Chapter 1281 Caiyi is helpless! Get the letter from my sister-in-law! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Liu Jinyuan became impatient: "Shut up! I will never drink that unknown medicine again. And I'm going to tell my mother right now, so I'll divorce you! I'll kick you out! You"

With Caiyi waving the sleeves of the colorful dress, Liu Jinyuan gradually fell to the ground.

Caiyi looked miserable, looked down at Liu Jinyuan and said, "Forgive my husband. I have to do this."

When she looked up, she saw Du Yu and Li Xiaoyao standing in front of her with smiles!

"You two, are you all right?" Caiyi couldn't believe it.

She dared to cast the sleeping spell on Liu Jinyuan, and she felt sure that Du Yu and Xiaoyao would fall together.

But Du Yu and Xiaoyao are safe and sound, how can this prevent Mrs. Caiyi from losing her beauty?
She couldn't help taking a step back.

Du Yu ordered Xiaoyao to carry Liu Jinyuan down and leave temporarily. He took a step forward, pushed the door in, and closed the door casually.

"Caesar," Du Yu ordered, "lock the surrounding space and prevent anyone from using teleportation and flight to escape."

Caesar had a smirk on his face: "Master, you are planning to have a classic drunk ex-husband wife"

Du Yu laughed and scolded: "You have learned a little bit recently. You don't know how to criticize aesthetics just by looking at these dregs."

Caesar smiled lewdly and closed the space.

Step by step, Caiyi was forced by Du Yu back to her and Liu Jinyuan's boudoir, her delicate face was full of panic and fear.

"If you dare to come here again, don't blame me for being rude!" Cai Yi shouted in a stern and inviolable voice.

Du Yu looked calm: "The reason why I closed the door is that I don't want people in Liu Jinyuan's mansion to know your true identity. Do you want Liu Jinyuan and Aunt Yun to know that you are a butterfly spirit with a thousand years of cultivation?"

These words seemed to drain all of Caiyi's strength.This young mistress, as gorgeous as peaches and plums and as gentle as water, sat on the embroidered stool powerlessly. You guys know it’s not good. Don’t tell Jin Yuan and Aunt Yun my real identity. Otherwise, Jin Yuan will definitely abandon me, and Aunt Yun will be heartbroken. What should I do? How can I, at this moment, Leaving Jinyuan? Letting down Aunt Yun?"

But she didn't know that her tight-fitting butterfly dress tightly wrapped the exquisite and seductive curves of the butterfly, and her bumpy figure fell in Du Yu's eyes. Tears and beautiful eyes, a beaded mouth, and a beautiful and sad face, in Du Yu's eyes, what a temptation it is, and it can arouse a man's strong desire for protection.

Du Yu struggled to move his gaze away from Caiyi, and just now he couldn't help but wanted to go up and hug this beautiful, kind and gentle little butterfly spirit, to comfort her.

"Could it be that I'm really too evil?" Du Yu hurriedly pushed the charming thoughts out of his mind, coughed and said, "Madame Caiyi, there is no need to worry too much. We are Jin Yuan's true friends, how can we sit idly by?" He was harmed by the black spider essence poison in the forest? For Big Brother Liu, you did not hesitate to bear the humiliation, even risking being misunderstood and insulted by him, but you also saved him at all costs! As a brother, on behalf of Big Brother, I bow to you gratefully!"

Having said this, Du Yu solemnly bowed deeply to Caiyi.

Caiyi didn't expect Du Yu to be so reasonable, knowing the cause and effect of the matter, the whole story of the marriage, and replacing her elder brother Liu Jinyuan to give her this great gift, a burst of sadness welled up in her heart.

Ever since she was saved by Liu Jinyuan and escaped from a catastrophe, she has been thinking of repaying her kindness, transforming into a stunning beauty, falling beside Liu Jinyuan, and trying every means to marry him.I originally wanted to use the eternal friendship between Qin and Jin to repay the great kindness of Liu Jinyuan's benefactor.

But unexpectedly, the toxin that Liu Jinyuan was bitten by the black spider essence had already entered his body. In the world, only the black spider essence can cure this poison.Caiyi's cultivation level is low, and she can't fight the black spider spirit, so she is helpless.

It was not easy to find the good herbal medicine, and because of Liu Jinyuan's suspicion, Liu Jinyuan couldn't take it. How could this not make her anxious?
The kind-hearted Caiyi, even though Liu Jinyuan suffered unreasonable suspicion and rough treatment, never had any resentment, and was still racking her brains to find ways to heal her benefactor.

Liu Jinyuan didn't appreciate it.

After being bowed and thanked by Du Yu, Caiyi couldn't help but turn her head away. Crystal tears trickled down and ticked onto the brocade quilt embroidered with big red mandarin ducks.

Liu Jinyuan accused her of refusing to serve on the bed, but she was very willing in her heart, but because she was concerned about Liu Jinyuan's body, she dared not agree?

If Liu Jinyuan had this man in front of him, who was half understanding and half gentle and considerate, it would be fine.

Caiyi blushed, avoided Du Yu, shook her head and said, "Brother Du Yu is not allowed! In this way, it is Caiyi who offended you. For Jin Yuan's sake, please forgive my sister-in-law once. I just treat you as waiting. There are plots against Jin Yuan. I didn't expect that you were doing it for the good of my husband."

Du Yu said solemnly: "Sister-in-law, is there a way to cure Brother Jin Yuan's poison?"

