Chapter 1269 Defeat the Heavenly Ghost Emperor!Beyond Jiang Qing! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu felt that with the firmness of his Dao heart, his moves became more refined and refined, like steel tempered thousands of times, without the slightest impurity or dross.Every blow can exert a divine power that was unimaginable before.

"This is the way of the immortal." Du Yu looked at his iron palm: "Only the things that I firmly believe in can be done best and with the best results. If I half believe in my own way and have doubts in my heart, Naturally, you can't use your moves to the fullest."

"Dugu Sword Master, thank you." Du Yu took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes, he was all radiant, and looked at the Heavenly Ghost Emperor: "You are doomed this time!"

He jumped up, the flying dragon was in the sky, and charged towards the Heavenly Ghost Emperor.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was furious: "When I miss once, will I lose to you? Just kidding!"

He used the move of purgatory real fire again, and punched Du Yu with the flames of hell wrapped in his fist.

Du Yu's speed is extremely fast, his agility is 300, and he has a level 13 Lingbo Weibu bonus (after enlightening the Xianxia stage, Du Yu's Lingbo Weibu level limit has been raised to level 20), and his body is like lightning. There is no time to send, dangerous and dangerous, avoiding the moves of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor.

He slammed the Heavenly Ghost Emperor's chest heavily with his palm!
The Heavenly Ghost Emperor spat out a big mouthful of black blood and flew backwards!
He was sent flying again by Du Yu.

"Okay!" Xiaoyao, Ling'er and Yueru rejoiced.

After being coerced by He Shu and He Zhong to force the team to enter the demon lock tower, everyone's morale was also affected, making them a little depressed.

After all, the enemy is too strong, but a strong man from the God Realm.Such a powerful enemy, just thinking about it, also makes me feel terrified.

But Du Yu used his firm Dao heart, powerful tactics and brilliant victories to crush the Heavenly Ghost Emperor known as the BOSS in the demon-locking tower, and re-inspired everyone's fighting spirit.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor reluctantly got up from the ground, wiped the black blood from his mouth, and said angrily, "I don't believe it! Wow!"

He spat out another mouthful of dirty blood.Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms possessed internal strength, which was lurking in his body, and when he relaxed his vigilance, it burst out again.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor knelt on the ground, extremely unwilling, panting violently.

Du Yu went to the demon-absorbing altar and picked it up.

Since he defeated the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, this object has been used as a reward and can be used.

[Monster Absorbing Altar]: A-level props.It can only absorb evil things such as monsters and ghosts.You can absorb monsters of one level up (that is, S-level monsters, which can be inhaled. But stronger SS-level monsters cannot.) The absorbed monsters can be immortal and imprisoned in them.

Du Yu picked up the demon-absorbing altar, and said with a cold smile: "Since you refuse to follow the rules of our human race to show gratitude and insist on eating us, then fine, I'll put you back into this demon-absorbing altar, you wait Wait for the next person to rescue you to appear."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, who had been arrogant and extremely unwilling, suddenly wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant.

He wrinkled a grimace, and said with a sad face: "I don't want to go back. For eight years, in that dark, dark place, no one talked at all. I couldn't find anything to do, and I didn't have any human flesh and monsters to eat. The bird has long faded out. This"

Du Yu raised his eyebrows: "Since you understand, that's fine. If you refuse to follow the rules of our human race, you have to go in!"

"What are the rules of the human race?" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor asked weakly.

"It's just to repay you!" Li Xiaoyao came up with a grass root in his mouth and said with a smile on his face, "My master saved you, so you have to listen to my master."

"Okay!" Heavenly Ghost Emperor obeyed: "Since I can't beat you, I can only obey your orders. What do you want me to do? Eat up these monsters? Someone told me that if I eat 100 humans or 1000 Monster, you can go out."

"That's a rumor with ulterior motives." Du Yu said coldly: "Someone wants you to kill each other in the demon-locking tower, and it's best to kill them all. They can profit from it. Even if you eat enough people or demons, you can find them." There is no way out."

"That's true." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor scratched his head, "Ben Gong, what do you think we should do?"

"Follow us first." Du Yu smiled and said, "We must get everyone's help if we want to get out of the Demon Locking Tower. You also have brute force, so just follow us."

"So the purpose of Engong is to get out of the Demon Locking Tower?" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor became excited: "Engong didn't say it earlier! If there is a chance to go out, I am willing to obey all orders of Engong! Haha!"

Du Yu received a reminder: "You relied on brute force to defeat the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, and you told him the truth about how he could get out of the Demon Locking Tower, and won his gratitude and trust. You gained 10000 villain points and won the [Demon Sucking Altar] ]’s ownership.”

Du Yu smiled: "You have stayed in this demon lock tower for a long time, have you met the disciples of the Shushan School?"

Hearing the disciples of Mount Shu, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor had a strange expression on his face, touched his belly, and said embarrassedly: "Grandfather, are you really from Mount Shu? I'm so sorry, I heard that eating human flesh can leave this place, so I worked tirelessly and met people. Just eat it. There are more than 10 corpses of Shushan disciples in my belly."

