Chapter 1280 SS Rank Immortal Treasure!Lock the demon tower! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Du Yu looked inside with satisfaction, and above the heart of the castle, there was indeed a floating island continent floating in mid-air!

That continent is precisely the mutation of the sacred tree in the God Realm, which led to abnormal ley lines, and formed the Shushan faction ley lines!

The land of the Shushan School is full of immortal energy and precious light. Although it is extremely far away, it seems to give people a great impulse. They want to go up to find out and see the fairyland.

And the Demon Locking Tower is firmly rooted in the sky above the floating continent, absorbing the aura of the magical leylines.

When the sun shines out, the Demon Locking Tower and the Floating Wonderland are bathed in the sunlight, shining brightly in the east!

As a result, the heart of the castle became more immortal, nourishing all things, and even the three major elf kingdoms that grew up under the leylines of the Demon Locking Tower became more lush and dense with trees.The elves walked out of their homes one after another, looking at the magnificent scene of the oriental miracle floating in the sky.

"Well, the visual effect is different." Du Yu nodded with satisfaction: "This demon-locking tower has [-] villains, worth it!"

All the hard work has finally paid off.

In the heart of the castle, the SS-level fairy treasure [Monster Locking Tower] standing in the air will become Du Yu's supreme weapon in the fight for supremacy in the fairy world, and its value far exceeds Du Yu's existing S-level fairy treasure.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

In the Demon Locking Tower, the voice of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor came out: "Grandfather! Let us go out."

Du Yu smiled faintly, and let out a few monsters who were kind to him, including Tian Gui Huang, Jiang Wan'er, and Shu Xian.

Any other monsters?

Du Yu would not let them out to harm the world everywhere, and even went to big cities to hold human flesh banquets.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor and others escaped, wiping his sweat with lingering fear.

They saw the original place of the Shushan sect's demon-locking tower, and the demon-locking tower has disappeared!
And the person who did all this was the benefactor in front of him.

"Thanks to benefactor for the rescue." Heavenly Ghost Emperor thanked Du Yu from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Wan'er bowed down generously, and she was also very grateful to Du Yu.

The fairy in the book smiled and said: "We will never forget the love of benefactor. Now the Shushan faction seems to be eyeing it, so let's run for our lives first."

Du Yu turned his head and looked around, Situ Zhong from Shushan sent the elders and disciples, and surrounded them.

An impatient elder pointed at Du Yu and cursed: "Where is the monster, dare to invade our stronghold of the Shushan sect, destroy the demon-locking tower, and release the evildoers? Why don't you return the demon-locking tower quickly?"

"Hmph!" Du Yu laughed: "I was thrown into the Demon Locking Tower by your former head, Senior Dugu Yuyun, and I didn't enter voluntarily. Besides, returning to the Demon Locking Tower? This is already my thing ! The ghost will give it back to you!"

"You!" The elder was furious.

Situ Zhong stopped the elder, and said slowly: "Well, the Demon Locking Pagoda was formed by the God Realm to help the Shushan faction transform the Buddhist Pagoda of Emperor Wu of Liang in order to suppress the mutated ground. Although this ground is very helpful for cultivating immortals, it is also a A ticking time bomb, my Shushan faction has long been worried about this hidden danger. Since this little brother can accept this demon-locking tower, he is a destined person. Let it take its course."

As the head of the Shushan School, although the elders under him murmured, they didn't dare to say more.

Du Yu cupped his fist at Situ Zhong, and said in a low voice: "Senior Dugu Yuyun imprisoned us on the surface, but in fact it gave us a buffer period to avoid the enemy and Xu Tu's development. I deeply appreciate the kindness of the Shushan School. Yu Xin, I will definitely report the truth to Empress Nuwa in the future."

When Situ Zhong thought of Dugu Yuyun's passing, he was also sad, and his eyes revealed a burst of brilliance and said: "The two bastards, Uncle He and Zhong, once wanted to enter the Demon Locking Tower and chase you down. You will definitely be in collusion with them. I shot them back, but it is estimated that they are not far away, ambushing you. You need to be careful."

Du Yu smiled slightly: "This junior understands."

Seeing Li Xiaoyao, Situ Zhong smiled, threw over a sword manual and said, "You have practiced the kung fu of young hero Du Yu, and I failed to become a master, but you and I are destined, so I will give you a copy of the sword manual." Just follow the practice, and you won’t be counted as a disciple of my Shushan Sect, as long as you act chivalrously and stick to your heart.”

Li Xiaoyao was overjoyed.

After getting Du Yu's tacit consent, he formally saluted Situ Zhong, which was considered to be his master.

Situ Zhong said solemnly: "It's not too late, you leave quickly. If the pair of sluts He Shu and Zhong come after you, my Shushan faction will delay for you for a while."

Du Yu nodded and took out the angel wings.

This fleeting treasure is still very valuable.

He picked up Lin Yueru's body, took the beauties back into the heart of the castle, and let them enter the demon lock tower to practice. He pulled Su Daji by himself, turned into a meteor, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Brothers Heshu and Zhong, feeling the changes in the Demon Suo Tower, were furious and came chasing and killing them.

They were blocked by the Shushan faction and could only watch Du Yu disappear.

Hou Xiaobai looked at the Shushan faction who had disappeared a whole floating island, and the shock in his eyes couldn't be added!

"The lock demon tower is gone?"