Caiyi said sadly: "My husband, Jin Yuan, was bitten by that black spider spirit in order to save me. The black spider spirit's cultivation base is extremely high, and it has caused countless harm to human beings. Her poison is so poisonous that no one in the world can understand it."

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "There is no one in the world who can't solve it, but it doesn't mean that there is no way to think about it! Where is the black spider spirit? Since I am Jin Yuan's brother, of course I have to stand up for him and go to the black spider to settle the account and get back the answer." Here comes the medicine."

Caiyi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said pleasantly, "Yes, I forgot, Brother Du Yu, you have many fox princesses and snake girls with extremely high cultivation levels, and your own cultivation level must be even more unfathomable. If you can stand up for my husband and seek justice from the black spider spirit, my husband will be saved!"

In a moment of impatience, she forgot how to behave, and unexpectedly jumped up. Rouyi took Du Yu's hand and squeezed it tightly. When she found out, Caiyi turned her head away in embarrassment, so blushing that she dared not look at Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled: "Sister-in-law, just take it easy. Jin Yuan is my good elder brother and Yueru's cousin. If we kiss each other more, how can I die? I will take the fox princess and snake girl and set off. Go into the forest to find the bad luck of that black spider spirit."

Caiyi's beautiful eyes sparkled: "I fought twice with that black spider spirit, but unfortunately I was not cultivated enough, and I was severely injured by her every time, almost dying, and my thigh was injured by her poison dart. With your help, you will be more confident. Without further ado, let’s set off right away.”

But Du Yu's face became serious when he heard this: "What? My sister-in-law was injured by that black spider spirit? The black spider spirit is very vicious, and the venom is extremely overbearing. How can you take it lightly? My younger brother knows a little about medicine, and he is very good at monsters." Useful topical medicine, sister-in-law, please take off your clothes, let little brother inspect the wound and treat it."

Caiyi's face turned red when she heard that, her beautiful eyes gave Du Yu a hard look, and she said coquettishly, "You are so dishonest! As uncles and sisters-in-law, you can't get along with each other. My injury is on the inner thigh. How can I heal it?" ?”

Du Yu said helplessly: "Sister-in-law, you don't need to think too much. I don't have any other intentions, but the poison of a poisonous lady is unparalleled in the world. With Brother Liu as a lesson, how can you hide your illness and avoid medical treatment? If you go into the forest, sister-in-law, you will be poisoned." Invaded, fell to the ground, what should I do with my younger brother? At that time, it will not be my younger brother who treats me? The sage said, my sister-in-law will help you. Sister-in-law, you have to act urgently and follow the authority."

Caiyi firmly refused.Du Yu must be cured.After discussing for a while, Caiyi blushed and agreed that Du Yu would send his female assistant, Hu Jing, to the back hall to check her poisoning situation.

Su Daji heard the news, raised her eyebrows at Du Yu, and said in a low voice, "What a good brother with evil intentions, stealing jade and stealing incense, and his idea hit sister-in-law's inner thigh."

Du Yu coughed and shouted: "This may be a villain mission. Save Caiyi, one of the supporting actresses. If you don't go, I'll send Yilin to go instead."

Su Daji rolled her eyes humbly, and giggled: "I know, I know. Why don't people go? They are the best at this kind of thing."

Du Yu shook his head helplessly.

After Su Daji checked Caiyi's body, when she came out, her expression was very serious.

Du Yu was shocked.

Could it be that Caiyi's poison has penetrated deep into the skin and cannot be cured?The plot has shifted so much?

Su Daji pulled Du Yu closer, and whispered, "I saw that the problem is very serious."

Du Yu asked nervously, "What's going on?"

Su Daji gave Du Yu a coquettish look, lightly poked his finger on Du Yu's forehead, and said bitterly, "This Caiyi has not confiscated the house yet, why are you so concerned about her? It seems that it is good that she is someone else's wife."

Du Yu said impatiently, "How is Caiyi?"

"I saw that there was a bite wound on the root of the thigh. It was bitten by the poisonous lady. But it is not too serious. I can easily suppress the spread of the poison with my cultivation base. After all, no matter how deep the poisonous lady's cultivation base is, I guess I can It's only 6000 years, it's almost the same as Su Mei at this time, and it's incomparable to me." Su Daji's fox eyes favored her, and she said with a clever smile: "But I found a serious problem."

"What's the problem?" Du Yu asked nervously.

Su Daji smiled even more cheerfully, she was beautiful and beautiful, she leaned close to Du Yu's ear and whispered: "I took a look, and found that Caiyi is also a precious physique with a reputation! This woman looks elegant and noble, gentle and elegant. , is a typical example of a good wife and mother, but she is flattering in her heart and hides mysteries. Her physique is called [Colorful Female Demon Butterfly], and she is also a primordial yin! Not to mention that she is a great tonic to the master, and has a strong impact on the catastrophe. The bottleneck is of great benefit, if the master develops it well in the future, you will definitely become a peerless enchantress who sucks the marrow and squeezes out the bones."

Du Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "I asked you to check her poisoning situation, who knew you only looked at this?"

Su Daji bit Du Yu's ear, giggled and said, "Master, you are not honest enough. Do you dare to say that you heard that Mrs. Caiyi is a perfect body + a body of famous utensils, would you be shocked?" Excited, want to take in everything, and get this delicate sister-in-law Caiyi into your bed?"

(End of this chapter)

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