Yueru exclaimed: "No wonder we can't find the wronged souls of Shushan disciples everywhere, and you have eaten them all?"

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor chuckled: "But Auntie En, don't worry, people from my ghost clan have a little bit of special quality. The souls of people who eat them will stay in our stomachs. As long as I want to release them, I can still release them."

He opened his mouth wide, and a ghostly air filled the air.

More than a dozen ghosts of Shushan disciples appeared on the spot.

Du Yu explained to the Shushan disciples why they appeared.These Shushan disciples died in Huangquan because of Jiang Qing's incident. They died in the Demon Locking Tower, and they couldn't even leave their bodies.

Du Yu received a reminder: "You have collected all the wronged souls of Shushan disciples, and they are willing to beat Elder Jiang Qing violently. You need to find Jiang Qing's location and complete [This hatred will last forever]."

Everyone cleaned up the entire sixth floor, but Jiang Qing was not found.

In the passage from the sixth floor to the fifth floor, there is a door that is so heavy that ordinary monsters cannot open it at all.

This gate is also used to distinguish the upper level of low-level monsters from the lower level of high-level monsters.

Whoever has the strength to open the door, and whoever goes down, if he can't even open the door, don't go to the fifth floor, and be the prey of powerful monsters.

But at this time, there was nowhere to look for after breaking through the iron shoes, and it took no effort to get there. Jiang Qing stood in front of the gate majestically, blocking the way of Du Yu and others.

"Haha! I, Elder Jiang Qing, am upright. Disciples from Mount Shu dare to trespass here without mercy!" Jiang Qing angrily glared at Du Yu with his beard growing and his white beard fluttering.

After several battles, his strength has improved every time he appeared, and now he has grown to the difficulty above the imperial city.If Du Yu and others can't find a solution for a long time, they will be overwhelmed by Jiang Qing, who is constantly growing in strength.

But this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

"Jiang Qing, look who this is?" Du Yu released the disciples of Shushan School from the Soul Gathering Pagoda!
Those 20 or so Shushan disciples saw Jiang Qing, the target of the master's sect, and they were furious immediately!
Their unlucky luck lies with Jiang Qing, who disobeyed the teacher's ban and entered the Demon Locking Tower without permission!
"Jiang Qing! Give me back my life!" A student from Shushan stepped on a flying sword and attacked Jiang Qing.

"That's right, give me back my life!"

"Junior Sister and I have a long-standing marriage contract, and we are going to get married the next day, but we are implicated by you. Humans and ghosts have different paths, yin and yang are separated, and the sky is separate! I will never forgive you."

"In order to find you, we lost our lives, and because of you, Shimen lost enough manpower to form the 36 sword formations, and finally caused the 35 masters to die at the hands of the devil because of the incomplete formation! You Jiang Qing committed a heinous crime, Sin deserves to be killed!"

Jiang Qing saw the angry figures of more than 20 brothers from the same sect rushing towards him, and listened to them complaining about his faults and the terrible losses caused to the sect. With tears running down his face, he said, "Yes! It's all my fault. You guys kill me! Only then can I go beyond reincarnation!"

Because of excessive guilt, he punched and punched his chest so hard that his bones were broken.

The disciples from Mount Shu were haunted by grievances, surrounded Jiang Qing, and stabbed with swords and palms one after another, causing flesh and blood to fly everywhere.

Lin Yueru couldn't bear it and said: "Even if Jiang Qing was at fault, it wasn't his intention. How could he be so resentful if he made an unintentional mistake?"

"Let them fight." Du Yu heaved a sigh of relief: "If not, neither Jiang Qing nor those Shushan disciples will be reborn."

The Shushan disciples were so excited that they finally killed Jiang Qing's wronged soul completely.

A ray of light descended from the sky.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Qing's soul gradually walked up: "My sins have been completely wiped away by the master's execution, and I can go."

The wronged souls of the Shushan disciples also walked up to the light one after another, and turned their heads to pay tribute to Du Yu.

Jiang Qing turned around and thanked Du Yu: "Pindao has fallen into a demon due to guilt. Thanks to the little brother, you managed to gather the souls of Shushan disciples, punish me, and let me reincarnate with peace of mind. I have nothing else. This seven-star sword is my saber, let me use it for you."

At this time, a woman appeared behind a secret door and walked towards Jiang Qing.

"Father, you can finally ascend to heaven and transcend yourself," the woman said in a manly voice.

Jiang Qing stroked the woman's hair, and said to Du Yu: "This is my daughter Jiang Wan'er, whose mother is Yue Rouxia, a demon clan from the Demon Suo Tower. She is a mixed race of humans and demons. I am lonely. I have no attachment to the human world, but my daughter is helpless, which makes me worry. If Mr. En can break this demon-locking tower and escape successfully, I will have no regrets."

Du Yu glanced at Jiang Wan'er and nodded.

Jiang Qing ascended to heaven contentedly.

(End of this chapter)

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