Chapter 1268 Dao heart gain!Repel the ghosts! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Sure enough, he is a first-class BOSS character in the Demon Locking Tower. In the plot, he is usually a super powerful existence that cannot be defeated.This day, the Ghost Emperor has 50000 health points, all resistances are above 60%, and he also masters special skills such as Earth Splitting and Sky Crashing, Sky Thunder Breaking, Demon Palming the World, Purgatory True Fire, etc. His strength evaluation is marked as A-level!
And A-level strength is the strength of monsters in the imperial city.It can be seen how powerful the ghost emperor is today.

What's even more frightening is that the Ghost Emperor has Tianxiang Life-Extending Lotion this day, which can replenish his life once, which doubles the difficulty of defeating him.

Complacent, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor said arrogantly, "You know you're afraid, don't you? Haha, it's already too late. The rule of our ghost clan is to eat your benefactor and make him one with you. Now it's my turn to repay the favor." .”

Du Yu snorted coldly.

He didn't try to persuade the Heavenly Ghost Emperor with his words like Li Xiaoyao in the plot.For this kind of ghost boss with a reward of up to [-] villain points and props, if you can persuade it with your mouth, it is too small to underestimate the difficulty of the plot.

To deal with ghosts and monsters, you have to head-to-head!

Being forced to almost nowhere by the powerful Uncle He and Zhong, Dugu Sword Master happened to self-detonate and sacrificed, giving Du Yu the opportunity to enter the Demon Locking Tower this time, accumulate strength, and repay the future. How could Du Yu let it go so easily? Pass?
In every battle, you must improve your own strength.

Ling'er, Yueru, Xiaoyao and Du Yu stand side by side, and the battle begins!
With an arrogant expression on his face, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor attacked the benefactors who saved him.The unrestrained momentum, the ghostly wind all over the sky, and the terrifying divine power forced the three protagonists to defend themselves one after another, not daring to confront them directly.

Du Yu activated Lingbo Weibu, and charged forward against the mighty power of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!
His Dao heart is firm and will not be challenged by anyone!

Only by tempering one's Dao heart with victories again and again, can one have a rocky Dao heart like the Dugu Sword Master, who can overcome all difficulties and overcome all difficulties in the future. Come on!Have a higher level of cultivation!
Tian Guihuang's face gradually became surprised, because although this person is a weak mortal, he is no worse than those annoying Shushan swordsmen.In the midst of his Earth Splitting and Sky Crashing move, he strolled in the courtyard, with a firm will, and walked step by step.

"Roar!" Du Yu completely dodged this move, which is the superpower of the ghost clan with the power of heaven and earth.

Seeing Du Yu's performance in battle, Lin Yueru's beautiful eyes blurred, Zhao Linger opened her mouth lightly, and Li Xiaoyao excitedly shouted: "Good master! You must teach me this move!"

Elder Shi said disdainfully: "Hey, it's just so-so!"

Du Yu smiled lightly.

Although Tian Guihuang's strength can be called the difficulty of the imperial city, his cultivation is also the bottleneck of training the virtual body.With Dugu Sword Master's remnant soul preaching and teaching, he has opened the golden road leading to the Mahayana of Transcending Tribulation!As long as he is given enough time, he will definitely be promoted to become an adventurer with difficulty in the Imperial City!
This super powerful Heavenly Ghost Emperor is his touchstone!
Driven by his rock-solid Dao Xin, Du Yu has incomparable self-confidence, and he walks towards the Heavenly Ghost Emperor step by step.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor's expression darkened.His somewhat arrogant personality made it hard for him to believe that a human being could actually confront him, the most powerful being of the ghost race, head-on.

"Heavenly Thunderbolt!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor changed the group attack tactic of Earth Splitting Heaven Beng to single-handed fighting. This move summoned a series of thunderbolts, which slashed at Du Yu fiercely.

Du Yu's space ability was activated and disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already floated above the head of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!

"Ghosts are actually playing Thunderbolt with me?" Du Yu smiled mockingly, "This is the truly powerful fairy art—the technique of Thunderbolt!"

The essential technique of peace is launched!

A red thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!

This falling thunder is what the ghost race fears and restrains the most.The power of the technique of falling thunder can be greatly enhanced by ghosts.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor could not have imagined that this human race, who had mastered the orthodox technique of cultivating immortals, could only use the powerful body of a ghost race to resist the powerful thunder and earth fire.

clap clap!

Under the urging of Du Yu, the power of the sky thunder continued to increase, and one after another the extremely fierce thunder of heaven's punishment smashed towards the ghost emperor.

Blue smoke kept coming out of the blue ghost body of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor.His powerful and useless demon body can't withstand Du Yu's continuous and powerful sky thunder.

"Roar! Die with me!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor suddenly burst into a rage, and with one move, he grasped the world and grabbed Du Yu.

His movement was like lightning, and this move was extremely concealed. Du Yu had no time to dodge when he got into trouble, and he was pinched by the throat forcibly.

"Die to me! Benefactor!" The veins on the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's head bulged, and he laughed maniacally: "This is how our ghost clan repays kindness."

