Chapter 1283 True love Caiyi, spit beads to save husband! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu hastily grabbed her.The poisonous lady had already set up a trap, and the poisonous threads pulled out by her were everywhere in the air.Encounter is the result of deepening poisoning.

The poisonous lady ignored Caiyi at all, and said coldly in Su Daji's direction: "If my guess is correct, the person who came this time is a master of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, right?"

Su Daji's exquisite figure emerged in mid-air, and on her delicate and troubled face, there was a cold and stern look, and she scolded angrily: "Since you know that I am a great monster of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, you still dare to resist? Don't be afraid that I will swallow you alive. Swallow refining?"

A disdainful smile appeared on the flamboyant face of the poisonous lady: "The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake. Even if you are a dragon crossing the river, you will fight away in my black spider forest. I have been here for thousands of years. My traps and caves are everywhere. Even if your Nine-Tailed Fox has been cultivated for 3000 years, you may not be able to kill me!"

Su Daji swayed her fox tail slightly, her beautiful eyes were filled with evil spirits: "It seems that you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River, and you will not cry until you see the coffin! This will send you to heaven!"

"You dare!" The poisonous lady screamed, and lifted Liu Jinyuan in her hand: "If you dare to make another move against me, I will kill this Liu Jinyuan!"

Du Yu said in a deep voice, "Daji, what's going on? Did you let the poisonous lady take Liu Jinyuan away on purpose?"

Su Daji said aggrievedly: "Master, this link is not included in my plan. As early as the moment I entered Liu's residence, I noticed that there was a faint evil spirit in Liu's residence. I always thought it was from sister Caiyi." Demonic aura. Just a moment ago, when I saw the poisonous lady make a move, I suddenly realized that besides sister Caiyi's evil spirit, there was another more insidious one, which clearly belonged to this bitch! She had already been transformed into a servant girl. She sneaked into Liu's mansion and waited for the opportunity. I'm afraid she would slip into Liu Jinyuan's room as soon as we left Liu's mansion. We didn't arrange any people to guard Liu Jinyuan. In this way, Mr. Liu Jinyuan fell into her hands . I just realized that too."

Looking at Liu Jinyuan in the hands of the poisonous lady, Du Yu was also annoyed for a while.

Why did she think so hard, but she didn't expect that the poisonous lady was also lurking in Liu's mansion, and captured Liu Jinyuan while she and others were dispatched?
Although for Du Yu, Liu Jinyuan is not a like-minded brother, but Caiyi doesn't think so!

When she saw Liu Jinyuan, she shouted: "Jin Yuan! Jin Yuan! Poison lady!"

The poisonous lady laughed loudly and said: "You have a large number of people today, and your strength is not bad. I admit that you may not be able to beat you, but I have Liu Jinyuan in my hand. If I get rough, I will kill him first. Caiyi, you You don’t want to see your husband die, do you?”

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "Poison lady, what exactly do you want?"

The poisonous lady glanced at Su Daji, Su Mei, and Zhao Ling'er fearfully. These three beauties exuded powerful auras, which made people secretly startled.

"My idea is also simple." The poisonous lady gritted her teeth, showing a mouthful of fine white teeth, and said: "Caiyi, you must be swallowed by me. I will take out Liu Jinyuan's antidote and restore him to health. Others must not attack me. I How about leaving the vicinity of the capital?"

Li Xiaoyao snorted and said: "Do you think we will agree? You old witch has already stepped into the grave with one foot. You have committed many evils, and your crimes are unforgivable."

The poisonous lady looked at Caiyi, and said gloomyly: "Sister, for the sake of being a demon clan, I can give in, you just give me the demon core of your life, and after I absorb your 2000 years of cultivation, I will never give up." It won't kill you. How about giving you the antidote? You just lost your cultivation."

Caiyi bowed her head in silence, and when she looked up again, her beautiful water eyes were full of tears, she looked at Liu Jinyuan: "I am for my husband, I am willing!"

"Are you crazy?" Li Xiaoyao said angrily, "This poisonous lady is clearly lying to you. How can you trust the enemy?"

"However, she is taking the life of her husband." Caiyi said bitterly: "For the sake of my husband, Caiyi is willing to do anything."

"Yes! Yes!" The poisonous lady laughed darkly: "This is a good girl! Your Mr. Liu will definitely be grateful when he wakes up. Then, hand over your natal demon pill."

Her wishful thinking was played crisply.

At this time, she was indeed inferior to Su Daji, who had cultivated at 8700 years, and the gap between her cultivation at nearly 3000 years was enough for the latter to crush her to death.

But the monster clan can increase their own cultivation by devouring other monsters.

In the scene, she held Liu Jinyuan under her arms, and the only person she could threaten was the kind Caiyi!
Caiyi is willing to do anything for Liu Jinyuan.

After handing over her natal demon pill and being devoured by herself, her cultivation base can be increased by 2000 years!

One's own strength can be advanced, reaching about 8000 years.

In this way, although there is still a certain gap with Su Daji, but he is a local snake, and he has a geographical advantage, so he may not lose to Su Daji, a powerful dragon!

