Chapter 1264 Ancestor of Shenluo!Suddenly there is a storm! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Joseph, you died too early, child," the ancestor murmured.

On the side is another old woman, who seems to be a couple with the ancestor in the sunset. Sitting on the side, there is no sign of coercion in her body, but she has an endless and kind smile: "Jon, you think too much. .”

"I have been in space and stayed in 150 adventure worlds. The time I have experienced is equivalent to 400 years for human beings (after entering the difficulty of the imperial city, with the power of the Habsburg family, the adventure time has been delayed to once every ten years, so it has been greatly extended. ). In these hundreds of years of history, I have witnessed generations of descendants, due to talent and physical problems, fall in the long river of time." Jon seemed to recall a lot of past events, with a look of reminiscence.

"Don't worry." The old woman smiled: "Isn't this a posthumous child for you? Your Habsburg family has successors."

Jon looked at the delivery room, and a stern look flashed in his eyes: "It's just that I always feel that Queen Catherine seems to have too close contact with the recently risen commander, Sir Model. Some rumors have also reached my ears. This is not good, very bad."

The old woman snorted through her nostrils: "Here, Shenluo, when will it be the younger generation's turn to speak? We hermit old men are not dead yet! Besides, if we die, they should be the ones to worry about the most! Datang , Those hidden Zifu districts in Sudan are immortal, they won’t just sit back and watch our big piece of meat like Shinra!"

Jon nodded: "Ai Li, thanks to you supporting me all these years, I was not overwhelmed by those damned guys from the Dark Council!"

A tall black adventurer from the Zifu district on the side sneered: "You two are very old, why are you still dating at dusk? Hehe, back then, Jon, you wanted to get the best practice opportunity in the family. I married my cousin, but I gave up on Aili!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was blown away by that Ai Li with a broom!
Allie's voice was sharp, and she glared at the black Zifu District adventurer and said: "Porposa! When will it be your turn to take care of me? When Jon and I became the strong Zifu District, you just entered the inner city! Even if you are in the Imperial City In the world of Star Wars, God was conferred in the first battle, and his strength soared, but he is only our junior, dare to tease my old lady?"

The black Borposa shrugged and spread his hands: "I am a civilized person, and I don't fight with old women. But Jon, I responded to your call and came here to take care of your great-great-great-grandson's posthumous child Birth. Your woman treats me like this? I can't stay any longer."

Although he had an expression filled with righteous indignation, there was a cunning and treacherous gleam in his big black and white eyes.

Jon smiled wryly, waved his hands and said, "Okay, Borposa, Ellie, you are all my friends, stop arguing. This time, the Shinra court honors me with an S-level equipment [Hercules' Gold Lionhead], I'll give you Borposa later."

Borposa grinned and nodded in satisfaction when he heard [Hercules' Golden Lion Head]: "Jon, do you know why I have been supporting you in the Supreme Council for so long? Because you are very friendly to friends. Interesting enough. Haha, not because of some bullshit loyalty to the Habsburg family! As far as I know, there are at least three people in the Supreme Council of Zifu District who are plotting to overthrow the rule of your Habsburg family and let this Shinra change God. I believe you're walking on thin ice right now, be careful!"

Jon's eyes flashed.

As the only ancestor of the Habsburg family in the Supreme Council of Zifu District, he has long noticed that the rule of the Habsburg family has become more and more shaky in recent years.Especially the new powerhouses who have recently entered the Supreme Council of the Zifu District are salivating over the ruling power of the aging Habsburg family.Just like the new male lion is constantly provoking the authority of the old lion king, trying to get involved with the female lions in the lion pride.

Of course he won't be caught without a fight.

With Jon's sophistication and tact as he has read all the world's affairs, he has used all his means to unite his old partner, Ai Li, and at the same time, he has been digging out new blood with generous gifts.For example, Borposa, with such brilliant diplomatic means, barely maintained the Habsburg family's ruling power in the Shenluo Empire, and it would not change because of the strong people in the Zifu District.

But he also deeply felt that the hostile forces were growing rapidly, and greed and desire were infiltrating the ambitions of the great gods in the new Zifu district.They are secretly plotting how to swallow the fat of the Shinra regime in one bite.

This is the reason why he came to sit in the town in person and Joseph gave birth posthumously.He was afraid that the only heir would be assassinated or taken away by others, which would be a fatal blow to the Habsburg family.

"Wow! Wow!" In the delivery room, the baby cried forcefully.

"It's finally here!" Jon stood up and said in a deep voice, "Is it a man or a woman?"

"It's a little prince!" A midwife was very excited and ran out of the delivery room to announce the good news to Jon.

