Chapter 1282 Du Yu's strong battle!The poisonous lady's hole card! - Ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu looked at Li Xiaoyao and Caiyi, who were shy and unable to move in the spider web, like a pair of prey, fell into the net of the poisonous lady, and dared not move. The more they struggled, the tighter they were bound. With a cold snort, he was about to make a move.

"Master, don't worry." Su Daji chuckled lightly: "With me here, this mere poisonous lady can't do anything to Mrs. Caiyi and Li Xiaoyao. This opportunity is just a good one!"

"A good opportunity?" Du Yu was stunned for a while: "What opportunity?"

Su Daji smiled narrowly and said, "Master, don't you always miss Mrs. Caiyi? She has good intentions to let this lady, who is beautiful on the outside, wise on the outside, and charming on the inside, fall in love with you, Master. Do you want her to fall in love with you?" ?”

Du Yu shrugged and said, "She loves Liu Jinyuan, so I can't walk into her heart, right?"

"Believe me." Su Daji said with a smile: "No woman can always remain loyal to her cold-eyed husband. Liu Jinyuan's kindness to Caiyi is just that when Caiyi was trapped by the poisonous lady, she suffered a blow from the poisonous lady. , saved Caiyi's life. Today, how about we use the poisonous lady to come up with a trick?"

"A bitter trick?" Du Yu immediately responded, "Are you going to?"

"Yes!" Su Daji proudly puffed out her chest, with an unfathomable smile on her stunningly beautiful face: "If you don't experience suffering, how can you have true love? Poison Lady is a fool who uses things well and is more useful than a friend. You just watch, and I will tell the master how to do it."

At the scene of the fierce battle, Caiyi and Xiaoyao were gradually suppressed by the poisonous lady. The poisonous lady also calmed down and was not in a hurry to attack. She just used high speed and spider webs to bounce back, and laid one after another around Xiaoyao and Caiyi. The spider webs and the poisonous threads pulled out surrounded them, and they couldn't escape.

Caiyi took out her determination that she would rather be broken than broken, and colorful rays of light waved out from her flowing long sleeves, matched with her purple butterfly dress, like a little butterfly dancing among flowers , long-sleeved and good at dancing, flowing clouds like clouds, butterflies wearing flowers, so beautiful.

But it's a pity that compared to Poison Lady's profound cultivation, Caiyi can only push back the poisonous silk again and again even with the strongest skill, but the poisonous silk is indomitable and extremely flexible. There is no way to retreat even more desperately.

"It won't work like this!" Li Xiaoyao's shoulder was torn apart by a poisonous thread, revealing a bloody wound.The wound swelled rapidly: "We have to find a way to escape from the trap of this poisonous lady."

Caiyi was also overwhelmed by the ever-changing tactics of the poisonous lady. If her husband Liu Jinyuan had reached the most dangerous juncture, she would have been poisoned to death if she didn't get the antidote this time, she would have retreated long ago.But at this time, knowing that the chances of survival would be extremely low if she stayed, Caiyi still had a look of determination flashing on her beautiful face, and said to Li Xiaoyao, "Mr. Xiaoyao, why don't you retreat first! Brother Du Yu later!" Take the shot, and you come back together. I am here alone, and I can handle it."

When Du Yu heard Caiyi's voice and felt the determination of this beautiful wife to save her husband, Du Yu was even more moved. Such a good woman, like Bai Suzhen under the Leifeng Pagoda, is really a good fairy who is rare in a thousand years, kind and righteous.If such a Caiyi was forced to become a helpless little butterfly for Liu Jinyuan, spending a thousand years of cultivation, such a tragic ending would definitely not be acceptable to Du Yu.

If he doesn't have the ability, forget it, but if he has the ability, he must save this gentle Mrs. Caiyi!
"Are you ready to go?" Du Yu asked impatiently.

Su Daji gave Du Yu a coquettish look: "You are so distressed before you even get started? Master, you are really a kind person. Don't worry, don't worry." She smiled softly: "I will definitely make this matter a happy one." !"

Li Xiaoyao was seriously ill with the poison and was seriously injured. He couldn't hold on any longer, so he could only fly back with a look of regret.

Ling'er hurriedly cast spells on Xiaoyao to help him recover his skills.

In the arena, Caiyi was the only one left, still fighting hard.

Her situation is even more critical.Like playing with a little girl, the poisonous lady used her speed, reflexes and skills to toy Caiyi with bruises all over her body.

But Caiyi didn't complain at all, nor did she urge Du Yu and others to take action.

She has no regrets and chooses to believe!
Believe in Du Yu and others, and also believe in your own choice.

In case Du Yu and the others are afraid of Poison Lady's skill and really refuse to come, she will die here and be happy.

Du Yu looked at Caiyi, who danced and danced in the battle, was dripping with sweat, and was seriously injured but never retreating. The touch in his eyes also increased a little bit.

Such a woman is any man's dream.

How happy is the man she fell in love with?

But it's a pity that Liu Jinyuan doesn't understand style.

The poisonous lady sneered and said: "Xiao Caiyi! Don't struggle to your death. Let me tell you, my cultivation base is close to 6000 years. The gap between your cultivation base and mine is too big. Besides, hey, let you die today!"