His thick blue ghost claws pinched Du Yu's throat fiercely and tightened little by little.On the one-foot-tall demon body, there was a ghostly aura, and the muscles became stronger. He was going all out to drive Du Yu into death little by little.

"Ah!" Lin Yueru covered her eyes, not daring to look any further.

Zhao Ling'er raised her eyebrows: "Want to hurt my elder brother Du Yu? See how!"

At this time, her level is as high as 56, and she has already mastered many advanced spells of the Nuwa clan.The upgraded version of the Violent Thunder Curse was launched, and a frenzied sky thunder struck all the enemies.

Although the Heavenly Ghost Emperor suffered some injuries under Ling'er's full attack, and the green smoke on his skin became thicker, he became very fierce. Regardless, the two ghost claws pinched Du Yu's Adam's apple together, and launched a full-strength attack. Brute force, trying to crush Du Yuen to death first!

Du Yu showed no fear on his face, he firmly grasped the Ghost King's ghost claw with both hands, and resisted bit by bit to tear it apart.

In his seemingly ordinary body, the dragon-elephant prajna skill, the power of the nine dragons and the nine elephants, erupted together, practicing the emptiness and integration of the Dzogchen cultivation base, and rushing like a great river in the extraordinary meridian, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor only felt that this mortal's The power, like a trickle at first, gradually burst out like a flood, out of control, he exerted all his strength, but he was also prevented by this, and he opened his fingers bit by bit!
"Roar!" The Ghost Emperor couldn't believe his eyes.

Shuxian's jaw dropped in shock.

Although Elder Shi didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on Du Yu.

Ning Zhong and Xiao Longnu looked at each other, and the two beauties showed gratified smiles.

Du Yu finally met the wind and thunder and changed into a dragon. He grew from a weak youth to what he is today.

He can physically challenge the king of the ghost clan, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!

Du Yu forcibly broke open the ghost claws of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, struck the Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, and suddenly launched in the air!
On his body, the unparalleled certain kill value has already been fully accumulated.This third combat system, which is independent of martial arts and celestial beings, burst out with terrifying destructive power in an instant!
40 combos!

The blue dragon is flying, the golden light is shining, Du Yu has completely played the terrifying momentum of the eighteen dragon subduing palms taught by Hong Qigong.
One move after another, Du Yu volleyed down the sky, like a raging real dragon, showing off his majesty on the ghost emperor who dared to offend his dragon's prestige, the golden palm power swept across the ghost emperor's chest, The lower abdomen and limbs were beaten until the ghost emperor retreated steadily.

Everyone was jubilant.

Elder Shi took a deep breath.

Judging from Du Yu's fighting performance at this time, he had fought against Du Yu before, but he was actually not sure of winning at all!

Elder Shi remembered Du Yu's words to him before

"This brat, although I still look angry, but with his martial arts cultivation, it seems that there is no need to lie to me. Then His Majesty the Witch King, is he really?" Suspicion gradually rose in Elder Shi's heart.

"Roar!" A strong ghostly aura suddenly burst out from the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and he exploded!
"Mortal! How dare you beat me like this, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was really angry, and his aura was terrifying. At the top: "Purgatory is really on fire!"

Fiery purgatory flames spewed out from his hands and burned towards Du Yu.

In this final move, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor displayed the strongest momentum.

The power of Purgatory Real Fire not only lies in the fiery magma sprayed from the surrounding Jiuyou Purgatory, but also in the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's own boxing bonus.This fierce Heavenly Ghost Emperor is imprisoned in this demon-absorbing altar because he claims to be able to shake the demon-locking tower. One can imagine the power of this move.

Du Yu's face was like sinking water, calm and calm, he responded with Lishe Dachuan with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon, and blocked Tian Guihuang's purgatory real fire fist with one move, and was about to fight back, but Tian Guihuang used huge brute force, Forcibly split Lishe Dachuan's defense, and hit Du Yu's chest with one blow!
Du Yu was like a cannonball fired from the chamber. He was hit by the Heavenly Ghost Emperor and flew into the air. It hit the stone pillar of the Demon Locking Tower, and the stone pillar cracked instantly!

"Roar!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was extremely excited, galloping like a rhinoceros and an elephant, hitting Du Yu who was flying backwards.

He wanted to smash this person to death on a stone pillar, it would be best if his body was smashed to pieces and his flesh turned into paste, so that he could eat it and repay his gratitude.

Du Yu's back was cracked, and blood gushed out. The ghost emperor's full blow this day did not hurt him lightly.

Lin Yueru covered her beautiful eyes, not daring to look any further.

Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao, frightened and angry, one left and one right, rushed towards the Heavenly Ghost Emperor.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor laughed wildly and said, "In this demon-locking tower, no one is my opponent! You will become my food! Haha!"

Du Yu smiled coldly.

He turned over and jumped, from the demon-locking tower, rushed towards the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!

"Go to hell with me!" Du Yu said firmly, as if there was a layer of fist wind on his fist, and he punched the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's chest fiercely!
The Heavenly Ghost Emperor didn't expect this human being to be so resistant, Du Yu sent him flying backwards with one blow. His body, which was more than three feet high and weighed several tons, hit several little demons along the way, and then hit the wall. slip down.

The power of this punch is as strong as Ruos.

(End of this chapter)

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