Chapter 1276 The moon is like a fragrant moon, Du Yu is crazy! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
This is due to Du Yu's strict screening to prevent the entry of evil spirits who are not strong enough to make up for the number. Otherwise, with the large number of ghosts in the Demon Locking Tower, the number of Ghost Soul Refining Bags is now complete.

But Du Yu finally got such a precious evil thing, so of course he was not willing to let it stay on the basis of S-level fairy treasure.If you can find the remaining thousands of evil spirits above the inner city, you might be able to be promoted to SS-level fairy treasure.

Of course, the number of evil spirits has increased by 500, and the strength of this Ten Thousand Ghost Soul Refining Bag is also different from before. He devours people and rushes towards Shuming.

Shu Ming's Wan Jian pierced the heart, hitting these evil spirits right in time.Although some evil ghosts and spirits were caused, they were smashed to pieces by the fairy sword, unwilling to howl, and temporarily returned to the ghost refining bag (this bag is refined from the skin and stomach of ancient beasts above ghosts and immortals. The evil spirits in it can only be temporarily defeated, and cannot be eliminated), but there are also more than 100 heads, and they rushed in front of Shuming.

Seeing that his fairy art had been broken, Shuming snorted coldly: "The ghosts and monsters are indeed evil! But since ancient times, evil has always been victorious."

He swung the fairy sword and formed a sword shield, which was radiant, and the evil spirits who tried to pass through the sword shield wailed, and were scattered in mid-air by the force, turning into little fluorescent lights and dissipating.

Before Shuming could close his move, he felt a burst of overwhelming force coming from behind him!
"Sneak attack!" Furious, Shu Ming stabbed Du Yu with a backhanded sword.

This sword can be described as extremely brilliant, with the antelope hanging horns, there is no trace to be found, and it has fused hundreds of years of immortal power of Shuming, and it is very fierce.

But Du Xian used the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Refining Bag to attract Shu Ming's attention, how could he make this long-planned blow come to nothing?
He draws out a phantom like a spirit ape, which is Wanli Jiuying's transformation move, which appears beside Shuming, and a ruthless Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms strikes Shuming's body heavily!

Dao Heart Rock!The dragon's palm destroys the mountain!
Shuming was so blasted that he spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Du Yu also felt severe pain in his body. The injury to his right shoulder caused by Shu Ming's sneak attack broke out again, and blood stained the Monkey King's armor red.

Lin Yueru's heart ached when she saw it, and she yelled: "Bad guy, take your life!"

Holding a sword in her hand, with a light body, she performed the sweeping army in the Lin family's moves, and stabbed at Shuming without hesitation.

Shuming was severely injured by Du Yu, and was frightened and angry. Seeing Lin Yueru attacking, he smiled coldly, and let Yueru invade the empty door beside his body without dodging.

"Not good!" Du Yu saw the problem and shouted, "Yueru be careful!"

He wanted to use space teleportation, but his injuries collapsed, and the ability failed!
Yue Ruying was valiant and valiant, moving forward without hesitation, a sword pierced deeply into Shu Ming's lower abdomen.This heroine, with her black eyebrows raised, made another move to flatten the sand, and she wanted to hit Shuming again!
Unexpectedly, it is obvious that this is a bitter trick to lure the enemy deep.With his immortal body, Yue Ru at this time could not pose much threat at all, but was pierced deeply into the chest by Shu Ming's sword!
Lin Yueru's beautiful eyes hurt, her body stiffened, and she looked back at Du Yu.

"Brother Du Yu" Yueru's cherry lips slowly leaked a streak of bright red blood: "It's all because Yueru is useless, do you miss me?"

"No!" Du Yu burst into tears, "Yueru, don't die!"

Du Yu blamed himself deeply, this Shuming attacked Yueru three times with obvious intentions, why didn't he protect Yueru well?
Although Yue Ru is a bit unruly and willful, she is chivalrous and tender, and she is the gentlest and most considerate woman in her bones.

In the plot, Li Xiaoyao didn’t want to enter Ao Lin’s house, so she followed him all the way. He forgot to rest to find Ling’er, and she followed closely and never said he was tired. Go to danger together.She paid silently, although Li Xiaoyao had already been moved, but in the end she still couldn't surpass the bond between Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.In the end, she exchanged her own life for the survival of her rival in love, and the fragrance disappeared, and the soul disappeared...

When she was in the plot, in order to save Xiaoyao and Linger, she sacrificed her life and was finally crushed to death by a boulder, I don't know how many people shed tears for it.

If the teleportation just now can be successful, if I can pay attention to it earlier, the moon like her

Like the moon!

Like the moon! !
Regardless of his injuries, Du Yu threw his life at Shu Ming with bleeding.

Shuming laughed wildly and said, "You can't save this woman! Haha, I'll make you humiliate me five times! You're all going to die here today!"

Ling'er exclaimed: "Yueru sister!"

With a flick of her snake's tail, she appeared beside Yueru.The injured Elder Shi also rushed to protect Ling'er.

Xiaoyao shouted angrily: "This scoundrel, how dare you do this?" He used the unique skill of the jade flute swordsmanship [Fengqu Changming] to stab Shuming.

Du Yu threw himself in front of Shuming, his eyes were red, like a ghost crawling out of hell, he punched Shuming hard!
Seeing that Lin Yueru had been killed and offended everyone, Shuming felt guilty and pushed Yueru's body back with a palm.

