Chapter 1267 Book Immortal!Heavenly Ghost Emperor! —Second watch, ask for a monthly pass!

Lin Yueru sighed: "That is to say, if we want to leave this demon-locking tower, we can only leave here by walking through the bottom of the tower from top to bottom and destroying the seven-star coiling dragon pillar?"

Wang Yuyan nodded.

Elder Shi snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! If it weren't for you, His Highness and I would not have been caught here and imprisoned in this ghost place!"

Su Daji shook her fox tail lightly, and said sarcastically, "Have you figured out the situation? It's clearly those guys who are targeting Sister Ling'er, who is of Nuwa's blood. ?”

Elder Shi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but he also knew that what Su Daji said was the truth, he muttered: "Those Shushan swordsmen are not good birds! After I get out, I will definitely settle accounts with them!"

Afterwards, Elder Shi also joined the front-line combat team to help Du Yu and others catch the demon together.

Du Yu and the others continued down.

Du Yu didn't forget the mission [This hatred lasts forever], and he was still looking for the souls of Shushan disciples.

Finally, when cleaning up on the seventh floor, Du Yu saw the mark of a wronged soul of a Shushan disciple.

He sent Elizabeth with the highest charisma to inquire about the identity of the wronged soul.

Sure enough, it was the disciple who chased and killed Jiang Qing and entered the Suoyao Pagoda in Shushan.

Du Yu sent Elizabeth to persuade this disciple with her perfect tongue, and turned around to attack Jiang Qing.The wronged soul hated Jiang Qing deeply, so of course he agreed.

Du Yu took the wronged souls into the Tower of Summoning Souls and placed them temporarily.

In this way, along the way, while cleaning up the monsters, they fought fiercely.

After all the monsters on the seventh floor were cleaned up, Du Yu saw several disciples of the Shushan School.

However, according to the mission requirements of this endless hatred, it is necessary to find all Shushan disciples and beat the elder Jiang who caused the trouble together, so as to satisfy the perverted psychology of this masochist and successfully let him escape and ascend to heaven.

Du Yu continued to search on the sixth floor under the Demon Locking Tower.

But this time, although they haven't found the soul of the Shushan faction, they have found unexpected jars one after another!

Just when Du Yu and others were about to open the altar, they suddenly heard a person behind him laughing and saying, "If I were you, I wouldn't open this ghost altar. Terrible ghosts will emerge from it, slaughtering and devouring you!"

When Du Yu and the others turned their heads back, what they saw was a book that kept beating!

On the letter, a rotten man shaking his head was looking at him.

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat: "Book Immortal?"

The rotten scholar immediately changed his countenance, and said excitedly: "Don't tell me that you have no confidant in the future, and who in the world doesn't know the king? Could it be that the name of the immortal in my book is so resounding that you actually let your brother remember it?"

Du Yu: "Can I say that I remembered it by playing a game?"

This immortal in the book had read famous works of famous writers during his lifetime, and knew everything about astronomy and geography.After death, he still forgot to eat and sleep to study, his soul was attached to the slips, and he slept forever in the demon lock tower.

Although he sometimes has a corrupt temperament, he has survived for countless years in this demon lock tower, and he is very proficient in this place, he can be regarded as a local snake.

Du Yu and the others were looking anxiously in the vast Demon Locking Tower. They had such an old horse who knew the way, so of course they had to make good use of it.

But the fairy in the book hasn't seen human beings for a long time, and finally met his confidant. Du Yu really couldn't stand his mouth full of eloquence, eloquence, and enthusiasm.

He had no choice but to send Elizabeth here to play tricks with the book fairy, and he continued to take people to practice with the purple gold fairy gourd, and he would come back when the book fairy talked dry.

In the book, the fairy is indeed suppressed for too long, and Elizabeth, who is chattering, meets opponents and talents, and talks non-stop.

Four hours later, Du Yu swiped at the sixth floor of the Demon Locking Tower, and smacked his lips when he read the book, which was a temporary conclusion.

Du Yu took the opportunity to see what happened, and hurriedly asked Shuxian about the terrain and monsters in the tower.

The fairy in the book said with emotion: "Little brother, I don't think you are a big treacherous person, but you were also thrown into this demon-locking tower by the Shushan faction. It can be seen that the Shushan faction is now insane, and good and evil are indistinguishable." Of course some of us monsters captured by Sona are heinous, but there are also kind people like me who were thrown into the Demon Suppressing Tower just because of our status as monsters."

"Senior, do you have a plan to get out?" With the rapid increase in strength, Du Yu is most concerned with this.

"Go out?" Shuxian frowned, and after a long time, shook his head and said, "No."

"How is it possible?" Elizabeth was in a hurry. There was not even a hair on the turtle, and there was no exit?How can this make her stay? "

The fairy in the book smiled wryly and said: "You sharp-tongued girl, don't think about it, there are not [-] or [-] monsters in our demon-locking tower. For thousands of years, who would not want to go out and regain their freedom?" ? But except for Chong Lou, who entered the Demon Locking Tower for the Demon Sword, and occasionally took the opportunity to escape, who can escape from prison?"

