Chapter 1271 Suppressing Prison King Ming!Immortals are so bright! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Besides, in Du Yu's world, even though Zhao Ling'er and Su Mei have regained the two charming goblins, he doesn't intend to stop.

Lin Qing'er, Caiyi, aren't these all beauties who can take Yaodan?

"By the way, what is the biggest difficulty you mentioned just now?" Du Yu asked.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor replied: "The immortals in the book probably know something about it. That is our Demon Locking Tower, but there are immortals guarding it!"

"Immortal?" Lin Yueru hated to hear about this immortal the most, for fear that people like He Shu and Zhong would appear, and she was shocked when she heard the words.

"Yes, an immortal from the God Realm." The Heavenly Ghost Emperor said in a low voice, "His name is Shuming, he is known as the King of Prison Suppression! At this time, he should be guarding the lowest level of the Demon Locking Tower. His strength can only be described as unfathomable." Before, there were big monsters who tried to join forces to kill him, but they were beaten to pieces by him, and everyone was desperate to escape."

"Shu Ming? King of the Prison Ming?" Du Yu smiled coldly: "It is said that the rumor that you can escape after eating 100 people or [-] monsters, is he the one who released it?"

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor thought for a while, and then flew into a rage: "It must be him! We ghosts have simple minds, and we are easy to be deceived by any rumors. It must be the Ming King of the Prison. He was afraid that we monsters would attack him again, so he released this baseless rumor." Gossip. Oh, why am I so stupid to believe this?"

Du Yu smiled: "It's okay! We are united, and we will be able to escape together!"

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor suddenly appeared, solemnly knelt down to Du Yu, and kowtow respectfully.

The Shuxian behind him also saluted Du Yu at the same time.

"What are you doing?" Du Yu didn't know why.

"Benevolence!" The Heavenly Ghost Emperor said in a deep voice, "We, the demon clan locked in the demon lock tower, yearn for freedom day and night! But for thousands of years, we have never been able to get what we want. If you can lead us, Walk out of the demon lock tower and bring us freedom, we will be grateful to you forever! In the future, you will come in water, go in water, come in fire, and go in fire! There is no difference! How?"

Du Yu was about to speak when he received a space prompt.

"You triggered the main mission - [The Fall of the Demon Locking Tower]."

"The monsters and ghosts in the Demon Locking Tower hope to escape day and night. Now that I see your powerful strength, I am willing to serve you as the master and follow you to attack the final pass of the Demon Locking Tower. Do you agree?"

"If you succeed in the challenge, you will get 30000 villain points. And you will get the gratitude of all the monsters in the monster lock tower. These include the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, Shuxian, Jiang Wan'er, etc."

"If the challenge fails, you don't need to pay any price. Due to the scene of the demon-locking tower, it is too difficult for adventurers in the inner city, so it belongs to the challenge and trial scene. The space has a free escape mechanism. Thousands of monsters gather all the demon pills, and then they can find the lowest-level Prison King Ming to bribe them. He will spare the net and give you a chance to be free."

"That's right." Du Yu's mouth curled up, "For adventurers in the inner city, such a difficult monster lock tower really can't be expected to pass the level with the strength of the team."

"Although I am alone, an adventurer with such a luxurious lineup as Su Daji and the beauty team is an absolute oddity."

"But I won't bribe Shu Ming!" Du Yu's eyes turned cold: "People from the God Realm, the more I kill, the better! Hmph! I'm a villain!"

He strode toward the next floor.

Unbeknownst to Du Yu, on the last floor of the Demon Locking Tower, in the midst of the iron-blue demon-changing water, stood a handsome young man proudly in the air.

This man has a bright and handsome appearance, but there is a hint of cunning, greed and gloom between his brows.He looked at a ball of flames in his hands. In the flames, Du Yu and the others were killing demons and demons all the way, killing corpses and blood.

This person is the Ming King of Suppressing Prisons, Shu Ming!
"It seems that the strength is not bad." Shu Ming sneered: "Unfortunately, I have received an order from the heavens to kill you in exchange for a chance to get out. You will definitely fall here and die in my hands. I am here Enough of staying in this ghost place!"

Thinking of the process of being named King of Prison Control and guarding here, Shu Ming couldn't help flashing a trace of hatred in his eyes.

He was originally a disciple of the Shushan School, and he once framed his brother Qing Leng.Once, he took advantage of Qing Leng's weakness and tricked Qing Leng into practicing with the Five Spirit Wheels, while he practiced an evil kung fu that absorbs other people's mana. Qing Leng also became a fairy again, but had no intention of finding Shu Ming to settle the score.Such a great achievement, Shu Ming wanted to open up the Shu Mountains and slaughter monsters to claim credit from the God Realm in order to gain more power.

He offered a plan and assigned Nangong Huang and his party to open up the five spirits' veins, but Shuming took the credit for it.Shuming also offered a plan to build the seven-star panlong pillar and suppress the demon lock tower.

Shuming originally thought that he would be in the immortal class after opening the earth veins, but at a critical moment, he was plotted by the ghost soldier Lei Yuange, and was named the Prison-Suppressing Ming King by the God Realm, and he will always guard the demon-locking tower.

