Chapter 1278 Seven Star Sword Formation!Kill Shuming! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Damn it!" Shu Ming was well rested and ready to destroy the team in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect Du Yu to act like a mad tiger, so desperate when he came up, Du Yu's palm invaded his side and fell into a passive position.

"Sure enough, it's a stupid human being, who was confused by the death of a woman." Shuming sneered and disappeared in a flash: "This will only make you die faster."

The Vulcan Dragon also let out a long howl, spraying clouds of flames.Even in the Demon Transformation Pond, the flame of the Vulcan Dragon is still hot and pressing.The beauty team leaped away one after another, formed a battle formation, and besieged Shenlong.

Although Shenlong's fire attack power is very strong, but combined with the celestial power and spells of the 7 beauties, they can barely block Shenlong.

Massive battles, spread out again.

Shu Ming and Du Yu fought fast, disappearing and reappearing like phantoms, always closely entangled and fighting together.The sword palms kept colliding, and sparks shot out.

"This kid is crazy!" Shu Ming's palpitations grew more and more violent.Du Yu gave up defense in many of his moves, focused on attacking but not defending, and gave it a go. Like a crazy tiger, he seemed to die with Shu Ming.

Shuming snorted coldly, he is a selfish person, how could he die with this enemy for the order of the God Realm.Besides, even if the Demon Locking Tower collapses, it is not all bad for him, the Prison King who has long been tired of guarding duties, at least he doesn't need to stay here anymore, it's extremely boring.

He fought with Du Yu'e for a while, they were old enemies, they fought several times, and they were very familiar with each other.In terms of cultivation, Shuming wanted to suppress Du Yu, but as Du Yu grew up rapidly during the seven days of fighting, his strength and cultivation increased rapidly, and the gap was much smaller than it was at the beginning.

Shuming and Du Yu fought fiercely for dozens of more rounds. Although they seized the opportunity and stabbed Du Yu's thigh again, Du Yu's eyes were bloodshot, and he completely gave up defense.

But Shuming couldn't change his selfish nature, and would never risk his life for the mission of the God Realm. Seeing that Du Yu's injuries were getting worse, but his spirit was getting stronger, he dodged to avoid Du Yu's attack. Attacking, snorting coldly: "Madman, my goal has been achieved. Even if you can destroy the demon lock tower, you can't escape the slaughter of the heavens! I will retreat first and gather people from the gods outside, and then I will deal with you! "

He laughed wildly and wanted to run away.

Even if Du Yu tried his best, he still couldn't stop him from being an immortal.

But Shuming's eyeballs were quickly attracted by something, and he looked straight at Du Yu.

Because Du Yu threw [Purple Gold Immortal Gourd], [Purple Qi Donglai Furnace], and [Thousand Ghosts Soul Refining Bag] together to the bottom of the Demon Transformation Pond.

Shuming's eyes flickered.

He is like a thief at both ends of the same mouse, wanting to take the sheep by hand, but afraid of being caught by Du Yu.

Du Yu's expression was calm.

It is reluctant that the child cannot catch the wolf.

To deal with this cunning Shuming like a fox, if you don't come up with something good, how can you catch him?

Shuming laughed wildly, appeared in front of the treasures in an instant, picked up the three treasures, and disappeared in place.

"In this demon-locking tower, I come as soon as I say, and leave as soon as I say!" Shuming smirked: "I can slip away with a single divine thought! Although I will be punished by the God Realm for leaving my post without authorization, But with you enemies in the God Realm, God Fuxi will never punish me! I can leave this ghost place, thanks to you."

He was about to disappear in place.

But the corner of Du Yu's mouth reveals a sneering smile.

"Put down the fragrant bait to catch golden turtles! How could you be let go?" Du Yu swung the Snake-Slaying Sword and Shibi high up.

Shuming suddenly felt that the surrounding space was imprisoned!
His divine teleportation technique actually didn't work.

How did he know that Du Yu's space ability is to manage space!

The magic of teleportation is a kind of space magic. After being locked in space by Du Yu, it naturally doesn't work.

"What's going on?" Shuming's face was grim. He never imagined that this mere mortal would have a way to trap him, a fairy.

"Shu Ming is subject to death!" Du Yu shouted.

Seven beauties, including Shang Xiuxun, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang, formed a Big Dipper Formation and rushed towards the locked Shuming.

Shuming roared angrily.

He was like a mouse stealing oil, stuck in a dead corner, and could only let the enemy attack.

But Shuming made a serious mistake.

He underestimated these seemingly inconspicuous beauties.

Compared with Shu Ming, the strength of Fu Junzhuo and others is undoubtedly far behind.

But they have the new Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, which can effectively integrate their cultivation, form a joint force, and besiege Shuming!

"Looking for death!" Shu Ming looked haughty, and slashed down with his sword, striking at Shang Xiuxun who was on top.

Shang Xiuxun's eyes were cold, and the merchant's swordsmanship was head-to-head against Shuming.

Shuming's eyes were teasing. In his eyes, the merchant's swordsmanship was extremely vulgar and his cultivation level was low. He was confident that he would severely injure Shang Xiuxun with one move.

"Du Yu offended me, kill him another woman!" Shu Ming was full of confidence.