"This kid, it's already a miracle to blow up Shuming, destroy the Seven Star Panlong Pillar, and get out of the Demon Locking Tower. How come the Chaining Demon Tower is closed?"

Hou Xiaobai repeatedly told himself that this is not true, but the disappearance of the Demon Locking Tower, the iron-like facts speak for themselves.

In a blink of an eye, he became ten years older.

The impact Du Yu gave him was really too great.

If it weren't for the enmity between the two of them, which was really to the point of life and death, if it wasn't for Du Yu holding half of his soul, who might torture him at any time and make his life worse than death, he really wanted to turn around immediately, escape back to space, and return to his father's barracks. Only then can you feel at ease.

Uncle He and Zhong had scolded enough, but what else could they say in the face of Situ Zhong who was smiling on his face?
Release the demon criminals privately?

These guys from the Shushan faction are old and cunning, they don't hold back at all, and they don't admit it at all.Du Yu has now disappeared again, without a trace.

Uncle He and Zhong didn't have time to argue with the old fried dough stick Situ Zhong, so they called out bad luck and had to embark on the road to find Du Yu again.

They knew that with the passage of time, Du Yu's strength was improving rapidly.If Du Yu can't be found for a long time, it will be Du Yu's turn to deal with them.

In a flash, Du Yu had already appeared in the sky above the capital.

"Shouldn't we look for the traces of the holy aunt and save sister Yueru?" Ling'er looked at Du Yu in surprise.

Du Yu smiled and said, "I have notified Empress Nuwa that she has sent a holy lady to come here."

"Who is the saint?" Zhao Linger asked curiously.

"Holy aunt is the title passed down from generation to generation by the witches who serve the descendants of Nuwa. They are responsible for handling all matters related to the descendants of Nuwa. Generally, they need to be proficient in medical science, witchcraft or voodoo. The next one can be appointed or elected." A gentle voice The voice came from behind.

Ling'er turned around to look, but it was an old woman with a kind face and a blue robe, appearing in the void.

She greeted Ling'er gracefully and said: "Your Highness! I am the saint aunt of the previous generation, and I came to serve you."

Ling'er waved her hand in embarrassment and said, "Where is Empress Nuwa? Why didn't her old man come?"

A trace of excitement flashed across the face of the holy girl: "It was also some time ago that I received the oracle from the Nuwa Empress, and I realized that the old man had finally recovered. This time she sent down the oracle and sent me over to let me tell the Nuwa clan Her benefactor, she is currently guarding Miaojiang, and is trying to restore the beliefs of black and white Miao, eliminating the interference of the Moon Worship Sect, and cannot come to see her for a while. Her old man still needs to find a way to revive the witch empress, so please benefactor continue Take care of Miss Linger."

"Resurrect the Witch Empress?" Ling'er and Elder Shi exclaimed at the same time.

Ling'er said excitedly, "Is my mother still alive?"

A moment of devotion flashed across the face of the holy girl: "Nuwa Empress is supernatural, and there is nothing she can't do. Since she sent an oracle, she said it could be done. Then she will definitely be able to do it."

Elder Shi said with a long smile, "Great! If the Empress Wu can be resurrected, I will definitely kneel in front of her and plead guilty to her! I am a confused old man who mistakenly regards the Queen of God as a monster, and even the Empress Wu is the God of Nuwa." Descendants, I can’t tell. Alas!”

He was in tears.

Ling'er took Elder Shi's hand, and said softly, "Uncle Shi doesn't need to blame himself too much. It's all about that scoundrel, Master Moon Worship, who deceived everyone."

Elder Shi said fiercely: "Yes, Baiyue is a bastard. I didn't like him back then. But he is my leader, and I am the protector. I can't disobey his orders. But since he dares to treat my Miao god, If Empress Nuwa is disrespectful, I dare to cut him alive!"

"Yueru, please resurrect your old man!" Du Yu put Lin Yueru in front of the holy aunt.

The holy aunt looked at Yueru's face, felt her pulse, and said seriously: "Grandpa, Miss Yueru's life is dead, all I can do is to use the Miaojiang elixir to hang her life and let her die." Keep a ray of anger. But the only way is to go to my Miaojiang Trial Cave and find 36 puppet Gu to revive her. This matter cannot be delayed for too long, it must be completed as soon as possible."

"En." Du Yu nodded solemnly: "The matter of the puppet Gu is on my shoulders."

"What is this place?" Su Daji turned her head to look, the tall mansion here, with red walls and green tiles, should be somewhere high-door mansion.

Du Yu smiled: "Uncle He and Zhong, because of Empress Nuwa, we must lock our whereabouts in the Miaojiang area. But we are going in the opposite direction, going north to the capital!"

"This is? The capital city?" Su Mei took Du Yu's hand and said softly.

Since being favored by Du Yu, the little vixen has grown extremely fast. The peach milk that was originally 32C has grown to 34, and there is a growing trend.Just as Su Daji said, the master's yang energy is nourishing, and it is the golden elixir rain dew for the growth of the vixen clan.

"Hmm." Du Yu's face became serious: "We have experienced the battle of the Demon Locking Tower. Although we won the victory, we also paid a huge price. Almost everyone suffered injuries, and even lost Yueru. We need to rest and recuperate. After the injury is healed, it’s not too late to go to the dog in the heaven to settle the score!"

The beauties nodded.

Ning Zhongze and Xiao Longnu smiled in relief.

Sure enough, Du Yu has matured and become a rational and steady leader.

(End of this chapter)

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