Chapter 1277 Furious Revenge! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Zhao Linger and Yilin, the two beauties who had recovered, looked at each other helplessly, and kept throwing recovery spells on Du Yu's body.

Du Yu's health was fluctuating, it was the two beauties who cared about Du Yu, fighting tit-for-tat against the fierce attack of the poisonous dragon.

"Du Yu is fighting like crazy, is it alright?" Xiao Longnv asked worriedly as she looked at Du Yu's open wound.

"Let him vent it." Ling'er said bitterly, "Otherwise Brother Du Yu's heart will collapse in pain. He is a person with too much affection. Yue Ru's elder sister's fragrance disappears, but in fact he doesn't have much. responsibility."

"Ling'er is right, let Du Yu release it." Ning Zhong looked at Du Yu, who was fighting frantically, and shook his head helplessly, "Our journey was so smooth, we never thought that before we were about to break out of the Demon Locking Tower, the moon would fall, Du Yu He is also seriously injured, this battle is a test for everyone."

Under Du Yu's frenzied attack, the poisonous dragon's greatest weapon was sealed with poison, so he had no choice but to accept the fate of being absorbed by the purple golden fairy gourd.

"Take a day off" Zhongmei was afraid that Du Yu would fight again with his injuries, but after venting, Du Yu calmed down instead, walked to Yueru's body, and quietly guarded it.

Zhao Ling'er has already cast a spell on Yueru to protect Yueru's body from being damaged.Then the resurrection technique cannot be performed.

Ling'er walked gently to Du Yu's side, nestled gently on Du Yu's arm, and stared at Yue Ru's calm face: "Ling'er is a little envious of Yue Ru's sister."

"Oh?" Du Yu smiled wryly, "I didn't do enough to protect the moon. What do you envy?"

"Although Sister Yueru fell for a while, I believe that Brother Du Yu will definitely bring her back to life." Ling'er's big eyes showed indescribable trust: "Linger, I don't know if I have such a day, Xiang Xiao Yu died in front of my brother, can I get my brother to blame himself so deeply?"

Du Yu scolded with a serious face: "You are so young, why are you thinking wildly? Such an unlucky idea, you don't even think about it with such a small brain!"

Ling'er burst into tears.

Du Yu panicked, hugged Ling'er in a hurry, and comforted him in a low voice: "It's because my brother is bad and depressed, that's why he speaks badly to Ling'er. Linger, don't blame brother."

Ling'er choked up in Du Yu's arms and sobbed, "How could Linger be so ignorant? But I was thinking. Uncle Shi Chang said that my mother was killed ten years ago. Now in the Heimiao area, droughts and floods broke out at the same time. , There are thousands of miles of people, people are displaced, and people are in dire straits. After I obtained the power of the dream snake and awakened the blood, I also realized my responsibility. I am afraid that one day I will leave my brother."

Du Yu recalled the tragic ending of Ling'er in the plot, and his heart ached like twists and turns. He hugged Ling'er and said in a deep voice: "Ling'er, I have already made a mistake on Yueru. The same mistake will never happen again. You do it again! I swear to you!"

Ling'er stared at Du Yu's solemn face and calm momentum, settled down in her heart, threw herself into Du Yu's arms, and said softly, "Brother Du Yu, I firmly believe in you. Ling'er believes in my brother, and he will be like Nuwa." What the empress said, protect Ling'er Ling'er well, and serve your elder brother for the rest of your life."

Du Yu hugged Ling'er's water snake's waist, if it wasn't for Yue Ruxin walking away, he would be so sad that he couldn't help wanting to caress wantonly.

Du Yu stared at Yueru's calm face, took her cold little hand, and swore, "Yueru, wait for me! I will definitely resurrect you!"

The next day, the fighting continued.

This time, he was dealing with the penultimate dragon—Golden Dragon, with 22 health points, super resistance, no weakness, only hard slashing, non-five-spirit type attack damage is more optimistic.Jin Shenlong's single-handed melee attack is invincible. With powerful moves such as Crescent Moon Slash (single player), Extinction Strike, and Sweeping Thousands of Armies, it can be called a strong enemy of the team.

Li Xiaoyao, because of Yueru's departure, was temporarily in a low mood, not to mention Du Yu.Therefore, in this battle, the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation led by Xiaolongnu was sent to fight the Golden Dragon.

The team has been moving carefully, beware of Shuming's sneak attack.This guy's name is Zhenyu Mingwang. He is really disgusting and insidious. He keeps sneaking up on the team and causing a lot of losses.

But Qingshan can't stop it, after all, it's going eastward!

The powerful comprehensive strength of Du Yu's team finally suppressed the invincible Golden Dragon. Even if the dragon resisted desperately, he could not escape the fate of being sucked into the Purple Golden Immortal Gourd by Du Yu.

Until the end of the battle, Shu Ming never appeared.

Maybe he is recuperating and preparing to give the team the final blow, maybe he is using the dragon to consume the team's combat power, and when the team is exhausted, he will jump out and give a fatal attack.

With the loss of the six Panlong pillars, the space of the Demon Locking Tower is even more unstable. It seems that the huge diamond white jade boulders are falling from the sky at any time, causing waves to surge in the Demon Transformation Pool, making the space unstable.

