Chapter 1279 Absorption and refinement!Seven Star Dragon Ball! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu's dark soul stone smashed hard into Shu Ming's forehead.

His bright eyes gradually lost their brilliance, and his soul and immortal power were being continuously absorbed by the dark soul stone.

"No!" Shuming could feel the soul and power rapidly passing through his body, and kept pleading: "I surrender! Don't kill me. Don't accept me!"

Du Yu's eyes were cold, and he pressed on step by step. He pressed the dark soul stone with both hands, and inserted it into Shuming's forehead little by little: "When you attacked us five times and three times, why didn't you regret it? You are despicable and vulgar, killing Yue Ru Why don’t you regret it now? Regret it now? It’s too late!”

Du Yu smashed the dark soul stone into Shu Ming's forehead.

The bright eyes lost focus, and all the expressions were absorbed by the dark soul stone.This dark soul stone can absorb the souls of gods, demons, immortals and other immortal beings.Shu Ming just met this condition.

"No! No!" Shuming was out of breath, but he was left with a haggard look, like a sucked dry corpse, gradually losing the brilliance of his flesh.

"It deserves it!" Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao felt relieved to see Shuming being sucked dry by the gradually dark soul stone.

Shuming finally whimpered and disappeared into the dark soul stone.

His soul, imprisoned by Du Yu, will be permanently imprisoned and tortured in the dark soul stone forever.I hope that Diablo, who has lost his two brothers, will not tear Shu Ming, the Eastern Immortal, into pieces in a fit of rage.

The Dark Soul Stone is replenished with the soul of an Immortal, rejuvenated.

Du pre-accepted A Ming, but he was not very happy.If A Ming could be wiped out before, Yueru would not die.

"Let's destroy this Vulcan dragon quickly!"

Fu Junzhuo cried out.

With the fall of King Zhenyu Ming, the demon-locking tower became more unstable, shaking violently as if it had been hit by a magnitude 10 earthquake, and large pieces of white gold and jade fell from the sky from time to time.The Demon Locking Tower with only one Seven Star Panlong Pillar left was already crumbling, and it was about to collapse.

"Yes, go!" Du Yu put away the Dark Soul Stone, his eyes sharpened, and he rushed towards the Vulcan Dragon.

The Vulcan Dragon is raging crazily, the two Tiangang Big Dipper Arrays, Xiaolongnv and Shang Xiuxun, can't control its swinging and breathing, and many beauties are burned by the flames.

"The last dragon, die to me!" Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms burst out in an instant!

Vulcan Dragon became the second unlucky person for Du Yu to vent his anger and anger.

"Du Yu's mood is a bit wrong." Ning Zhong frowned, and said to Ling'er, "Pay attention to buffing him. I'll go back and persuade this kid."

"No need." Xiaolongnu's master, Bai Yi Shengxue, said with a slight smile, "Du Yu has already surpassed us, he has already married a family, and he will adjust his mentality. Trust him."

Following Du Yu's final roar, the Vulcan dragon let out a wailing sound, was absorbed by the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, and disappeared.

"This demon-locking tower is about to collapse!" Wang Yuyan hurriedly said, "We don't have time to refine the last Dragon Ball, it will take at least a day."

Du Yu smiled lightly, picked up the Purple Gold Immortal Gourd, and input [-] million survival points.

"Successful refining immediately!"

Du Yu waved his hand.

Ice Dragon Ball, Thunder Dragon Ball, Poison Dragon Ball, Wind Dragon Ball, Earth Dragon Ball, Golden Dragon Ball.The six dragon balls are slowly rising.

A space prompt sounded: "You have completed the plot mission [Collapse of the Demon Locking Tower]! You chose to use force to eliminate Shuming, the king of prison and the seven guardian dragons! You have achieved the unprecedented harsh villain mission conditions. You have obtained the following rewards !"

"You got 30000 villain points"

"You have obtained the conditions for conquering the Demon Locking Tower. You can complete the conquering of the Demon Locking Tower at a certain hidden price, and inhale the heart of the castle you own."

"You need to refine 7 dragons, and use their dragon balls to stabilize the demon lock tower that is about to collapse."

"Conquering the Demon Lock Tower requires 30000 villain points!"

"The Tower of Locking Demons: SS-level auxiliary facilities, SS-level fairy treasures, can be sucked into the heart of the castle, the world in the sleeve, and other Sumi ring worlds. It is the most important and famous hidden resort in Legend of Sword and Fairy The function of this resort is to suppress the mutated leylines of the God Realm and imprison the most vicious demons and ghosts. After you recover this tower, this tower will have three functions."

"1. Immortal cultivators who practice in the Demon Locking Tower can obtain a 50% cultivation speed bonus, and the highest cultivation level of this immortal cultivator cannot exceed the Dzogchen realm of Da Luo Jinxian."

"2. The Demon Locking Pagoda can be used as an SS-level immortal treasure, which can be refined with one's own true energy to become an incomparably powerful fairyland battle magic weapon."

"3. The demon lock tower can recover demons and ghosts, and the priority is 100 points. The demons and ghosts inside can breed offspring. The 10-story demon lock tower can accommodate 10 demons and ghosts. You can use the demon lock tower as your own leveling, The magic weapon of alchemy and sacrificial refining can also release the demons and ghosts inside to harm the enemy."

Du Yu was a little surprised.There is a little bit more information here.