Unexpectedly, the moment his fairy sword touched Shang Xiuxun's sword, suddenly a huge force was transmitted from Shang Xiuxun's sword, wave after wave, like a stormy wave hitting the shore, through the sword Intersecting each other, rushing towards Shuming.

Shuming's expression changed.

"A woman, has such power?" His eyes changed: "Not good!"

He hastily withdrew his sword.

Withdrawing the sword before it was too late, seven waves of immortal power merged into one and rushed into his meridians!
For a split second, Shuming could barely hold his sword.

Before he retreated, the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation changed again. The three sisters, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang, launched together with the technique of Yijian, and the three swords stabbed at Shuming.

Shu Ming was able to be promoted to the rank of immortal, and he was by no means a waste. He could tell at a glance that this woman's ability to defeat the strong with the weak and block him had a lot to do with this weird formation!

"Transmission of internal force?" Shuming sneered and said, "It's a good idea. Unfortunately, I don't believe that you can really be seven, let me try your strength!"

His fairy sword instantly turned into 7 swords, attacking at the same time!

Shuming's fighting method is very simple and clear. His overall strength is much better than that of every beauty. These 7 swords are false and real. With his internal strength, he can switch between the swords quickly.It seems to be a real move, but it is actually a false sword, which makes people hard to guard against.

7 beauties, it is impossible to be without flaws.

7 beauties change color at the same time.

The beams of sword light made it difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

How should beauties respond?

With a wave of Shang Xiuxun's hand, the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation changed into a serpentine formation, shrinking backward rapidly.In this way, the 7 swords will come first and last, and will no longer affect the sword array at the same time.

Only the sound of "Dangdangdang" could be heard repeatedly, and the seven immortal swords were shot down to the ground one after another.

Break down one by one with seven in one!

Shuming didn't expect that this fairy sword technique was broken, and his face turned cold.

Du Yu came in a rage.

He sealed off the space and forced Shuming to escape. After inviting the king into the urn, he closed the door and beat the dog!

The palm technique forces people, and one move blasts at Shuming.

Shu Ming retreated quickly!

But at this time, the beauty team, the power of the Xintiangang Beidou Formation has been greatly enhanced, chasing and intercepting, outflanking and outflanking them!

7 swords stab at Shuming.

In particular, the power of the three sisters' sword skills and their joint strength is so mysterious that it is hard to guard against.

Shu Ming accidentally escaped the two thrusts of Fu Junzhuo and Fu Junyu, but he couldn't escape Fu Junqiang's crucial blow!
In an instant, Fu Junqiang's sword merged with the fighting power of other beauties and Du Yu!

On the tip of the sword, light flickered, filled with immortal energy!
"Ah!" Shuming couldn't dodge any more, the sternum was pierced by the sword and pierced into the heart and lungs!
Although he is an immortal, he can't ignore this terrifying and sharp long sword.

"Explode!" Fu Junqiang's immortal power erupted, causing terrifying damage to Shuming's body.

Shuming yelled furiously: "Smelly woman! I can't spare you."

But when he turned around, he panicked!

Because in Du Yu's hand, there is already a red ray of light!
That is the terrifying dark soul stone!
This soul stone is a powerful magic weapon to recover the souls of gods, demons and immortals.Once this magic weapon is inserted into the forehead of the god and demon, it can absorb the soul of a powerful existence.

Shuming is a fairy, although he is not yet a god, but he is barely qualified to be included in the dark soul stone.

In front of Du Yu's eyes, Lin Yueru's beautiful shadow flashed, her eyes were red, she descended from the sky, with eighteen dragon palms with both hands, covering the sky and earth, and came down with a bang!
Benefit from the great river, Hongjian on the land, or jump in the abyss, come suddenly, the dragon sways its tail, the clouds do not rain, the hidden dragon should not be used, the loss will have a fu, the dragon fights in the wild, shocking hundreds of miles

One move after another, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms exploded in full force, hitting Shu Ming's body hard.

Regardless of his own injuries, Du Yu burst open again, pouring out all the guilt and resentment of losing Yue Ru on Shu Ming.

Shuming was beaten back again and again, and blood, saliva, and internal organ fragments were continuously spit out along with Du Yu's bombardment.

After Du Yu's combo ended, he launched Wushuang Kill!

40 combos!

On his body, lightning lingered, celestial power burst out, and he launched the most terrifying and unrestrained attack in history in one breath!
Regardless of his own wounds, Du Yu exploded his internal energy in Shu Ming's body again and again, and he used all his martial arts comprehension in this battle.

"Yueru, show me how your enemy died tragically!"

With Du Yu's full firepower, Shu Ming's life value plummeted.

The treacherous fairy finally panicked.

He is close to death, and has never had such close contact.

"Wow!" Shu Ming desperately tried to escape from Du Yu's side.He had already been overwhelmed by Du Yu's reckless aura, and if he continued to beat him, he would be dead.

After Du Yu's combo ended, he ascended to the sky with a beautiful and hearty flying dragon, blasting Shuming into the sky, and with a flip of his hand, the dark soul stone appeared.

He jumped high and stabbed the dying Shu Ming's forehead fiercely: "Die to me!"
Shuming wailed, and he tried to dodge, but the array of Yijian swords of the three sisters Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang pierced him in succession and nailed him to death in mid-air. The frightened stone pierced his forehead!
(End of this chapter)

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