Thinking of how clever he was in all his calculations, but in the end he was mistaken by his cleverness, turning himself into the warden, staying in this dark and gloomy place, Shuming felt depressed for a while.

"Come on quickly! Let me kill you so that you can leave this ghost place." Shu Ming crushed the flame ball severely.

Along the way, Du Yu led a team of beauties to advance vigorously.

On the way, he also completed a triggered villain mission, rescued a Xingtian ghost king who was framed by Shuming, and gained 5000 villain points.

The fifth floor, cleaned up.

The fourth floor, clean up.

The third floor is cleared up.

Du Yu and others entered the second floor.

The monster at this time has gradually changed from a ghost to a powerful immortal cultivator who has fallen into the evil way.

For the traitors with bad intentions and apostasy, the Shushan faction's punishment method is also to throw them into the demon lock tower.

These evil sword immortals gathered on the penultimate floor, and while cultivating, they became monsters guarding here.

Although they have fallen, their moves are exactly the same as those of the Shushan School sword fairies, extremely fierce and extremely damaging.

The team began to undergo a great test.

If it weren't for Yilin, Zhao Ling'er, Kailan Quer and other top priests, they made strong rescues and pulled up the team's HP time and time again.Under the siege of hordes of evil sword immortals, Du Yu's team really had the possibility of falling.Even with Meng Potang's second life, Du Yu didn't want the beauties to be downgraded.

Therefore, he ordered that no more demon pills should be collected, advance quickly, look for the exit, and enter the last floor.

Under the rain of guns and swords from the evil sword fairies, the group was quite embarrassed, opened the passage, and entered the last floor.

This last layer is the foundation of the Demon Locking Tower.There are dense demon water everywhere.This demon water has a miraculous effect on monsters.Any demons and ghosts will be turned into a ball of water once they enter the water.This is the way to prevent the monster from escaping.

On the last floor, there are not too many monsters.Probably because Shu Ming couldn't see the monsters dangling in front of his eyes, so he drove them away.

Du Yu and the others moved forward all the way.Until I saw the legendary Seven Star Panlong Pillar!

At this moment, a man stands proudly on the Seven Star Panlong Pillar.

Holding a sharp sword in his hand, he enveloped the audience with awe-inspiring aura, and looked at Du Yu rushing up from below.

The eyes of Du Yu and Shu Ming met in the air.

The King of Zhenyu Ming said proudly: "Who are you, why are you here?"

Li Xiaoyao took a step back: "Where are you evil? Report your name!"

King Zhenyu Ming frowned: "Irreverent! I am the patron saint of this pagoda, "King Zhenyu Ming"!"

Lin Yueru frowned and said, "Did you build this tower?"

The King of Prison Ming laughed wildly: "No! The Demon Locking Tower was built by humans. I am the gods of the heavens, following the request of the human world, and came down to help guard this tower. You haven't answered my question yet! Don't say what you want, don't let me know." pass!"

His eyes lingered on Su Daji, Zhao Linger, Su Mei, and Tian Guihuang, and he laughed grinningly: "But I have already seen that there are many monsters and ghosts in your team! Then you can't pass through here and get out of this place." Demon lock tower!"

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

The space prompt clearly stated that this is very clear, it can be used as a passage for adventurers to escape, and they can go out by paying a certain amount of ransom in the form of bribery.But Shuming's attitude is so firm, he wants to fight and kill, what does this mean?
God Realm, someone says hello!

They offered even more attractive conditions, asking Shuming to kill someone!
In the adventure world, the plot characters are not actually NPCs, they also have their own interests, which may cause their behavior to be different from the way stipulated in the plot.

As such, corrections are required.Otherwise, some adventurers will cry without tears.

But at this time, Shuming, the Ming king of the prison, did not intend to give Du Yu any chance: "Brave maniac!! How dare you secretly bring a demon and try to get away with it, please forgive me!"

The immortal sword he drew out was aimed at Du Yu and the others, and he was about to strike.

Su Daji twisted her waist charmingly: "Oh? Are you talking about me?"

Shuming's fairy sword pointed at Zhao Ling'er: "Although you are a big monster that must be eradicated, I mainly refer to her!"

Du Yuxin said: "What crime did Ling'er commit? You heaven will persecute her like this!"

Elder Shi smiled, stood in front of Ling'er, glared, and looked at King Zhenyu Ming.

The King of Prison Ming laughed and said: "This snake girl has a terrifying potential of demon power. If you don't eradicate it, once it is allowed to awaken, it will endanger the world!"

Du Yu said disdainfully, "So what if she's a monster? She never harmed anyone!"

The eyes of the King of Prison Ming were cold: "Hmph! Although the cub is docile, who can guarantee that it will not become a man-eating tiger in the future? Since I have been ordered to guard this tower, it is my duty and destiny to eliminate the curse of the demons. There will be no mercy! "
Elder Shi was furious: "Fart! This is the descendant of my Black Miao Witch King, the orthodox descendant of the Miao people, how could it be a monster?"

(End of this chapter)

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