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Wang Yuyan said: "We heard that once the Seven Star Panlong Pillar at the bottom is destroyed, you can escape."

"I've heard of that legend too." Shuxian shook his head and said, "But we can't even reach the bottom!"

"Why?" Wang Yuyan said, "Don't you all want to escape together? Should we go to the bottom floor together?"

"It's useless." The fairy in the book spread his hands and said: "The most powerful monsters are concentrated in the lowest layer, which is attracted by the unique terrain of Shu Mountain. Going down, the easier it is for monsters to cultivate, so it becomes a place where many big monsters gather and compete. As far as I know, starting from the fifth floor down, the strength of monsters on each floor will be doubled, ruling the bottom layer , Standing around the Seven Star Panlong Pillar is the most powerful demon king force. The monsters under him all have thousands of years of cultivation! If we don't eat people, we don't even think about the last layer. "

"Then why did you prevent me from opening this jar?" Du Yu asked strangely.

"Because there is only one monster in the jar, but its strength is not weaker than that of the last level! His name is Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and he is the leader of the ghost world in the six realms. Tower. At that time, Kong Lin, the flag-bearer of the demons, sneaked into the demon-locking tower, but was sucked into the demon-absorbing altar. The Heavenly Ghost Emperor and Kong Lin are good friends, and they must save Kong Lin. I suggested him to hit the demon-absorbing demon with his head As a result, Kong Lin was rescued, but he was sucked into the altar and trapped for eight years. This person has a bad temper, weird personality, and loves to eat people. If he is rescued, I will be killed by him. Violent beating is the second best thing, you human beings, I'm afraid you will all suffer."

Lin Yueru was most afraid of these gods and ghosts, grabbed Du Yu and said, "In that case, let's leave this jar."

Du Yu laughed but said nothing.

Because he received a space reminder: "You triggered the villain task in the demon-locking tower [Which way demons and ghosts are ruthless]. In order to save his friend Kong Lin, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor was imprisoned in the demon-absorbing altar for eight years. As a villain, in terms of loyalty to your friends, you should rescue the Heavenly Ghost Emperor. But beware of the counterattack against you by this strangely thinking Heavenly Ghost Emperor. You can choose freely. Rescue the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, rewards: 10000 villain value, A-level treasure [Demon Suction Altar]."

"Sure enough, in this demon-locking tower, due to my own villain attributes, I am very compatible with these monsters. There are a lot of tasks and rewards." Du Yu's eyes flashed: "This is also an excellent opportunity to strengthen myself! We must Use it well."

Don't forget, once he has enough villain points, he can greatly improve his own skills and the skill levels of the beauties!

Regarding Tian Guihuang's "Which way demons and ghosts have no affection" and Jiang Qing's "This hate lasts forever", these villain missions all have generous rewards, but they are slightly more difficult.

Du Yu chose to accept this task.

He guarded Lin Yueru behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Set up the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation! I'm going to open this altar for absorbing demons."

All the women take the battle to protect themselves.

Du Yu lightly activated the altar for absorbing demons. Just as the altar was opened, deep roars came from inside: "Who is it? Who woke me up?"

Du Yu said solemnly: "It's me, a human who woke you up!"

"Human? Not Kong Lin? Roar!"

A gust of wind blew in, and a strange hand covered with green scales stretched out from the demon-absorbing altar like lightning, and grabbed Du Yu's neck, and it was about to drag Du Yu down the demon-absorbing altar!

Du Yu blocked the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's moves with a palm of his small Tianshan Zhemei Shou, and then caught him. The Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu broke out with the power of nine dragons and nine elephants, and pulled the Heavenly Ghost Emperor out!

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor appeared in front of everyone. He was tall and burly, about ten feet tall. He looked like a king, but his complexion was pale. On his forehead was the mark of the king of the Heavenly Ghost Clan, which marked him as the leader of the ghost clan.A pair of tiger eyes stared fiercely at Du Yu.

"I've been trapped in it for eight years. It's really aggrieved. You opened the seal of the altar? Pulled me out?"

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor glanced at Du Yu indifferently.

Du Yu shrugged: "Exactly."

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor grinned: "In that case, I should repay your kindness. Benefactor?"

"How do you plan to repay?" Du Yuyi looked straight at the Heavenly Ghost Emperor without fear.

"I plan to eat you and let you be with the great leader of the ghost clan forever! This kind of reward, shouldn't you be satisfied? Hahaha!" The strange light flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and he laughed wildly.

"Sure enough" Shuxian slapped his forehead and muttered.

Seeing the fairy in the book, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor yelled angrily: "Don't run away, you rotten scholar! It was your bad idea back then that made me hit my head on the altar of sucking demons, and I was trapped for so long! After I ate these humans, I'll eat you next!"

The immortal pig in the book is not afraid of boiling water: "I was the unlucky guy who was trapped in the book. If you have the ability, eat me. Instead, I was freed. I'm afraid that even if you are the emperor of ghosts, you won't be able to kill me." The ability to eat the realm of my book. Alas!"

Du Yu used the technique of seeing through dragons and wolves to observe the Heavenly Ghost Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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