"I said, or give up the rest, attack the seventh dragon early, and make this demon-locking tower collapse!" Li Mochou was a little impatient: "If the demon-locking tower collapses today, don't we? Is it too wrong to die?"

"But in that case, you won't be able to refine the Dragon Ball of the seventh dragon." Shen Luoyan shook his head and said, "You won't be able to subdue this demon-locking tower as part of the heart of the lord's castle. This demon-locking tower is so difficult to break through. It also reflects its strength. Absolutely terrifying."

"Safety is still important. In addition, Yueru's body needs to be found quickly to find a way to revive her. If it takes too long, there will be changes." Li Mochou insisted on her own opinion.

The eyes of all the girls turned to Du Yu.

Du Yu weighed it comprehensively, and finally shook his head: "I have decided to attack the last dragon tomorrow. Finally, I want to recover this demon lock tower!"

"The reason is not only the value of the monsters held in the Demon Locking Tower, but also the 5 million survival points invested in and such a long time." Du Yu's eyes flashed a flash of determination: "It's because of the Demon Locking Tower itself!"

"In the past two days, I have been recalling the unique position of the Demon Locking Tower in Shushan. You can think about why the heavens, the Shushan School, and the world would spare no effort to build a Demon Locking Tower in this place? If only It's a monster lock, but it can be built anywhere, right?" Du Yu said to himself.

"Could it be?" Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes flashed a gleam and said: "My lord, you are making a big idea, and the drunkard's intention is not to drink! The underground of the Demon Locking Tower has the most peculiar leylines between heaven and earth. This ley line is the fundamental reason for the prosperity of the Shushan School! The speed of cultivating immortals here is several times, or even dozens of times, that of other places, so that a large number of immortal cultivators can be gathered in Shushan, and finally a sect will be formed!"

"Yes" Du Yu's eyes flashed: "I just understand why the space has to spend such a huge amount of money, and with the participation of the S-level fairy treasure Zijin Xiangou, it is possible to recover the demon-locking tower! Because the demon-locking tower , is a thing used by the God Realm to suppress the changes in the earth veins of the God Tree! During the Xia Dynasty, the earth atmosphere in the God Realm changed, and the God Tree exploded into ten thousand feet. , and gradually expanded to form a suspended mountain, which is called Shushan. Later, the aura of Shushan changed, and in order to suppress it, God Realm assisted Shushan faction to rebuild the pagoda of Emperor Wu of Liang, which became the pagoda for locking demons at this time! This pagoda is not so much a Locking demons is more like locking the earth veins. It has great potential value for the Shushan School, for the gods, and for the world. Especially for immortals! Cultivating immortals on the ground eyes of this demon-locking tower can get a good cultivation Speed ​​increase!"

Hearing this, the beauties understood Du Yu's meaning.

"You want to chain the demon tower and take the leylines below here together?" Li Mochou was stunned.This is an ambitious event.

"Can the Shushan faction do it?" Li Xiaoyao was dizzy for a while.

"Taking away the Demon Locking Tower is better than destroying the Demon Locking Tower!" Du Yu said in a deep voice, "This tower has the function of guarding the earth's veins. If it is torn down, let go of a large number of demon kings who are evil, and there will be more troubles." The turbulence of the plane caused the disorder of the earth veins - the main purpose of Zixuan sacrificing herself to strengthen the demon-locking tower was to stabilize the earth veins. Although the tower itself imprisoned some harmless demons, most of them were extremely vicious. For generations, it can be seen from the chaos of demons dancing in Xianjian 2, and some "prisoners" even dared to openly hold human flesh banquets in the suburbs of big cities. The behavior of demolishing towers is actually endless disasters. Presumably if we can If we move away together, the Shushan faction, who has no confidantes, will be happier."

"I don't quite understand, but it sounds very powerful." Ling'er clapped her hands and laughed.

"But Uncle He and Zhong's bastards must be ambushing around, waiting for us to go out." Shen Luoyan said: "We have to be more careful."

"En." Du Yu nodded, "After breaking out of the encirclement, we are exhausted, so it is not appropriate to fight them decisively. It is more important to go to resurrect Yueru as soon as possible."

On the last day, the decisive battle came.

Du Yu and others walked up to the last dragon.

Wang Yuyan read out the attributes of the detected Vulcan Dragon: "Vulcan Dragon, 23 HP, spells used: Explosion, Flame Dragon Palm, Samadhi True Fire, Purgatory True Fire, Weakness: Water spells, Resistance: Poison 60%, Wind 50%, Thunder 70%, Water 0%, Fire 100%, Earth 60%. Everyone attacks it with water spells."

"For Yueru!" Du Yu nodded towards Ling'er and Xiaoyao.

The two protagonists nodded heavily: "Yes, for Yueru!"

Beside Vulcan Dragon, Shu Ming stood there with a calm face.

"You King of Prisoners, you will soon lose your name." Du Yu said in a deep voice, "Your demon-locking tower is about to collapse, and you will be included in the dark soul stone by me, and you will never be reborn forever!"

"Start the battle!" Du Yu rushed towards Shu Ming without any nonsense.

As soon as Shuming's flying sword left his body, he saw Du Yu's iron palm head-on, hitting his face!
(End of this chapter)

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