Chapter 1265 Protecting Wife and Children, Du Yu Stands Up! -Subscribe for the third watch!
On Tracy's forehead, delicate sweat oozes out, and she secretly glances at Du Yu.

It's not just that the palace is not quiet?
My own empress dowager, the empress dowager lying on the bed, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, have given birth to a child for Du Yu respectively!
The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law serve the same husband, and they are still an oriental boy.

This kind of scandal, not to mention the Shinra royal family, is even unheard of in the history of Shinra.

However, in the face of Jon's questioning, Tracy could only bite the bullet and put the matter to the end: "There are many rumors outside. Let me just say that there are many nobles who are jealous of the newly promoted Prime Minister Model. Qingqing, who is in a high position, rumors spread that he has an affair with me, Catherine, and even the Pope's concubine Sisi!"

Jon's icy gaze locked on Du Yu.

Du Yu's sweat dripped down involuntarily.

He felt the powerful coercion of the strong in the Zifu District, which was penetrating his camouflage and defense line step by step like a flood penetrating a dam.

He also dripped cold sweat.

Fortunately, A'Zhu's skill was really good. Such a powerful spiritual scan failed to break through A'Zhu's disguise and let Du Yu reveal his secrets.

Jon slapped his hand and fell heavily.

Du Yu's eyes flickered, and he was about to dodge.

But he saw Catherine and Tracy beside him at a glance.

This slap may be an attack or a temptation, but if he avoids it, he will appear guilty, which means he must turn his face against Jon.

He can't hide, he can only gamble!
With a heartbroken Du Yu removed all the protective qi, and just accepted Jon's slap openly.

Jon slapped Du Yu's shoulder in a row, with a calm smile on his face, and said softly: "Good boy! You led Shinra to defeat the unprecedented battle of God's Punishment Beasts. I have seen it. You performed very well At that time, I was already prepared. If it didn’t work, I would bring the hidden power of the Shinra royal family and come out to stop this beast tide. You can bring tens of thousands of little kids who only have the inner city and outer city to complete the battle. This epic mission, on behalf of the hidden strength of the Habsburg family, thank you!"

Du Yu sweated through the back of his clothes.

This time, he bet right.

If he dodges, I'm afraid Jon will immediately shoot and kill him now.

"With such a powerful enemy, it's really like accompanying a king like a tiger." Du Yu's eyes flashed coldly, but he bowed his head respectfully: "As a citizen of Shinra, this is what Model should do."

Jon nodded, and said in a deep voice: "I know that you are young, you have made such great achievements, and you are in a high position, you will inevitably arouse the jealousy of others. That's okay. With me making the decision for you, this god can't turn the sky !"

Du Yu nodded in agreement, and his heart became more peaceful.

This is strength!
Absolute strength leads to absolute control.

Jon, the ancestor, is a hundred times stronger than himself, so he can only bow his head temporarily in front of him.

In Du Yu's heart, the desire for strength was even stronger.

Jon laughed, picked up the baby, and said in a deep voice, "As an ancestor, I will take this baby away first."

"What?" Du Yu, Catherine, Tracy, and Concubine Sisi exclaimed at the same time, and said in unison: "No!"

Jon's face turned cold: "Why not? I want to take him away and use the secret potential development technique passed down by my Habsburg family to help him lay the foundation for his cultivation. In the future, his cultivation will make rapid progress and his achievements will be limitless .”

Du Yu said resolutely: "Ancestor Jon, I understand your love for the baby. But this baby is too young, and he is the only candidate for the emperor of the empire. Once you take it away, the subjects will fall into chaos. So Forgive me!"

Catherine's mother and child are deeply affectionate, and she is even more intolerable: "Ancestor, this is my own son, please don't take him away for my sake. He was just born"

Jon looked stern, and looked at Du Yu and Catherine playfully: "Oh? Unfortunately, this is the rule of my Habsburg family. When Joseph was born, I took him away!"

Everyone looked at Tracy.

Tracy nodded helplessly: "Indeed. But the situation was special at that time. His father passed away, and I was orphaned and widowed. I had just ascended the throne, and my foundation was unstable. You, ancestor, came out of special considerations to suppress traitorous officials. Sitting in the town in person, I took Joseph away. But from time to time, now we have the regent Model, who is loyal and capable, with the help of Catherine and I, and the full support of the Pope's concubine Sisi, this child's It is impossible for the throne to fall to his family. Please rest assured, the ancestors."

Jon's eyes shifted from Tracy to Catherine, concubine Sisi, Du Yu and others.

The air seemed to freeze.

Ellie and Borposa, one casually waving the broom, the other nonchalantly chewing gum.

But the nerves of the two of them have already tensed up.They are ready to go!
Once Jon gives the order, these peerless powerhouses in the Zifu District will do it immediately!
Although there are many inner cities loyal to the royal family in this private royal garden, they are master adventurers in the imperial city, but!
Below the Zifu, they are all ants!
In the eyes of the masters of Zifu District, except for the Zifu District of the same level, any master is like an ant and is not taken seriously.