She flashed to Caiyi's side like a ghost, and stabbed Caiyi with a dagger.

Caiyi's monster power has been exhausted, her beautiful eyes startled, she gritted her teeth, and protected her vitals gracefully.

But the poisonous lady appeared on the other side inconceivably, with a vicious thrust, Mrs. Caiyi was about to be hit by this vicious poisonous pincer attack, she was poisoned by the poisonous lady, and died tragically in the hands of this poisonous lady.

"Did you die in the same way as your husband?" Caiyi's beautiful eyes were sad, but there was no trace of horror, but she closed them with a little regret: "This way of death is not bad, right? Husband? In the wish of heaven As lovebirds, I would like to marry you on earth! If there is an afterlife, I would still be husband and wife with you!"

Seeing that Caiyi was about to be killed, even the kind-hearted Ling'er couldn't stand it any longer, and called out tenderly, "Sister Daji!"

"Okay! Master, you take action!" Su Daji shouted loudly.

Du Yu got impatient for a long time, so he rushed out and went straight to Caiyi!
The poisonous lady's astonished eyes turned to Du Yu.She was blinded by Su Daji's more advanced cultivation just now, and she didn't notice Du Yu and others who were ambushing around her.

This raid had an astonishing effect.

As soon as Du Yu jumped forward, he came first and arrived in time, blocking Caiyi's body. With a snake-slaying sword, his moves were calm, and he repelled the poisonous lady's poisonous pincers.

"Brother Du Yu?" Caiyi was poisoned in her body, her beautiful eyes blurred, she knelt on the ground, Xizi held her heart together, panting softly, "Are you here?"

Du Yu deeply felt Caiyi's helplessness and gratitude, and nodded his head, "Yes, I'm here. Caiyi! Don't worry, I won't let this poisonous lady hurt you!"

Hearing this bold confession, Caiyi's pretty face flushed slightly.

"Oh, really bad." Su Daji looked helpless, and put his hand on his forehead: "Master's skills in picking up girls still need to be improved. How can such a bad girl-hunting skill build up such a powerful harem?"

Zhao Linger smiled and said: "Sister Su Daji, don't look at the master's clumsy tongue, but sister Caiyi seems to be very moved. This is touching people with sincerity and touching people with emotion, and it is what makes us kind girls the most. "

Su Daji's face turned red.

"Moving people with sincerity, moving people with love?" Su Daji looked at Du Yu who was protecting Caiyi in the field, pouted and said, "Why is he always so rude to others?"

As soon as Du Yu appeared, Ling'er and Su Mei, two youthful and attractive demigod beauties, also appeared on both sides of the poisonous lady, one on the left and one on the right, and launched an attack.

Through the spider webs around her, the poisonous lady could detect any abnormalities at the first time, but she was blinded by Su Daji's terrifying cultivation in the Zifu District. When she was attacked, she realized that she had fallen into a trap, and she was caught off guard. .

Ling'er's Mount Tai crushed the top, and Su Mei's fox roamed the world, falling on the body of the poisonous lady at the same time, making the poisonous lady tremble.

"Okay! It seems that you have found a lot of helpers!" The poisonous lady was startled and angry: "I won't play with you today. But you wait!"

She glared at Caiyi fiercely, and the spider web trembled and was about to fly away.

But since Su Daji had arranged it properly, how could she let her escape so easily?

A burst of rich and fragrant fox breath came out, and the surrounding was silent in a pink peach blossom miasma.

Even the poisonous lady was caught off guard by this sudden attack.Su Daji's surprise attack tactics have achieved results.

Du Yu handed Caiyi some detoxification pills.Although the detoxification pill prepared by Li Mochou could not completely remove Du Niangzi's natal poison, but it also greatly suppressed the onset time of the poison.

Caiyi took the elixir gratefully, stood up, and hurriedly said: "We should catch up immediately, catch the poisonous lady, and force her to hand over the poison."

Du Yu nodded.

The voice of the poisonous lady came from a distance: "Hmph! I didn't expect that a mere butterfly spirit of yours could invite a big monster with a cultivation base of 9000 years. Good! I can't afford to provoke you. But I am also a local snake here anyway, Possess a geographical advantage. Even if the peach blossom and fox miasma can prevent me from fleeing to the distance, I can still fight in the surrounding woods. Caiyi, let me tell you, you are to blame for all the tragic consequences!"

She laughed dissolutely and disappeared in place.

"This poisonous lady, what trump card does she have to dare to speak so boldly?" Li Xiaoyao bandaged the wound and muttered, "I know that Sister Su Daji has a much higher level of cultivation than her, so why can't I continue to fight without being convinced?"

Su Daji's face became serious: "Master, I found that I may have missed a place. The poisonous lady is very likely."

"Hahaha!" The poisonous lady's dissolute voice came from above.

The crowd looked up.

At some point, between the woods and the spider webs, the poisonous lady, who came and went like the wind, had appeared above the forest.

In her hand, she was holding a person!

A person that no one wants to see at this moment.

Liu Jinyuan!
"Xianggong!" Caiyi screamed heart-piercingly, desperately, she wanted to throw herself at the poisonous lady.

(End of this chapter)

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