Chapter 1270 Fully upgraded!Beauty Squad! - Ask for a monthly pass!

After everything was over, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor walked to the entrance of the fifth floor, lifted the heavy stone door with all his strength, and opened the passage leading to the underground.

"Go!" Du Yu took a deep breath.

His villain value at this time has accumulated 31423 points, which is enough to make a big leap in the strength of the top beauties.

But there are two directions for the leap, one is to enhance the strength of the beauties such as Xiaolongnv, Shi Feixuan, and Wanwan, and forcibly elevate their various exercises to the level of practicing virtual fusion.The advantage is that the high-end combat power is more powerful, and the disadvantage is that their original skill level is high, and the villain value is relatively high to strengthen, and the cost performance is not high.

The second is to increase the strength of the second echelon beauties such as Song Yuzhi, Li Xiuning, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, etc., and improve their skill levels, so that they can deal with the imperial city and even the Zifu district with the blessing of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation. the challenge of the reader.The advantage is that the cost performance is very high, and the villain value spent on unit enhancement is less.

After careful consideration, he did not choose the first plan, but chose the beauties of the second and third echelons to carry out a large-scale improvement of abilities.

Among them, the most important reason is for overall consideration.Although Du Yu's villain has more than 3 points, it is not expensive. Each beauty is allocated only a few thousand, which must be used to strengthen the maximum overall combat power.Second, Xiaolongnv told Du Yu that sisters should also be fair.In order to be top-notch, Du Yu had spent a lot of resources on their strongest sisters.If it continues like this, it will widen the gap between the first camp and the weaker sisters, which is not good for unity.

After careful consideration, Du Yu finally selected 9 beauties including Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, Fu Junqiang, Song Yuzhi, Li Xiuning, Dugufeng, and Shen Luoyan to increase their combat power on a large scale.

He gave each beauty 3000 villain points, leaving more than 4000 as a strategic reserve for summoning.

The tactics of the beauties are mostly around B-level, and the villain value required to advance to a level is only 400 points.After discussing, they chained the internal force to this skill, and the overall improvement was 3-4 levels, and the minimum reached level 8 or above!
This change moved Du Yu very much.

Because this internal force chain skill is useless in a solo fight, the only function is to improve the transmission efficiency of internal force/celestial power and reduce the transmission loss in the Tiangang Beidou formation. Level 9 internal force chain, can transmit more than 9% of the internal force to any position under attack without hindrance.The overall operation efficiency of the formation has been greatly improved.

At the price of 27000 villain points, Du Yu obtained a half-day increase in the efficiency of the Beidou formation, which can be said to have spent the limited money wisely.

When he reached the fifth floor, he immediately realized the benefits of the improvement of the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation.

Because the monsters on the fifth floor have become at least 50% stronger than those on the sixth floor!

As a result, the efficiency of the team's advancement has been greatly reduced, and the resistance has increased too much.

The starting team composed of Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Zhao Linger was no longer enough to overthrow such a powerful monster, so Du Yu sent Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, Fu Junqiang, Song Yuzhi, and Li Xiuning to form the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation. Arrow formation, impacting the powerful monsters that are rushing.

Xing Tian, ​​Golden Melon Warrior, and Longhorn Demon, countless powerful high-level monsters, rushed towards them with their teeth and claws open.

Du Yu reckoned that the ordinary team of adventurers would be in a hurry when they got here, and there was even a risk of total annihilation.

Because these monsters, in the form of wheel battles, kept rushing towards them, and the pressure on the team continued to increase.Even if the adventurer team can maximize the ratio of combat power and kill efficiently, but in the face of the endless sea of ​​monsters, there is only one way to avoid the battle and win by taking advantage of it.

Even Xiaolongnu, Ning Zhongze and other powerful beauties are ready to fight at any time.

But the performance of these Tang beauties surprised everyone.

Although their strength and skill levels have not changed at all, but under the blessing of the chain of internal force, they formed a Tiangang Big Dipper Formation to meet the impact of monsters in an orderly manner.Movement as a whole, integrated into one body, attack with seven swords, and rule with full strength, between each attack and defense, there are 7 people in one, which is equivalent to increasing the combat power by 7 times!
The most critical skill level of internal force chaining is high, and the efficiency of internal force transmission is greatly improved. The pulse of the seven beauties seems to be practiced in a straight line, and the attack from thousands of miles away comes in an instant.The whole formation is like a beautiful snake, if you attack the head, you will save the tail, if you attack the tail, you will help the head, if you are attacked in the middle, you will take care of both the head and the tail!

This kind of formation makes the monsters confused about the situation. Every time seven people attack together, the efficiency is extremely high, and a powerful monster must be killed.However, due to the extremely fast internal force, the attacks of the monsters blocked one place and immediately transmitted to the next one.The sum of 7 cents of internal power alone is enough to make the attacks of these monsters seem to be hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, without any effect.

Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, Fu Junqiang, Song Yuzhi, and Li Xiuning are like a fully powered and powerful combine harvester, crushing them all the way, leaving only the monsters whose health drops below 30%. With the swishing sound of Du Yu's Zijin Immortal Gourd being continuously taken away, all the powerful demon pills and materials were poured out.

"The combine harvester!" Elizabeth exclaimed, "And it's such a powerful monster."

"There are other monsters attacking from the side!" Yilin exclaimed.

"We still have a second group!" Shen Luoyan winked at Dugufeng.Xiaolongnv and others joined in and immediately formed a second set of combine harvesters, which involved the attacking hordes of monsters in battle.

The beauties were sweating profusely from the killing, but they were extremely excited.

They can surpass strength, surpass numbers, and leapfrog to kill so many powerful monsters, which is exciting to imagine.

Dugufeng screamed: "This feeling of adventure is too exciting. This monster, come together!"

Galadriel, Arwen, and Serena looked enviously at the figures of these combined beauty teams strangling powerful monsters.

Arwen muttered: "We elves, why can't we practice internal strength? Then we can conduct power efficiently like them, and kill the enemy by leapfrogging."

Serena leaned close to the earlobe of the elf princess, and said softly: "You can have fun with the master. His skill is spread throughout each of us, so that your magical energy can also be transmitted to the body of every sister."

Arwen looked at Du Yu, who was concentrating on harvesting the monster pills, and blushed with embarrassment.

Du Yu watched with satisfaction the demon pills that the Zijin Gourd kept spraying out.

These are the most advanced demon pills, and the cultivation base of each one has increased, even reaching 10-13 years.Du Yu even saw an A+ level demon pill that increased his cultivation base by 15 years!

There are such powerful monsters on the lower five floors. When the materials are ready, the quality of the monster pills will naturally increase.

This discovery made Su Daji, who had eaten a round stomach first, beat her chest and stamped her feet.

It's a pity that she has already eaten 99 high-level demon pills, and she can't take these better pills.

"Engong, I think there is something that I must tell you!" The voice of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor came out of the void.Since he opened the passage door, he disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Du Yu looked at the batches of A+ grade demon pills that had entered the account with great joy.

This thing looks useless, but Du Yuke understands its value!
In space, any pill that can increase a monster's power out of thin air has a huge market value!
Among the adventurers, there are not a few who have exchanged for the blood of monsters.Imagine, when they know that there is a elixir that can increase their power for 15 years without any side effects, how much are they willing to pay to buy it?

From Su Daji, Du Yu knew that the power of a monster is calculated by years of cultivation. 500-year-old monsters can enter the outer city, 4000-year-old monsters are adventurers in the inner city, 6000-year-old monsters can become adventurers in the imperial city, and 8000-year-old monsters can be called Zifu District.A monster over ten thousand years old can already break through the void and leave this world!

According to the consumption limit of 99 pills of upper, lower, middle and lower grades per person, Du Yu's demon pills can provide 1800 years of cultivation!
What a terrifying concept this is?

This means that an ordinary adventurer in the Imperial City can become an adventurer in the Zifu District as long as he can spend enough survival points!
And the demon pill also has another function. According to Su Daji, every time a monster passes through a level of strength, it will experience a thunder of divine punishment.

God's Punishment Tianlei is a monster family, the promotion link that is the easiest to fall, and the difficulty is even higher than the Scarlet City Gate.

Some people think that this is unfair to monsters.Why do monsters need an extra assessment?

Because the blood of monsters is easy to obtain, and the upgrade speed is fast!
Monsters can devour each other, or take a ready-made concentrated demon pill like Du Yu to improve their cultivation, but adventurers of other bloodlines do not have this advantage.Therefore, it is fair for them to advance to the key link and add a divine thunder and heavenly punishment.

Su Daji said that the greater effect of the demon pill can actually be used as a strength evaluation to deceive the space!

For example, you have hoarded a large amount of demon pills, and your strength depends on natural growth, and you have reached the inner city stage, and the God of Punishment Thunder is coming!
But it is only based on the strength of your inner city junior brother.

At this time, you can take the demon pill to greatly enhance your strength.

In this way, is the risk of falling greatly reduced?
How can monsters not love this kind of demon pill?
Therefore, Du Yu estimates that the market value of this thing is almost infinite.It must be much higher than the 10 survival points I invested + Zijin fairy gourd!

Du Yu even thought that an adventurer in the inner city would be willing to spend at least one million survival points to purchase a demon pill with 15 years of skill, which would be used as a trump card for crossing robbery + killing and arson.If it is placed at auction, the premium will be even greater.

Catherine took out her private money, which was worth hundreds of millions of survival points, and squandered it for herself. She can't just eat for free, right?

(End of this chapter)

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