Jon smiled.

Although in the space, both men and women can become powerful adventurers, and their combat skills and cultivation methods can bridge the gap in physique, but Jon still prefers boys.In this way, the Habsburg family will continue to obtain stable ruling power without worrying about being taken advantage of by other families and seizing power.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look!" Jon jumped up and entered the delivery room after a flash of thought.

In the delivery room, Du Yu was holding up the newly born baby with a kind face, staring at his beautiful little face.

This is a little boy, with eyebrows and eyes very similar to himself, with black hair and black eyes, but also inherited the beauty of his mother Catherine.

A blood-connected breath rushed over immediately.

Tracy sighed softly.

Although Du Daifen is the elder sister, if Catherine has a boy, there will be no suspense about the inheritance right.

Fortunately, Du Yu had already divided the children's inheritance rights before. Although Tracy felt a little regretful, she had already accepted the reality and looked at the baby boy Du Yu and his daughter-in-law gave birth to with a smile.

"He will be our Shinra Empire, the future emperor!" Tracy stood up slowly, solemnly announcing.

In the delivery room, there was joy.

After the death of Joseph Habsburg, the position of Emperor of the Shenluo Empire was left vacant, which really caused the coveting of many ambitious people, and there were rumors everywhere.

But with the emperor's posthumous son and the full support of the empress dowager and empress, the inheritance right will naturally not fall to his family.

Du Yu looked at Catherine, who looked tired but full of happiness, and was very pleased and grateful. He stroked the queen's face and said, "That's great, you are for me."

"For you?" A majestic voice came from outside.

An old man with a hook nose, white hair, hale and hearty, and full of coercion stepped in from the outside.

Catherine screamed, and the midwife immediately covered her with a quilt, and finally she was alive.

Du Yu's face darkened.

Tracy hurriedly stood up, bowed to the old man, and said, "It turned out to be the old patriarch Jon. This time, I can't help it. Even you were alarmed."

Jon looked at Tracy, his stern face softened: "It's little Wendy, haven't you seen me for many years? I remember you were a pretty little girl when you first married into my Habsburg family. In the blink of an eye, many years have passed.”

Tracy blushed even more. Her boudoir's name was Wendy. How many years had no one dared to call her in person?The great-great-great-grandfather of Jon, who was born by chance, had indeed watched her grow up and watched her marry into his family.Tracy was just a little girl in front of him.

The old man walked up to Du Yu without looking at Catherine and Du Yu, and stretched out his hand.

When Du Yu saw the old man trying to take his baby away, his pupils shrank, and the fairy magic was activated, so he wanted to stop him.

Unexpectedly, the old man just sneered and said: "Unexpectedly, Model, you baby can actually master the authentic oriental fairy art? Enen, you have reached the early stage of practicing Void Fusion? It's not bad."

As soon as he picked up the newborn baby, a trace of kindness flashed in his eyes: "Don't worry. I am the patriarch of the Habsburg family. How can I be unfavorable to the child? Let me see?"

He saw that the child's hair and eyes were black, and his face turned cold.

"What's going on?" Jon's voice became cold and stern: "My Habsburg family, counting from the founding emperor Trajan, no matter what generation, all have pure golden blonde hair and iconic blue eyes .Why does this child have black hair and black eyes?"

Tracy reacted very quickly, stood up and said with a smile: "The ancestors were too worried. Although in the past, the Habsburg family had a dominant gene for blond hair and blue eyes. But there are exceptions. Our No. 11 Emperor Von Reinhardt is a pure black-haired emperor. The baby's mother, Catherine, has black hair and black eyes, and the child has inherited her genes, too."

Du Yu also sweated.

He happened to be putting on makeup at this time, becoming Sir Mordel, with blond hair and blue eyes. Otherwise, if he was holding his own child, Jon would definitely notice the clue.

This Jon is a strong man in the Zifu District, and even the patron saint of the Shinra Royal Family. Even Tracy has to be respectful.

Jon looked at Catherine and heaved a sigh of relief, temporarily acquiescing to Tracy's explanation, but the doubt in his eyes did not completely disappear.

Tracy let out a long breath, walked up and said with a smile: "You are a big man, old ancestor, just give your younger generation a hug. Give the little baby to my grandma."

The moment she caught the baby in her jade hands, Jon suddenly picked up the baby and looked at Tracy with cold eyes.

"I've been in retreat recently, and I just left soon." Jon's voice was extremely cold: "I heard some people gossip, saying that the palace is a little restless. As the head of the Habsburg family, you are also the supervisor of the country." Your empress dowager, did you hear something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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