Except for the terrifying sea of ​​monsters like God's Punishment Beast Tide, which can make these hidden powerhouses in Zifu District really pay attention and feel threatened by life and death, other adventurers are just clouds.

Of course, there are Shenluo's empress dowager, empress dowager, regent and pope here, each of whom has power over the world, and can even mobilize the army.But within this range, who can stop the hermit patriarch Jon?

Moreover, Jon was also the patriarch of the Habsburg family and the emperor of the empire!
How many confidantes and secret threads he has in this imperial court, who knows?
Du Yu felt extreme coercion.

But his eyes were firm, and he firmly held the door!
Because, he is a father!
Even if there is a huge gap in strength between him and this cheap ancestor Jon, only one percent of the enemy's strength, if Jon wants to kill him, he has no hope of escaping, but!
He must not abandon his wife and children, and let the little one who was just born be taken away by Jon!

For this, he spared no expense!
Jon seemed to feel the stagnation in the air, and grinned: "What? My old ancestor, words don't count?"

Tracy winked at Du Yu, but Du Yu was determined, so she had no choice but to smile at Jon and said, "The old ancestor's words are wrong. It's all for the children and grandchildren, and for the country of my Habsburg family. But The child is indeed too young, do you know how to breastfeed it at the ancestor's place?"

Jon pondered.

How did he know to breastfeed?

Taking Joseph away back then was just a ceremony to intimidate the small group, indicating that the Habsburg family had a hermit ancestor who was secretly observing and protecting him, and then he returned Joseph to Tracy.

Converted to human age, he is already 400 years old. If he can breastfeed, he will be hell.

Tracy's reason was just a step up.

What made Jon even more unhappy, or even threatening, was that the young regent, Duke Mordel, was in his eyes.

He seemed ready to do whatever it took to protect the little prince.

Although in terms of strength, Jon could easily kill Du Yu, but he had to consider more than that.

At present, all aspects of Shenluo are in a delicate balance.In Zifu district, the forces opposing the Habsburg family were always ready to move, and it was very difficult for him to barely suppress it.

If the internal cleansing of the Habsburg family is carried out, especially the cleaning of the regent who has repelled the tide of heavenly punishment beasts, it will cause great instability.

Will hostile forces take the opportunity to counterattack?
Jon couldn't take that risk.

"Okay!" He finally spat out coldly, and returned the child to Catherine: "As the ancestor, I named this baby Harrison Habsburg! And announced that he has the right to be the first in line to the throne. I give In your six months, six months later, that is, one world later, I will come back and take this little prince away. He must enter my palace in the Zifu District and accept the secret method to quench his body."

Harrison, your sister!

Du Yu was furious.

He is Lao Tzu, so of course he has the right to name his son!
In particular, the child was named with a foreign name, which made him particularly upset.

Du Yu was even more upset when he heard that after six months, this Jon would go back and forth to take the baby away.

"Then when will he come back?"

Catherine said sadly.

"Until he is able to fulfill his right to inherit. At the age of 16, he will return safely." Jon said ruthlessly.

Du Yu's eyes flashed, and he was about to say something.

Jon, Ellie and others have disappeared in place.There was only a faint cold hum in the air.

Borposa shrugged and rolled his eyelids: "I feel sorry for you, really!"

He also disappeared.

Catherine was holding the baby, her beautiful eyes were clear.

Seeing Catherine's expression, Tracy persuaded: "On the surface, the Shenluo Empire is ruled by two regimes, the court and the Holy See, but secretly, the ancestors and hermits of the Zifu District have great power. This patriarch Jon has taken more than 150 adventures and lived for 400 years. His strength is extraordinary, and he is Shinra’s pinnacle of sea control. If you offend Patriarch Jon, I’m afraid that the child’s throne will not be stable.”

Catherine cast her eyes on Du Yu begging for help.

Du Yu's face was made of iron, and he said loudly, "No!"

He turned to his three women, and said word by word: "What kind of strong man, what rules, come to me, it all depends on me! My women and children will never be handed over to others! This is mine. The bottom line is also my principle. The bottom line and principles are not for trading!"

Catherine hugged the baby tightly and was moved to tears.

Not every man has Du Yu's tough spirit!

He deserves the title of a man!

Under the situation of being threatened by the ancestors of Zifu District, he would rather give up everything and protect his mother and child!

Concubine Sisi smiled.

Among the three daughters, she has no child yet, but judging from Du Yu's favor for her, it will be a matter of time.

Which mother is willing to let her child hang in the hands of others?

Du Yu's toughness in protecting his wife and children not only moved the two women with children, Catherine and Tracy, but also moved the concubine Sisi.

This is the man worthy of entrusting himself.

(End of this chapter)

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