He and Zhong behind him, and then at Du Yu, who was completely defenseless at the critical moment of his epiphany, and smiled slightly.

He rushed towards Du Yu in an instant, extremely fast!

"Du Yu is subject to death!" Dugu Yuyun's sword swept up thousands of winds, and the sword god art was activated!

Seeing that Dugu Yuyun was going to kill Du Yu, almost all the beauties, including Su Daji, rushed to help Du Yu in an instant, vowing to live and die with Du Yu!
Among them, Su Daji, Xiaolongnv, three groups of beauties from Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, as well as Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao!

Dugu Yuyun looked at these affectionate and righteous young men and chivalrous women, and a warm smile flashed in his eyes: "I can only do so much. Next, it depends on your own good luck!"

He drank in a rage!
"Du Yu! You colluded with the demon girl of the fox clan, pretended to be the descendants of Nuwa, bluffed and deceived, harmed the world, and even hurt the lives of Baihe Village. This is an unforgivable crime. In the name of the head of the Shushan Sword Sect, I declare that you will be permanently thrown into the Demon Locking Tower I will be imprisoned forever and cannot come out!"

The fairy sword in his hand suddenly burst out with dazzling rays of light!
The aura of the seriously injured Dugu Sword Master suddenly rose, and for a moment, it was like a burning sun shining in the east!

He Shu, He Zhong, Hou Xiaobai and others were shocked by this magnificent scene, they all opened their mouths wide and looked at Dugu Yuyun in astonishment.

"What the hell is this guy going to do?" He Shuda yelled.

"I don't know!" He Zhong said solemnly, "But it doesn't look like he wants to kill Du Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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