Du Yu was afraid of hurting Yueru's body, so he didn't dare to work hard, so he immediately picked up Yueru, and fell on Shuming with a cold and furious murderous intent.

"I'll leave this woman to you!" Shu Ming said with a smirk on his face, "I'll take a step first, and when I get your last Seven Star Panlong Pillar, I'll come back and fight you to the death. Hahaha!"

His figure quickly disappeared in place.

It seems that in this demon-locking tower, he, as the King of Prison Suppression, has the special function of instant teleportation.

At this time, Du Yu's heart was on Yueru, and he couldn't care about Shuming. He said coldly, "I swear to Yueru here, that I will let your soul endure the torment of being unable to recover forever, and I will use your death to dedicate it to you. My beloved Yueru!"

Yueru coughed violently, with blood foaming from her mouth, Du Yu was overjoyed: "Yueru, are you alive?"

Ling'er appeared next to the two of them, trying to heal Yueru's body with the healing magic of Wu Qi Chaoyuan, with a solemn and dignified face: "No way! Brother Du Yu, I found that sister Yueru was stabbed by Na Shuming. The heart veins have lost their vitality, and it is just a flashback at this time, to see you."

Lin Yueru slowly opened her beautiful eyes: "I can't do it anymore. Brother Du Yu, I regret that I am always jealous of other sisters around you. Will you still love me?"

Du Yu hugged Lin Yueru's gradually cooling body tightly, and shouted, "I know! I know everything. You are jealous because of love. How could I not love you?"

Yueru's eyes gradually closed, and a contented smile appeared on her exquisite beauty: "Then I can rest assured that if there is an afterlife, I will be with you."

She stared at Du Yu affectionately with her beautiful eyes, and gradually lost her expression.

"Meng Po Soup!" Du Yu shouted, "Give her Meng Po Soup!"

Meng Po Soup can give the summoned beauties signed by Du Yu a second life.This is the backhand that Du Yu's team has already laid down.

But after drinking a bowl of Mengpo soup, Lin Yueru's life is still passing by quickly

She gradually fell into a deep sleep, as if she would never wake up.

"Come again!" Du Yu roared with red eyes.

Ling'er brought out another bowl of Mengpo soup and poured it down for Yueru.

Yueru is not breathing anymore

she left.

"Why? Why?" Du Yu almost went crazy, grabbing his hair fiercely.

He couldn't figure out why this life-saving panacea didn't work for Yue Ru.

"Is it because sister Yue Ru loves brother Du Yu, but she has not reached the trigger point of the plot, and her favorability has not been converted into love value, so she has not been able to sign a contract? If she does not sign a contract, her identity is a plot character, not a beauty belonging to her brother. Ling'er frowned, thinking of the crux of the problem.

Only then did Du Yu realize that he had never signed a contract with Yueru.

"Damn it!" Du Yu punched his chest hard, the wound opened again, blood stained his clothes red.

"Brother Du Yu, don't do this." Ling'er knelt down in distress, cast a spell on Du Yu to recover from his injuries, and stared at Du Yu sadly with her beautiful eyes: "Although sister Yueru is gone, she doesn't want to see her in the sky. Brother blames himself for being so painful. This mistake is fate. Brother has saved Sister Yueru twice, so you can’t blame yourself.”

"Even if I save her a hundred times, I can't undo the fact that she is gone." Du Yu hated himself deeply, why didn't he find a way to sign a contract with Yue Ru earlier.She also has a lot of affection for herself, and the two of them are flirting with each other. It is estimated that the eldest lady has already secretly agreed, why is she so stupid?
However, maybe it was fate, or maybe it was the stipulations of the plot, Lin Yueru did not escape from the doom in the Demon Locking Tower in the end.

"Maybe!" Du Yu's eyes became firmer: "After walking out of the demon-locking tower, there should be a holy lady who can resurrect Yueru with 36 puppet worms. I must not be depressed here, it will only show the pride of this murderer Humph, we want to avenge Yueru!"

At this time, Poison Shenlong was entangled by other beauties and could not escape, but he roared and spit out without stopping.Concubine Shixuan shouted: "Come to help quickly! Our Tiangang Big Dipper Formation can't suppress this dragon!"

Du Yu briefly treated Shu Ming's wound, and stood up abruptly.

Ling'er only felt that Du Yu's elder brother seemed to be a different person, and the cold killing intent on his body made people shudder.

"Only by using fists to sweep everything away, and only by using the blood of the enemy, can the debt of blood be repaid!"

With firm eyes, Du Yu walked towards the poisonous dragon step by step.

He jumped up and smashed the poisonous dragon with his palm.

The poisonous dragon's spit did not stop for a moment.Miasma, Three Corpse Curse, Myriad Gu Erosion Heaven, Poison Swallow the World, all the vicious dragon's breath moves are sprayed out continuously from the mouth of the dragon.

But it's a pity, for Du Yu, who has the heart of Heshibi and Jialouluo, who is invulnerable to all poisons, these are just floating clouds.

Du Yu hit the poisonous dragon hard with his fist.

Shuming ran away, only this poisonous dragon was blamed.

Du Yu took one palm after another, turning the resentment and self-blame in his heart into the driving force for a frenzied attack and bombardment, and poured it all on the poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon's melee counterattack caused serious injuries to Du Yu, but Du Yu acted like a crazy tiger and didn't recover at all. He just let go and killed wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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