First of all, S-level fairy treasures are not the highest-level treasures, and this has finally been confirmed.There are also SS-level fairy treasures, and the Demon Locking Tower, which is about to collapse, is one of them.

Secondly, the Dzogchen realm of Daluo Jinxian does not seem to be the highest realm that can be reached.This also confirms Su Daji's rumor that after passing the world miracle, he may enter a higher-level dimension.In a more advanced dimension, there should be more powerful cultivation techniques than Da Luo Jinxian.

Thirdly, this demon-locking tower can also be used as a battle fairy treasure, which can be thrown out to fight with the gods!
But all in all, 30000 villain points + at least 6 million survival points + arduous battles, even sacrificing Lin Yueru, in exchange for the opportunity to recover the demon lock tower, Du Yu will never let it go!

"The Demon Locking Tower must obtain the seven Dragon Balls of the Divine Dragon in order to function as the Seven Star Panlong Pillar. Just six of them won't do anything!"

Wang Yuyan shouted.

Huge boulders in the sky are falling down one by one, hitting everyone.

In the Demon Transformation Pond, the waves are overwhelming, and the demon transformation water splashes in disorder. Even Su Daji, Su Mei, Tian Guihuang and others had to find a place to hide.

"Should we jump out and talk about it?" Li Mo said with a sad face: "It's too dangerous here!"

"That's right!" Elder Shi said in a low voice, "We can't be buried together for the benefit of certain people. His Highness Ling'er is also here, Your Highness, what do you think?"

"No!" Ling'er said firmly, "Brother Du Yu won't leave, and I won't go anywhere! Uncle Shi, please go first."

Elder Shi's face was serious: "Your Highness, what are you talking about? Since the old minister believes that you are the descendant of Empress Nuwa and the ruling blood of our Hei Miao clan, how could you run away in danger and abandon you? Don't say that. Bring it up again!"

"Look!" Li Xiaoyao pointed to the sky and shouted.

Du Yu and the others looked up and saw a huge hole in the 10-story Demon Locking Tower, and the crack was still expanding rapidly. The long-lost blue sky.

"The lock demon tower is about to collapse!"

Excited, Wan Yao jumped into the air, and wanted to escape from the Demon Locking Tower.

Some winged monsters have already struggled upward and flew out of the demon lock tower.

"Let's run away! Let's give up!" the Heavenly Ghost Emperor shouted. He took some little ghosts and climbed wildly upwards, finally jumping out of the Demon Locking Tower.

But Su Daji hugged Su Mei, a pair of big and small vixen, with firm eyes, staring at Huayaochi, motionless.

They are convinced that Du Yu can stabilize the situation and take back the Demon Locking Tower!
At the critical moment, Du Yu cheered.

From the purple gold gourd, Gululu rolled out a huge orb.

He spent [-] million survival points to speed up refining [Fire Dragon Ball], and it's hot out of the oven!

Once the fire dragon ball was gathered with the other six dragon balls, a chemical reaction immediately occurred.

The seven dragon balls turned into clusters of colorful auspicious clouds in the air, soaring straight into the sky!
Under the illumination of the seven-colored auspicious clouds, the destroyed Seven Star Panlong Pillar quickly recovered to its original state!
Ice God Dragon, Fire God Dragon, Thunder God Dragon, Gold God Dragon, Earth God Dragon, Wind God Dragon, Poison God Dragon.

The seven-headed dragons were resurrected again and appeared in midair one by one.

The countless little monsters who escaped from the Demon Locking Tower seemed to be attracted by a strong suction force, and were sucked back to the Demon Locking Tower with howls!
The Demon Locking Tower quickly recovered as before, as if nothing had happened.

Du Yu's [-] villain points were deducted.

The so-called wind blows eggshells, wealth goes to people's peace, this villain's value is gone, but Du Yu got the SS-level fairy treasure "Sword Locking Tower"!
Immediately afterwards, the seven-headed dragon lifted Du Yu and the others out of the demon-locking tower one by one, including Su Daji and Su Mei's aunt and nephew.

Du Yu performed his fairy art and flew in the air, watching the drastic changes in the Shushan School's Demon Locking Tower under his feet.

The seven dragons, with rays of light appearing on their bodies, trapped the demon lock tower and worked hard together.

The Demon Lock Tower, together with the entire floating island, trembled violently. Under the joint efforts of the seven dragons, they were forced to stand up.

Like seven high-power helicopters hoisting up an ancient pagoda, they forcibly pulled up the Demon Locking Pagoda!

This change, of course, has already alarmed the Shushan School.

Situ Zhong took a large number of elders and disciples, and flew out of the Shushan School's practice site, and flew towards the Demon Locking Tower, which was undergoing a change.

The elders all looked dignified.

When Situ Zhong saw Du Yu standing proudly in mid-air, he immediately understood why Dugu Yuyun wanted to throw this guy into the Demon Locking Tower, saying that he might not offend Empress Nuwa!
"Senior brother, this Du Yu actually succeeded in getting out of the Demon Locking Tower. He is the No. 1 in the ages." Situ Zhong sighed and smiled wryly.

What he sighed was the foresight of senior brother Dugu Yuyun, and what he smiled wryly was that not only did this kid walk out of the Demon Locking Tower, but even the treasure of the Shushan School's Town School, the Demon Locking Tower, was about to be taken over by this kid!

Is this too much?
Before the elders of the Shushan sect could figure it out, they saw the demon lock tower trembling violently in the air, and finally turned into a shooting star, heading straight for Du Yu's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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