The poisonous lady, thinking viciously in her heart, stretched out her hand and sneered: "I only give you 5 counts to think about, 5, 4, 3"

"I will!" Caiyi cried.

Reluctantly, she spat out a purple natal demon pill that was fragrant and delicate like a stamen.

Although her cultivation base is still shallow, but because of the special body of [Colorful Female Demon Butterfly], this natal demon pill is full of light, which is very extraordinary and eye-catching at first glance.

Du Yu and the others stopped talking, but the poisonous lady saw the natal demon pill of [Colorful Female Demon Butterfly], as if she had found a treasure, she screamed, "Give it to me quickly! 3, 2, 1!"

At this moment, due to the hype at the scene, Liu Jinyuan unexpectedly woke up from Caiyi's vertigo and illusion, and gradually opened his eyes.

"Where is this place?" Liu Jinyuan was confused for a while: "I'm not at home, and I had a drink with Brother Du Yu? By the way, that bitch with ulterior motives actually used psychedelic techniques to charm me to the ground!"

He opened his eyes wide, saw Caiyi and Du Yu not far in front of him, watched Caiyi spit out the natal demon pill, and angrily scolded: "Bitch! Brother Du Yu, are you here to save me? Are you here?" You must have seen it with your own eyes! That woman~ can use demon magic, I have long suspected that she is not a human being, but she actually spit out the demon pill of a monster, it is a monster! She is coming to harm me!"

With tears in her eyes, Caiyi offered her natal demon pill, and said sadly: "Husband, you just need to rest assured. Caiyi will never give you bad medicine again. After today, you will get better."

Liu Jinyuan said in extreme disgust: "You were kind to me before! It's all fake! I get along with you day and night. Judging by your behavior, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a normal person! Today you have become your original shape, and you are even more connected with this evil poison. The lady is with you, and you are clearly planning to eat me! You bitch, bitch! Get out of here quickly! I will divorce you when you go back! Did you hear clearly? I will let you go when you go back!"

Hearing Liu Jinyuan's scolding, Caiyi's beautiful eyes were lost.

After seeing his true self, he wanted to divorce her.

In order to save this man, she even gave the demon pill of her life to the poisonous lady.


Why can't I get a concerned greeting from this man?
Why does he hate his own body so much?

If you are like this, you might as well die.

With my own life in exchange for Mr. Liu's life, and a life for a life, the kindness I owe him will be worth it, right?

Disheartened, she lowered her head, snapped her fingers, and the natal demon pill, which represented 2000 years of cultivation and life, slowly flew towards the greedy poisonous lady.

The poisonous lady was about to reach out her hand and grab the natal demon pill.Looking at her urgent expression, one can hardly doubt that after absorbing the cultivation level of the natal demon pill, this poisonous lady will use it as a threat to continue to coerce Caiyi to do other things.

Once this natal demon pill falls into the hands of the poisonous lady, Caiyi will never recover!

This is when Caiyi was disheartened, gave up on herself, and gave up everything about herself.

But a figure suddenly appeared in front of the natal demon pill, and grabbed the demon pill that contained Caiyi's infatuation and life cultivation.

The poisonous lady was close at hand, and she missed her again. She shouted angrily: "You don't want Liu Jinyuan to live? He is still in my hands!"

In order to increase her deterrence, she shook it desperately. Then Liu Jinyuan was not a brave person at all. After being shaken by the poisonous lady like this, she completely passed out.

Du Yu grasped the natal demon pill, and shouted at Caiyi who was weeping, "You don't want to die? This woman will completely destroy you? You can't die even if you want to!"

Caiyi wept bitterly: "My husband doesn't want me anymore, what's the point of me living in this world? One life for another, I just give him my life back!"

Du Yu grabbed Caiyi's arms with such great force that it hurt Caiyi a little.

Caiyi was shy for a while, but Du Yu's eyes were burning, looking directly at her, making her unable to look away.

"Brother Du Yu, what are you doing?"

Caiyi struggled.

Du Yu said to Caiyi word by word: "I just want to tell you one thing. The premise of loving others is self-love! If you don't care about yourself, you can never get the complete love of others!"

Caiyi was stunned.

She had never heard anyone tell her the true meaning of love like this.

"The premise of loving someone is self-love? Only by loving yourself can you love others?" Caiyi murmured, her beautiful eyes fascinated.

The poisonous lady saw that something was wrong, and became more and more anxious: "It seems that you two adulterers don't want Liu Jinyuan to leave alive! Forget it. This Liu Jinyuan is at a critical moment, ruining my good deeds. I have long wanted to kill him and hurry up. See trick!"

With one move, she stabbed Liu Jinyuan in the back.

Caiyi exclaimed, and no longer cared about Liu Jinyuan wanting to divorce her, she rushed towards Liu Jinyuan.


"Caiyi be careful!" Du Yu exclaimed.

This rush to save people is the most likely to be taken advantage of by others. The fall of Yueru is a precedent.

Just as Cai Yi ran to Liu Jinyuan, the poisonous lady's eyes flashed fiercely, and she lifted the spider web in her hand!

A spider web fell instantly!
Caiyi was like a little butterfly that fell into a spider web, and was instantly entangled by the spider web, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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